High Tail High, Chapter 1: New Beginnings

Story by CamoFerret on SoFurry

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High Tail High Chapter One: New Beginnings

  • * * Love is often one of the strangest things in life. It can be found with friends, amongst family or with your own neighbor. Alleyways, bars and even bathroom stalls hold their secrets in many...differant ways. Tales untold and reasons dug up from their surfaces to find the truth on how love works, only to find it once more unexplainable. Yet another story spun about hidden-away things that give comfort to us all. Secrets and lies to keep that feeling; the feeling of security. Sanctuary and shelter from all that hurts us. But, as the world turns, nothing can shelter us from the pains and sufferings of it...for long, at least. Let each and every glimmer of hope ride as long as you can, because the bad will come with the good... "I'm sure it'll be a hard week for you, but you can get over this...right Mike?" The female wolf asked to her husband, who currently wasn't having the skip-happiest day of his life. Just this morning, David's life changed on him. His father, the grumpy, coffee-stained jeaned wolf driving the cramped yet comfortable car, had moved them from his home and friends. But more importantly the only friends a ferret like him could have, it hurt him alot. Since then, he had his arms crossed and was virtually silent the entire trip. He did, however, find it funny to see his adoptive father spill his french espresso all over his new $20 jeans. "Yeah yeah, I'm sure he'll to great at...what's the place called?" "Oh, High Tail High hun." "High...what?" "Tail High." "What, it sum' kinda' sex scho-" "MICHAEL!" The car then almost jerked to the left, almost veering off the semi-secluded and deserted countryside road at the roar of the female. She was, somewhat, of a nag. The shrill voice at least continued to keep the father in line, as well as their adoptive son. Yeah...adoptive. Doesn't that beat all? His family died just when he was two, so he got stuck with the...couple? Hard to tell when the girl acts like a guy and the guy shuts his muzzle like hell might explode out of it someday. David can handle it...just a few more years. "Ah...there we go. Turn left, Mike." "I know what to do, Burda." The female wolf smiled and leaned over, giving the gruffer wolf a kiss on the lips. "I love it when your all...like this." "Pissy?" "David! Don't say that word!" "But...he is..." "You know, the kid's got a point hun." The kid. Another great title for the ferret. Numorous others came like slugger, he once knocked out a massive head-sized dent with his baseball club, and Bobbi...where the hell he got that Dave would never know either. He heard, just once, that the couple had a son that died of an illness when he was ten. But that's just what he heard. David shrugged a little and pulled out his Mp3, turning it on. The last few sounds he would hear was the couple arguing about what the town's name was called. The car's brakes gently slid to a stop, using just enough force to pull the ferret from his sleep. Burda turned around and mouthed something, "...ere." "Hmm?" David asked, streaching his arms and making them pop. Each one made the wolf flinch. "I said, 'we're here'." As she had said, they were indeed there. Mike, the graying wolf, had already started helping the lean tiger men pack their furniture into the semi-large abode. From David's angle, he saw two floors and a decent-sized garage. Possibly for Burda who constantly -nagged- at Mike for a car so she wouldn't have to take taxi. It would soon become anothe reason why they 'just had to get out of Dorton City, just had too'. A palplable sigh came out of David while he climbed out of the car. Most of his Mp3 died out while he napped, so he decided to turn it off for now. The ferret was a lean 125 pounds, 6 feet even. He mostly wore shorts when it was very spring/summer heated and a simple short sleeved shirt. Whatever worked, as he would say sometimes. But what he'll always miss is his friends, back in Dorton. Now he had to adjust to THIS rathole, excuse the pun for those furries out there with rodent ancestory. Another groan, and he helped his 'father' take the furniture and let the tigers have their brake. It was another half hour before David and Mike finally pushed the last frilly window cover into the house and collapse onto the polished lemon-scented floor. It felt like his arms were going to burst out of their sockets...which would be an improvement in other area. After a gruntling sigh, the old wolf slacked down on the sofa, giving up on moving another inch. David was going to do just the same, but he could already see his pile of boxes off to the side. After an hour of moving his heavy junk [why do I always have the biggest shit?] upstairs, David started to assemble what his mediumly-sized room could afford in space. He already was making plans on where his two-person bed would be placed and how his TV would be near it. Being the video-game nerd he grew up to be, the ferret became somewhat of a pudge. He liked to be called 'plush', as it was a softer meaning for lard-ass as Shin would call him. It just brought more painful memories of how he won't see any of them again. David would suspect that he might never get over his lonelyness until he could find [just one, oh god please, just one] friend. That was when his mom called for dinner late that night. David was somewhat of a picky eater, known as he only ate what could satisfy his insasiable appitite. Tonight's special was a classic; Mac & Cheese with hot dogs. Even his father wouldn't be displeased with how little effort Burda had to go through to make it. As he picked and pattered about how he wanted his room to be, Burda placed the plates down in front of them. Both men started to growl and snort through the meal as if it