Off the Beaten Path

Story by Asa fox on SoFurry

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This story is brought to you late by Minecraft. Good ol' Minecraft...

You always think when you meet that special someone "This is it. I have that one person I can always depend on. My rock, my salvation." You feel saved. I moved far away from where I had built my whole existence and it was quite freeing. I mean, sure it was a shitty apartment in a shady part of town, but it was ours. The smell of mildew. The light stick of freshly dried paint on the walls. The rough carpet woven out of synthetic fibers. I noted these things as I explored the empty shell of a home. A German shepherd wrapped his large arms around my lithe squirrel body and held me against his broad chest.

"This is it Jackson. We're home." Carman, the shepherd, whispered. His large smile dug into the short brown fur of my face. Who knew the top of the world was only on the fifth story of an apartment complex? We hardly had any furniture to move in. We slept on a mattress and ate assorted canned foods until Carman found a decent job. As the weeks went by we steadily gained more and more material things that I came to love and depend on. The bed, the refrigerator, and I always made sure the cabinets were stocked. Carman was the breadwinner and I took care of the duties at home. At least until the company he worked for decided to cut back.

There was a palpable tension in the air of the apartment then. There was a lot of pressure on me to find a job and I tried so hard. It was painful to look him in the eyes every day and tell him that I'd still had no luck.

"Do you know what this means?" He barked at me."We could lose our home! We'll live in the streets!"

I tried not to cry as I cowered below him and said "I know, I'm sorry. I'm trying!"

"TRY HARDER." He seethed. Carman hit me. The knuckles of his furred paw mashed the soft flesh of my face and sent me reeling back. He had never raised a finger to me until now. I don't think he hit me as hard as it seemed. The shock of it all landed me flat on my ass with my bushy tail between my legs covering my lower abdomen.

I pulled my tail up against my thin chest and sobbed into the furry blanket. It wasn't long until he snapped out of his anger and tried to console me. I pushed him away at first, but he shushed me and held me tight.

"I'm sorry. I am so sorry." Carman squeezed me tight. His sincere voice dissolved my fears. The strong shep picked me up and carried me to our dark, cool room and laid me out on the bed. I was still crying a little when he sat beside me and turned me over and spooned with me. The sheet of warmth between us lulled me to sleep.

You can't enjoy a sunny day without a few rainy days. That night was a storm and the following week was a bright summer day. I managed to find a job and relieve some of the tension n the air. It was like we were on our honey moon, minus the exotic vacation. Carman brought me flowers and took me out to dinner. I made him breakfast in bed and his nights a little more enjoyable.

"We're going to have to let you go." The obese dog huffed at me behind his desk. The chill of the office seemed surreal as a vent pumped cold air directly on my back.

"But I-I, um." I stammered. The dog cut me off.

"We over-hired and we've been forced to make cuts. I'm sorry." I liked how he tried to make it sound as if he wasn't directly to blame for any of it. He over-hired. He was making cuts. I was out of a job. It was a few days before I decided to tell Carman. I knew he would be upset, but I didn't think he would hit me again. I had my last check in my paw and I tried to explain to him that it would hold us over until I could find a new job. I hugged him before saying anything. He became increasingly still as I spoke.

"I got fired today, but this check-" Carman immediately shoved me on to the couch and growled as he rubbed his eyes. "Honey, pleas-"

"Shut it." He snarled. The shep's whole upper body twisted as his arm cocked back. His large paw came down hard, bashing me in the side of the head. It was much harder than the first time. I turned in the direction of the swing and scampered over the couch for cover. Carman walked behind the sand colored furniture past me and into the kitchen. He gathered a glass and a bottle of vodka and sat at the table just outside the small patch of fake wood flooring that inhabited the kitchen. The shepherd sat at their dining table and poured himself a glass with trembling paws.

Late that night while I was laying in bed I was just barely asleep. I was having a nightmare about Carman where he was chasing me and I just couldn't get away. I couldn't run fast enough. Something joined me and shook me out of my sleep. The smell of alcohol wafted into my sensitive nostrils. Looking back I realize that marked the beginning of a vicious cycle. First the enormous strain that was already on us would swell. This would lead to a violent streak. Then finally our honeymoon phase. I tried to hold onto it as long as I could, but it ever lasted.

