The Crystal Chronicle: Chapter 1

Story by Crystal Mendrilia on SoFurry

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#2 of The Crystal Chronicles

*Disclaimer* The contents of this story and characters are owned by me. The characters I have based on real people were done so with their permission. Do not copy, alter or distribute this without my permission. You must be 18 years old or older to view this sort of thing legally. If you are not of age, you must leave now. ALL rights reserved. The actions, locations and/or situations in this story may or may not have actually happened or exist. So, this is not me admitting to having broken the law. ;)

*Author Note:* This story was origionally going to simply be me talking about experiances I've had in my life that others may find quite entertaining and possibly interesting. Also, at my age you find yourself looking too the past and trying to remember things... However, this is a furry based site therefore real life wouldn't be allowed so, I've used my imagination a little bit to make myself and those involved furry. Also I've added a few new characters out of self interest and situations regarding the species in question as well. So, most of my Chronicle is based on real actual experiances while others are based on day dreams and some are a combination of both. I do hope you enjoy this story.

A complaint has reached me about a video game Series called, "Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles." Now do understand, my real name IS "Crystal" spelled C.R.Y.S.T.A.L. and the definition of chronicles is as followes...

chronicle Noun. A historical account of events in the order of time; a history; esp., a simple chronological record.

So if you actually care enough to send complaints too the people of Yiffstar, you're offencive too us real video gamers. I don't really care if it bothers you that I named my Chronicle after MY name.

**IMPORTANT** I am sorry about this story. I feel I have failed you all. In an attempt to make a fun, sexual story with this theme, talking about this part of my life was simply to difficult for me. Despite this, I posted this story because the place you start a story at, is the begining. I promise you all that more sexual and erotic stories will appear. Also, this is mainly the first draft of the story. I, really just want to get this chapter up and finished with so I can start a more fun story. I'm sorry for typo's and poor grammer. This 'is' the first draft pretty much.

Please, PLEASE, give me feedback and let me know what you thought of the story and the change in writting style from the Introduction/pilot episode. If I don't get feedback, I might not write more.

Also, do know that sending me whispers on Furcadia 'is' ok. It doesn't upset me. ^^


Chapter 1 True Sibling Love.

There's a saying we all hear at one point or another in our lives. "Life is harsh! You got to take what you can, when you can get it!" This saying is usually shrugged off as, "It's blunt enough." But lets take a moment and think about this in detail. You got to take what you can, when you can get it. In other words, you have to take whatever you are able to take that would be of self interest or gain, when you can get it without any ramifications or any other sort of punishment. To live by this saying means to be the sort of person who would take "ANYTHING" simply because you can take it and nothing negative will happen. If you find $20 on the ground, take it. Not because you need it, not beause you want to find the owner. Your imediate thought would be, "I can get $20 and nothing bad can happen from it" of course, you wouldn't word it that way. If you can gain without loss, then you will gain it simply for the sake of gaining it.

Such a life style yeilds the sort of person who only cares for themselves. Personally, I believe they don't even make good friends. They're the sort who'd make "Fair weather friends" Or, those who are your friends so long as it's not a burden in the slightest. These people take whatever they can. They'll steal, lie, cheat and so forth as long as they have no chance of being caught. These are the sort of people who populate a portion of those who go around searching for fights to boost their own ego and their own reputation amongst the other like, feeble minded. The easiest way, in Jr. Highschool, to accomplish this is by picking on those who you know will not fight back, or even retort... like my Brother David was, back then.

This was back in 7th grade. Now, 7th grade marked the first year of Jr. Highschool. Now, this coincidence may seem unbelieveable but, I assure you this is true. This marks the year when my Brother first met Narkle. Two guys that were quiet and kept too themselves. Two guys who were video gamers. Two guys who, on the first day of school sat alone, away from people and eachother though near enough that a yard duty, (yeah, "yard duty" is what we called them back then) walked over and forced them to say hello to eachother. Well, they weren't complete strangers givin they hadn't said a word too eachother. Their first 4 classes were together, and as it turns out, their last 2 were as well. In other words, their schedule was identicle. Their interests, being actual video gamers were identicle as well. They loved Anime... natural friends. To this day, they love eachother as best friends should.

