A Dragon's Love: Twilight

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#1 of A Dragon's Love

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I'd like to thank everyone who supports me and the art of story telling. Kudos to you!

There was no wind today, the dragon noticed, and the lake was as smooth as glass on the far end. Nearest to him, the waterfall roared, foaming a good portion of the water, but that was not his concern. The forest around him was filled with the sounds of children laughing, birds singing, and everything that made summer a season to smile about. His blue eyes looked down the grassy shore to one girl who chose not to play with her brothers and sisters. A smile spread across his face as he beheld her.

His daughter, Twilight, was sitting in the shallows, picking snails out of the water and setting them on a rock, counting them idly with delicate fingers, tipped with amethyst nails. Her hair had the same metalic purple color, and her eyes shone like polished purple gems. She was at that age where she openly protested playing childish games with the other children, stating she was an adult, at the ripe old age of ten. That is, she was only three years old, but maturity placed her at ten human years. And she acted every bit human, too. Except her love of shiny objects, which her father mercilessly teased and tormented her with. She took every opportunity to repay him in kind, however.

Although she was his eldest born daughter, the first of many, the dragon Valor watched her with sparkling eyes that told a tale of a proud father, a wise and joyous mentor, and many many things all at once. He watched her counting her snails, jabbering to herself and to them in that way little girls do. His heart lept, as it always did on such an occassion when she turned her beautiful purple eyes on him and giggled. She waved and stood up. Her body was humanesque, the same as his. She could change at will, the same he could, but for her mother's sake, she remaned 'angelic' in form. Two purple dragon wings were folded delicatly along her back, scaled in tiny amethysts, and webbed in the most beautiful transluscent leather. A tail scaled similarly swayed happily behind her, swishing in the water playfully.

Then Valor's eyes wandered away from her draconic appendages, and her gleaming eyes. His gaze roamed down to her flat chest and taut belly. He was reminded of Faith's body, although the angelic mother was decidedly more mature, with plump breasts, and a nearly constantly baby-full belly. Twilight, though, still bore a beautiful innocense, her baby fat remaining as the only fat on her skinny form. His eyes wandered yet lower, to her hips that had not yet widened, then lower still, to her hairless groin, and undeveloped femininity.

Even as he began to admire her girlish parts, Twilight sank back into the water to count her snails. Dissapointed, Valor's brows furrowed. Glancing almost suspiciously to the waterfall, and the cave that lay hidden behind, he began to notice a bulge in his trousers. He looked down at the dark red fabric and noted the tent. Grumbling to himself, he ajusted his dragonhood into a more comfortable possition, but even as he did so, he imagined Twilight stradling the tented leggards, laying her dripping body against his naked chest, tracing his chiseled muscles as her mother often enjoyed doing. The mental image illicited a twitch from his pants.

He glanced again at the cave as he stood up, folding his heavy red wings along his back. His stride took him quickly along the shore to stand behind Twilight. She didnt notice, and he took the opportunity to look into the forest to ensure the others were still deep within. They were.

He bit his lip and took a deep, nervous breath all at once before he reached down and unlaced his leggings. Instantly his arrousal sprang free, bobbing infront of him eagerly. He kicked his leggings aside, his only garments, and waded into the water. He sat behind his daughter and glanced over his shoulder. "Counting snails?" he asked, stating the obvious.

Giggling, Twilight nodded. In doing so, her wet purple tresses fell into her face and she reached her hands up to pull them out of her eyes that she could see again. "Of course, daddy!" she said, then turned and staired up at him with those big purple gems.

Valor's heart melted and he spread his arms. "Can Daddy have a hug?" he asked. His heart solidified and lept in his chest all at once as she sprang into him and wrapped her little arms around his neck. He hugged her with a laugh and almost moaned as she slid down his form towards his lap. She stopped though when her rump touched the tip of his engorged member. She moved back and sat farther down his legs, stairing curiously at the large red rod bobing in the water.

"Daddy, why is it doing that?" She'd seen him naked before, as clothing was more than optional in the draconic family. Never, though, had she seen all eleven inches of his dragonhood standing straight up. Tentativly, she reached a hand into the clear water and touched it. It twitched, bouncing away from her fingertips. She giggled and touched it again. It quickly turned into a game for her, where on the other hand, Valor was in utter torture.

