Birthday Gift - Concorde Unit

Story by Glek on SoFurry

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Birthday Gift - Concorde Unit

A Short Story By: G'lek

Written as a Gift to: Concorde Unit (

Kalss slithered up to the door of a small cabin in the woods. Most people would have thought it abandoned, but the Arbok knew otherwise. She tapped on the door with her tail and waited patiently. After a few moments, the door opened, revealing a blue-haired male. He seemed surprised to see her, and quite happy as well.

"Kalss! What brings you out here?" He asked.

"Hey Concorde! I'd ask how you've been, but I'm in a bit of a hurry... I need to get something from in town, and I can't go on my own. I don't want to risk being captured. So could you... you know, come with me?"

Concorde Unit thought for a moment before he replied, "Sure, not a problem!" He stepped out of the door, closing it and locking it behind him. Together, he and Kalss headed off in the direction of the town that was several kilometers away. The moment they were out of sight, a hushed voice broke the silence of the forest.

"They're gone! Come on!"

Several figures rose from the bushes and slide from out from behind trees. They were a female anthro Flygon, a pitch-black Lugia with a rather large chest, and a feral dragoness. The three of them approached the cabin.

"Come on, Si-an, pick the lock..." The Flygon whispered, knowing that Concorde had excellent hearing.

"One minute, Turbulence..." The Lugia responded, eyes glowing slightly before there was a click and the door swung open. "Done, let's get started. Talana, do you want to stay here as a guard?"

"Sure," The dragoness nodded. She settled herself down, head swivelling to listen and watch for Kalss and Concorde Unit returning.

Kalss looked around the town. She probably should have thought of what she wanted to get from town before she had gotten there. She'd been too excited about the plan the others were hatching to think that far ahead.

"So... What do you need?" Concorde Unit asked.


"Are you sure you don't have memory issues? I know you've said you're absent-minded in the past, but usually you've at least got some idea."

"Food, and then I need some mechanical suplies for Seven. She wants to have some parts on hand in case Fenris get's a little too... Aggressive."

Concorde Unit chuckled at this. Fenris was the demon wolf who's harem Kalss belonged to, along with several others. Despite being a demon, Fenris cared for his harem deeply, though his manner of showing that affection could, at times, get a bit sexual, and more then a little rough. Seven, being an aeromorph, specifically a FA-18/B, could take the most rough-housing, and as a result, Fenris tended to be more aggressive with her.

She had some repair abilities, but sometimes parts got too damaged and needed to be replaced. So having a stash of critical parts was a good idea in Concorde Unit's mind.

"Alright, food and then parts," He agreed. Together they headed into town. The first stop was food at a local fast food joint that Kalss had grown to like, as much as it was terribly unhealthy for her, being a Pokemon. They chatted, catching up on the events of the last few months.

When the food was done, they headed for the industrial sector where they could get the aircraft-grade parts they'd need. Most of the parts were small internal parts that they could carry. With those in hand, they headed back to the cabin.

Talana perked up as she heard Kalss' voice in the distance. She stuck her head inside the cabin.

"They're coming!" She hissed.

Si-an looked over. "Alright, hold on..."

Talana suddenly glowed slightly and began to shrink down to a size that would fit into the small cabin. She hurried inside, huddling behind some furniture as the others hid. They'd covered the windows and turned out the lights, so it was dark, and Si-an was using her powers to prevent Concorde Unit from being able to see in the dark.

The door handle clicked. Concorde Unit's voice could be heard.

"Strange, I thought I'd locked the door before I left..."

"Maybe you didn't and forgot?" Kalss suggested.

"I don't forget things like that, Kalss. One of the advantages of being a nanite hive."

The door opened and Concorde Unit stopped. "Why is it so dark in here?"

The lights flicked on and the three hiders sprung up. "Surprise!" Concorde Unit seemed surprised, and a bit confused. Si-an filled him in.

"Talana told us your history and we managed to figure out roughly when your creation date was, so we thought we'd have a party to celebrate! It's like a birthday, only for a machine."

Concorde looked around. The home had been lightly decorated with a few quickly made signs saying 'Happy Birthday!' and such. On the table was a rather large cake, though it might have been considered small given the appetites of the people in the room. There were no presents visible.

Kalss slithered in, dropping the parts at the entrance and grouping with the others. "Come on, Concorde! Cut the cake and let's get started! Your presents are a surprise!"

In short order, cake was cut and served, and in Kalss' case, devoured before anyone else could sit down. They all gathered in the living area and settled in. Si-an came forward.

"We know you don't really need presents in the physical sense, so we decided to do something else. Do you remember when we first met?"

Concorde Unit nodded. "I do, and I remember it was a bit... Confrontational."

Si-an grinned. "Well, even the other me agrees, no matter how confrontational it was, you're willingness to help us and to take upon yourself the risks associated with meeting my other half... It was more then anyone had ever done for us. We just wanted to thank you."

Talana nodded. "I have a similar gift. You've done so much for me, from just listening to me to doing everything in your power to help remove the dark magic that Black Shiron infected me with. I know I grate on your nerves sometimes, like with the licking thing, but you're always good humoured about it. So thanks for all that."

Kalss chuckled. "I don't have anything big to thank you for beyond being a good friend and helping me and my other come to terms with each other. I know I like to talk, but I can't really think of what to say..."

Turbulence butted in. "You like to talk, Kalss, but I don't, so I'll keep this short. Thanks. For everything."

The four of them gathered together around Concorde Unit. They spent the rest of the day, and well into the evening talking, laughing (or smirking in Turbulence's case), and enjoying the company of their good friend.

This is a short little story I wrote to celebrate the birthday of a good friend of mine, Concorde Unit. I met him last year in late January/early Febuary over on F-List, and we've been slowly becoming better and better friends since. Since his birthday is on the 17th of December I wanted to give him a little something as a thanks for all the support he's given me in this past year, both in general and with my on-going battle with depression, and as well as to help him with that fact that his birthday falls so close to a major holiday.

So here's a happy birthday to you, Concorde. I have no clue how old you are, I can't remember, but I doubt you want that information being public knowledge anyway.
