The Hunted's Journey #2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#20 of Exploration

My curiosity made me fly back along the route we had gone by, and thus I saw an incredible sight. As I slowly flew over the ambush sight, I saw not one, not even two, but almost two dozen scorpions, all standing around the dead body of the one I had shot.They were not picking at the carcass, but were waving their legs at one another, and making speech. It was almost like a discussion. I talked into my R/T.

"Draco, this might sound weird, but we may have a problem."

"What's up, flyboy?"

"Ignoring the weak puns, I've spotted about two dozen of those scorpions, all surrounding the body of the one we killed."

"You killed."

"Same thing. Thy're not eating it, just seem to be talking."

"Can you understand them?"

"Er, negative on that, Draco."

I went slightly higher, I could see one or two scorpions following my progress. I circled the scene, and then Draco came back.

"Hmmm, that is worrying."

Then the scorpions stopped talking.

"Er, Draco. I think our problem just got bigger. They've stopped talking, and are all heading directly towards the village in two groups. One heading slightly to one side, one to the other."

"I think they're angry at the bears, because they found their companion dead."

"Spot on, Draco. This is Tin-man out, flying back to base."

"Righto Tin-man." Draco said cheerfully.

I flew back to the village, and landed in the square, almost running out of runway, but stopping about five metres short of a building. I changed back into my bionic form, and sprinted over to where Winslo was standing.

"Where's the others?"

"They're organising the defences.Each of them have taken a sector, and you will be on the gates, after you finish circling them."

"Does Draco want to know how they intend to attack?"

"We're guessing that they'll surround the village and attack from all sides, but we'd prefer you and Doran to confirm that."

"Right then."

I rested for about half an hour, the scorpions were at least an hour away from where I'd left them, and then took off. The two bunches were now quite far apart, and indeed seemed to be forming a wide circle. As I banked, some of the scorpions were coming to a halt at certain points around the village.

"Draco, Tin-man here again."

"What are they doing?"

"They indeed seem to be surrounding the village, making an circle with equidistant gaps between each one."

"Right, Tin-man. Are they paying much attention to you?"

"Not really, Draco. One keeps looking at me, but the others seem to think I'm a new type of eagle."

"Just checking. You'd better come back."

"Right."Then I heard Brendan speaking into his walkie talkie, it appeared Draco had given them one each.

"Why are you Tin-man, Alduin?"

"Have you ever watched a movie called Stealth?" I replied patiently.


"Exactly. My flying name is thus Tin-man, so it won't be confused."

"Oh,"a feminine voice spoke sharply,Time again," it's a joke. When he's in his bionic form, he's a man made out of metal.Tin is a metal."

"Time, you are psychic." I said, coming into landing.

"No, I just worked out a dreadful pun." she replied sharply.

"Same thing." I smiled, hitting the ground gently, and braking sharply. My engines whined in protest, and I coasted to a stop, and then changed into my human form. Draco was at the main gates, with the witch doctor and several little bears.

"Right, Alduin, you're defending this section. Valmeero is to your left, and Winslo to your right. If you need them urgently, give us a call."

"Will do, Draco. Did you do military tactics when you were a wyrmling?"

"The term is baby dragon, and the answer is yes I did." Draco said shortly."Now, we have how long?"

"About ten minutes for them to get in position, and five until they get here. Twenty minutes tops."

"Right." he nodded, and then went over to Valmeero, who was a good hundred yards away.

We waited, for an eternity it seemed. I had my rifle trained on the undergrowth, waiting for the waving of the grass as one of the monsters snuck forward. But these things were good, and despite Doran explaining where they were, none of us, except maybe Thomas, could see them. Then they sprung out of the grass, and all chaos broke loose.

They were only about fifty yards away, and charged at a speed I never thought imaginable.Their scuttling would easily outpace a sprinting man. I saw one heading directly at the main gates, and aimed my rifle, going for the beast's head.

The sickening crack of the rifle was the first shot of the battle, and as I watched, it gave a screech, and threw itself forwards, into the grass.There was a growl of cheering from my bear buddies, and as I reloaded, I saw two charging at Winslo's position. He cast a Lightning bolt upon one, and I fired at the other. It likewise got a bullet to the head, but it's momentum was enough, and it crashed into the bank beneath Winslo. He turned to me, and nodded. I looked the other way, and say Valmeero firing his pistol at two. The scorpions seemed to go for the explorers, possibly because they knew we were more dangerous. Valmeero dodged a tail as it whipped over the fence, god those scorpions had long reach, and shouted.

