In a pack part 16

Story by Sindragon on SoFurry

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#16 of In a Pack Redone

This is set in A/U of the Ice age movies ,set before the first movie. A Human baby is born with a Tiger birth mark . Seen as evil and a bringer of doom to Humans, his father the leader of the Human clan orders for the death of his own Child. His Mother refuse to let her son die,so run away to save her son life. more summary inside. Warning:Paring between a Human and animal

In a Pack by SindragonV2

I own Sin, Nala Ironfang ,David ,Starstorm ,Angel,Ruby,Ice, any other Oc and Silvermoon

I don't own Soto Diego, Manny Sid is own by Blue sky

This is set in A/U of the Ice age movies ,set before the first movie. A Human baby is born with a Tiger birth mark . Seen as evil and a bringer of doom to Humans, his father the leader of the Human clan orders for the death of his own Child. His Mother refuse to let her son die,so run away to save her son life. Only to die and with her son, still alive in the cold. But her son is found by a Sabre, who take the baby home to her clan. To raise him in as one of them

Warning: There will be paring between a human and a animal. If you don't like that stuff don't read this story ok !

Also I will keep the parings the same as they are in the movies.

Chapter 16 Ice and Fire

To Ironfang,Starstorm and Silvermoon

" Fine we give up for now." Ironfang said while snaring,to Blade who just cockily smirk at him.

" Ah good kitty,but you better lose that attitude of yours. If you don't want your sons dead,now move foreword all of you." Blade said in teasing way to Ironfang, before ordering him and the other Sabers to move.

As the other Wolfs chuckled,while the Sabers snared but they knew not to risk the safety of Diego and Soto. So reluctantly lead by Ironfang and Silvermoon as they walk into the bush,while being trailed by the Wolfs.

Back to Nala and Sin group

Nala, Sin and the other Sabers were about to attack Ice and his Wolfs. To save Diego and Soto,but Ice and the other Wolfs couldn't care. Not afraid of Sin and the Sabers,as Ice ear then twitched as he gave Sin and Nala a cold smirk.

" Why are you so happy." Sin asked coldly to Ice.

" Oh you see curse, just about NOW!." Ice replied calmly ,as he turned his head to look at the bush to the left of them.

Confused Sin and the Sabers turn to look to,see what Ice meant by. A few seconds later to Sin and Nala shock ,as well as the other Sabers. They saw their parents and their group, being walk out by a group of Wolfs.

" Dad, Mum and Grandma." Nala said in a worried tone.

" Ahh Ironfang we meet again,but this time daddy inst hear to save you from me." Ice snared darkly at Ironfang.

Only for Ironfang to snare back,as he and the other got lead next to Sin Nala and their group. While Silvermoon nuzzle Nala and Sin,when Ironfang stood in front of Ice.

" This is between you and me Ice, battle to the death. Loser pack surrenders and leaves for good." Ironfang snared darkly to Ice.

Only for Ice to chuckle darkly,as he look at Blade. Who went back to the vine holding the rocks above Diego and Soto.

" Sure but you need to learn who make the rules, cut the vine." Ice order to Blade who smiled coldly, much to Sin and the Sabers horror.

" NO." Silvermoon screamed in fear,as she saw Blade about to cut the vine.

End of Chapter 16

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