
Story by Ezra Silverfang on SoFurry

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DISCLAIMER: This story contains mature content, meaning for those only 18 (or 21) years of age or older. Any persons under the legal age should exit the Internet screen and go do something age-appropriate, meaning DO NOT READ THIS STORY YOU HORNY KIDS! This story contains explicit content of yummy interactions between homosexual males, so if you are not into this kind of thing, DO NOT READ FURTHER. Thank you ^^ This is just a short excerpt of a story about two lovers reveling in the memory of when the two first met. I'm not sure if I'll make this a series. Anyway, here ya go... ALL CHARACTERS © ME * * *

Irresistible The summer moonlight gazed through the window into the steamy room, jealous of the heated love that had taken place in the hour before. Two shadowed figures, of fur and sweat, lay basking in the glow of nightfall. An aura of intensity radiated from their presences, and the smell of musk and essence still lingered about them, panting could be heard from both furs. One of the characters spoke in a lustful voice to the other; "I love you, Foxxie." The speaker was a gray wolf, of medium build and fur as soft as the snuggest of blankets. Well... usually. He was currently hunched over his partner, a red fox, lodged inside of the other due to his bulbous knot in his dark red cock. He looked down at the fox with a blissful smile, and leaned down to lick his snout. The fox, laying on his back, eagerly accepted the lick by adding his own. "Love ya' too, Kutra." He peered up at the wolf's mischievous grin and drank in his beauty; "God you're so sexy when you're like this!" He always loved Kutra's looks, but they always seemed to dazzle him in these moments. He felt a slight twitch in his rectum, and looked expectingly at the hunky wolf; "What are you thinking?" he questioned with a raised brow. "Oh, just about how much I love you," cooed Kutra, reaching down to smack a kiss on the fox's lips. Then, suddenly moving to the fox's ear, he whispered "Do you remember the time when we first met, Tade?" With a sudden burst came the reply "How could I not, you silly wolfie? Probably the best moment of my life was that very moment when our eyes first..." Tade was savagely cut off by a passionate, wet kiss from Kutra. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Eight months earlier: One lone fox wandered through the crowds on the streets. He was quite average in regards to looks and fashion. It was just another gloomy day for him, nothing out of the ordinary. His attention adverted to a hopefully soothing stroll through the lively town park. The cool, chilling autumn breeze whistled through Tade's red, more so crimson fur while he dragged himself through the dirtied paths. The sickly sun glared down onto his head, faced downward in a state of intense thought. His troubles simply wouldn't liberate his mind: he was lonely and a wreck financially, his girlfriend had immediately abandoned him when he told her that he might be a homosexual, which he now realized that he was, and on top of it all he was recently shunned by most of his family when he revealed his sexuality to them. It seemed hopeless. No matter what he attempted to do to repair his life, everything just seemed to spiral into a blaze of ruin. He felt like breaking down and tearing himself apart at that very spot. Fortunately, he was able to shortly coax himself out of his depression at the idea of getting a delicious, soothing ice cream, since there was an ice cream stand a mere hundred feet away. As he slugged up to the line and took his place at the rear, he scanned his surroundings in an attempt to divert his attentions from his own personal problems. At that moment, as if Tade was hit by a speeding car, he saw the most gorgeous sight he could have ever imagined in his dreams. Sitting on a bench on the opposite side of the pathway sat a sleek, almost monumental gray wolf with such a masculinity to his figure that Tade couldn't help but to gawk and slightly develop a hard-on at his sight. Prying his eyes away from the wolf in time to save him his dignity, he decided to keenly walk over to the bench and try to make friends with the dreamy man. Tade stepped up in front of the stranger and squeamishly asked "Is this spot taken?" He could have sworn he was blushing, but the wolf didn't seem to notice anything; "Nope, you're free to sit here." said the wolf coolly. At this signal Tade was instantly propped up on the bench, sitting awkwardly and uncomfortably; the wolf seemed to notice this. "Is something wrong?" The wolf was staring at him with slight concern. He suddenly shed a frolicsome grin and playfully recited to the fox; "Ya' know, if you find me irresistible..." At these words Tade's whole body froze from embarrassment. The wolf suddenly became serious; "I would like you to know that..." To