My Brother is, well obviously a feline like I am but with Long black hair, usually wears titanium glasses. Same color of fur as I have, red eyes. (Ok, that's just me wanting him to have red eyes because I love that anime Hellsing, so he has red eyes!) He's 5'4" like I am. We're twins mind you ;) anyways, he's not the most muscular guy. Think computer geek but don't go overbored with that train of thought. He can hit hard when in a fight, which he does. I mentioned he's the sort not to start fights, but he's the sort too finish one. Actually, he's never lost a fight at school.

Now, it's not so much that my Brother is that strong, rather he knows 'how' to fight. Personally I'm not trained in swords but today, I'm quite handy with them. My Brother is far more skilled then I am. I do it for fun, he wanted to be sure he knew how to fight. Alas, I am getting ahead of myself. Back then, my brother wasn't using metal weapons yet though he was using Bokken Swords. For those of you who do not know what Bokken Swords are, they're Samurai wooden practice swords. They're, harder then Kendo sticks for those you who are aware of what Kendo sticks are. At this time, my brother was quite handy with them and I was not ignorant with them. All honesty, I was pretty bad with them still but I could fight with them if I had no other choice and best your average adult, if I connected. I did have a strong swing. ;)

So, a quick short story here. My Brother had gotten into a fight with a 9th grader while he was still in 7th grade. The guy gave my brother the first blow, hitting his glasses off across the boys locker room. My Brother was nearly blind now. This 9th grader realized the wind was knocked out of him before he realized that my brother had even began attacking him. As a reflex, he backed up over to the makeshift wall. I say makeshift because it was a weak wall but, strong enough that when my brother kicked some cracks into it that people felt it best to leave my brother alone thereafter. Most of them couldn't accomplish that. Some ignorant guys thought he did a scissor kick. Heh, I don't know the name of the move but it sure wasn't that one. Anyways, this guy my brother just... well bluntly beat no contest was gone before my Brother could even throw a punch after that kick missed him.

I believe you get the idea. So, now to move into a different area of this time. I was a virgin. The reason was I hadn't decided to lose it yet, though at this age... one usually grows somewhat, explorative. I was 14 technically but this tale takes place roughly a couple of months before my brother and I turned 15. Well, back then I was into video games so, we did what any group of video gamers who are obsessed with Role Playing Games that have a Super Nintendo with multiplayer hookup would do back then.

Scene: The living room at our fathers old house. Father was on a fishing/back packing trip which was quite common, so we have our movie/video game sleep over party. Narkle, my Brother, and myself are up late sitting in the living room with our super Nintendo hooked up. My clothes consisted of a long T-shirt, and white panties. Simple. My brother had on a pair of Shorts and a T-shirt as usual and Narkle wore his version of shorts and a T-shirt. We're kids, so we take things a little... too seriously. Do understand, I 'might' have my video game title release dates messed up in this chronicle of mine. I've played too many games to remember all those details perfectly. I couldn't even name half the games I've played.

David: Sprite (me), boulder.

Crystal: "Yes sir!" I say, as I've already pulled up my ring menu, selected gnome, and chose my boulder. The gnome appears, bangs his hands together and a boulder drops on the boss monster we're fighting. Just after the spell hits and the number of damage appears, I've brought the menu back and casted the gnome spell again. Just as its hands connected, the ring menu was brought up once more and I casted the spell again. This was repeated like, four times or so to ensure full damage was caused from each spell though not hitting the 999 max damage in one hit. Once the damage numbers appeared, I repeated this process untill Narkle brought up the ring and pulled a Fairy Walnut and gave me more MP.

The Secret of Mana was a very fun game. My Brother always played the kid with the sword. We called him, *drum roll* David. The Sprite child, with offensive magic was named Sprite and the Princess girl was named Stripe. Yeah, cute I know but it's just how we played the game. Secret of Mana gave way to Street Fighter 2. (Yes, I use Chun Li) Naturally we grew bored of the games at some point... well, not really but we decide to watch a movie or talk. Inevitably, the game we can all relate too rears its head and guides our life forward in ways we'd dare not do for ourselves. It's always easier to do things we'd normally not do when the action is for the pleasures of another person. It justifies us in our minds.

