Wim of Bastet

Story by VioletTiger on SoFurry

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#2 of Concept pieces

Just finished watching Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and got inspired.

I may pick this back up in the future.

The character of this story is named Destatis. He is the arm of Bastet, Egyptian cat goddess. He was chosen by her to combat the creatures her rival gods created to mar her existence. He has since then became his very own version of a monster hunter.

Hungry eyes stared through a window on a neon lit street.

Tendrils of lust crawling through an unquinchibly thirsty

throat. A demon's look whispered through the features of the

creature as it watched a tall clean cut male walking towards a

back exit. It had chosen its prey. Silent as the night itself,

the vampire leapt onto the wall and climbed to the top. It

listened for the tell tell sign of the door opening and then sped

towards the sound, damp grey trench coat fluttering behind like

leaves caught in a desolate breeze. Peering around the corner of

the wall, it watched as the human walked out of the door. The

door's hydraulic hinge slowly swung it closed with a heavy thud

and a click.

The male was wearing dark clothes, the sent of previously

being dry-cleaned still lingered under the scent of the bar.

This prey had dark silver hair, a hue that was almost a lightning

blue. The human looked from side to side and stopped, a smile

playing across its acid etched steely features.

This prey was strange, smelled unlike other humans. The

hellspawn hadnt eaten in many months though, its caution was

thrown to the wind in its thirst. As the human began moving

towards the darker side of the street, its hunter launched itself

to a closer building and crawled along the wall in pursuit.

The razor sharp human turned and walked down a lightless

allyway. With seeming purpose it made its way through, stopping

at the dead end and humming. The vampire felt confident, its prey

had trapped itself for the monster. It fell and landed behind

the human without a sound.

"You know... It is usually wise to hunt the weak..."

The vampire blinked in suprise. How had its prey known he

was there. He had done nothing to give himself away.

"Then again... Experience does not come as readily as it

used to."

The human turned its head and looked back, winking. Then,

faster than the vampire could believe possible, even for its own

kind, the human changed shape. Shimmering silver tipped ears

appeared from the top of its head, a feline muzzle replaced its

mouth and nose. Midnight black fur spread in a ripple across its

body from between its eyes. A long powerful tail wrapped around

the vampires waist and slammed it into the wall like a piece of

paper. The demon felt a couple of its ribs crack and then

crunch. Its head slammed back, crumbling the bricks behind to


Claws wrapped purposefully around the vampires throat and

pierced the skin there. This creature was not the least bit

interested in gentality.

"What are yo..u... ARRGGGHHHHH!!!!" the vampire screamed

as the creatures other hand sent five razor sharp claws

plummetting into its shoulder. It groaned as it stared into eyes

the color of seafoam swirling with an eary blackness.

"Everyone has their nightmares... You are a humans... I

am yours.." the creature replied, tearing the vampire's head from

its body and crushing it against the wall like a dried leaf,

brittle in winter's bitterness. The body burst into flames,

filling the allyway with an eary orange light. The feline

creature's sillouhete faded as it left the allyway, cleaning its

hands with a handkerchif. Its tail swung slowly back and forth

lazily. As the flames flickered gently out, clouds passed

overhead and rain began to fall slowly. The ashes of the vampires

body washed away into a ally drain, leaving no trace of what had

just transpired.