Motherly Tests and Trials

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#7 of Orion and the Fox

Chapter 7 of Orion and the Fox

Comments are Always Welcomed.

Seeing the fury building in Kyuri's eyes I had to do something before things got out of hand. "Why, don't we take this back to the house as not to ruin the celebration. After all its bad manners to argue during a wedding reception party, so shall we." I said as both women turned their attention on me. Not saying anything we kindly excused ourselves and walked back to the manor.

Once safely inside Kyuri just let everything out in one large burst of rage. The likes of which I had never seen in my life and her mother just stood there. Renka actually hid behind me as, Kyuri went off louder than any hand grenade ever constructed. After about ten minutes of yelling and screaming, Kyuri slumped down on the nearby staircase. Her mother stood there unphased by such a tirade from her daughter.

"Are you feeling better now, daughter?" She wondered arching her eyebrow at her. Kyuri didn't say anything at first but, before she did reply I stepped in and replied. "Lady, Kyubi may I have your permission to speak on her behalf?" I asked politely. She turned to face and stood up a little at my sudden polite request. "Speak, you mind." She replied looking at me inquisitively. "You may not know me but, I do believe this clan mark will suffice." I said lifting up my left shirt sleeve.

Her eyes went wide for a moment as she look at my clan mark before settling back down. As she stood there she took a closer look at the mark on my arm and smiled. "Ah, so you're the sole heir to Ashandria's clan that, mark alone warrants respect. So please allow me to introduce myself properly, I'm Vadel leader and patriarch of the Healing Whisp Clan." She stated. "The honor is all mine Lady Vadel." I said bowing politely. "Shall I discuss your future marriage with my daughter?" She asked. This was going to be a conversation that would certainly test me.

"Alright, may we go sit down first before discussing any terms?" I wondered. "Of course I see no harm in it." She smiled as we walked into the living room nearby. Once we both found a seat, before either of us began to speak, Kyuri joined us. Sitting down next to me then leaning warmly against my right arm. As her head rested on my shoulder her mother couldn't help but, smile at the scene before her.

"How I miss being able to do that, how I envy you, Kyuri." Vadel said. "Do I even dare ask?" I said looking at both ladies carefully. "I admire your curiosity but, there are some things that shall never be spoken of." She remarked coldly. That was all I needed to know and decided it was best to drop the subject. "Mother that was bit harsh granted I know it's a touchy subject for you and myself. Orion does have a right to know about both sides of our family." Kyuri pointed out.

"Trust me he'll learn in due time about your father's side of the family. If he even decides to take part in your upcoming wedding, though I doubt it. You know what he did to us centuries ago when you were still a kit, I'll never forgive him for it either." Vadel stated bitterly. "If I had to venture a guess he walked out on you and found some young vixen instead." I replied hoping not to add fuel to the fire.

Neither woman bothered to even reply to the sudden comment I made, until. "Orion is it? I know you're still new to this world and the laws put in place. Sometimes digging around a kitsune's past or even a kyubi's affairs isn't always a wise idea. Though you are quite accurate in you assumption on this particular subject. Next time when someone doesn't wish to share, please refrain from offering input." Vadel pointed out.

"Yes, ma'am do forgive my bold and rude behavior." I replied. "It's alright your natural curiosity is admirable if not polite. Now you're aware of the fact that if you intend to marry my daughter and Renka. There will be a series of tests you'll have to undertake to prove you're a worthy male and husband. I have no idea what Lilith has in store for you, if she even decides to test you. As for myself make no mistake, I intend to test you so when the time does come be ready." Vadel informed.

"Not to sound cocky I surmised as much yet, I'll prepare myself." I said. "Daughter when things have cooled off I want you, him and Renka to make a trip home. To the place of your birth understand I'll be waiting there for all of you. Lilith has been informed and will make preparations to send you there." Vadel stated as she stood up. Kyuri followed suit a second later what tension I sense faded.

The two women hugged each other before separating, Vadel bowed politely to me before vanishing. "Ok, one of these days one of you is going to have teach how to do that." I said as both women giggled at my annoyance. "Sure, Orion after we head back to the shrine in the meantime you owe me and Renka a dance." Kyuri replied grabbing my arms softly. "Well, okay lead the way ladies." I said as they escorted me back to the party at the center of town.

