Update For T.N.O.L./Thanksgiving 2012

Story by Reks Syph Hatake on SoFurry

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#6 of The Nature of Life

Hey Everyone! Hope everyone is doing great, I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and let you know about a few things.

First off, I'm just waiting on the next chapter of T.N.O.L. to get edited before I post it, and it might be just a bit before that's done. (thanks for the patience everyone!)

And I did want to assure you all I am still writing and haven't died or anything.Sadly I don't have a short story prepared for you guys for the holiday (might get one ready for Christmas).

Also, some of the chapters are switched to adult setting for graphic sexual content and such, so i apologize to any of my younger readers. =( (that's why some chapters may appear as missing in both this series and my road of life series).

Also, I just want to take a second to give some thanks and such.

Just remember, in life, no matter if you're rich, poor, healthy, sickly, heartbroken, madly in love, or whatever may be the case: Be Grateful For All That You Have!

I want you all to know that I am grateful for all of you who are my friends or my readers, my editor, and all the people who have come into my life. I am grateful for everything in my life, all the trials and experiences that I draw on for writing my stories, for my family and everything that is.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone, even if you don't celebrate this holiday, take a moment to be grateful anyway for all things in your life.

  • Reks Hatake