A Pit Bull Love Story (Part 4 1/2)

Story by Windowdog on SoFurry

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sorry if this is weird but i wanted to try this as a continuation of the last chapter and im sorry for not posting in a while ill get back on it my apologeze and i dont like being lazy either, im sorry

Explanation: this takes place after part 4 we are now back in the some what normal way of writing but now it will be in chat format since this takes place over the Skype chat. I thought I'd do this to see how it works and to see if its any good for future references.

Story/chat thingy: Windowdog286 (Victor): what's up pups? Thetenthkey (Ryan): kitten* W: whatever Flyingsurfer (Jake): pup seems right, Vicky W: thank you at least someone is here to back me up 10: for what? This isn't a bar fight W: x3 F:>=))))°> F: fish :) W: ooookay... Hey where's the kitty pup 10: that's a weird thing to call him W: well we have to call him something 10: how about Beck W: sure whatever, where is he? F: Vicky W: yeah? F: its like 1 in the morning for him, you know that right? W: um... Well I do now xP 10: knowing him he's probably not sleeping, but playing a game of fetch ;) W: don't you joke around with that, I FUCKING LOVE FETCH! 10: Woah, down boy, no need to get excited W: sorry I just really love fetch F: we know -_- W: dammit Beck would've loved to hear this 10: hear what? F: hear what? W: um.. F: wait a minute did our little Vicky get a mate? W: damn you and your mystical otter powers F: alriiiight the pup is getting at dat ass W: -_- 10: first off, Vicky congrats and second off Jake you owe me five bucks F: goddammit W: YOU ASSHOLES, HOW COULD YOU BET ON THIS?!!!!! F: it was ryans idea 10: don't put this on me otter W: whatever you guys suck 10: aw I'm sorry pup W: yeah sure F: want me to kiss it and make it better W: you're lucky there's an ocean keeping me from strangling you ThepurringHusky(Beck): what the f is going on? W: of thank God you're here H: what did I miss? 10: Beck, Vicky has a mate H: wow really Vicky? W: yesh :3 H: score one for the queers F: hey! Just cause I don't have a girl doesn't mean you can claim gays as supreme sexuality 2012 10: calm down magic otter, we just all expected you to have a girlfriend, with your masculinity and what not W: *woof* F: shut up, I have to go anyways W: bye Jake H: see you later 10: bye otter F: Catcha guys later theflyingsurfer disconnect W: so now that he's gone W: penis :3 10: x3 H: xD 10: So Vicky what's your mate like? W: well he's really cute and sweet he was kinda scared when I asked him because he clawed at me H: WHAT?! W: that's a long story W: wait a minute, Beck isn't it like 1 in the morning for you H: yep, I do what I bloody want! 10: alright then, hey Vicky good news W: what? 10: its official I'm going to Vegas this summer for vacation!!!!!11 :D W: Fuck yeah that is good news, I finally get to meet the panther I've heard so much about :3 10: and I get to meet your new mate :P H: well anyfur up for some mvm? W: sudden topic change!!! :D H: are you game or what? W: yesh :3 W: care to join us Ryan? 10: yeah, let's do this! W: I call engie! 10: dibs on pyro H: I am ready to fight robots *Russian accent* I'm heavy W: biff will live H: who? 10: that's the name of his sentry H: oh W: :3 End of chat