I remember the rain(short story)

Story by Luke_Sukronius on SoFurry


I remember the rain the speckeled spots of my pain, I think of how the rain makes me so happy. I feel when it rains I am one with myself and feel my true self. I have never been so fond of a husky that could look so fine and divine yet even though he was sublime he seemed to be a dying angel. I am you but you're not me for you would never feel like you're being stabbed in the stomach every single day all day. A banquet of such pleasentry makes the feas so ill and filled with a plague of greed. Can you ever think of a time you can remember the rain or will it pass you by like a glance,or is this rain converted into a much greater storm, yourself. I am a husky and quite a theive of time and space, it is almost like having an arms race with something that isn't even a threat. A much greater storm I can't seem to stop is myself, but that white spiral staircase I walk up in my dreams just to reach to a red apple and crush it. Destroying temptation dosn't mean it's no longer there, its a mist that lingers within the air just like everything else such as the stench of death and the smell never ends.