The violence only increased with every episode. Every night I thought This is it. This the time he kills me. Especially the last time. His fists barreled into my torso and fractured one or two ribs. I slid down the wall and slumped on the floor balling my eyes out when he finished. Carman went into the kitchen like he always did. But when he discovered we were out of booze he yelled in frustration and slammed his hands on the counter. The shep grabbed his coat and headed out the door, no doubt to get more.

Though I was only wearing a loose T-shirt and sweatpants, I opted to only grab a thick jacket. My only concern was to just get out. There was no place for me to go. It hurt to breathe and it was unbelievably cold. Luckily there was a 24 hour supermarket open for me to duck into. A stall in the bathroom was home for the night. I almost broke down a few times, but I didn't want anyone to know I was in there. In the morning I woke with wet patches of fur under my eyes.

No friends. No job. No hope, really. I loved one guy and I couldn't go back to that. All day the feeling that I should go to the hospital daunted me, but with no money that really wasn't an option. Later in the evening I was so sore and tired. Outside a library I had used to get out of the cold, I was walking down the stone steps when I felt the insurmountable feeling of my body quitting. My legs gave out and I found myself slouching on the steps. I had the sensation that I was about to pass out. At least until someone yelled at me.

"Hey!" The voice called. "Are you alright?" A tall canid, much taller than I, ran over and knelt beside me. "Are you hurt? What's wrong?" My shock and embarrassment may have been a little obvious. I blushed a bright shade of red and pushed myself off the ground.

"I'm fine, really." I mumbled. My harm braced my chest and I backed away from the orange and white dog, The white extended from his chin down his neck and under his shirt. Presumably it covered his belly. His orange fur covered everywhere else excluding his ears and tail tip. There if faded from orange to black. I though he might be a fox at first, but he seemed a little big to be apart of the vulpes genus. As I escaped him he looked so concerned. Genuinely concerned. He could have chased after me, but I'm sort of glad he didn't. It was getting dark and I spent the last few hours of daylight meandering through the streets.

I came upon a long line of furs outside a tall brick building. They were dressed in well-worn garb that mirrored the dirtiness of whatever place they had sought shelter in. I didn't even know our city had a homeless shelter, but I was relieved nonetheless to find it. I stood in line for a while until a man a few furs ahead of me was turned away.

"Sorry, this is a women's shelter." The petite vixen told him. My heart sank and I almost started to cry. Fatigue and pain gripped me. The thought of seeking out shelter in a bathroom again was very disheartening. I was off in my own little world and I didn't realize that the line was moving.

"Ma'am. Ma'am, are you coming in or what?" She said.

"Hmm?" I said, looking around to make sure she was talking to me. "Um, I-I guess so." I walked past her through the door. On the back wall there was a counter where they were handing out blankets and pillows. I received mine and walked through double doors to a room filled to the brim with bunk beds. The stained mattress that I called home for the night almost brought tears to my eyes again. It was a small victory, but an important one.

In the morning they served breakfast on beige plastic trays. What was on the menu? Grits, a pad of sausage, a biscuit, and a single packet of grape jelly. Every part of a well-balanced breakfast. The cafeteria was inhabited by what seemed to be picnic tables, but for indoors. As I picked at my food I noticed out of the corner of my eye that someone was going around with a large metal tub doling out seconds. Eye contact was not on my agenda so I didn't look up.

"Excuse me, miss." He said. It sounded slightly familiar, so I gazed up at him. It was the orange and white canine.

"Um, hello." I said.

"Weren't you at the library last night?"

"Yeah, kinda."

"Kinda?" He smiled. "You were kinda at the library?"

"I was at the sidewalk, but I just happened to fall back on the library steps."

"Hmm, fair enough. Mind if I join you?" He asked.

"Sure, I guess that's fine." The canine left to put away the tub and scoop, then returned to take a seat next to me.

"So what brought you to the library last night?" He asked.

"I was just trying to get out of the cold, really."

"Oh, of course. Are you alright? You didn't seem so good when we first met."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit sore."

"Can I ask what from?"

"Well, um, I-I-" It felt as if a knot was swelling in my throat. I was choking on words. His arms wrapped around me and consoled me as I fought back tears, ultimately failing.

"I'm Charles, by the way. It's nice to meet you." He said, causing me to laugh a little. It hurt, but it felt nice to be held. "This is no place for you. What you need is a place to heal."