"I need some back up here!"

"Don't we all!" Time shouted back. She was also firing at two. I ran, reloading my rifle, to Valmeero's position. I stopped about ten metres away, and fired. A third fell, and the one interested in the wolf/dragon hybrid turned, and attacked me. I ducked behind the wall of wood, but the tail crashed straight through the solid wood, the barb catching me in the chest and punching me backwards. Splinters of wood went everywhere, and as Valmeero fired at the one responsible, I sat up. The barb had caught me, and I felt a burning sensation in my stomach.

"Simba, if you've got a moment, I've been poisoned." I spoke into my walkie talkie. Valmeero hit the scorpion with a bolt, and the thing screeched. It fell back, and died. The wolf ran down the bank to me, and ordered me to lay back. Then he started doing what I had managed. I felt the blood draining from my body, and felt some of the burning pain go with it.Valmeero coughed once, and spat onto the ground. As he helped me back up the embankment, I told him to go and help the others, while I stood guard over the broken fence.Winslo's section of fence had been demolished, as had many other sections.

Then I saw something hideous. One section had gone completely, and standing astride the bank was one of the scorpions. Time lay on the ground, holding her shoulder, but was still firing at it. I joined in, as did Winslo and Devlin. There was a few screeching noises, but on the whole it looked as though we were winning. My chest still stung, Val hadn't removed all the poison, but I was still shooting straight.The scorpion fell to a searing bolt from Devlin, and then I saw Valmeero and Grant get thrown back as their section disintegrated under a heavy blow.

Grant got a barb in the leg, and I fired at the behemoth behind it.It was Grant who killed it, but then he started holding his leg in agony. Val begun the same treatment he had done on me, and then rushed to help the opposite side. Draco, Dev, Simba, Winslo,Brendan, Doran and Thomas were all blasting away at about eight scorpions who were trying to crest the dyke at their side. The dyke blew out at three different places as the scorpions swung their mighty tails, and I saw Draco and Winslo caught by the barbs, even from this distance. There was an explosion of gunfire, and Thomas brought two down with impeccable shooting. Doran had brought one down, Devlin and Simba took one each.

After some more gunfire, and one final, last, shriek of agony, silence settled on the smoke filled town, and I got some chance to look around. The buildings were untouched, although the wall in about eleven different places had been broken. Time was holding her shoulder, and Brendan was trying out my trick on her, gently. Winslo and Grant were both holding their legs, and Draco was holding his neck.

The witch doctor came out with several of his servants, each carrying a bowl of glutinous green liquid.

"We have long since worked out an antidote to the venom of those creatures. Apply the liquid to the affected part, and then swallow the rest."

I took the bowl from Tharlarctos, and did as the witch doctor suggested. Immediately, I felt the pain lessen.I got to my feet, and one by one we assembled in the centre of the square. Draco spoke deeply, holding his neck in stiffness.

"Sound off, name, number killed, and if you got hurt. Simba, record for later perusal."

"Alduin Raptormaster. Three killed, chest wound." I said wearily.

"Winslo. Two killed, leg wound." the bunny replied, stepping gingerly on the injured leg.

"Time Dancer. Two killed, shoulder scratched." the lithe Time Dancer was stretching her shoulder gently, doing slow loops with it.

"Brendan Dowski. Three kills, not hurt." the dragon looked proud of himself. I chuckled.

"I should have given you some Lift." the dragon laughed loud at this, and Draco chuckled in time. The rest got this little joke, and Doran spoke with a smile.

"Doran Veli. Two kills, no wound."

"Valmeero Daggeroth. Two kills, not hurt." the wolf looked ecstatic at his work.

"Grant Agheera. One kill, leg wound." the panther was lying down, physically exhausted.

"Devlin. Four kills, no wound." the Hellfire dragon smiled faintly. I spoke with a laugh.

"Great, Untouchable, and perfect aim. What can't you do?"

Thomas interupted."Thomas Nagoya, two kills, no wound."

"Draco, two kills, neck wound." the dragon looked rueful.Simba finished off the tally.

"Simba, one kill,no wound. In total, twenty four giant scorpions attacked the village, all killed. Five explorers hurt in minor ways, and have been healed."

The witch doctor came over.

