The Secret - Part 7

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#11 of Jane Doe and The Secret

This story takes place in an alternate timeline to the one in my Swiss Mix stories. In this series, Hans and his father Karl are both Americans, and live in a suburban community. This is from the same series as my story "A Sleepover with Jane".

Hans cross dresses as Hannah after school, and plays as a girl with Ryan at the park playground. But a gang of three teen aged boys recognizes Hannah as a girl that gave them oral sex last month in the boys' restroom at that same playground, and wants to do it with her again.

The Secret - part 7

By DoggyStyle57 - November 2012

Hans and Ryan woke up on Monday morning when Ryan's alarm clock went off at 6:30 AM. The young lovers were cuddled together muzzle to muzzle. Ryan opened her eyes first, turned off the alarm by swatting the top of the clock with her hand, and then she smiled at the eight year old Bernese boy in bed with her.

"Ah well - school today, and I need to wash my hair so I can re-braid it," the ten year old collie girl said, as she kissed Hans on the nose. "It's a lot easier to get my hair braided up tightly again if it's freshly washed and wet. Care to split a shower with me?"

"Sure!" Hans said, returning her kiss. "Hey, if you can show me how to do it, I could help braid your hair, too. I always wondered how girls do that."

"Okay!" Ryan said, as she led Hans to the shower. She went in first and locked the door on their parents' side of the shared bathroom, and then Hans came in and they both stripped out of their t-shirts and undies.

One thing that the two kids had figured out pretty quickly after Karl and his son Hans moved in with Melanie and her daughter Ryan was that since Ryan or her mom always did the laundry, and Karl never did laundry when there was someone else willing to do it, Hans could put his bras and panties in the hamper with Ryan's and Melanie's, and just toss in some boy underwear occasionally, weather he had worn it or not, and Karl wouldn't realize that over half of the time his son was wearing girls' panties and a bra under his clothes. As long as Karl didn't catch Hans undressing on the days he wore girly underwear, Hans didn't even need to actually wear boy's undershorts at all! So now Hans only wore boy's underwear on gym class school days - Tuesdays and Thursdays - and the rest of the week he was only wearing silky girls' bikini panties and a sports bra under his faded jeans and t-shirt.

The kids got in the shower and quickly washed each other's hair and fur, taking turns scrubbing each other's backs. That inevitably led to some cuddling, giggling and fooling around in the shower. When they were almost done bathing, Ryan knelt in front of Hans and sucked his cock while the boy massaged shampoo into her hair, and then rinsed her hair clean with the shower hose. She didn't stop sucking her boyfriend until he groaned loudly and she swallowed his cream. Then they got out and dried each other off, and Hans started to lick Ryan's cunny while she sat on the closed lid of the toilet seat.


In the bedroom next door, Melanie listened to the kids giggling and showering together. She was a light sleeper, and usually woke up as soon as one of the kids started their morning shower. And she'd noticed that every morning, they did more than just shower - even on a school day. When she heard Hans groan, she kissed Karl and nudged him awake, saying, "Shushhh! Listen..."

Karl nodded, but said, "What? I don't hear anything."

"You will. Just listen," Melanie said.

A moment later they both clearly heard Ryan's orgasmic howl through the bathroom door. "Arwoooo!"

Melanie grinned and said, "That was your son giving my daughter an orgasm. Not sure if he's licking her or mating with her, but I'm fairly certain that Hans has made sure she has an orgasm every single morning since they were handfasted. Isn't that sweet? And they make love every night when they go to bed, too. I'm almost jealous. I think my ten year old daughter is having more orgasms per week than I am!"

"Well! I can't be outdone by my own puppy, now can I?" Karl said. He rolled on top of Melanie and started kissing her passionately. "And I can't think of a better way to pass the time while we wait for them to clear out of the bathroom."


"I think the best way for me to show you how to braid my hair will be for me to braid yours," Ryan told Hans. "Do you mind? It'll make your pony tail a little more wavy after we undo the braids and brush it out again, bit that will relax pretty fast. We can go back into the bedroom, and you can watch in the dressing mirror while I teach you how to braid hair."

"Naw, I don't mind," Hans said. "Say! That gives me an idea!" he whispered something into her ear that made her giggle, and then she nodded and said, "Yeah! It's gonna be a nice day just like yesterday was, so I think we can do that. We'll ask mom and dad at breakfast."

