Gap Year: Dirty, Simple Sex

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#12 of Gap Year

I really shouldn't have been so shocked to see a condom fall out of Jonathan's pocket, but I still was. I felt like I'd been hit in the gut. Jake was fucking him! I mean... Well... I guess I knew he would be, but I hoped he wouldn't. And to get confirmation like that was unwelcome.

"Brent," Emilie said, leaning close to me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Do you have something on your mind?"

"No." I shook the thoughts of Jake from my head. Who needs him? "Nothing could be more important than you." As if to punctuate my statement, I leaned forward and kissed her, running my hand through her hair. She pressed closer to me and I rubbed her back. Jake walked away at some point during our kiss and my hand ran down just over her tail.

"Thinking of something good?" she asked.

"Maybe..." I smiled. "Why do you ask?"

She squeezed her answer and I let out a quiet moan.

"Naughty girl."

She stuck her tongue out and I kissed her again. We were really getting into it, she was climbing on top of me and gyrating her hips as I held her hips when Jonathan came back and pulled us apart.

"Not the place for this," he smiled.

I snorted.

"You're one to talk," I said.

"What was that?" he said.

"I'm saying you dropped your condom, jackass. Fuck my best friend, sure, it's no skin off my ass, but you can choose a better place to do it than here."

"What the hell is wrong with you? In case you didn't notice, we're not doing it here."

"Yeah, cause you forgot this." I threw the condom at him.

"What is your problem? This is how you treat your best friend's boyfriend?" I punched him hard for that. He went sprawling on the ground and growled over him.

"You have no right to call yourself that! You go running off with him and for a few weeks, he's happy, but then we leave and he's in pieces again and where will you be then? Huh? Will you be there when he's crying because you broke his heart? Will you be there when he hates himself? No. Cause you just take advantage of tourists. That's all you do. I know your type. Pathetic." I spat on him for good measure.

"You're crazy," was all that the Parisian ferret could manage.

"Whatever," I said, walking out of the pool.

* * *

I was laying on the bed back at the apartment, watching French TV when Jake came home from the pool it was much later in the night, about 8 or so. He threw his bag on the floor.

"What the hell was that back there?" he yelled

"What?" I asked, not even bothering to look away from the TV.

"You freaking out at Jonathan. You really hurt him and I expect you to apologize."

"No thanks, Mother. I'm not going to apologize to a person I won't have to see ever again. Besides, we need to get going before too long or we'll end up way behind schedule."

"Goddammit, Brent! This is more fucking important than the stupid schedule! This is about me!"

I finally looked over at him and sat up in the bed. "So you're more important than this trip we planned together?"

"That's not what I meant, I-"

"No, you had your chance to talk, this is my turn. We've been talking about this trip ever since I got paid for doing all those interviews! I wanted to just do a weekend in a nice beach, but you said, 'oh no, it'd be fun to tour Europe together for a few months' so that's what I decided to do with my money. And as for Jonathan, can't you see that he's just using you? He's like Logan all over again! He's gonna break your heart and leave you heartbroken again! And I'll have to be there to help you back to your feet again, when it'd be so much simpler if we didn't get attached to people we're gonna be leaving in a few weeks!

"Sure, have a fling, go fuck a guy if you want, I won't stop you, but don't try to start a relationship with someone that you'll be leaving in a week or two. It's not good for you."

Jake sat down on the bed next to me and sighed.

"Maybe I don't want to constantly be the guy who's pushed to the side by a group of people from my best friend. Maybe I don't want to be around a guy who can't even walk down the street without people pointing fingers at him. Dammit, Brent, maybe I don't want to be on this stupid trip anymore. Maybe I'll stay here with Jonathan. And if you don't like it then there's the door."

That hurt. Jake didn't want to be with me anymore, my best friend said he'd rather be with a guy who he just met... than me. I felt like all the air was being sucked out of the room.

"I- I'm, uh... I'm gonna go to sleep. I'm tired. We can talk about this tomorrow."

I lay down on my side of the bed and took a deep breath, exhaling it as a sigh. I didn't even know how to process it when Jake called me an asshole under his breath.

* * *

When I woke up the next day, Jake was nowhere to be seen, and his pack was completely missing. So he finally left me I thought to myself, sighing and looking about the room like I'd never seen it before. Now what do I do? I considered calling Sophie and talk to her, but it was in the middle of the night there. Plus, I couldn't burden her with all this Jake drama. I knew what I needed, what would help me comprehend all the shit that had happened the past few weeks.

I needed to get laid.

I called up Emilie and the second she knocked on the door, I grabbed her and pulled her inside the small hallway before slamming the door shut. She started to say something but I pressed her against the wall. She moaned and ran her hands up my shirt as I undid her bra. The time we spent undressing one another was short. I threw her to the bed and touched her tenderly as I rolled the condom over my penis.

The love-making was passionate and each of us moaned and groaned with every motion that was made. She got on all fours and I did her doggystyle for a little bit before I turned over on my back and she rode me hard, holding and fondling her tits.

We both climaxed after a little while and lay there, panting from our released pleasure. I was gently kissing her when my phone rang. I looked and saw that it was Jake, but I no longer cared. If he left me, why should I give a fuck?

"I'm really gonna miss you," I said, kissing her chest softly as my paw held hers.

"You don't have to..." she smiled.

"I do though. I have a life back home, friends-"

"Like Jake, who betrayed you?"

I sat up and picked up my pants, pulling them on.

"I... No."

"He left you for my brother."

This conversation was getting really, really weird for me.

"Don't remind me. But he's still my best friend. Maybe one day he'll remember that."

"After all that, you're still loyal to him..." She stood and put on her blouse.

"Well, yeah. He's been my friend forever."

"You are tough to break, Brent."

"I... Wait, what?" I managed.

"I really hoped that it wouldn't come to this, but you leave us no choice."

At that moment, the door burst open and Jake fell to the floor, being kicked along by Jonathan who was holding a pistol.

"What the hell is going on here?" I yelled.

"You didn't tell him?" Jonathan asked Emilie who shook her head. "Then perhaps we let her tell him."

The familiar shape of a panther walked into my room.

"Hello, Brent," Laney said.