"Truth or Dare?" the words that are said, echo in our minds for the rest of our lives. Sure, we'll go ages without a thought of it but inevitably, something reminds us of what we've done. My Brother was always the gutsy one. "Dare." he says. A grin develops upon my face as I look up at Narkle. I start rocking back and forth on the floor, nervously. "I, dare you..." the pause that everyone has before darring someone to do something sexual at this age. A dare is chosen by those who are not only willing but interested in challenging the social taboos forced upon them. It's usually safe. Once or twice in your life, you break the rules of taboos and are not looked down upon for doing so. You can be a guy, who fucks a dildo and not be looked down upon, because it was the Dare issued too you by another. It's not 'your' fault, right?

"Lick Narkles dick." well, my brother wasn't too pleased with that dare, and Narkle wasn't expecting it. He laughed, the punk! David however, detested taking the defence that it's unfair to put Narkle through that kind of situation when it's not even his turn. "You'd have to dare him too!" David detested. "No way! Guys like having their dicks licked, right?" I said, but honestly, they wouldn't know. "I'm fine with it." Narkle says with a laugh as he starts standing up. David knew he lost and sighs.

My Brother got onto his knees and Narkle pulled his shorts down and let them fall down too his feet. David averted his eyes, "Crystal... This is disgusting!" Narkle, simply started laughing again at this, as did I. "Yeah but you're gonna do it anyways!" heh, now that I think about it, a better reponse would have been 'are you saying Narkles cock is disgusting?' but alas, not the right mind set for that back then. Reluctantly, David leaned forward and opened his mouth giving Narkles cock a single lick. "Not good enough!" I said, of course it wasn't quite understandable. My Brother was to busy dying a most agaonizing death and I was of course, far to busy laughing to say anything comprehendable. Narkle, pulled his pants up and fell back on the couch laughing.

After a while, David challenged me. "Truth or Dare." and as usual, I chose, "Dare." The answer I will never forget giving... ...

School rumors are always blown far out of perportion and the rumors said I sucked a guys dick in the boys bathroom. This wasn't completely true. It wasn't in a bathroom, or at the school. It was a game of Truth or Dare at a friends house. The reason I bring this up is to make it clear that I'm exploring things, though I've never really been penetrated and wasn't any good at sucking cock, yet. I was exploring things. I wasn't a real slut though. Sure, I made out with a few guys, sucked a couple cocks...but not even to orgasm.

To assign a common dare to me like, 'lick his cock' isn't something that's so, darring for me to do. Creativity is one that's needed with me. We were young, and stupid so it's ok that my brother dared this of me. We've all done things young and taken risks. Luckily, most of us get away clean.

There was an elementry school across the street from my house at the time. That school was the famous hang out area... for Highschool students. Basket ball, riding bikes... fun stuff however, at this hour it's too late for such things. Now is the hour where the bad kids hang out. Ya know, druggies, small gangs. Small gangs, the wannabe's. The ones who sit around in groups to boost their own ego's but are too scared to go the full step and join a real gang. The idea of doing the dare my brother is about to assign me, drew major fear within my heart and chest.

After a short while, of sorting out a few things. "I Dare you, to go across the school to the far corner, strip off your clothes and throw them in the trash. Then, walk through the campus back here." Cross a school that we know has people in the nude. I could get caught but at least it wasn't day time. Sure, givin the previous paragraph, this sounds too stupid but remember, back then we did not really realize what sort of people they were. We didn't know how dangerous it was back then. Growing up will distort memories and make you think of yourself smarter in areas because certain things are just to, 'dumb' today. It's often easy to forget, just how much people really do change over the years.

"No, way!" was my response. Narkle, leaned forward. "You gotta do it! You hit your brother quite hard, and now he gets revenge." he smirks. "No! There's people there!" I plea. "That's the idea. You 'might' get caught so you'd better be careful." David retorts. "David!" I plea desperately now. Narkle leans back and turns towards David. It's up to him too really decide. My Brother fell silent for a moment and started thinking. His tail swayed back and forth thoughtfully for a moment. The silence was almost more then I could bare. My heart was pounding, desperate to break out of my chest. My stomach was so tight, the idea of creating stomach acid was foreign. My throat was clogged with a kind of ball, stringy with a gooy substance I cannot compare anything to. My brain was even throbbing.