She put a chair in front of the dressing mirror and brushed Hans' hair carefully, parting his wet hair down the middle. Then she showed him how to split the hair on one side into thirds, and the way to hold the hair between the fingers as she folded it over and over again to make the braid. "The tricky part is keeping the tension even," she said. "That lets you make a nice, tight braid that isn't lumpy. It's faster and easier to do it on someone else, but with practice you can learn to do it for yourself."

"I think I see how that works," Hans said, as she finished the first braid, tied it with a small black rubber band, and started the second one. He could hear either Melanie or Karl taking their shower in the bathroom, and he wondered if maybe the adults were also sharing a shower in there. He heard his father groan, and grinned because he was pretty sure that Miss Melanie had just done the same thing with his dad that Ryan had done for Hans, and sucked the older Bernese male off.

It took Hans a couple of tries on each side to get Ryan's braids started right, but he caught on pretty quickly. "You make it look easy, but it isn't. I think I'm getting the hang of it, though."

Ryan looked at herself in the mirror. One of her braids still started higher on her head than the other, but that wouldn't matter, since she was going to fold them under her hat anyway. And they didn't have time for Hans to start over a third time on that side. Their parents had finished in the bathroom and would be eating breakfast by now, and Melanie had to take the kids to school very soon. "It looks good enough. Thanks Hans! I'll let you practice each time I take them down to wash my hair. You'll be an expert in no time!"

The kids packed their school packs, and Hans carefully placed a small bundle that both of them prepared at the bottom of his backpack, under his books. Then they went downstairs, with Ryan still holding her hat in her hand.


"Hey mommy, look! I taught Hans how to braid my hair! How does it look?" Ryan said, as they joined their parents for breakfast.

"It loks very nice dear," Melanie replied, passing out breakfast pastries to the children.

Karl looked at his son and groaned. "Oh no! Hans? Why is your hair braided too? You are NOT going to school like that, young man! You look more like a girl than Ryan does!"

"Awwww dad! I thought you'd like it! Remember how you said you liked that guy from Texas that sings country music? The one that we saw on that TV special last week? He wears his hair jus' like this, an' you didn't say he looked like a girl!" Hans said. "Besides, I don't have time to bush it all out now. I'd be late for school!"

"He can wear one of my hats, daddy, and hide his braids the same way I do," Ryan suggested. "The teachers don't ever make me take my hat off at school." She put her hat on Hans, and tucked his braids under it and out of sight.

"Oh, all right! Wear that hat to hide it then," Karl said as he slurped down the last of his coffee, kissed Melanie, and headed for the door. "I don't have time to argue. I have an early meeting at the office with a new investor. Be good, you two!"

Ryan waited for Karl to leave, and then she said, "Mommy? It's gonna be a super nice day outside. Can Hans and I walk home after school tonight, and play in the park playground for a while before we come home? We won't have many more nice days like today before the fall weather makes the park all yucky. And we don't usually have much homework on Monday nights anyway."

"I suppose that would be all right," Melanie said. "I'm glad to see the two of you playing together. You just watch out for each other, and get home in time for dinner, all right? And Ryan, if you two have any trouble, you call mommy with your cell phone! Now, get another hat for yourself, and I'll take you both to school."

"Thank you mommy! I'll be right back!" Ryan said, as she popped her breakfast pastry into her mouth and ran back upstairs.


At school, no one seemed to notice that Hans was wearing a hat and didn't have his hair hanging down in a pony tail. The morning classes were quiet and uneventful, with a quiz in one class. Then he ate lunch with Ryan and a few of their female friends, played some soccer after lunch with some of the boys he liked playing with, and waited impatiently for the afternoon's classes to be over.

When the final school bell rang, Hans and Ryan met in the hallways and walked hand in hand away from the school. A few kids snickered at seeing what they thought were two boys holding hands like lovers, until some of the girls that had Ryan in their gym classes pointed out that they had seen her in the showers, and that they were quite certain that Ryan was a girl. Teachers who saw them quietly commented to each other that maybe Miss Ryan had finally realized boys were good for something other than tackling while playing football with them.

The park was less than a mile away through a pretty safe neighborhood, and was only a few blocks away from the duplex that they lived in. Several other kids were heading home along the same route, but no one else who Ryan and Hans knew seemed to take the path that diverged from the sidewalk and into the park.

