The Journey Chapter 9: Team Prime

Story by LucarioGuy15 on SoFurry

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#9 of The Journey Book 1: Kanto

Team Rocket is back! And they're gone again! And for the last time too apparently. Meh, good riddance. Now, who are these Team Prime guys!?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokémon or anything related to it, although it was pretty awesome if I did. However, characters and plot are mine. You can use them but let me know first and credit me for them OK?

Leon stared in shock as the TV screen was filled with thick black smoke. 'What the hell!?' Some other patrons of the restaurant echoed his shout. The TV commentator was frantically trying to find an explanation.

Then, from the midst of smoke came a female voice. 'Prepare for trouble, it's good to be back!'

Another voice, this one male, answered. 'And make it double, we're still dressed in black!'

Leon groaned. 'Not these clowns again!' He knew those lines. He had heard them more than once on his life and when he did it always meant trouble.

A Meowth-shaped air balloon appeared from the smoke, two people and two Pokémon standing on the basket. The Pokémon were a Meowth and a Wobbuffet. The two people inside the balloon wore black costumes with red R's stamped on their fronts. To the left was a tall woman with really long crescent-shaped red hair. To the left was a tall man with short blue hair.

'To protect the world from twerpish devastation!' The woman said.

'Arceus I hate these mottos.' Leon commented, sighing.

'To defeat all meddling kids within our nation!' The man continued.

'To capture Pikachu without truth or love!'

'And finally extend our reach to the stars above!'

'Jessie!' The woman presented herself.

'And James!' The man presented himself in turn.

'Team Rocket! Making one last try at the speed of light!' The woman picked up.

'Surrender your Pokémon now or prepare to fight!' The man finished.

'Meowth! That's right!' The Meowth said, jumping to his partners' shoulders, forming a pyramid.

'What do you mean these clowns again?' Kairi asked, looking at the new developments with a raised eyebrow.

'These guys tried to attack Professor Oak's lab and steal Pokémon more than once when I was working there!' He answered. 'They're thieves!'

On Indigo Plateau, Jessie laughed. 'Ah, it's good to be back on the action!'

James nodded. 'We were rotting back at the HQ. This is way more fun.'

'Team Rocket! What do you want this time?' Ash yelled at them.

'Ha! What we always want!' Jessie scoffed. 'Hand us over your Pokémon!'

'We thought "Let's do it! And let's put everything we got into one last try!"' James said. 'If we can't do it this time we never will!'

'Now, twerp!' Meowth exclaimed. 'Fork over all your and the Gym Leader's and the Elite Four's Pokémon and we promise not to hurt any civilian!' He said, clicking something on a remote he held. Immediately, four cannons came from each of the sides of the balloon's basket, aiming at the crowd. The crowd started to panic, running for the exits. Meowth flicked a switch and every entrance was blocked by steel bars.

Ash gritted his teeth. He slumped his shoulders down in defeat. He couldn't risk Team Rocket hurting any civilians. He looked at Pikachu and Charizard. They shook their heads. Confused, he looked at his fellow Gym Leaders and Elite Four. They all either nodded or made some sort of affirmative gesture. Gary and Brock looked seriously at him. Misty squeezed his hand. Blaine discretely gave him the thumbs up, smiling wickedly. The crowd was silent, waiting for something, anything, to happen.

'So? What are you waiting for twerp!?' Meowth barked.

Mr. Goodshow stepped forward, his usually calm face distorted by rage. He looked positively frightening. 'My ignorant little friend, if there is something you need to learn, is that we at Pokémon League will never, ever, let crooks like you to get what they want!'

In one single motion everyone released all their Pokémon at the same time. Forty-two Pokémon emerged in a flash of blinding white light. Team Rocket's cannons shot into the crowd, smoke billowing from their muzzles. The crowd shrieked as the projectiles headed their way. Suddenly, a bright purple light shone around each of the missiles. They stopped in mid-air. Sabrina and her Pokémon were glowing with the same light.

'Is that all?' She asked, almost bored. She did a wave motion downwards with her hands and the missiles gently fell down, deactivated, the light around her and her Pokémon dimming.

'What!? This can't be!' Jessie said in shock.

'Meowth! Do something!' James demanded, looking warily at the Pokémon army below them.

'It's no use, time for plan B!' He said, ditching the controller and pulling a large burlap sack. 'B for backup!' He said.

Jessie clapped. 'Perfect! Way to go Meowth!'

'We've tracked down every single Pokémon we've owned and released or traded away.' James said smugly. 'We now have an army of our own!'

'Bombs away!' Meowth said, dumping the burlap sack overboard.

A rain of Pokéballs fell onto the arena below. Everyone got ready for battle. The crowd cheered for the Pokémon League members.

Then, suddenly, the Pokéballs stopped in mid-air. Everyone looked at Sabrina but she looked as shocked as everyone else.

Leon's eyebrow rose. 'What the?'