"Because..." what was the right answer!? What would he tell her!? She seemed to lose interest, however, and grinned up at him again. "Daddy! Want to play house!?" It was her favorite game to play with her siblings, but since she wouldnt play with them anymore, he was the prime candidate. He opened his mouth, but before he could agree, she squeeled. "I'll be the mommy, and you be the daddy, Daddy!" She giggled in delight.

Silently thanking whatever god had intervened, he nodded and ran a hand affectionatly through her soaked hair. "Of course! I have an idea, too. You're mommy and I'm daddy, and we want to start a family!"

Twilight squeeled again. "That's the point of House, Daddy! To play like a family!" then her eyes suddenly grew distant, curious even. "How does a mommy and a daddy start a family?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with a hunger for how to play this new game.

Valor smiled and leaned down to kiss her head. "I'll show you." he said, picking her up and carrying her to the soft grass on the shore. He sat down again, then smiled. Clearing his throat for effect, he smiled at his daughter and slipped right into the role she wanted. "Honey, I've been thinking. The cave has been very quiet lately, and I thought maybe we should have a baby."

Twilight giggled, then imitated him, clearing her voice cutly. "Yes, dear, I think you're right.. but... um... How do we go and have a baby? We've never had one before, silly!" she said, then erupted in giggles again before stifling herself and giving the larger dragon a serious look.

Valor smiled. "I thought you knew, deary! When you and I show eachother that we love eachother like no other, we do a dance and later a baby is born!" He said, then grinned. "But we have to do it laying down. It's a special dance." suddenly a wicked look apeared on his face. "Didnt your father ever tell you about that?"

Again, the sing-song laughter filled his ears. "NO!" she screamed, then hugged him around the neck tightly. He hugged her back, then kissed her cheek. "I love you, Twilight!" He said, peppering her face with kisses, inching ever closer to her lips.

"I love you too, daddy... I mean honey!" she squeeled, turning this way and that to avoid his kisses. She turned just right, after several moments of attempting to escape, and Valor captured her lips with his own. At first she tensed up, then began to relax as he kissed her with a strange new passion. It was daddy after all.

Valor kissed her, lingering over her lips before he smiled down at her and kissed her again, this time tracing his tongue over her lips. She giggled against this new kiss and hugged him tightly again. Carefully, he laid her on her back and crawled ontop of her. "Are you ready for the dance, honey?" he asked, smiling big and wide as she nodded eagerly.

"Alright, Twilight, but you have to spread your legs." he said, reaching down to help her spread them, finally giving him a good view of her undeveloped girlishness. He smiled, then started to pepper her face with kisses again. She giggled and squirmed under him, and it only grew as his lips trailed down her neck to her shoulders, then her chest. He kissed around her flat breasts, even pecking at her nipples every now and again.

"Daddy, that tickles!" she said, her hands diving into his hair to play with his metalic red locks. He just smiled, then moved back to kiss her on the lips again, this time deeper, with a new heated passion. She tensed again, but like before she giggled agianst his kiss and wrapped her arms around him. He broke their kiss and grinned. "Now we dance." he said, then moved his hips forward. She was still small, so even as he drew his hips towards her own, her face suddenly staired straight up at his lower chest.

She staired up at him curiously, then looked down as she felt something touch her most private of places. Valor guided the head of his red dragonhood to her opening and started to trace the tapered tip around her. She just staired in curiosity at him. His free hand reached down to gently stroke her cheek, which instantly illicited a smile from her. She staired up into his face and blinked. "What are you doing? Mommy said no one should touch me there."

Valor smiled at that comment, then shrugged his big red wings. "We're going to make a family, arent we honey? We have to do it right." He said, then pressed the tapered tip against her little slit, but didnt enter her. She glanced back down, as if considering, then looked back up. "What do you do to start a family?"

Valor smiled, then reached down to let a hand gently glide over her bare chest. "I rub my privates against your privates. It'll feel good, then later, a baby comes." he assured her. His nervousness was washed completly away as she giggled and nodded. "OK!"

Smiling in triumph, he started to push into her. She would be a very tight fit. His member alone was wider than her arm... She looked down again as she felt him easing into her and staired. Shifting uncomfortably, she started to whimper. "It feeels... funny."

He smiled and stroked her face with the back of a gentle hand. "It will at first." His hand rested on her hips as he eased more of his member into her. He was relativly thin at that moment, but as time went on, he knew, he would swell and grow. He eased into her more, and she began to whimper. "Daddy, I dont want to play anymore, it hurts."

He was too far gone to his lusts, though, to hear her. More of his member dissapeared into her, an inch, two inches then finally he felt it. She was sniffling under him, but he felt her maidenhood. He leaned down and kissed her forhead before he pulled himself back out, nearly completly.