the wolf, Tade's expression was priceless. He then smiled and declared "I'm that way too, and I would be happy to make your acquaintance." Tade was horribly confused at this, and stumbled to spurt out "Wha.. How did you.. Really?" "I'm not the type to build up hope then crush it, so yes, really." He did, however, like to play with other people's emotions like he did with Tade's; "So, what's your name? I'm Kutra." Still dazed, Tade quietly said "I'm.. Tade. How.. How did you know what I was thinking by the way?" He couldn't believe that he had been so predictable. "To tell you the truth, it's a gift, I can read other's thoughts pretty easily according to what their expressions are like. So, since we're both here, how about a movie?" "Oh.. Alright, that sounds great!" The two then rose off of the bench and strolled out of the park smoothly, and through it all, Tade's bushy tail wagged contentedly. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Some hours later, the door to Tade's dark apartment smoothly drifted open, and the two newly acquainted furs jumbled into the room laughing hysterically. Their outing together over the afternoon went perfectly, the movie they saw was great, they shared a dinner over entertaining conversation, and exchanged some interesting memories with each other during the car rides. They had also done some shopping. It was almost as though they had become the best of friends in a single afternoon. Upon closing the door behind them, Kutra slid a small baggie behind the nearby couch without Tade noticing. "We have to do this again sometime!" Tade felt better than he ever had in years spending time with his 'silver knight.' The two went over to his bed to sit down. With a friendly smirk, Kutra replied "That can be arranged Foxxie." This name made Tade look up in wonder, only to see Kutra staring back at him with a serene appeal. Their eyes met, and it was like time froze itself. Tade couldn't stop looking into the emerald eyes of the wolf, nor could Kutra stop staring into his cerulean eyes. After what seemed to be hours, Tade realized his hand was holding Kutra's. He backed off suddenly and projected a strong blush. He couldn't believe he actually did that, and he felt horrible; "I.. I'm so sorry, I didn't.." He was interrupted by a soft hand stroking his cheek. "Don't be sorry, Foxxie. Remember that we're both gay." He gave Tade a wink, then moved his lips to engage in a kiss, their first kiss. He felt Tade's lips tremble upon their moist contact with his. Tade's mind flourished with intense feelings and pleasures. He had kissed his prior girlfriends plenty of times before, but this was much different, the action was more lustful and enjoyable than it had ever been with anyone else. Becoming slightly aroused, he contributed to the kiss and pushed back. Murrs could be heard from both furs as their lips drove at each other. Tade could feel Kutra's lips part, and his tongue gently prod against his own. Eagerly accepting the wet gift, the felt his mouth being invaded by the oral probe, exploring his cavity and wrestling with his own tongue. This continued for many a minute, and with each passing minute, Kutra moved closer and closer to Tade, eventually getting on top of him. Tade felt something long and hard pressing against his leg, and his instincts knew exactly what it was. At this thought Tade's own erection began to linger in his loins. This whole occurrence was still overwhelming for him, and his mind was still blazing with erotic thoughts of what could be to come. He could smell Kutra's musk, and his own, beginning to inhabit the air around them. Kutra suddenly broke the kiss, bringing a discontented whimper out of Tade, and whispered into Tades ear, "I think you're irresistible, too. Can we go further?" Tade was unable to even sputter a single word, instead he weakly nodded and gave a soft murr. At this their mouths connected once again, this time with much more enthusiasm. In the heat of the moment, Kutra sneakily removed their shirts, keeping Tade oblivious from it with some expertise. Another blush tore through Tade's face and he broke the kiss; "When did this happen?" he said with wonder; "You're good you.. sexy wolf." Kutra couldn't hold back his lust any longer: with a growl he reared up and pounced onto Tade's lap, hastily unbuttoning his jeans and sliding them down partway. Kutra then whiffed an onslaught of Tade's musk through his nostrils, loving the scent of his new mate. He slid Tade's jeans down more and more until they were around his ankles; Tade helped to kick them off from his feet. Tade was shivering in anticipation, not only was he a virgin (he and his exes never had any deep relations), but he was with someone he felt completely compatible with. His legs felt chilled from their exposure. He was about to comment on this when he felt something nuzzling at his straining boxers, knowing