When they got to the playground, there were a dozen or more kids already on the swings and climbing gyms. Ryan and Hans stopped near the bathrooms, and Ryan asked, "Are you sure you wanna do this, Hans?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," Hans said. "I don't see any kids I see over there that know me, and there are at least three moms or older sisters watching the other kids play. We'll be fine. You go in first though, and make sure the coast is clear."

Ryan ducked into the girls' bathroom and came back a moment later and said, "Okay, it's safe. Nobody's in there."

They both ducked into the girls' side of the bathrooms, and quickly went together into the oversized handicapped stall at the far end. As soon as Ryan shut the stall door, Hans stripped off his backpack, ball cap, t-shirt, shoes and pants. He already had on a pair of red silk panties and a pink bra, and a pair of Ryan's black knee socks. He put his black sneakers back on, and then he reached into the bottom of the pack and pulled out his girly pink 'My Fantasy Foxies' t-shirt and his short black skirt, and put them on, while Ryan rolled up his boy clothes and put them back in Hans' pack, along with her spare hat. Then she added a couple of pink bows to Hans' braids, and applied a little pink blush to his cheeks from a tiny makeup kit that she had brought in her own pack.

"So, remember to call me Hannah while we're playing, okay?" Hans said, pausing to admire how he looked in the bathroom mirror as they left the bathrooms.

"Wow... you look a heck of a lot more like a girl than I do! I think I'm jealous," Ryan said. She paused a moment, admiring her girly boyfriend, and then she said, "Nawww, I'm just kidding about being jealous. I don't wanna look girly for anybody but you. But you really are super cute when you dress like a girl, Hannah. So, let's go play!"

For the next hour they played on the swings and on the teeter totters, and played tag with a group of kids that was mostly girls. Hannah didn't flirt with anyone. She just played like the other girls were doing, following their examples. Everyone treated Hannah as if they believed she was a girl the whole time. It was just starting to get dark, and Hannah and Ryan realized that they were almost the last kids left in the playground area. The moms or older sisters had taken all the younger kids away, and there were just a few teen aged boys loitering over near the restrooms. Then even they vanished, and Hans and Ryan were the only ones left.

"We better go, Hannah," Ryan said. "There's nobody else around, so it should be safe now to go back into the girls' bathroom and change you back into a boy again."

"This was so much fun!" Hannah said, as they put on their backpacks and started up the path together. "Thanks for doin' this with me!"

"It's all right. You know, ever since you told me about what you did the last time you came here, I've wanted to come here and play with you like that." Ryan said, as they approached the bathrooms.

"Funny you should say that," said a black and tan fourteen year old German Shepherd boy who stepped out of the boy's bathroom. "I was just sayin' to my pals how much I'd like to play with her again too!" He reached out and tightly grabbed Hannah's wrist, and then shouted, "Grab her boyfriend, boys!"

Two other teen aged boys - a tricolor smooth collie and a white-furred bulldog who had been lurking around the outside corner of the bathroom - came up behind Ryan and each of them grabbed one of her arms. "We got him, Gunther!" the collie said. "Just relax, 'cousin', and nobody gets hurt."

"I'm no cousin of yours, you jerk, even if we are both collies!" Ryan replied, trying to pitch her voice low, so the bullies would continue to believe she was a boy. "You should be ashamed of yourselves, picking on younger kids!"

"Hey! Let go of me!" Hannah squealed, trying to break the grip the much older boy had on her wrist.

"Ah ah ah!" the boy said, pointing to Ryan, who was securely held between the other two boys. "Now you wouldn't want my friends to rough up your boyfriend, would you? We just wanna play with you again, like we did last month, cutie. Do you remember us now, and how much fun we had? Does your boyfriend know how much you enjoyed sucking off all three of us?"

"Oh my God! Hannah! Are these the three boys you told me about?" Ryan said.

"Ah! So she did tell you? That makes it easier, I guess. You two are comin' with us, an' we'll have a little cock sucking party. Play nice, and we'll let you both go after everybody's had a little harmless fun," the boy said. "Follow me. It's more private over there on that side path."

"Don't hurt h... him!" Hannah shouted, almost betraying that Ryan was a girl, and catching herself just in time. "I'll suck your cocks again - jus' don't you hurt my friend!"

