The House (Part one)

Story by Xylaphet on SoFurry

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Well, this is a story I've wrote a long time ago, I was just not really into posting, so I never did so. I've never actually writen with anthro before, so this has none, sorry, just a heads up. So yeah, I hope you like it, peace!

I was trying to walk down that long, dark corridor, accompanied by my friend, Mary. I don't really tell anyone this, but I actually think that Mary is really sweet and cute. I think that she dosen't know that I like her. I really like her, no I love her. If we actually get out of here alive, I'll tell her, and ask if she feels the same towards me.

I fely my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I quickly snached it out, only to find that it turned off because it was out of battery. I was so mad at the fact that it died, that I threw it against the wall, breaking the back and screen in the process.

I knew then and there that it was my fault for not charging it the past night. I hated myself. I could've called the cops or somebody to pick us up out of this horrid place. 'Well,' I thought to myself. 'We're fucked, stuck in this shithole.'

At that moment, we heard a scream, sounded like a high piched screech. Mary screamed and fell onto into my arms. I felt as if I was home, warm, and her as my cover. I smiled, and cried a tear too.

At that moment, I know that we were getting out alive, one way or another.

"C'mon Mary, we're leaving. Time to go home." She nodded and walked to the door. It slammed shut, and I was afriad for our lives there.I was suprised, the Mary I knew would probably have been on her butt, probably crying. Nobody was in this house but us, yeah, I could've seen that happening. "Well," I said to myself. "Looks like there's no way out now, great, fucking fantastic."

Mary gave me the look, you know the look that makes you feel like shit on the inside, because she is in there, tearing away at your heart. I'll admit it, I love her. And I love the look of her face, and the words that come out of her beautiful mouth. In my eyes, Mary is an angel.

I love her hair, that beautiful brown, wavy hair. Her astonishing blue eyes are like two great lakes that are filled with heavenly water, not the boring, vex water on Earth. I don't get why people make fun of us, most of them have never felt this way before. I guess jealousy plays a role in this type of situation.

And what she was wearing, ragged, old, torn, clothes. In my mind, she was wearing a newly bought pretty white, with a smile on her face, but in reality, she was angry at the fact that we were stuck in this horrid, old building. I tried not to blame myself for what has happened, but I couldn't help but blame myself.

I was angered at the thought of it, I punches a wall, breaking it, and my arm was down to my elbow in the wall, breaking it in the process. I felt what seemes like to be bugs crawling on my arm, so I pulled my arm out, falling on my back. Mary was just standing there and giggeled, walking slowly up to me, helping me up in about a minute.

I was angry at her for this, but anger turned into forgivenes in about less than a second. My mind turned this quick because about a week ago in my anger managment classes. I wanted to tall Mary i loved her, but in this situation, I could hold back for a while longer. So, after that awkward moment, I just went up to her and tried to tell her.

"Mary," I stared out. "I don't know how to tell you this, but-" As I was just about to get it out, she just shut me up.

"Shh! Do you hear that?" At that moment, we both heard a low, grunting noise. "Is that what I think it is?" I choked out.

"Depends on what you think it is."

"Zombies." I said slowley, cautious for our friend not to hear us.