"I'm not pulling out. You're doing it!" ... After a moment of Angered refusal, my Brother brought me an old shirt of his that he wouldn't mind being thrown away. Taking the shirt, I went too my room to change. The shirt was one of those big shirts kept for the sake of painting. It's something Father always pushed us to do I suppose. I was a little scared in my room, the temptation to lock the door and hide in there the rest of the night crossed my mind but, to actually accomplish such a drastic Dare... to step above the fear and the taboo and prove that I am more then your average girl. I finished changing into the gray shirt with trembling hands. A deep sigh, and I took off my glasses. Yeah, I wore glasses back then but did have contacts. I put those in and opened the door.

They were both standing at the doorway and started whisteling at me. The shirt wasn't exactly big enough to go down too my knees. I gave a grr, my tail stiffed, my ears pointed behind me and my hands fisted. "You two are dead!" A quick moment of thwarting off my attack, we all got up from the floor laughing. It helped calm my nerves laughing but shortly, they'd lead me too the front door. That's when my heart would begin pounding again. They'd open the door, and lead me outside, across the street, too the entrance of the school. This is about where I begin shaking but not from the cold. It was cold. The punks didn't even let me wear shoes!

Standing at the entrance through the fence that was always open 24/7 since there was no gate or latch present, I looked ahead and saw what I had to cross. I stood at the end of the sidewalk which gave way to grass. I'd have to cross the baseball diamond and a big field of grass. After that was the maze of buildings. I say maze, it's obviously not a real maze but it can be if you have to keep turning back and work your way around obsticles when you're walking through a school that has people in it naked.

Thinking here, the hardest part would probably be crossing the field. There really isn't much of anything to hide behind. Dive to the ground and hope I'm not seen. The buildings, I'd have to walk slowly and quietly. Mustn't draw attention to myself or the people who hang out there might hear. Of course, they may not even be there tonight... The playground is the most common hang out spot, to play it safe I should avoid it. If I were to cut through the basket ball courts, I'd be taking the long way around but at this hour, they'd certainly be empty. This is where my their voices enter my mind. "Cmon Crystal!" David says giving a gentle shrug at my back. "Pssh, fine." He looked at Narkle and then too David. "Goodluck." Narkle said. I thanked him. Narkle was more worried about me then my brother was, at least it seemed such...

They left back for the house and I started my long tread, to the other side of the school... That first step is always the hardest. The grass pressing against my bare foot with every step, a constant reminder of just how bare I am, which makes one thing about how bare one is about to be. Gosh the fear. I'm going to try not to dwell on the fear aspect so much as the fear will exist, non stop throughout the rest of this tale pretty much.

I crossed the grass and entered the building area. I chose to take the route through the Basket ball courts. Safer sure but when I got there, I leaped back behind the corner of the building I just turned around. There were people at the courts at this hour, though they weren't playing. Just hanging around. Trembling, I turned around and decided to attempt going through the buildings. I knew my way around quite decently due to playing here al the time so did make good time. No wrong directions but I did move slowly out of fear of other groups of people hanging out here. Every turn I made was done with a low glance, with a place to run over too and hide should the need arise. A temporary back up plan should someone be coming. Luckily, nothing.

I saw my target, the trash can at the corner are of the campus. The one I was required to drop my only protection at. "Oh thank God!" I thought too myself. I was in a near panic but still focused enough. I looked too my left in the darkness, nothing. Looked right, nothing. No movement in either direction. 'This is my chance!' I panically looked side too side, shaking slightly trying to start running. After gathering the strength, I finally bolted for it.

My tail swayed a little bit, helping me keep balance. My ears, up and aware, listening intently. My back, hunched over slightly as I run quickly but quietly. Upon reaching the trash can, I quickly take off my shirt, stuff it inside and make sure it falls inside, then ran back too the building for at least some protection. My heart was beyond pounding now and I leaned against the building. It was made of a real big stone/brick material. It felt very cold to the touch. My tail was strengthless against the ground behind me. My breast were small obviously due to age and covered by my chest fur, though they were developing. My fur was actually overall thicker relative to my body back then. Today I keep my fur a little more trimmed for sexual interest but, this story is about the past.

