Autumn Woods - Chapter Ten

Story by WhitePawPrints on SoFurry

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#25 of Tropical

Notes: The story is a bit exaggerated in some parts, when Cloud talks about his past.

I will be disappearing for a bit after this Friday. I don't know when I'll be back but I hope it won't be too long.

Near two in the afternoon, Cloud woke up. During Cloud's nap, Rye read about two hundred pages in the book but he set it down quickly and went over to Cloud.

"How are you feeling?" Rye asked, kneeling down to Cloud once again.

"Sore," Cloud answered with a groan while he sat up. "Not depleted anymore but my muscles are really aching. My back aches horribly." The blanket fell off Cloud's shoulders but he made no effort to conceal his nudity. "What time is it?"

"Almost two-thirty," Rye answered, sitting on the couch next to Cloud. "You should sleep more."

"No," Cloud said being stubborn. "It was hard enough for me to fall asleep just now. I'm not going to try again."

"I don't like seeing you like this."

"I'm fine. I've had worst." Cloud put his paws over his head and stretched his back, causing every muscle to ache more.

"Like what?"

"I once got really ill when I was about thirteen," Cloud answered resting his head back. "I was a breath away from death at the worst of it. I'm a strong otter, don't worry about me."

Rye shuddered. "Thinking about not having you . . . is just unbearable. Lie down, I can give you a back rub if you'd like."

"You can give massages too? You are just too wonderful." Cloud chuckled and lied down in the same position he just was. Rye stood up, and when Cloud was comfortable on the couch, Rye carefully saddled Cloud's lower back, sitting just above his tail.

Struggling to ignore the fact that Cloud was still without clothes, Rye slowly pressed on Cloud's back and began massaging the white otter's muscles with his paws. Cloud hummed deep in his throat, which almost made it sound like he was purring, in response to Rye's touch.

"I'm curious, whatever happened with the rest of your family?" Rye cautiously asked.

"Hmm," Cloud sighed. "My older sister keeps moving from one bad boyfriend to the next. She thinks she's so intelligent because she got good grades in high school but she makes the stupidest decisions. My oldest brother, well, he still lives with my mom, has no job and has one stupid girlfriend."

"Excellent choices in their mates apparently," Rye muttered, moving his paws down Cloud's back.

"They're actually the only two with a 'significant other' right now," Cloud continued. "My other older brother still pretends to live in high school. He didn't ever graduate and he messes around too much where he's constantly getting in trouble. And for my little sister, she's still attached to my mom like a new born hatchling. My older three siblings aren't the best role models."

"No, not at all," Rye agreed. "What of your dad?"

"I haven't talked to him in years before I left. Last I heard he moved to the mountains somewhere searching for whatever job he can get. My family really brings disgrace to the species. I did what I had to when I cut off my ties with them and went on my own. I'm very grateful for this city though, and allowing me to work for shelter when I arrived rather than stupid and ridiculous legal processes and distrust stand in the way."

"I'm rather grateful that you chose this city," Rye added.

"What of your sister?" Cloud asked, after a moan of pleasure when Rye's paws firmly massaged his lower back.

"I thought I already told you that she's off at college," said Rye with a giggle.

"I know but what is she majoring in? Is she dating anyone?"

"Why? Are you interested in my sister?"

Both of them laughed. Rye moved back to Cloud's shoulders with his paws.

"Well, not many guys can keep up with her obnoxious attitude so she's not dating anyone right now," Rye said. "Although she'll probably flirt with you if you are to meet her anytime soon."

"Great," Cloud replied with sarcasm.

"So be prepared for that," Rye giggled. "And well, she keeps switching her majors so I don't know what she's doing right now. Last I heard, she's majoring in becoming a computer technician. I don't understand it though since she hates computers."

"I really want to meet your family," Cloud said. "Ooh, your paws are magic."

"It can be arranged," Rye answered. "My mom and dad will be visiting my sister when she has Spring Break, and we can take a vacation to her college then."

"When does she have Spring Break?"

"It's two weeks after our initial Break. But her Spring Break is three weeks long." Rye started to firmly press his paws on Cloud near the base of his tail.

"Hey, don't go too far down," Cloud said in response. "Anyway, we should plan on going then. I don't want to keep you away from your family for too long."

"Hmm, you can keep me away from the whole universe for as long as you'd like. But they'll be coming to my graduation so we don't need to take time off from school."

"Alright, alright. I'm fine, let me up," Cloud said shrugging his shoulders and turning to look at Rye, who was still saddled on him, the best he could.

"Nice position you put us in," Rye said with a crooked smile.

"Can I at least put clothes on Rye?"

Rye shook his head.

"So then now what?" Cloud couldn't help himself but smile also while he felt electricity flow through his body. "Remember the nurse's advice."

"I know," Rye feigned a frown. "I'm just playing. Although it really would be a shame if you were to put your clothes back on." Rye stood up and got off Cloud.

"I don't think you need any more temptation anyway," said Cloud while he sat up. "I feel much better though. Thank you."

"Ask of me anything you want and I'll serve you the best I can," Rye answered with an amused tone. Rye sat down next to Cloud, and playfully forced his tail behind Cloud and alongside with Cloud's tail. "So what do you want to do now?" Rye curled his tail back toward him, so it now wrapped around Cloud's waist.

"Since you're so determined to not allow me to get dressed, let's play a game," Cloud snickered. "What were you reading by the way?"

"One of my old books," answered Rye while he chose a game to play. "I used to read a lot before I met you and I could find nothing else better to use my time. But now I don't want to read so much because I have you."

"Sounds like how I am when I pick up a book," Cloud responded, almost stunned. "What game did you choose?"

"Super Smash Brother Brawl," Rye responded. A moment after Rye gave the white otter one of the controllers, the doorbell rang.

Answering the door, after Cloud wrapped himself with the blanket, Rye found Ariel there once again, without Patrick this time.

"I heard what happened," she said allowing herself in. "Are you alright Cloud?"

"I'm fine," Cloud answered, allowing Ariel to set next to him.

Rye shut the door and followed Ariel to the couch. "Why is it every time we start playing a video game, you arrive?"

"Coincidence," Ariel said firmly.

"Where's Patrick?" Rye asked. "And how did you know Cloud got hurt today?"

"There are stallions that are friends with Diane in your class," Ariel answered. "They made jokes and made fun of Cloud during lunch. It angers me so much to see that they still don't respect the both of you."

"It's alright," Cloud said. "Bullying is often the result of jealousy."

Ariel gave a weak smile.

"Where's Patrick?" Rye repeated his question.

"I don't know," Ariel replied. "He just told me to come here and check on Cloud. He said he'd pick me up here."

"What were the things they were saying?" Rye sat on the couch next to Cloud while Ariel took a seat on the recliner. She took the liberty of grabbing an extra Wii remote for herself.

"I don't want to say. It's far too harsh for me to repeat what they said, and it got really personal towards both of you, Cloud mostly."

"I hope one of them gains enough confidence to try to confront Cloud in person," Rye muttered. "If they did, I'd make sure that they wouldn't walk again."

"It'd definitely shut up the rest of them," Ariel responded.

"Will you both stop talking about me like I'm not here?" Cloud said and chuckled softly. "You two think too much about everything. Let's just play the game."

"Okay, okay," Rye agreed.