The crowd fell silent. Even Mr. Goodshow seemed surprised. In the silence that followed, the huge screen in the middle of the arena suddenly lit up. A man's face, shrouded in darkness, grinned.

'Greetings Kantonese citizens.' He said with pleasant voice. However, something in it made Leon shudder, like threats veiled under promises of wealth and power.

Ash took a step forward. 'Who in the name of Arceus are you?' He asked, shouting at the screen.

'Ah, the new Champion. How pitiful. I am the leader of Team Prime.' The shadow answered. 'We are searching for something. Something that will change the world as you know it. We won't harm a single soul in our endeavor. However,' His grin took a more evil look. 'if anyone tries to stop us, I'll make sure that that someone will never be heard of again. It is your choice. Either you give us free reign or we'll destroy you. Simple as that.'

Leon, Pierce and the other restaurant clients stared in shock. This couldn't be happening, this man was a madman!

'Hey! This is our show!' Jessie protested.

'Yeah, let our Pokémon go this instant!' James demanded.

The shadow sighed at their interruption. 'As proof that I am not making empty threats, I shall dispose of these inconveniences.' He said, snapping his fingers.

Immediately the suspended Pokéballs were flung against the balloon, puncturing it. One of them hit the gas thruster, making it explode. Everyone took cover as flaming debris rained down on the arena. Team rocket and their Pokémon were shot from the explosion, disappearing into the night sky. Every door in the Stadium opened again.

The silhouette laughed. 'Now you know what we are capable of! So I suggest you think this thoroughly. Until next time.' He said, the screen flaring with static then turning off.

No one moved for a while. Then Mr. Goodshow took the microphone. 'My fellow citizens.' He began, his voice laced with worry. 'It appears that we are under the threat of a lunatic. We do not know the full extent of his power. As such, I urge that anyone who has any contact with this Team Prime does not try to confront them. Please leave this to the World League and the International Police. We will not stop until we can apprehend this subject.' He paused. 'I fear dark times are coming upon us.' He said with a hint of sadness. 'Please, orderly and without panic, go home to your families now.' He finished and left the arena, accompanied by Ash and the Elite Four, while the Gym Leaders helped everyone out.

* * *

Leon's mind was racing. 'What could these guys want that made them think a full on attack against Indigo Plateau was necessary?' Because basically that's what they did. Not only did they hack the Stadium's systems to broadcast their leader's message, they also showed off how powerful they were, backing the League into a corner.

Leon looked at his companions. Kairi looked slightly apprehensive. Miles just stared defiantly at the emptying Stadium. Scythe was expressionless and Pierce looked like he was deep in thought.

Finally Pierce got up. 'No point in sticking around.' He said. 'I'm off to bed.' And he left without another word, followed by Scythe.

Leon sat there, still slightly shell-shocked. He picked up Kairi and Miles and started walking to his room.

'What will happen now?' Kairi asked.

Leon sighed. 'Honestly, I don't know. Let's hope Ash and the other Champions can do something about it.' He said, unlocking their room.

Miles flew off to roost on the lamp. Leon sat Kairi on the bed. Remembering something, he went to his backpack and extracted the diary he bought before entering the Viridian Forest. He had forgotten about it and still had yet to write something. It was quite late when he finished. He yawned, strip down to his jeans and slipped under the covers next to Kairi.

* * *

The yellow-clad woman laughed as she saw the confusion she sowed in the Stadium. This was entertaining. Better than being stuck in the lab all day. Lucifer would be pleased. They hadn't planned for Team Rocket to show up but it all worked for the best. The idiotic humans actually thought it was he who caused the Pokéballs to stop in mid-air and blew up the balloon. How could they be so stupid!?

'Number II return to base. Lucifer wants to see you.' Came the order from her intercom.

Wiping a tear of mirth, she Teleported away, a flash of light being the only thing people saw.

* * *

James sighed. 'Ah well. We tried.' He said with a hint of sadness as they flew through the night sky.

Jessie nodded. 'I guess it's time to retire and live our happily ever after.' She said with the same hint of sadness.

'Speaking of which.' James said, twisting in mid-air and taking a small black box from his pocket. 'Jessie, will you marry me?' He asked, revealing a small golden ring with a really small diamond on it.

Jessie's eyes widened. 'James? How could you even afford that!?' She asked incredulously.

'Yeah!' Meowth intervened.

James grinned sheepishly. 'I had to save for quite a few years.' He answered rubbing the back of his head embarrassed.

Jessie hugged him tightly in mid-air. 'Of course I will!' She said, tears threatening to flow.

James, slightly surprised, hugged her back, the ring almost falling. 'At least something good came from this.' He said, chuckling.

'You know what's missing right?' Meowth asked.

'Indeed.' James answered with a smile.

'Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off for the last time!' They chorused cheerfully.

'Wobbaaaaaa!' Wobbuffet added, doing his salute.