Thank you, my lords, we would not been able to withstand that attack with out you. Regrettably, we have lost ten of our number, and we beg you to retire to your rooms while we hold a funeral service."

"Permission to record the events of the funeral, sir?" Simba requested."Just for accuracy reasons when we leave."

"Yes, you may, but only one of you." the witch doctor conceded.

Valmeero and myself headed to our rooms, we had the same set up as the tents. Time and Brendan were talking about something, and then Brendan went over to Winslo, who he had also drawn the poison from.Dev had done it for Draco, and they were walking to a room together. I had three guesses where that was going. Then we got to our door, and hunched down to get through. I very quickly stripped down, and lay down on the bed, completely naked. Valmeero followed suit, and we lay breathing deeply.

"That was insane. I've never fought in a pitched battle before." he said.

"Neither have I, save for the Year thirteen snowball fight." I said, chuckling.Valmeero twisted his head to look at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Imagine one hundred people armed with snowballs on a field of snow."

"Ah, I get you. But probably not as lethal as this."

"No, although I seem to recall David caught me on the ear with a snowball. Now that stung." I said, offhandedly.

" The others are alright?" he asked.

"They seem to be." I replied. "Besides, you did draw the poison out of both me and Grant."

"Yes." he replied, without pride.

"Thank you for that. That's the second time today you've saved my life."

"I don't really know how to reply to that." he said.

"Val, nobody knows how to reply to that. I shall only say that you deserve a reward for it, because you've been a true hero."

"Well, what sort of reward did you have in mind?"

"I'm thinking on that." I smiled.

"Well, let me have a guess. You're lying on the bed, naked, and I'm naked."

"You're getting there."

Valmeero perked up.He grinned.

"All you had to do was say."

"I was going to wait until you figured it out." I replied." Although if you think about it, my body is a small repayment."

"Even though you did the same to me." Valmeero added.

"Val, forget it. You want to, I want to thank you, how much simpler could it be. Besides, Draco and Dev were heading to their room, and I don't think it's to have a cup of coffee and a biscuit. I bet Brendan and Winslo are doing the same."

"That's true enough." Valmeero agreed. He came over to my bed. He sat down on the side of the straw bed, and as I shuffled my legs outwards, he gently rolled onto the bed, on top of me. I could feel his heavy breathing, and his warm, soft fur against my skin.His cock brushed my own gently, and he shuffled, his cock rubbing gently against my balls, and along my intimates, until he held it against my ass.

"I think I prefer the slow stuff to the orgies."I commented with a smile, and then gasped in delight as Val gently forced his way into me.I'd forgotten how big Valmeero was, but he soon reminded me. Damn, he was good.I held onto the wooden sides of the bed as he gently thrust back and forth.His wings unfolded in pleasure, and his paws held my shoulders tightly.I moaned in waves of released feeling.

Valmeero thrust faster and faster for several minutes, and finally let go with a burst of speed and a howl of ecstasy, enough to chill the blood of the bear standing outside the room.He cummed inside me, and then slumped down on me.

"You do it well." I laughed, in sexual frustration. Valmeero managed a weak laugh, and removed his cock from me. He lay down on his bed, and we spoke some more. Our humorous conversation was briefly interrupted by as a roar from one side, and then a roar from the other, about three minutes apart.

"I'd guess that was Devlin, and then Brendan.The first one had more volume behind it." I said casually."I told you they were going to."

Valmeero giggled." They've always been going to.I think the whole bunch of us would leap at half a chance."


"Damn, I'm exhausted." he breathed out."It's those scorpions, they've sapped the strength out of me."

"They're not the only things that did." I replied, tensing to spring. Val missed this, and closed his eyes.

Grant arrived at that very moment, opening and closing the door.

"Hi Valmeero, oh, hi Alduin. Val, could we speak in private?" he stuttered, looking at us naked peoples. Val sat up.

"Hey Grant.Anything in particular?"

"Er, sort of."

"Could I have a guess?"I asked."Based on the fact he drew the poison out of you, you want to return the favour and get off with him."

Valmeero laughed loudly.

"I so should do this more often. I'll guess by your shade, Grant, that Alduin was correct?"

"Yes, damn him." Grant muttered.

I lay back, smiling, as Valmeero shuffled to the end of the bed, sitting on the edge. Grant came over, and took the wolf/dragon hybrid's cock in his mouth, sucking on it.To give Grant some privacy, I took a strip of cloth, and tied it around my eyes, blindfolding myself.I rested, while beside me, Valmeero was brought once more towards orgasm.