that to be Kutra. His snout pushed against his erection, inhaling its luxurious fragrance. He largely enjoyed the feeling of another man so closely engaged with his member, and became even hornier from the thought of it. Kutra then grunted and nearly ripped off Tade's boxers to reveal the marvel that he had so long anticipated, achieving a sensuous gasp from Tade. Standing a mere few inches from the tip of his snout stood an impressive pink member, embodying seven inches of hard mass with a fine point and a small bulge forming at its base, all accompanied by a fuzzy red sheath and sac. Kutra, marveling at its valor, eased himself toward his prey, slowly sticking out his tongue to get his first taste. Tade was entranced by Kutra's skillful handling, and was inclined to ask "Is.. Is this your first time?" To ask such a question ashamed him, but he longed to know. "Yes, why do you ask so suddenly?" "Well, you're so good at this. It just struck me. I'm sorry for asking." He made an apologetic face, as if he had done something terribly wrong. Rising back up, Kutra gave a quick lick to Tade's lips and reassured; "Hey, don't you worry about anything. You're a great 'foxy' man who is nicer than any other man I've met, now sit back, relax, and let me deprive you of all your worries." Giving a furtive smile, he gave Tade another lick then swiftly moved back down to his original position, wasting no time in getting that first taste. His tongue touched Tade's knot, then smoothed itself over it and then ascended up to the tip, where a sudden drop of pre leaked and was caught up onto his tongue. The taste was indescribable, it left Kutra with a strong yearning for more, and with a lust, he murred "Mmm, delicious!" Not like Tade could hear him, his mind was in a wonderland of pure ecstasy. It was true, all of Tade's senses seemed to melt away at their foundations. That one lick was enough to bring him to heaven and back. He then felt the tip of his cock being engulfed by a warm, moist feeling, causing him to moan in pleasure. The feeling continued to run down his cock, it getting tighter with each inch; "Kutra," he gaped, "That's.. Oh my GOD it feels so good!" once at his knot, Kutra began to lift himself off of it, only to come back down with more speed. He did this a few more times before picking up his momentum, bobbing his head up and down onto the pink flesh, and drinking in its sweet pre-essence. Tade's head was spinning, his mind was beaming, he could feel the approach of a powerful climax. He had masturbated before, but this, this took bliss to a whole new level, a whole new existence even. His rationale took hold suddenly, and he reached down and put his hands on Kutra's head; "Please," he panted, "I don't want to finish yet." Kutra, visualizing something, rose off of Tade's now soaked cock; "Wait here, sexy-boy." He then went over to the couch, grabbed something from behind it, and came back with the small baggie with him. "What's that?" asked Tade, making a suspecting smirk at Kutra. "Oh, just a little something I thought we might need sometime, like right now." With this, he lifted a small bottle filled with some sort of liquid; "KY: the best creation known to man!" He chuckled softly at his mild humor and leaned over to Tade's ear and whispered "Sound good to you, Foxxie?" Tade retorted with a murr "You're such a tease, Wolf!" He had newly gained concupiscence now. He then whispered back "Give it to me, you sexy hunk." At this, Kutra popped open the lid and squeezed some of its content out onto his finger, which he then rubbed around for a moment, enjoying its slickness. Tade, letting his instinct take over, lifted one of his legs up, knowing well what was to come. He watched Kutra's face, more so his dazzling eyes, as they focused on their new task. Tade felt a cool, slimy moisture begin to prod at his tail hole, causing him to moan aloud. Once he got Tade's rear orifice nice and slick with lube, he smothered more of it onto one finger, and with precise accuracy and care, he began to slide it into Tade's anus slowly, eliciting yet another gasp and moan from the fox; "If it's too much, then tell me, man. It'd crush me if I caused you to feel uncomfortable." "No, by all means, do what you want with me." Tade still felt the onrush of pleasure; his animal instincts took over his senses, and there was no going back for him. With the utmost passion, he uttered "Please, don't stop." Tade's reassurance in him brought forth his forward attitude. With more vigor, he continued his procedure of pushing his finger further into Tade's rectum. Once Kutra felt his knuckle push against the ring of muscle, he began pulling back out, enjoying the feeling of the vice grip on his finger. He repeated the motion, while adding more lube to his finger when needed. Once he felt the resistance in Tade's rear begin to dissipate, he picked up his speed, soon to be