"Daddy, are we done?" she whimpered, stairing up at him with confused purple gems. Before she could ask again, he eased into her, easing two inches to her hymen, then paused. The next moment, he pushed sharply into her, tearing past her hymen and sinking a good four inches into her. She cried out, but he smothered her scream with his lips. She moaned in pain against his kiss, but he didnt stop. He eased more and more into her, feeling her tight, young form stretching to accomidate him. Six inches, then seven dissapeared into her and he felt her cervix. He paused and let her body begin to adjust to his girth.

Her whimpering turned into crying, and her hot tears bathed her adorable face as he continued to kiss her. His tongue slithered past her lips to find her own. He caressed it with his own, moaning lightly as he pulled himself almost out of her again. A slow rhythm slowly developed, pulsing half of his member into and out of her. She continued crying, choked sobs escaping from the forced kiss every few moments, but Valor didnt relent.

He lifted himself up on his elbows, as her inner muscles began to betray her, pulsing and instinctivly milking him. His member began to swell with a greater arrousal until he stretched her to her limits and beyond. He broke their kiss, letting her whimpering cries free for once. He began moaning as he pushed himself more and more into her, nine inches fully dissapeared at last. She was so tight, so stretche daround him, she looked like she would split in half at any moment!

She started to writhe, to try to get away from him. "It hurts daddy!" she screamed, covering her face with her hands. He grabbed her hips though, as his member began to pulse, and pulled her back each time he thrust into her. Her cervix was stretched to it's limit, and at last, he felt his release coming upon him.

Groaning loudly, he pulled her sharply back against his hips as he thrust hard into her. She screamed again as he pushed past her deepest barrier. He filled her womb with his length, stretching her inner most sanctum. That was not the least of her worries, though. Her young body squeezing him so tight called forth his climax. He began to fill her with his molten seed, even as he held her steady, his hips pressed against her rump. Instinctivly, her legs wrapped as far around his waist as she could and squeezed tight.

His sticky seed filled her womb quickly, and continued to flow as it could not escape around his large member, stretching her to her limits. A human would squirt only a dozen times, but he came and came and came. She gasped and whimpered, suddenly stairing at her belly as it began to grow and expand. She screamed again, this time in confusion than pain. The heat surrounding Valor's member was partly her, and partly his own seed.

When finally he felt his climax subsiding, he slowly started to pull his withering dragonhood away from her, not quickly so he wouldnt hurt her. The slow withdrawl allowed her cervix to close and seal agian, locking his copious amounts of semen within her yonng womb. At long last, he pulled himself out of her and laid at her side. He pulled her sweat-covered form against his chest and cooed lightly to her.

"Daddy..." she sniffled, "You said it would feel good..." she hugged herself to him, despite her suddenly large belly, full of her daddy's seed. Valor nodded and kissed her brow before draping a wing over her. "It felt good for me... maybe in time it will feel good for you too."

She whimpered and nodded, but said nothing more. Valor let his hand trail down over her hot belly and smiled. She looked to be ten months along with twins. He found himself growing arroused again. "We'll play again later, and we'll hope it feels good for you next time." She hesitated, then nodded. "Ok, Daddy."

He smiled and let her drift to sleep there in his arms. That night, her mother, Faith, upon seeing her swollen belly, grew concerned, but Valor assured her the girl had simply swallowed something as a dragon that didnt dijest well for her angelic form. Faith obliviously agreed.

As the months went on, he did not corner Twilight about playing 'house' again, nor did she offer, but her desire to play with him in other games only increased, and she insisted on sleeping nestled agianst his chest every night since then. Her mother, Faith, upon seeing her swollen belly, grew concerned, but Valor assured her the girl had simply swallowed something as a dragon that didnt dijest well for her angelic form. Faith obliviously agreed.

After a month, however, Valor was astonished to observe her belly did not shrink completly. It did shrink to normal size, but her belly was no longer taut with a young girl's muscle, but bulged slightly. As the months dragged on, her belly only grew more, and her breasts began to develope and swell. As seven months ticked away, Twilight once again looked round, but this time her breasts were heavy with milk, and she would squeel that her belly moved. Faith was perplexed, though Valor secretly smiled.

"Looks like we started a family after all." he whispered one night as Twilight slept in his arms, nestled against his chest. He chuckled lightly feeling her belly kick against his own. He reached down and set a hand on the naked flesh and sighed happily