When got to the dance floor Arreincia had been looking for us. I told her we had a small private family issue that needed clearing up. Looking content she swiftly grabbed my arms and dragged me onto the dance floor. "I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me, Orion. This dance might be the only permitted way to show my thanks." Arreincia said. "Seeing you happy is all the thanks I need, Arreincia but, if this is what you want. That's perfectly fine with me though, I'm not a skilled dancer just so you know." I replied.

"Just hug me politely, sway in time with me and the music, okay." She instructed. Doing as she told me we moved slowly with the flow of the music and people around us. Mickale stood on the sidelines watching us share one last thing together. He knew I would be entrusting him with her and to make sure she was cared for. Knowing that if he didn't I'd be the first one to come back and shatter his jaw.

As the sunset began the party died down as people slowly made their way home. By the time the sun had fully set, Mickale and Arreincia went home for the night. While I stayed to enjoy the night air for a bit longer before retiring for the night. Kyuri and Renka were waiting in the living room when I walked through the door. I gave the ladies a tight hug, then said my goodnights, before going to my bedroom.

When the morning sun rose in the sky, I awoke and shocked to see I had company. "Lilith, it's not like you to be sneaking into your future son-in-law's bedroom. Is everything alright you don't look very happy something wrong?" I said as her ears swiveled back. "The Kyubi Tribunal has decided that you will not be permitted to marry Kyuri or Renka. Irregardless of your bond with her and Ashandria's clan mark. They've also ordered me and Vadel to send you back to your world ASAP." Lilith replied softly.

"Some how that really doesn't shock me considering they've been watching me. Since the issue with Stark, I knew it would be a matter of time before they decided to play their hand. I do think it's time I made a journey to the home of the Tribunal. Whether invited or not my voice shall be heard." I remarked sourly. Lilith turned to face me with a look of shock on her face at my statement.

With that I got out of bed, threw on some clothes, before packing my things. Lilith didn't know what to say let alone do to stop me, considering the last time she tried. "Orion, think before doing something rash the Tribunal aren't to be trifled with. They'll kill you before you in make it past the gates. Besides you don't even know where to begin looking for the sanctuary." Lilith pointed out.

"You may be right about a couple of things but, I already know the Tribunal's location." I pointed out. "Just how in the world do you know, oh never mind. I'm pretty sure when your mother gave her power, she also gave you her vast knowledge. So what plan could you possibly have that would convince the Tribunal to hear you?" Lilith wondered. "There is no plan just going to make it up as I go along. It'll keep them from trying to formulate a plan to stop me." I stated.

"You know something, Orion I don't know whether you're crazy or just plain brave. I'll keep the girls safe until you return, so just come home in piece or I'll hunt you down myself." She stated. "You got it, Lilith see you soon, let the girls know I'll be home soon." I replied vanishing in a burst of speed. Kyuri sent me a message via our link of the mind, telling me to be careful.

Leaving the mountain village I made my way further into the vast mountain ranges. Knowing that it would be a month before I reach the Sanctuary of the Ancients. Where the Tribunal of Kyubi called home, though there would be many hurdles to overcome. The Path of Fox Fire was the most direct route there. Now my only concern was the Seven Guardians of Arcadim.

After three long weeks I arrived at the Path of Fox Fire, since the dirt was a rich red color. Looking at the archway I had to admire the craftsmanship that went into building it. Bowing respectfully before continuing my way forward. Several days passed and as I settled down for the night. Something made itself known to me but, tried to remain hidden from my senses.

Not letting the presence scare me, I continued bunkering down for the night. That's when they pounced and before their attack could connect, I sprang up then slammed them to the ground. Causing the earth around to shake from the hard impact and kicking up a lot of dust. When the dust slowly settled I got a look at my attacker. To my surprise I had attacked a woman though not a kitsune.

Her features resembled that of a wolf, though due to the dim firelight. I really couldn't get a good look at her, so for her safety and mine, I tied her up. First thing that morning I woke and she sat there growling angrily at me. Her fur was a brilliant golden color and black hair cascaded down past her shoulders. Looking at me with burning distaste was a pair of lovely violet eyes.

Oddly enough something about her looked different upon closer inspection. Her upper canines were much longer giving her a saber-tooth look. "Do you speak a common tongue?" I asked walking a few steps closer. She just snarled at me as I stood above her unphased by her reply. Staring into her eyes showing her I wasn't afraid of her at all. "Yes, I speak a common tongue, intruder." She growled.