Gunther led them down a path and around behind a clump of bushes, where there was a park bench and an open-topped trash can, almost completely hidden from the rest of the park by the curve in the path. He grabbed Hannah's pigtails in one hand, wrapping the braids twice around his fist so he had a really good grip, and opened his fly with his other hand. "Nobody gets hurt if you suck us all off, brat! Now take my cock out and suck it, puppy girl! Show your boyfriend what a good cocksucker you are!"

Hannah squatted in front of the boy, still wearing her backpack, and started sucking the older boy's already erect cock. Her tail began to wag slowly as she tasted the pre-cum that Gunther was already leaking. Even though she was afraid that they might hurt Ryan, she just couldn't help wagging her tail. It felt so naughty to be dressed as a girl and sucking a boy off in the park, with Ryan and two other boys watching her. And more importantly, the bullies all still believed she was a girl and that Ryan was a boy! Hannah's tail wagged faster, as her hope rose that she could just suck off all three boys and they could both get away without Ryan or her getting beaten up, and without the boys realizing it was a boy that had been sucking them off, and that Ryan was a girl.

"Hannah, you don't hafta do this to protect me. I can take care of myself," Ryan said, though she had stopped struggling now and was watching in fascination as Hannah took the other boy's cock out of his pants and started sucking on it.

"Pipe down, kid!" Gunther said. "Lookit her tail wagging! This little bitch loves to suck cocks! Just calm down and let her do our thing for each of us, and then you two can tuck your tails between your legs and run for home, with nothing worse than a messy muzzle for her. Got it? But if you try to fight us, somebody might get hurt."

"Don't fight them, Ryan," Hannah pleaded. "They're a lot bigger than us. It's not worth you getting hurt."

"Stop talkin' and keep suckin', bitch! I'm almost there!" Gunther said, shoving his cock back into Hannah's mouth.

Hannah finished sucking Gunther off and swallowed the boy's cum. It really didn't taste that bad. The only part of this whole thing that Hannah really minded was the threats the boys were making. If they had just asked nicely, she might have been willing to do it for them just for the thrill of it.

"You next, Ralph," Gunther said once he had finished cumming. The bulldog grabbed both of Ryan's arms while the other two boys traded places. As soon as the collie had a good grip on Hannah's hair, Gunther tucked his cock back into his pants and took his place holding one of Ryan's arms.

"She's one sexy little bitch, isn't she?" Gunther said to Ryan as they watched Hannah sucking off Ralph. "Does she do that for you too, kid?"

"Ahhh, n-no?" Ryan said, still staring as Hannah began sucking off the second boy.

"Why not? Is she your sister or sumpthin?" Gunther asked.

"N-no. We're... not related. She's... my friend, that's all," Ryan said. "I... couldn't do something like that with her. Not out in the open with strangers watching us!"

"You ougata try her, man. She's got a really sweet, soft mouth." Gunther said, leering at Ryan. "Okay, zip up and give Hank a turn, Ralph," he added, as the collie boy groaned and unloaded into Hannah's mouth.

The bulldog boy was rather overweight - about 120 pounds, even though he was only just over five feet tall. He looked like he was the strongest of the three boys, though. He took Ralph's place and grabbed Hannah with the base of one of her braids in each hand, and pumped his cock into her muzzle like he was fucking the puppy girl. "Damn this feels good!" he said.

Hannah gagged for a moment, and then the boy's cock slipped down her throat and she found her nose touching the other boy's pubic fur. The kid started throat-fucking Hannah, groaning with pleasure until he splashed his load straight down her throat and into her belly.

When the bulldog finished cumming, Hannah remained squatting in front of him, then looked up at Gunther and asked, "I did what you wanted. Can we go now?"

"Naw, I said you had to do ALL of us, kid. We can't leave your boyfriend out now, can we?" Gunther said, as he reached down and started trying to unfasten Ryan's pants. "Get over here and suck him off too, bitch!"

Hannah suddenly growled. It was a pretty deep, feral and fierce-sounding growl - so full of anger that the bulldog in front of her dropped his grip on her hair and just stared at her.

"DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!" Hannah shouted. She grabbed the bulldog boy around the knees with both arms, like giving a bear hug, and then she suddenly stood up, like a weightlifter doing a squat thrust.

"What the hell? ACK!" Hank shouted, as his feet came off the ground and he pitched forward over Hannah's shoulders, going head first into the trash can beside the park bench.

"YOU LEAVE MY GIRLFRIEND ALONE!" Hannah growled, ducking under the bulldog boy's flying body as he pitched into the trash can, and rushing toward Gunther to deliver a solid uppercut punch - to the older boy's groin!