"You can call me Jackie." I said, still a little choked up.

"You can stay with me if you like, Jackie. I couldn't stand to leave you without anything to lean on."

"You mean it?" I said with tear-filled eyes and a smile. "Are you sure?"

"Of course. I'd love nothing more than to get you back on your feet."

As apprehensive as I was about trusting him, I felt like surviving might hinge on his kindness. His home was quite nice. Charles lived in a brownstone not too far from the shelter. The top floor was where he called home. It was much nicer than anything I had aimed for. Charles had actual wood floors. The open floor plan felt cozy and welcoming. He made me hot cocoa and sat me down on the cool surface of his leather couch.

"You seem a little distressed. Are you sure you're not hurt?" Charles asked.

"Actually my chest is killing me. I think I cracked a rib."

"You cracked a rib? Or someone did it for you?" As he raised his eyebrows I noticed they were highlighted with a white stripe that passed over then ran over his forehead and down the back of his neck.

"Oh, you know..." I mumbled.

"Well, I'd check for you, but it's not exactly appropriate given the situation." I didn't quite follow.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't think a woman in your condition wants to be felt up." He chuckled.

"Um, actually I'm a male." I said.

"Oh." Charles said. "Forgive me, but we did meet in a women's shelter." His face hinted embarrassment.

"I know, I know. The person at the front door said I could go ahead before I could say anything."

"That changes things. If you don't mind, I'd like to feel you up a little. You know, just to make sure you're alright." I laughed and immediately braced my aching side.

"Of course." I said. Charles instructed me to take off my shirt and jacket. He gently pressed his fingertips against my chest. For a brief moment as his warm paws caressed my fur our eyes met for a second. His green eyes flickered for a moment and looked away quickly.

"So, uh, what kind of dog are you?" I asked.

"I'm a Lundehund. My ancestors are from Norway." He said as he finished up his examination.

"A Norwegian Lundehund? That's quite a mix."

"Yep, I was blessed with good genes." I was tempted to say something like "I'll say!" in approval, but he didn't want to come off as flirty. The last thing he needed to do was get kicked out over some misunderstanding. "You haven't broken anything, and it'll be pointless to see a doctor about a simple fracture. You just to take it easy for a few weeks."

"Ok, that's a relief." I smiled.

"There is another thing." He laughed a little, putting a paw to his face as he looked away. "It's a little weird and I don't think you'll go for it, but I think I may be able to relieve your pain a bit."

"What is it? I'll try anything you've got to offer. You've been so kind to me, I trust your opinion." There was a bit of eagerness in my tone.

"If you say so." He smiled and got up. Charles returned with a pink silk corset adorned with black ribbons and ties. "It'll take some of the pain off, I promise." The hangar dangled off his finger as he held it towards me.

"Hmm." The monosyllabic noise shot from my nose as a pensive expression consumed my face.

"I mean, you don't have to. It's just a suggestion."

"I-I'll try it....but why do you have that?"

Charles' eyes lit up and he blushed a little. "It's actually mine, but it's not what you think!" He said with a quickness in an attempt to put my judgments off. "I'm a tailor. Lingerie is part of my services. I also volunteer at that shelter stitching clothes."

"Oh, alright. Do you honestly think it'll help?"

Charles laughed. "I wouldn't lie to ya. You're too sweet." That comment put me off a little. I wasn't expecting a compliment like that. That's not something you say to a friend, much less a stranger.

"I'll try it on." I smiled. "Where's the bathroom?"

"Oh I'll just show you. I have to help you tie it anyways."

The bathroom was a little on the smaller side with cream-colored walls with a wooden mirror/cabinet combination hung above the sink. Still shirtless, I slipped into the soft sleeve. Whoever it was meant for, they weren't very endowed in the breast area. My nipples had some breathing room. Charles tied the ribbons behind me and the tightness did actually relieve the pain. Though it was equally hard to breathe. The lundehund was ogling me in the mirror. His mouth was just barely open as his eyes searched up and down the reflective surface. I felt silly wearing the frilly corset and sweatpants.

"Try not to stare so hard." I blushed. Charles immediately snapped out of his hypnotic state and pretended he wasn't even looking.

"What? I was just making sure it was a right fit.

"Sure, sure." I turned and my paw brushed something hard in his pants. My hands went straight to my mouth to muffle a sharp gasp. He covered his face in embarrassment and backed away.

