School Daze

Story by snofox on SoFurry

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#1 of School Daze

School Daze

Edit - copyright shit and name corrections.

Characters are (c) by their creators. All that boring shit

Chapter 1 : Furst grade

"A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L... P.... S?"

The kit tried, but could not muster up the courage to go on. One child laughed, and soon, the rest joined in the cackling chorus. His tail hung low between his legs as he urinated on himself, embarrassed by the group of children laughing at him. The young, white fox bolted from the "stool of knowledge" into the class restroom, bawling his eyes out, wishing secretly to himself that he were smarter, or at least in a class that wouldn't make fun of him so damn much. He thought he was stupid. And the rest of the class did too.

After about twenty minutes, the young kit heard the door squeak open behind him. He turned to see Mrs. Lauren, his first-grade teacher. He buried his face in a paper towel, ashamed of himself. A couple minutes of silence passed before he heard her click the lock.

"Austin," she stepped towards the little white fox, seeming to tower over him. "If you want to talk, I'm right here." She extended a hand out, pulling the paper towel from the kit's head, revealing his deep green eyes and black tipped ears. He let out a small sniffle as he hugged onto her legs, nuzzling against her thigh.

"Why am I so different? Why does everyone have to make fun of me just because of the ways I look and think?" He continued sniffling, dripping a little bit of snot from his nose against the teacher's blue jeans. She took the paper towel and wiped the snot from her pant leg and the little fox-nose, simply smiling down at him.

"There, there, little one. You're right. Some people are just mean spirited, and some just want to follow the crowd, thinking that they'll be cool because they're doing what everyone else is too. But you are special. It's only your first week here outside of your home and in a classroom." She cupped her hand around the kit's muzzle, letting her fingers rub against his neck and thumbing along his cheek. "Things will get better, I promise."

And with those words, he stopped crying. By then, his khaki pants, specially made to fit him for his tail, had dried. He was the only one that could still smell the urine, though. The kit stood on his tiptoes and unlocked the bathroom door, holding it open for his teacher, and got back up on the "stool of knowledge" with a new confidence.

"A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L." he paused for a moment, breathed deeply, and continued. "M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z." He jumped down triumphantly, tail wagging vigorously behind him. The next student up, Zack, was dumbfounded. The little human boy with a bowl haircut, freckles, and a missing front tooth was the first one to laugh at the kit. He slowly stuttered out his ABC's, only getting halfway before jumping down. Zack shuffled his way slowly towards the fox, pulled his arm back, and hit the side of his muzzle, knocking him down.

A small trickle of blood began to flow from the Austins' muzzle, and Zack just kept yelling "You FUCKING FOX!" The kit didn't like this language, though he was used to hearing it. His wolf of a father was usually harsh with him; He folded his black-tipped ears back, looking the other way. Mrs. Lauren grabbed Zack by the wrist and dragged him to the corner, pulled down his pants, and paddled him. But he hardly noticed the paddle smacking his rear-end. He just glared straight into the deep green eyes of the fox across the room. Afterwards, the teacher sent Zack to the principal's office, and he was sent home from there for two school days.

And so it went for most of the year. Austin turned out to be one of the smarter children in the class, and became quite popular, though not because he was smart, but because he was not human; He was still looked upon unfavorably by most of the children. And each time he did something better than Zack, he'd get kicked, or tripped, or punched, or pushed around by him. But not once did the kit cry from all the hits he'd taken, nor had any of the other children stood up for him. He just stopped telling the teacher about it, or else he'd just get hit more.


Fall ended, and the last of the golden leaves withered from the trees. Winter came around, which was the fox's favorite time of year. The snow felt wonderful against his mostly white fur. And it was so deep, it seemed like he could get lost in it, or at least hide well, seeing as he was as white as the snow itself. Christmas seemed to take forever to come, and it went by with a flash of excitement (that is, until the batteries all wore out). Then spring rolled around, the time when school would start up again after the winter break. It had been a good vacation, but seemingly too short. Either way, class started again, and so did the pickings on of the fox. It was only until the last two weeks of class before any major event took place. This was the meeting between the principal and Austin's parents.

"Due to certain," Mr. Leonard, the principal of the elementary school, paused for a moment, as if to carefully choose his words. "Inconveniences, Mr. and Mrs. Canetti, your son cannot go into the next grade here. It would be unfit and unwise for the other students to learn about, let alone from, him. I had a meeting about the school board about this "special case" and we all agree that it would be better for you to raise your... "child" elsewhere."

At that moment, the kit's father, Brodie, looked Mr. Leonard right in the eyes.

"Are you threatening my family, sir?"

"To be quite frank, yes, I am."

"The community does not wish us to be here, even though we have done no wrong against them? They frequently torture our son through his first year in schooling, and you wish to punish us instead of them? Are you and everyone else around you blinded by the fact that you yourselves are the animals?" He grew stern, clenching his hands into and out of fists, unbreaking the glare towards the principal.

"We do not find it in our best interests that beasts of your kind..." And with those final words, the conversation was ended as the old, grey wolf punched Mr. Leonard square in the jaw.

"Fine. We'll just move again."

Mr. Leonard struggled a bit to get up off the table. He left without another word, slamming the front door behind him as well as leaving behind a tooth.

Everyone talked about this event at school. Even the teachers had a hard time believing that the principal, a rather burly man in his mid 30's, was beaten up by, of all things, a wolf! And everyone kept a safe distance from the Canetti from then on out. Not that anyone came to visit anyway.


On the last few days of kindergarten left, everyone made an autograph book for the end of the year, and children passed it to their friends to sign it. Austin had made his autograph book look like an elephant, and shyly handed it to Mrs. Lauren first for her to sign. But nobody dared to come to ask the fox for his signature. Nobody but Zack. They exchanged their books. Zack's looked like a baseball bat. As he flipped through the 4 or 5 pages, Austin was taken aback, for nobody had signed the book yet.

"See you later," Austin's signature said. "Eat shit and die, fox!" Said Zack's. The kit looked dumbfounded at the words. How could someone wish such a bad thing on another just because he's not like everyone else? He did not bother showing the teacher, or his parents. He just tore the offending page out, glad that it was not the page Mrs. Lauren had signed, stuffed it in his pocket to throw away later, and asked for a couple of children to put their names in. Most of them did not, but at least one did. Her name was Kim. Her name was all she had written, but she wrote it with such a smile, he wouldn't forget it.

The final day of class had come. The teacher and all the students breathed a heavy sigh as they all said their "good-bye's" and "see you next year's.' The Canetti home had already been packed for three days now; The youth, father, and mother all sleeping in the same pile of blankets together, getting ready for the move to another home in another town in another state. They moved the following day.

"One year down, so many more to go" Siged the kit. The sun was just rising as their car hit the road, heading to California.