I don't know how many of you, have sat in the middle of a dark, cold place at night, knowing other people are present and could be lurking anywhere, while you sit quietly at night, with your clothes unaccessable and gone. The fear starts striking you at how vulnerable you really are. The fear threatens you in many ways, too the point you must concentrate to summon the strength to straighten your trembling legs so you can walk again. If you have never been naked in public before, and doubt the severity of what I say, then by all means challenge me. Go to a big elementry school, enter through the fence on one side, cross it in nothing but a long shirt, throw the shirt away in the trash on the opposite side, then cross the school completely nude. Even if there aren't people there, even if you KNOW there aren't, you'll still have the fear. You can never truely be certain afterall.

I crossed the school slowly and carefully with nothing drastic really happening. I chose to go by route of the play ground. Afterall, so many turns and blind spots was not preferable. The basket ball courts were a no, since people were there already. The playground route offered me the ability to run into the buildings area while having a good view of my surroundings. Well, as good as could be. It was night time, and the lights were off. Almost full moon sure but people at the surrounding houses couldn't see me.

I worked my way around the campus untill I made it too the play ground. Though nothing eventful had happened on my way there, something did happen when I got there. I ducked down back behind one of those 'portables' or those makeshift temporary building classrooms. This was either a new group or an old group of furries but regardless, this 'is' a group of guys, sitting all over the playground enjoying themselves. They weren't loud though otherwise I'd have heard them. I sat there, naked, hidden barely by a building. I then realized there was one guy who was facing my direction but his head was lowered. 'Shit!' I thought too myself, a wave of panic threatening to best me but failed. Slowly, I kept my tail lowered and started back tracking. I didn't go to far though. I couldn't remain on the side of the buildings or I'd be noticed. At this hour, I'm sure they'd want to know who'd be lurking about at this hour. So, I turned around the makeshift building.

For a moment, I tried collecting my breathe. Now what... if I go back the way I came, I'll risk being caught. If I turn left, I can get myself hidden within the buildings easily enough but, looking too my left at the route I'd have to take... It seemed hopeless. I would have to hide behind some bushes and crawl away. Of course, the broken leaves on the ground would surely make too much noise, they'd catch me. I can try to work my way around the bushes to avoid the noise, but that'd keep nothing between me and their line of sight. The only camoflauge offered too me would be the darkness. That's hardly comforting. I cannot work my way up onto the roof of the buildings, I'm a terrible climber. Perhaps, I can wait untill they leave? ... That just might be the best approach. Hopfully they won't come back this way.

That was the choice I made. Wait untill they leave, but I wasn't going to just sit there all night. I'd keep taking glances around the classroom, hoping they would move around and give me the chance to backtrack the way I came. You can imagine the fear I had, sitting there all night. Every breathe I took was an eternity. I did feel warm inside knowing i was lucky enough to not have been caught on my approach, but how long would my luck have lasted. I glanced, not enough of a change to make it back safely. 'shit! shit! shit!' echoed in my mind.

At last, they started to up and leave. Good. No, wait... they were heading this way. They wanted to leave through the main entrance of the school, which was straight in the direction I approached from. Luckily for me, they've taken too one side. I quickly got on my feet and worked my way around the opposite side. I was going to go around the building on the other side as they went around. Stay out of their line of sight right? Little did I know, a couple of the guys were heading out the way I entered the school to their homes. Blast my young mind for not thinking of all possibilities.

"Holy Shit! Do you see this?" This is the sort of situation where you forget to breathe, you forget to even have your heart beat. When all the fur on your body and your hair stand on end. When your tail straightens and your ears tense. His voice was quite loud and thus the other three that had gone in the other direction had turned around, just in time for me to panically run with a yelp. I ran as hard as I can but I was simply to young and too small to outrun sportsmen. The one who spotted me, ran after me first and tackled me to the ground. I did struggle, I tried kicking but in the end, I stood no chance. He happened to be a wrestler. Despite the fact I was pinned, I still struggled to no avail. The biggest one had taken his shirt off, rolled it up and prevented me from speaking further with it. Laying on my stomach now, he used the shirt and pulled my head up ordering me to calm down or he'll pull harder and harder. This hurts guys.