Gunther howled in agony and face planted in the grass, on his knees and holding his nuts with both hands. "Sonofabich!" he squeaked, half an octave too high to be natural.

"Girlfriend?" Ralph asked in confusion, staring at Ryan and unable to believe that a four and a half foot tall girl who couldn't weigh more than 75 pounds soaking wet had just taken out his two buddies, single-handed.

Ryan tugged off her hat with her free hand, showing her braids, slammed her knee upward and into the collie's balls and said, "Yeah. You three big bad teenagers just got beat up by two pre-teen little girls!"

Ralph rapidly joined his gang leader on the ground, clutching his family jewels and cursing weakly.

Gunther was moaning something incoherent about 'lezzie Amazon bitches', but still couldn't stand.

Hank was still head first in the trash can, and apparently stuck there.

"Don't you EVER bother us again, or next time you won't have any balls left at all when we're done with you!" Ryan said, before grabbing Hannah's hand and running away as fast as they both could run.


Ryan and Hannah stopped running when they got to the restrooms on the far side of the park.

"Are they following us?" Hannah asked, panting and leaning against the restroom building's wall between the men's and women's entries.

Ryan peeked around the corner, and said, "No. I don't think they even tried to chase us. Grandpa always said the best way to beat a bully was to bloody their nose and run. Most of them are cowards, and won't keep fighting if they're losing. But you were amazing back there! It was like you suddenly turned into Superman or The Hulk! I had no idea you were that strong!"

"Oh, that was nothin'. Bernese Mountain Dogs are all strong like that," Hannah said with a shrug. "I can lift more than twice my weight, easy. Like... 160 pounds or more. My dad, he can bench press over 450 pounds. That's all it was."

"That's all? You just saved me from three teenaged bullies! And after allowing them all to force you to suck them off, just to protect me!" she kissed him passionately, a little surprised when she realized she could still taste the other three boys' cum in her lover's mouth.

"Yeah, well... I didn't care if they made me suck them off, if it protected you. But I couldn't let them get your pants off. If they found out you were a girl, they might have raped you! And they sure wouldn't have used a condom!" Hannah said. "No way I was gonna risk them getting you preggers. Your ma woulda never forgiven me, and I wouldn't have been able to look you in the eyes again, if I didn't at least try to stop them from doin' that!"

"Well, you're my hero, Hans," Ryan said. "Now, let's change you back into a boy, and get home before mom and dad get too worried about us. We're already late, so I'll call mom and tell her we lost track of time."


At dinner that night, Melanie said, "You had us worried when you were late and didn't call. What kept you two so long? Did you have any trouble?"

Hans glanced at his father, and said, "Well... we were just having so much fun playing with each other, that we didn't realize how late it was getting until it started getting dark."

"That was all?" Melanie asked suspiciously. "Ryan, you didn't get into another fight, did you? One of the side pockets on your backpack was torn when you got home. It was fine when you went to school this morning."

"Well, there were three bullies that tried to fight with me," Ryan admitted. "But Hans jumped in to rescue me, and he took out two of them before they knew what hit 'em! He was amazing, mom! Do you know how strong he and his dad are?"

"I have a pretty good idea. Karl has a habit of picking me up off the ground when he hugs me, and he acts like I weigh nothing at all. But you know I don't approve of you fighting! What caused it this time?" Melanie asked.

"I'm not sure," Ryan lied. "I think they thought we were somebody else. I'm sure that they thought I was a boy. I'd never seen them before, but they grabbed us and said some stuff about last month in the park, and, ummm, me doin' something with somebody's girlfriend?"

"Well, I'm glad Hans was able to help you, but I think I want you to be with a larger group of friends, or to have someone older supervising you, the next time you go to that park," Melanie said.

"I agree. I don't want Hans fighting, but I've always told him that if he has to fight, he should fight to win. So it doesn't surprise me that he did well. Most people underestimate how strong we are. But that strength carries responsibility with it. We could easily cause a serious injury, as strong as we are. So I've always told Hans I prefer him to try every peaceful way of getting out of a fight, even if it means looking weak or getting embarrassed, before he throws his first punch," Karl said. "Well, it sounds like neither of you were hurt, and that's the important thing. Now you two finish your dinner and get your homework done. It's getting late."

"Yes, daddy!" Ryan and Hans said in unison, both smiling at each other.