were their last before placing the dishes away in the sink. After dinner, a simple time to re-adjust the newly moved furniture in and assemble the beds. This was the part that made David dread how difficult it was to move a matress into one room and let it stay there without bumping or scratching the walls. "Ah, quit your whining Dave." Mike would grumble, "It's not like your gonna die!" Hours passed, most used to shift all the brown boxes back into place. For fun [or out of pure, consintrate boredom], David read the company logos on the sides of the boxes. Nothing fancy, most name-brand products and nothing more. It was finally 9 P.M., which ment he had to pack it up [excuse the wordplay], and go to bed. His bus would arrive at seven in the morning to take him to his next new hellhole on earth, another highschool. But this time without any friends. [Another dark, lonely thought again Davy? So unlike you. How about you just break open your tampons and cry a lil?] The alarm clock woke him from sleep, another groggy morning. Damn thing could make any furry deaf to be honest, and it's not the most pleasureable sound. As David began his thought of how to convert an annoying gameshow buzzer called an 'alarm clock' to something much nicer, he started to climb out of bed and ready his day with the routine shower. Just because it's his first day going to school doesn't mean he should go around smelling like the other guys. The icy water spurted against the walls and floor of the bathtub below before finally studdering to a nice warmth he could enjoy. David smiled and stripped down to his bare self before kicking the clothes off to their own side and stepping into the shower. His paws were able to grasp the soap and hold onto it long enough to get both front and back sides. It was only then that it failed to help out by slipping out of his grasp and onto the floor with a dishonorable 'thunk'. "Ph...ass." He would grumble to the soap, washing his short light fur in the sudsy water. He wasn't the most fit, in fact he could tell already that he was going to be picked on for his plush-side. But he hoped that, in the event that there is indeed mercy on earth, he could find [just one, please oh please god] a friend. Just under twenty minutes, the light-furred ferret had showered and readied himself for the oncoming day. David wore his normal short khaki cargos, very comfortable and somewhat normal at least. A plain white and red shirt that had a logo even he couldn't understand, and some new nike shoes. Nothing too over the top, he hoped, otherwise stick him with a fork and call him boned. A bright smile gleamed on his face, today could be the next biggest thing to a re-do of his highschool career. He might even become a popular if he got over his damn shyness. Glancing quickly over at his clock, he realised he would skip breakfast and wait a few minutes to listen to his mp3 before getting on the bus. Before his mom and dad could even start to complain about how he skipped breakfast, he was outside and tapping to the beats pounding at his ears. The yellow bus stopped just a few houses down, the ferret could already see an almost-full capasity of the furs bouncing around inside like it was a romper room. A cold, shallow pit sunk deep in his chest as it neared, his backpack just under shivvering as he pulled the mp3 into his front coat pocket. With a deep sigh, he let it all go and waited until the bus came to a complete stop in front of him. Both doors swung open, letting a roar of the men and women furs inside howl out onto him. Taking a hesitant step was easy, but each one seemed to slow down as his heart raced on fire. Soon, he stood in front of a near-full bus of strangers. Many of them were common races, wolves and lions. But a few rare ones, such as an eagle in the back wearing a jersy. His blue-green eyes were instently attracted to an open seat, one where he could just be himself and not ask for one from a fur or scale. To most of his surprise, nobody really talked to him at all. Some motioned to the new furson stop but otherwise he was a ghost, which he all really didn't mind. The outside scenery blurred yellow-and-green as he awaited what seemed like a life-sentence trial's worth of time just getting to the high school itself. Not to mention a early-morning migrane that would start to seed into his mind from the chattery girls behind him talking about how their hometeam lost the last game, and how tragic it would be to be with their boyfriend if they loose again. "Snobs like you are something that could have at least stayed back in that town..." He thought, but seeing the faces of a few other furries nearby, couldn't help but think they too were not so into the girls as much as he was himself. The bus driver, Bill-E Goat, had to scream at the back of the bus just to make sure they were paying attention before even getting lectured. It was then, on the horizon, he could see the mass of building that would become known to this fur as a life-changing place. One filled with many friendships, hardships, loss and gain... ~Author Note~ I'm sorry to say those, if any, who have read my other series called "Two Wrongs Making Right" will have to wait a bit for my block to get over. Hopefully this new series will spark with the old and I will return to trying what I can. Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I try making, and stay reading for the -hopefully better- plot to kick in! Any suggestions is always a plus. As for comedy, I try to sneek a little bit of humor to at least keep you entertained, but it's hard seeing as it's rare to make anyone laugh at what you read. Heh, all and all I just want to add a little bit of me in everything along with good friends. Hopefully this tradition of adding a little note will help me become better and help YOU help me help you...if that makes sence. *Smirks* XOXO ~ Breeze