With tears forming in my eyes, I stopped struggling. There were five guys. Over the years, ones own history gets distorted and the names of these, pigs were never known to me. I therefore have taken a guess at things. It was obvious one was older then the others and in Highschool so, I name this 18 year old Rat furry with white and brown spotted fur Zargon Bla'stim. One of them was obviously a friend of his, I name this 17 year old feline with black fur Aberdene Cander. The other furry with him will be 16 orange furred feline. The one who tackled me, feline with brown fur, age 16 I name Mandrake Junis. The last furry was his brother. Age, 14 feline with brown fur as well but with a few black spots, Sander Junis.

I was going to go into more detail on these guys but I simply do not wish too.

Zargon explained to me that if I scream, struggle or try to run they will beat me up. Nodding I understood, he removed his shirt, thank god! It tasted like sweat! They let me free but had surrounded me. I covered myself as they looked at eachother and at me. I was terrified...

"What's your name?" Zargon asked. I said nothing.

"I think that's Crystal, Crystal Mendrilia." Sander said. "Rumor says she sucks cock in the school bathrooms."

A circle of "Woah!'s" and whistles and the sort followed. Mandrake was the first to really speak, "So we got a slut here?" I was shocked and scared obviously but when they said I was a slut I detested. "No! I'm not a slut! and, I never did that in the bathrooms! Please, let me go!" ...

Needless to say, they not only refused to let me go, they stripped their pants off and forced me onto my back and pinned my arms and legs. Despite my desperate pleas to leave me alone, they mattered little to deaf ears. Zargon explained that if I were to go to the police over this, there'd be no way to explaine what I was doing, walking around naked in the school at night and approaching them. The law would say I was asking for it... I believed him back then. It all made sense!

I was lucky in a sense, that these guys weren't ignorant about sex. Zargon insisted that we got me lubricated first. They were sucking my nipples, caressing my trembling and paniced body, toying with me...

I was raped. There's no colorful way to put this and no fun and entertaining way to discuss my own rape. Zargon fucked me. He fucked me hard, so hard they put that shirt back in my mouth because I couldn't contain myself from the screams of pain. He was heartless about it! Sure, he helped lubrication but the asshole stuffed his cock all the way into me! Aberdene had a fetish for tailholes and pulling my tail against him as he thrusted forward into my tailhole wasn't the right approach to make sure I wasn't in pain! Mandrake forced me too deepthroat his cock. You guys have no idea what that really entails! You are forcing our hairsupply to be completely blocked. We can't inhale, we can't exhale. We can't even use our noses!

Blood and cum was dripping out of my pussy. Cum was being tasted for the first time in my mouth and my asshole felt warmth inside that did not belong. ...excuse me a moment...


Sander, the younger brother was the only one who was gentle with me. My eyes were cold, dry and yet the salty water that had long run dry within me still seemed fresh upon my face. He decided I'd be laid down on my back and he'd take me the old fasioned way. He was a virgin apparently but wasn't so prude as to get turned off by the fact three guys have cum inside of me already. For a moment, I felt at least a little calmer. Not everyone here was truely evil, just miss guided. Sure, that's not how I thought of it at the time. I felt at least this one was softer and I could recover a little bit. You guys don't understand what you do to us when you stick your cocks in our asses. We'll feel that for days. Go buy a dildo and fuck yourself with it and you'll understand. When Sander came inside of me, he dismounted. I lay there, barely holding onto my own reason. Too much, far too much. I've long lost full concentration. Even when I thought I would get to recover a little bit, that's just what I think was in my head. I'm not sure exactly when I started losing my reason but I was quite dazed by now. So dazed, I barely comprehended what happened next.

Clafford never got a chance to take me.

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The felines pacing suddenly came to a halt. "I can't take it anymore! She's been gone too long! Go and too see if you can find her, I'll grab my sword!" David said running to our house. Now, when he said sword he was not refering to a bokken sword this time. He had a couple samurai style swords on display in his room. Now most of you likely have no seen a real sword and trust me. These were not sharpened but that's enough to kill someone.

