Becoming Tundra***Chapters 1 and 2

Story by RubberFins on SoFurry

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#1 of Becoming Tundra

Slowly the darkness is faded by a faint glow at the end of the hall. The stone walls echo as you make your way towards the light. Upon entering the room, you are flooded by an array of torches. They line the walls of the stone throne-room. Hieroglyphics cover the walls and columns.

At the far end, and empty throne made entirely of stone and seated with a red velvet cushion. To the right of the chair, a stationary figure; Sitting on his foot paws, the husky stares at you with his deep, sapphire eyes. His body is very well formed, his gray and white fur has a slight shimmer as the candle light flickers. Fastened around his neck is an aqua-blue collar affixed is a gold tag in the shape of a dog bone that reflects the light. Also attached to the collar is a silver chained leash. It drapes over the arm of the throne as if it had been recently used.

Finally, his majestic body is wrapped in a blue harness that is normally seen on sled dogs. As you continue to approach, his ears perk and then he stands. The strong arms, protruding pecs, well defined six-pack, powerful legs, and large foot paws. All of his claws look razor sharp. His right arm extends outward and points to a wooden chair that is about five feet from the throne. You dare not defy him, and willingly sit down. A few moments pass in silence as he looks you over.

He opens his maw to speak, and his words are soft but his body hides this, "Master is away on business. He will return as soon as possible. I have been charged with telling you a tale as we wait for him."

You nod, not knowing what is in store for you. The husky steps up so that the claws on his foot paws are barely touching yours. On his tag you can read "Tundra".

"I have just one story to tell. I am going to show you how I became the pet, servant and love of my master." he shows a sign of happiness in his eyes as he says this.

The husky then grabs your shoulders. It is a very strong grip, but he is sure to not dig his claws in. You begin to feel light headed and then black out. For what only feels like a few minutes, you wake back up and find yourself no longer in the temple.


You are standing in a brightly lit park. The breeze gently blows through the trees. The sounds of laughter fill your ears. Without any control of your body, your view pans to the left, and sitting under a tree is a group of furs. A small raccoon was laughing at a joke that was said by a larger brown horse. Also sitting was an otter, fox, and small husky. Silence then fell among them as the joke slowly died. The five males just seemed to be enjoying each other's company on this fine day. It wasn't much longer until the horse and raccoon said their goodbyes and headed towards a subdivision. The remaining three decided to follow suit, and they each got up and headed in the direction of his home.

The husky walks for about fifteen minutes, his bushy tail hanging out of his jeans. It was too warm for him to wear a shirt. He is very skinny with little muscle. His foot paws padded through the grass and across the concrete sidewalk. He then walked up to the door of a blue house. It was that of a typical suburb. He opened the door, and his spirits immediately fell as he heard the yelling of his parents. Closing the door behind him, he didn't even bother to see what the argument was about as he made his way down towards his bedroom. He closed the door and turned on the radio. His room was small, but it was his favorite place to retreat to.


The image of him getting ready for bed fades and you find yourself back in the temple. The husky lets go of your shoulders and takes a few steps back.

"That was me at nineteen. It was a weekend, so I was not in school. Most of my days consisted of me going home after school and ignoring the yelling. It wasn't every day, but enough to make it seem so...

He steps back towards you and grabs your shoulders again.


The image switches to him standing outside a different house in a different part of town. He has a suitcase on either side of him and a bag on his back. His tail is very unkempt and looks as if it had been grabbed forcefully several times. The back of his jeans had a small rip in the left leg. His right eye was slightly swollen and there was some dried blood on his maw. The door slowly opened and the raccoon was standing in the doorway with the perfect expression of shock.

"S...Snow...what happened?" the raccoon asked as he stepped out onto the porch.

Snow's eyes began to water, "I...I got in a fight with my dad. He...he..." The husky couldn't continue as he fell into the raccoon's shoulder and cried uncontrollably.

Bandit, the raccoon, wrapped his arms around the pup and gently rubbed his back. Having known Snow for a long time, Bandit's parents came out and helped bring in Snow's things as Bandit led him to the couch. It took about fifteen minutes and a bowl of warm soup to calm the husky down. The father had called Snow's house and found out what had happened from his mother.

