Day Of the Dragon chapter2

Story by shadowstrike on SoFurry

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this is a combined effort Hologramshrew and myself

The dreaded Malefor has been gone since dawn- though as inspirations pass down traits to admirers, masters pass down traits to their minions. Thus, at day, an evil mission forms by those minions of The Dark Master left to roam. As expected by the legendary Cynder and Spyro (and who can forget dear Sparx), their fate contains the fight to prevent this possible unfortunate future

made by Hologramshrew and myself plees coment and give us feed back

Day Of the Dragon


"Guarded by shadow apes at Twilight Falls?" Hunter gulped, clenched with the worries of what could happen to his love Bianca if he didn't agree to the deal the shadow ape which stood before him had offered. So far it had been a fine morning for Hunter- he had had 9 hours sleep, good dreams and a filling breakfast. Though his day had gone down hill the moment he left the Cheetah Village to take a walk through the valley of Avalar for some fresh air, when a shadow ape suddenly swung down from a tree branch and spat in his face to get his attention. Its sudden appearance had already taken Hunter by surprise enough. Its news for the occasion was that the remaining of Malefor's minions had planned to take over the Cheetah village as their new territory, after the Mountain Fortress had been destroyed. The reason it was telling Hunter this was because they need his help. "Why on earth", was the first thing Hunter thought when he recovered from the shock, "would they expect me, their enemy, to help them accomplish something I'm against?" As soon as he pondered the question, the shadow ape let loose one side of the deal- they had captured Hunter's beloved Bianca and were holding her hostage at Twilight Falls until their goal for Avalar had been won. "Murrhurrr uuuuggrrrr.." the shadow ape concluded. Hunter could either save Bianca by betraying his Cheetah people and help the enemy, or he could scratch that, and do what his usual wise self would do- find a heroic way around this to stay against the enemy yet save Bianca at the same time. Although in all the fear for Bianca at the current, he couldn't clear his mind well enough to consider the latter option. "Very well..."