(this story still needs a name)

Story by shadowstrike on SoFurry

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this is my first atempt at my first story

this is my first attempt at my first story feal free to give me pointers and help and pm me with what you think

Original character

Sabor male 16 years old, scales change color when he wants to can move silently, very strong, very fast, polite, caring, can restrane himself good size for he's age element fire fast leaner has masted blazing inferno

Crystal female 15 years old scales soft light blue white underbelly average strength fast Average size caring warm harted element earth

(this story still neds a name)

Crystal and Sabor were the best of friends but one day Sabor was taken he was only 5 he searched for 10 years but didn't find her and he was running out of places to look he was heartbroaken. It was the middle of crystals heat and she was about to get raped by 5 fully grown males when Sabor hears a distresed cry for help. He runs as fast as he can to go help the person who was in need. when Sabor saw what was happining he went up to the older males and tells them to "stop" but thay just kick him out of the way, he tells them to "stop ! Or else" but thay just lafe and thay don't stop, Sabor knocks them off her, thay fight back, Sabor just blocks there attacks with ease so thay try to bearn him but he absorbs it and sends it back knocking one of the males out cold, he darts over and sends another one into the air before smashing him into the ground with he's tale slam, one of the older males uses he's fury but Sabor takes the hit and shelds crystal with he's wings before using he's raging inferno fury witch sent then into a wall. Crystal watches and she couldn't believe that one Sabor was beeting 5 strong males and gets them to beg for forgiveness. Sabor tells them that "she's the one thay should be beging for forgiveness from" pointing at crystal. The older males beg for crystal's merce but crystal lets them go on one condiction that thay never do that to another female without her prmision, she sees Sabor walking away and heads to him and asks "is your name Sabor" Sabor replies "yes my name is Sabor how did you know" he never realised that the one he had saved was crystal "you forgot me" crystal crys Sabor comfits her and then he sees a bit of her wing missing in a shape of a star and he realises that it was crystal that he had saved and said "there's no need to cry crystal" she smiled and said "you do rember me" Sabor said "how could I ever forget you I have been looking for you for 10 years" she blushes then she gives Sabor a long kiss and thay both blushed even more. she grabed he's arm and takes him to her room and said "fuck me Sabor" she presented her pussy to him, Sabor was tempted but he held back, when crystal realised that he wasn't doing her she asked "why don't you want to do me? Don't you love me....." she crys " ..... Y....You L...love me?" Sabor asks wile he blushes he trys to hide it but crystal notices and smiles and said "yes and your more hansom now then ever" her cheeks become bright red, Sabor notices this gives her a big kiss and said "I love you more then you will ever know" "then why don't you fuck me?" she asked still crying Sabor replied "I can't right now I am exhausted from the fight" crystal asked "what was that fury you did I have never seen it before?" Sabor said "it is called raging inferno and well it is a advanced fury" crystal said "how can you do it" Sabor replied "I have masted fire" crystal asks "fow can you have masted fire when your 15?" Sabor answered "I am actouly 15000 years old" "what" said crystal shocked, Sabor said "look I go through lots of rebirths since that I am a time dragon and we rember all the stuff from previous lives but in this life I am 15" crystal said "were there others that you loved?" Sabor then said "no you are the only one I will ever Love" crystal blushes even more now she pulls Sabor in for another kiss when she pulls away thay are gasping for air, thay kept doing that for a wille befor crystal seen that he was erect from the kissing, the sight of Sabor's organ made her quiver as she thought of that in her. Soon her urge was too strong and she licked it only to here her love moan ''crystal'' she said '' fusk me Sabor'' Sabor grabed her arm and terned her around and said "we can't were not ready, your not old enough it might kill you! I can't lose you!" as he starts to cry, crystal said "but..." when Sabor interrupted her and said "I know you are on heat I can smell you" crystal then replied "what you can I can't even smell myself how can you? How can you not lose yourself before when I presented myself to you?" Sabor replied "I have an incredible sense of smell and strong control over what I do what my body dose so I stopped myself from sacoming to your. sent it is driving me insane" crystal blushes and said "can you pleas pleasaer me I need some release" Sabor said "I can't your sent might make me lose it then I might hert you or worse kill you I don't want to deal with that" as he starts crying when he thinks about that.Sabor runs of to regain he's composure and to think. Half an hour later he returns and says "I am ready to pleasaer you now that I have regained my composure, I will be able to pleasaer you but you have to promise that you won't try to pleasaer me please if you start to I will have to stop and go for a while" crystal says "ok" crystal spreads her legs and Sabor rubbed her pussy which was already wet before he stuffed he's whole hand in her slit the whole time she was moaning crystal said "i need more plaesaer". Sabor then decided to eat her out he stuck he's head between her flaps gredly lapping up her heavenly juices till she came in he's mouth but Sabor just drank up all her cum while thay wear both moaning with pleasaer. Thay wear both exorsted but Sabor had to go and regain he's composure or he will lose it but crystal didn't want him to leave but when he told her that he needed to Go and regain he's composure or he might lose it and if he did he wood leave till he forgave himself and who knows how long that wood take.

pleas give me feedback