shoving a second finger into the orifice as well. The immense pleasure that Tade was experiencing failed to diminish. Once again, he felt the oncoming of a powerful climax; "Ahh.. Kutra, I'm getting close!" At this, Kutra slowed, then stopped his actions, deciding that he was loose enough to go on. Kutra stood up and finally undid his own pants, letting them slide down to his ankles for him to step out of. He applied some more lube to his hand, then reaching down, he pulled off his boxers and released his straining cock. He wrapped his hand around the dark red meat and lathered it with the slime until it practically slid from his grasp. Then, moving back to the bed, he leaned down over Tade, cock positioned at his opening, and whispered into his ear, "Are you ready? With a pleading nod, Tade gave him the signal, and Kutra began pushing against his tail ring. Though it was already loosened, Kutra still met amazing resistance from it. After many seconds of pushing, the first inch of his cock slipped into Tade's ass. Tade was stricken with a terrible pain, this was much more painful than he was expecting. He made a grimace that Kutra noticed, and looked at him concernedly, but he reassured him with another nod that he would be fine. Kutra decided to wait a moment and let Tade adjust to his size. After a few minutes, he began pushing his length further into Tade's rear. He continued this long process until finally, his knot pressed against his anal ring. Tade sighed when he felt it, the pain was still intense and barely subsiding. Slowly pulling back out, Kutra left Tade feeling empty. The resistance and strain was still great on Kutra's cock, but it was slowly letting up upon pushing himself slowly back in. After pulling out and pushing back in a few more times, Kutra picked up his pace slightly, and adopted a rhythm in his momentum. Tade's pain was slowly turning into pleasure with each thrust. He could feel a slight itch in his rectum; his prostate being bumped and massaged. He could feel some of Kutra's pre beginning to leak into him, and his pace quicken. Kutra leaned down onto Tade's torso, their sweaty fur intermingling with one another's. He moaned into Tade's ear "I think I'm getting close, Foxxie." He humped harder into Tade's rear, causing both of them to grunt more frequently. Tade felt more pre being leaked into his insides. The bed was beginning to squeak and bump into the wall with each pump. Their musk grew stronger in the atmosphere, and their passion grew hotter. Within minutes Kutra was bucking into Tade at breakneck speed. His arousal, so extreme, caused him to produce so much pre that, to Tade's enjoyment, was actually leaking out from around his cock. Kutra then yelled out "Arrggh! I can't hold it any longer!" Feeling his climax about to hit as well, Tade yelled in response, "Give it to me Kutra! Tie with me!" Kutra's knot was pushing harder and harder against his opening, sliding in further each time. Then, with one final push, his bulge popped into Tade, followed by the harmonic screams of the two furs falling into a frenzying climax. Hot, sticky essence exploded from the fox's cock, covering both of their chests with the white goo. Tade's anus clenched tightly onto Kutra's member, instantly spiraling him into his own climax, shooting an impressive load deep into Tade's insides. Tade felt the hot essence coat his inner walls, heating them with its warmth. Their united orgasm lasted minutes, the aftermath leaving strong scents of sweat and sperm lingering in the air. Once it subdued, Kutra collapsed onto Tade, exhausted beyond belief. Regaining some of his senses, Kutra lifted his head up over Tade's and looking into his eyes, cooed the words "I love you, Tade." He leaned in for one more deep kiss. Tade, speechless and panting, could only mutter "Wow!" *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* "That was a great day," grinned Tade, "I was so different back then." He felt Kutra beginning to move his hips against his own again, feeling the hot cock sliding through his filled rectum. Becoming aroused again himself, he was inclined to ask, "Want to go again?" * * *

AFTERWORD: So yeah, again this was my first try at an erotica. This was really hard for me to write (especially since my mind kind of dies after ¾ of a page). However, it was quite an experience that left me with a warm, fuzzy feeling inside (and slightly wet too =3). I really don't think I did a very good job on the yiff section, just because I think I explained things in too much detail. If any of you have comments on my work and/or have any suggestions that could help me do a better job in future works then, by all means, BRING ON THE HATE! (well... not literally.) -All suggestions and comments are appreciated- ^_^ On a side note: I did take a little tidbit from the TV show Scrubs and changed it around somewhat, for those of you who may have noticed.