Lion King : Pride United part 6

Story by lionkingmaster on SoFurry

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This is a calm down story with a twisted end

We left off at valtry attacking karo

In the grasslands

(Valtry hits karo knocking him sensless)No mom stop leave him alone(Jewel jumps on valtry knocking her off)Stop...(kovu roars and walks toward jewel)Who are you and what are you doing in my pridelands. I'm jewel and i am mate to your son. Who did this to kiara. I did kovu.why did you do that to her. (Nala walks in front of the lioness) It was kiara's idea to fight. Fight who. This lioness.(Kovu looks at jewel with disapointment)Lioness why would you do this to kiara. Me and har have a complicated past.(Jewel has tears in her eye's)Jewel its not yo

ur fault.(Nala nuges jewel)Your mom and kiara had a complicated past. Excuse me nala but i'm talking to this young lioness. Yes king but here me out jewel is the victim. Really because from were I'm standing kiara looks like the the victim. She was just defending herself. K...o..v..u(kiara calls for kovu)I engaged the fight jewel just did what she had to. Ok kiara(kovu flips kiara on his own back. K..ov....u...,sssshhhh save your breath kiara.

In the pride rock cave

Lionesses help kiara with her injurys. Yes king she has a spinal segments is cracked and her sholder is out of place. All we can is put the shoulder into place. Do it any thing to make her feel better. Sure thing my king. Ok hold her body still and i'll pull ot back got me. yes(lioness's hold kiaras body and the singular lioness grabs kiaras leg and tells kiara)Ok this is going to hurt alot before it feels better ok. Just pull it already. Yes queen 1 2 3(lionesses yanks the leg and a crack sounds in the cave kiara moans in pain)You feel better now. Yes thank you.(Nala rushes in the cave. Kovu kiara hurry zira mauled jewel.What oh jewel no.

End of part 6 please comment and enjoy part 7