"Oh, goodness, I am so sorry. You look amazing and I guess I got a little carried away." I searched hard for the right words to say.

"Don't sweat it." I laughed nervously. "I'm shocked, actually. I didn't even think it looked that good with these sweatpants."

"Well, I have the matching panties too..." He mumbled.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked. He was loud enough, I was just surprised he would even bring it up. Even so, Charles repeated the phrase louder. My eyes shut tight, a smile on my face, I said "Sure, why not."

"What, really? You sure?"

"Yes, quickly, before I lose my nerve." I said sheepishly. He retrieved them quickly and placed them on the counter before leaving me alone. I took off my pants and boxers, standing half naked on the tile floor just looking at the lacy panties that matched the pink and black design of the corset. I took a deep breath and lowered them below my knees before slipping one footpaw in at a time. As they slowly rose up my thin legs they scooped my six inch length and furry sack. They hugged my hips and produced a nice bulge that outlined my squirrely cock. The door slowly crept open and the lundehund was nowhere to be seen. I poked my head out and he was leaning on the wall next to the door.

"All done?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, do they fit alright?"

"Yeah, they fit nicely." I smiled ever so slightly.

"Mind if I take a look?" Charles asked.

"Well they are kind of yours." I said as I opened the door and revealed myself to the fit canine. He visibly swallowed.

"I might just let you keep them." Charles said, obviously in awe.

"You really like it?" I asked, my tail whipping about excitedly.

"Yeah, it suits you. If I didn't know any better I might think you were a female." I giggled in a slightly effeminate tone and his ears perked up. The canine slowly leaned in, pressing the soft wet edges of his lips into my short muzzle. His wet nose rubbed mine as we swapped sides. Charles' paws felt along my sides and landed at my hips, squeezing them slightly. They circled around my rump and pressed against my round furry cheeks. The gap between us was short-lived and I soon found my arms pressed against his chest.

The strong lundehund hiked me up onto him and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Charles carried me to his bedroom and kicked the door shut when we passed through the entrance. He sat me down on the bed and stripped his shirt away his shirt revealing his toned, white belly. I glanced down at his belt line as he unbuckled it and tossed it to the floor. I was dying to get at him. It was obvious by the reaction contained in my undies, but I didn't get the chance. He crawled on the bed and I laid back as he encroached on me. Charles' paws passed over my belly, but stopped at my diaphragm. He was wary of my injury.

The canine's ears poked out above my thighs as he pressed his cold nose against the thin fabric of my panties. He stroked it, kissed it, and licked it from the outside. I squirmed as the attention he paid it wasn't enough anymore. My crotch accidentally bumped his mouth and he laughed softly.

"Getting anxious?"

"Just a little." I smiled.

He stripped the elastic waistband back as I complied, lifting my rump slightly so he could get them off. Except he didn't take them completely off. As if it might ruin the illusion, he let them stay at my knees and he snuck his head under them. The lundehund licked the underside of my dick. It was erect and sandwiched between my furry thighs. The tip was shiny with pre and his long flat tongue wrapped the curvature of my cock, scooping the sticky pre up easily.

My legs relaxed slightly against the spring of the panties and allotted the canine more access. His heavenly muzzle coaxed even more pre and involuntary whines. I was so damn wet. Charles slurped on me eagerly and much to my chagrin. He almost finished me off, but stopped suddenly. His large paws lifted my legs as he lightly nipped at the panties and dragged them off, freeing me up. As his large member lined up he hovered over me. After kissing me all over the canine looked into my eyes as he pressed into me. I relaxed at his touch and granted him an easier entrance into me.

Charles was thick and stretched me gently before working up to a full pump. He pinned my wrists and I strangely enjoyed the feeling of giving up control to him. It wasn't long before he was barreling into me causing my free cock to bob back and forth. It slapped against my stomach and slung pre wherever it could. The canine licked at my neck then sank his teeth into my fur and skin. That and the sensation of his cock pulsing inside me as it released it's precious fluids deep inside me pressed me to orgasm and I squeaked sharply. A jet of cum escaped and damn near splashed my chin.

There was a sudden emptiness as he left me and curled up at my side, kissing my freshly sore neck. For once I actually felt alive; not only had I survived, I found salvation. For the first time in a long time, I felt loved. I was reborn.