He came back into the living room and sat in a chair across from Snow and Bandit, "I just got off the phone with your mother, and we both agree that it would be best if you stayed here for a little while."

Snow nodded, and Bandit gave a large grin, "Well, now I'll have a roommate."

Snow and Bandit took his things up to the raccoon's room. They laid a sleeping bag out on the floor because Bandit had a small bed. They cleared out a corner of the room so that the husky could have a place for his clothes. Afterwards, they both got ready for bed.

Snow let Bandit have the bathroom first.

As the pup took off his clothes, he began reflecting on the events from earlier.

"What an ass. I just told him the truth." he said quietly as he dropped his pants. "Fuckin' jerk..." he cursed as he threw his shirt down on his pants. Now just in his boxers, Snow knocked on the bathroom door, "Hey, you almost done in there?"

"Yeah, just a second," Bandit called back to him.

The toilet flushed and then Bandit opened the door. He was a little shocked to see the husky in just his boxers and it kind of excited him. He had never told Snow about his secret, but was going to be polite after the pup had a very rough night. He just smiled as he walked around the husky and then began to take his clothes off.

Snow walked into the bathroom and shut the door. He stood in front of the mirror as he used some water to get the dried blood out of the fur on his maw. Then grabbing his toothbrush, he vigorously cleaned his teeth.

Afterwards, he went to the toilet and lifted the seat. Pulling down his boxers, he grabbed his sheath and pointed it towards the water. He let out his stream as the thoughts of the day continued to float through his mind. As it played, he then realized that Bandit was checking him out. Both shock and giddiness passed through him.

After a minute, he pulled up his boxers and flushed the toilet. He opened the door and turned off the light. Bandit was in his boxers as well, just sitting on his bed.

He smiled at Snow, "Ready for bed?"

Snow nodded as he reached for the light and turned it off. The moonlight was enough for him to find his bag and then crawled in. He stuffed his head in the pillow and hoped that sleep would come quickly to him, but Bandit had other plans.

"I know that you're still upset, but can you tell me why you two fought?" He looked over the side of the bed at the pup whose head was lit by the moon.

"It was over something stupid, but I really don't want to talk about it," he rolled over so that his back was to the bed.

"Please. We've been friends for almost ten years. I just want to know so that I can help..." Bandit pleaded.

Snow's eyes began to water and his heart was beating fast. Was this the time to finally come out with it? He gave a heavy sigh and then turned towards the raccoon, "I...I told him...that I'm gay." He paused as he waited for the rejection to come. His heart beat quickly as he waited for a response. This moment of silence was probably the most awkward that the pup had ever been in.

Bandit smiled and then let out a similar sigh, "'re not alone."

Bandit got out of the bed and turned on the light. He then went back and sat on the edge with his foot paws firmly on the carpeted floor. Snow turned over to face his friend and was greeted by a warm smile. He forced a smile back.

"I told my parents and they freaked out a little, but then things mellowed out. If you want, I can help you through this." Bandit said in a friendly, caring voice.

Snow gave a real smile his time, "Thanks. I just wish it wasn't so hard."

Bandit jumped off the bed and went to his closet. He shuffled through a few things and then threw a necklace at Snow. The pup sat up and grabbed it. It was a simple string with beads in a rainbow arrangement.

"If you want, you can wear that. It helped me come to terms with it," Bandit said as he closed the closet door and went back to sitting on his bed.

Snow looked up at him, "Thanks."

He unfastened the back and then put it around his neck. He got up and walked over to the mirror and looked at himself. Even though it looked kind of weird, it felt right to him. He smiled as he played with the beads in his paw and let them fall back on his collar bone.

He turned towards Bandit and had a big smile on his maw. Bandit smiled back and then got off the bed and gave the pup a very tight hug. Snow was a little shocked at how fast this was, but then he wrapped his arms around his best friend and hugged him back...


This scene fades as you find yourself in the temple yet again. This time, Tundra had watery eyes as he quickly turned to go back towards his place next to the throne. He sat down and looked as if he was in deep thought. The pup took in a deep breath and then got up again. Making his way towards a wooden shelf that was on the left side of the room, he reached up to the top shelf and pulled down the rainbow-beaded necklace. He fastened it around his neck and he seemed to recover a little.