This little intimacy went on for five minutes, and as my eyes were covered, I saw none of it. But I heard Valmeero howl in pleasure as he ejaculated. Then Grant muttered.

"Hey, Alduin's blind folded himself. Why?" Valmeero whispered back.

"No idea.Shall we?"

"I'm game."

I heard Val get off the bed, and as he did, I rolled off the bunk, and changed into my Reventon form.

"Nice try, Grant. But you need to speak quieter." I chuckled merrily. Grant snapped his fingers in annoyance.

"We almost had you."

"You almost ran into a robot."I replied, changing into my bionic form. Val laughed. again, it seemed to be infectious.

"So, shall we?" he chuckled.

"Shall we what?" Time said as she answered. She was only wearing a skirt, and her wonderfully curvaceous breasts hung down. She surveyed the scene, taking in the tensed pose of me, the pounce of Grant, and the relaxed figure of Val.

"Time, personal question here, did you have it off with Brendan?" Val asked.

"No, but he was having it off with Winslo.I want to know why I'm missing out."

"You can join in if you want." Grant gave her a roguish grin.

"Sauce." she replied."I'd rather have it off with Alduin if you're going to be like that."

"Me, why me?"

"The only person who hasn't been cheeky, and that looks like a real good tool."She laughed, clear as a stream, looking at my steel member.I blushed.

"Er, actually Time, I wouldn't. I had it off with Tufty in this form, and I drew blood with this."

"So? You were working too fast." she retorted."Do you feel it the same way in this form?"

"Again, yes.It's really quite helpful, especially with Silverine. He can scrape his claws at me as much as he wants, and he won't hurt me.But I don't want to hurt anyone."

Time cut me off.

"I'm deserved a good time.Grant, stop staring at me, unless you don't want to join in. Val, which do you prefer?"

Val stuttered in surprise." Um, oral?"

"O.K., Alduin can fuck my pussy. I want to feel that thing. Grant,that leaves you with only one choice."

We were all perfect gentlemen.We turned as she removed her clothes, and lay down on my bed, her pussy level with the end of the bed. We did her bidding, as she ordered Grant to get on her. He sat on her stomach, while Val stood to one side of the bed.She told me to get around her, and I did as she said, standing between her legs. Then we started. I went first, slowly but firmly entering her vagina, and it gave me no small satisfaction as she lifted her head back, feeling the steel pole force her apart.I went reasonably deep, and then began thrusting at a very slow and collected rate.

She got over the surprise and pleasure gained from this, and nodded to Grant, allowing him to start. He held her breasts around his cock, and thrust back and forth through them. She sighed, and then turned her head and pulled Val inward, licking the tip of his expectant member.We fucked her in tandem, I was going about half Grant's rate, because I didn't dare want to draw blood off her.She was far too perfect to suffer injury like that.This was not apparently a good enough excuse, because after a minute or two, she stopped licking Valmeero's cock briefly, and spoke sternly to me.

"Alduin, for my sake, I want to feel it.Go a little harder."

I summoned a bit of Dutch courage, and began penetrating at Grant's rate. She sighed.

"There...oooh,there we go. Not too hard, is it?"She squirmed under my grip, as the steel rubbed against her soft interior, and then went back to Valmeero, now sucking on the fully developed member. Grant went a little quicker, but still playing with Time's breasts, getting her off as much as he was doing himself.

Unsurprisingly, it was Time who orgasmed first. A flood of liquid enveloped my cock, lubricating it, and the remainder splashed out over my balls and legs.She then orgasmed again before someone else did.Grant moaned in ecstasy as he let go with his load over her upper chests and breasts. Then Time finished Valmeero. She opened her mouth, and closed her eyes, and the wolf/dragon hybrid let go with about seven bursts of liquid over the dog's face.She motioned for Grant to keep going, and then resumed sucking on Valmeero. She orgasmed another two times under my efforts, until I finally let go myself, just as Grant and Val were finished again.Time orgasmed at that moment, and the howls from them, and the cry of joy from me made a quartet of cacophonous noise.Then we stopped, and Time lay back on my bed.

"Oh god, Alduin, that thing is just primal, god it went so deep.Grant, have you played with a woman's tits before?"

"Er, no." Grant blushed.