Narkle ran towards the school as soon as my Brother finished speaking. "Yes!" His ears up and alert, Narkle was fast. Well, he's quite lazy sure but when something important is at stake, he can make a lot of haste. He is a Hare afterall. The cold air was making his breathe fog but the cold bothered him little. He tried the buildings first since I was scene going that way on my way in.

Well, eventually Narkle found me while Mandrake was fucking me in a doggystyle position. ... Narkle wasn't pleased with the sight but knew there was nothing he could do by himself so he ran away as quickly and quietly as he could to seek out my Brother. He found my brother and they came running towards me as fast as they could. Narkle lead the way and my brother tossed him the sheathe for his sword. "Save her! I'll take care of them." with that Davids mouth dropped open when he saw what Narkle told him of with his own eyes.

"CRYSTAAALLL!!!!" David yelled in a moment of agonizing horror. The pigs leapt to attention, scared shitless and saw my Brother running forward with a sword raised in a ready position would scare most anyone. It appears he knows what he's doing with it.

"Shit! Bail!" Zargon yelled and they all bolted, grabbing their pants and running with them in hand. David came to a stop by me and stabbed the sword into the grass. "Oh my God Crystal!" He collapsed to his knees and grabbed me, bringing me into his arms tightly. Narkle did not know what to do. Tears were in his eyes as well but not to the degree of my brother. Davids turned and looks towards the direction they ran away with getting tenser. This was when I summoned the strength to move my arms and wrap them around him. I was starting to cry into his shoulder.

Narkle looked around and was the first to realize they really gotta get out of here in case they return. Of course they didn't but we didn't know that at the time. "We gotta go! Now!" David looked up at Narkle and then nodded, starting to help me stand up again. Narkle grabbed the sword out of the ground and resheathed it, then quickly helped me walk along with my brother.

I couldn't make the tread back and without hesitation, had Narkle assist in getting me onto his back. There was cum oozing out onto his but David didn't care. The tears running from my eyes down onto his shoulder. His eyes were flowing and he was speaking. I had difficulty distinguishing it at the time but he was apologizing in a kind of panic, as though he thought I'd never love him again because of this.

... To this day, my brother hasn't completely forgivin himself, even though I've forgivin him. It isnt like he intended this to happen, it isn't like I really 'had' to do the dare anyways. *sighs* Well, I'm not going to sit here and justify the defence of my beloved Brother. If you all have a problem with him, then I care not what you think. You know nothing. That was YEARS ago. Time changes many things.

Look at it this way. My brother, self proud and self sustaining was brought to his knees helplessly at the sight of the pain I was in. It's been a very long time since then and he still dwells on it inside. To have played part in the foundations of such an outcome has weighed heavily upon him. I Loved my Brother then, and today I Love my Brother the same. I truely Love my Brother.

"This is one of the few, if not the only time I will ever write a part in my sisters story.

I stood there, with Narkle watching my sister walk into the school that night. She was out of earshot after a while and I leaned over to Narkle. I questioned if we should stop her since my stomach was more then simply in knots. It didn't take long after she disapeared from our view that I was pacing back and forth. With everybreathe, my heart skipped a beat. We had to keep telling me what everyone always says in situations where you're worried about your loved ones. "Everything will be ok. Nothing will actually happen. You're just worried." Well, sometimes that isn't the case. Though my beloved sister has forgivin me, I can only move on. .

I Love Crystal, and I would lay my life for her, and I will defend her untill death do us part."

David Mendrilia

True Sibling Love, is something my sister and I share. We don't fight, we don't dislike eachother in any aspect. I Love literally everything about my sister. And I Love literally everything about my Brother. Please, do not bother me with sympathy for the fact I was raped. I, know. It was a very long time ago and though I've moved on so much, one can never truely forget. Please, though I appreciate the thought, do not message me sympathy for having been raped. I'd rather just end this story now so I can move onto better times. Today, I love a group of guys taking me roughly and however they wish too, in public or not but, I can never do this at that elementry school anymore. Thankfully David and I moved away from there into our own place.

The End



It's important that I get 'some' feedback otherwise I'll have too low Morale to bother sharring my life with people. I am a busy girl as my storries suggest. If my time isn't being appreciated, then I'll spend the time I dedicate here on other interests.

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