Lion King : Chapter ll Family extended part 9

Story by lionkingmaster on SoFurry

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Who can karo turn to find out

The news of ziras plan spread and karo is looking for a friend

At the water hole with simba and karo

Simba i'm worried about jewel and sophie. I know I would be to but the lionesses are doing everything. I just need someone to talk to that is not a lion(A thought goes through karos head)Simba i'll be right back. Where are you going. To visit a friend.

Near the second tallest tree of the pridelands

Montroess are you here. (Karo hears a rustle in the bushes behind him, He jumps around and lunges into the grass and found a leopard cub, Just then a female leopard leaps out and guards the cub)Don't worry i'm not going to hurt him. Thats not what i saw lion.(Karo looks into her eye's and reconized her). Montroess is that you.(The leopard backs up). How do you know my name stranger. Its me karo remember.(Montroess smiles and does a playful jump and knocks him over). Where have you been all these years. Montroess i need your help. With what does the karo i know need help. Against zira and her pride. Karo i'm sorry but i have my own responsabilitys. What do you mean. This is my cub moe and the odds of leopard cubs surviving to there first birthday is 1 in 45. Yes as you protect your cub. I try to protect mine. Your a father. Yes to a daughter named sophie. Whos the mother. Jewel valtry's daughter. Listen its good to see you and i would help you any time but moe is to important. Montroess i hate to put you under pressure but i fall the pridelands are up for grabs.(Zira and 7 other lionesses come out of the grass) Yes and our rain of terror over the pridelands will be bloody. Karo where really outnumbered. Can i give your cub a command. Moe do as he says. Do you see pride rock. Yes i do. I want both of you to run as fast as you can.(Moe starts running but montroess stays next to karo)Now that moe will be safe in priderock i can help you. Lets do this like the old days.(Montroess runs in to the grass and disapperess) Looks like your friend ran away. Then lets go i'll take on all of you.

This is part 9 Look for chapter 3 A new generation.