Cold Winters night MLP Fanfic

Story by Phoenix Lynx on SoFurry

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It was a cold and snowy night, and all the ponies in ponyvile were curled up in their houses by the fire, trying to keep warm. The snow storm raged outside, only one pony was the one who cause this tremendous storm. That pony was rainbow dash. You see rainbow couldn't bring herself to express her love for applejack in thought of being rejected and outcasted from her friends. With loving arms applejack had allowed for rainbow to stay with her till the storm was over. Rainbow smiled at her a few times and thought of how to tell applejack. The window opened and the winds blew in the snow. Rainbow nailed it shut for aj, in hopes of getting close to her.

" umm Aj?" Rainbow said with a bit of a blush across her face.

" Yes Rainbow?" She replayed

Rainbow looked down and turned away. "Could you make me a hot apple cider?" She didn't know how to ask AJ if she liked her aswell.

" no can do sugar cube, all the apples are frozen. Something bothering ya?" Apple jack sweetly said as she moved to look rainbow dash in the eyes. Rainbow froze and blushed.

"Nothing is wrong at all AJ, why you ask?" Rainbow smiled as she tried not to tell AJ the truth.

Applejack nodded,

"I can see you don't want to talk about it so I leave it with you. If you want to tell me I am all ears." Rainbow laid down in front of the fire and sighed.

"Umm AJ?" She asked again.

"Yes sugar cube?" Rainbow blushed again but kept her back to applejack who was cooking in the kitchen.

"Have you ever had a crush on someone and didn't know how to tell them or ask them how they feel about you?" Applejack blushed a bit and put down what she was doing.

"What in tarnashion are you talking about rainbow?" Applejack was slightly appalled by the question before sighing and saying, "Yes I have sugar cube for a very long time now." Rainbow frown and said oh.

She started to pick at the fire with a stick. Applejack walked over to Rainbow and laid down beside her.

"Infact dashie, that special pony is in my house right now and I have been wondering if that special some pony likes me too, and I think I figured out my answer." Applejack blushed and smiled as she whispered that into Rainbow's ear.

Dashie blushed hearing that and kissed Applejack. Valentines day was just around the corner and for the first time, they weren't spending it alone hoping the other liked them. That night as the storm cleared up applejack and rainbow dash spent the night holding each other close and laughing. They were now together and happy with each other.

The end :3