"Intruder, you were the one stalking me and tried to attack me. So if anyone is the intruder that would be you my dear." I replied. "Why do you walk the Path of Fox Fire?" She asked trying to change the topic. "That doesn't concern you, now if I untie you are you going to behave?" I stated. She turned her gaze away of me and grumbled loudly so, I simply sat back down.

Moving away from her to let her steam for a while before trying again later. Opening my pack I sifted through my supplies and pulled out a small tea kettle. I made a small make shift stand then filled it with water from my pouch. Placing it over the fire then I looked around inside my pack again for some tea leaves. I managed to find some tea leaf powder and some mint leaves.

My guest however tried to break free of the restraints I locked her up with. Clearly she was trying fish out a sharp object from her forearm gauntlets. "If you're looking for your weapons I took them. After I finished tying you up figuring you'd try to break free." I said glancing over at her. She snarled at me, I just rolled my eyes and ignored her. By the time she settled back down my tea kettle started whistling.

The second I turned my attention away from her and pulled the kettle off the fire. Before I could react something sprang out from the bushes. In a flash my foot swept out and made contact with the figure that try to jump me. It was sent reeling sideways from the impact and hit a nearby tree. A few tense moments later I calmed down then went over to inspect my new guest.

Tying them up for my safety as well as theirs before removing their garments. The one that covered their face revealing a young feline roughly 15 or 16 years of age. Looking over at my grumpy guest and I could tell she was just as surprised as me. So I hoisted my new prisoner up on my shoulder and placed her next to my other guest. "So any idea who this is or you're not gonna talk?" I wondered looking at her.

She took a moment to look at the young feline before saying anything. "She's a spy for the Tribunal apparently they're aware of you going to speak to them. If I had to venture a guess her orders were to observe and wait for a chance to strike. Though my orders were merely to detour you from proceeding any further. Sadly mine came from the guardians and not the Tribunal them selves." She informed. "I see so the question is what should I do with you both." I replied sitting down across from her.

"I'm pretty sure you're going to use me like a plaything and kill me when you're bored." She remarked. "News flash sweet cheeks I've already got two wives waiting for me." I pointed out raising up my right hand. She saw the binding mark on it and didn't reply. Until our other guest began to stir as groaning came from her. "Ohh, uggh what hit me?" The feline mumbled as she tried to sit up. "To answer your question that would be me, though I hit you out of self defense." I pointed out.

"Alright, that explains one thing, now for my other question who tied me up?" She replied sounding annoyed. "That was also his doing seeing as we're both tied up for attacking him." The wolfess informed her. The feline didn't bother to resist she sat there weighing her options. "Ladies, if may inquire there's a series of trials to prove one's worth to the Tribunal correct?" I asked regaining their attention.

"Yes, there are trials the Seven Guardians of Arcadim will administer them. If and when you reach each of their gates along this route. Sadly you won't know you're being tested until they actually show them selves." The wolfess pointed out. "Well, then human what do you intend to do now?" The feline wondered. "I intend to face them without fear and pass their tests." I pointed out firmly.

"Very, well human than you can start by proving your worth to me." The wolfess replied. So I cut her restraints and took a few steps back giving her room. Feeling a bit guilty I cut the feline loose also then returned their gear to them. "Would it be too much to ask for your names? I'd like to least be able to address you ladies properly before we talk about any sort of terms." I asked as they took their stuff back.

"I'm Trudy from the Mist Shadow Clan." The feline said fixing her clothes. "Sadie, that's all you need to know." The wolfess replied doing the same. "And you may call me, Jaxal one of the Seven Guardians of Arcadim. I hope you're ready to face your first trial, Orion heir to the Leaf Claw Clan." An unclear voice said from within the forest.

Naturally I tried sensing their location but, who ever they were, they kept out of range. Before I could try again the presence stood directly behind me. So I swiftly turned around to face them and all I could see was dark colored fur. Luckily as I looked up he was a wolf much like, Sadie though much taller and very masculine. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Jaxal." I said stepping away. Looking down at me a broad smile came to his muzzle a second later. "Then let us not waste anymore time with talk shall we?" He replied.

To be Continued.