"I have so many friends who would offer their bodies for that." Grant blushed deeper. He nodded to me and Valmeero, apparently a little shy of the attention, and left. Val got a few comments about his member, the girth and length of his manhood was apparently more than acceptable, and he decided to go for a walk.

Time breathed out, and I sat down beside her.

"Did I do well, my lady?"

Time laughed." What do you think, Alduin?"

"Well, you orgasmed five times, I think you certainly enjoyed it."

"I did, Alduin.Although now I am covered in cum. All this party are really good sexual partners, although they are all subtly different."

"Naturally. Draco's obsessively dominant, Simba's more submissive."

"Indeed. Did Dev mention anything about our plans this evening?"

"Dinner's in half an hour.We are eating with the bears."

"Hmm, I shall have to clean myself up."

"Can I be of assistance, my lady?"

"Yes. Clean up the mess you made." she laughed, spreading her legs again. She started wiping up the cum on her face and chest with her paws, while I licked around her intimates. Her juice was nectar, delicious to the taste, and I decided to get a bit more.I licked the entrance of her vagina, and noted with a smile Time shivered in anticipation.

With gentle movements of my tongue, I opened her vaginal passage again, and licked as deep as I could go. Time finished cleaning her upper half, and then took me by the back of the head, forcing me deeper into her pussy.In retaliation, I worked faster, flicking my tongue around like a demented snake.She moaned in pleasure, and finally orgasmed, one last time. I licked it all up, and then withdrew.

Time put on her skirt, while I got dressed, and we kissed before we walked out. Grant came back in, because while there was no code of being improperly dressed, he wanted to put his clothes on under the curious gaze of the bears. Valmeero had put his clothes on very quickly before leaving.

The dinner arrived, and we sat on low tables that had been hurriedly set out in the courtyard. The chief sat at the head of our little table, with the witch doctor hovering over his shoulder. He did not eat with us, which I found interesting, maybe it was a duty that he performed. We talked about many things with the chief, and the witch doctor listened keenly.

The dinner was rather nice, but I got the impression the bears were terrified of us, and that's not much a surprise.All of them seemed loathe to talk to us, even Tharlarctos kept his mouth shut. Dev and Draco finished their meal quickest, and the chief bear said.

"The tribe find you, an anomaly. I would have you stay the night, but, please, I request you leave tomorrow morning."

Dev nodded, and rose. Draco rose with him, and Doran likewise. Doran started speaking earnestly to the dragons, and Draco put on a smile. I watched as they went past their own rooms, and went into a hut. Mine and Valmeero's. I grinned, and spoke in Valmeero's ear.

"Here's a tip, don't be surprised when we go to our bunks."


"I just saw Dev, Draco and Doran all go in there."

"Hang on, my kit's in there."

"I don't think they're in there to look at our belongings." I finished, and rose. I walked slowly over to the room, go up the steps, and stopped. I retied both my shoelaces, brushed my hair down, and then went into the room.

Perfect timing. Dev, Draco and Doran were all naked, and on my bed. Dev was fucking Doran anally, while Draco was doing a sixty nine with the wolf. They all looked up as I entered.

"That is my bed, you know."I smiled.

"I thought this was our room."Draco said, looking confused. I laughed.

"That's my kit in the corner. That's Valmeero's over there.But I don't mind.I won't disturb you."

I went over to my kit, and rifled it for my writing book. This was a not a book of events, this was poetry, and I composed softly, to an accompanying sound of sex.

Dancing lithely over daffodils yellow

Skipping under the skies azure

Running along the soft green grass

And passing o'er the heather moor.

And see the lovers, flying free

Their lust for the other clean and pure

Enjoy lying in the grass under sun....

Hmmm, last line. What to say.And are now describing a four? The three on the bed were describing a six and a nine, although where Devlin was supposed to fit in, I had no idea. I thought for a while, watching Doran being serviced expertly by Draco, and then wrote.

Listening to the jealous wind's roar.

That worked. But it wasn't the wind roaring, it was Devlin. A huge streak of flame seared across the room, fortunately not harming the woodwork, and Doran gave a muffled cry of pain. This made Draco ejaculate, and I saw Doran swallow desperately, trying not to spill any of the dragon's potent load. He failed in this task, and I saw liquid vent from the corner of his mouth.Then he let loose himself, and I watched, slightly obscured, as Draco tried to do the same thing. He also failed, a tribute to Doran's sexual performance, and they slumped down in slight exhaustion.