Reach for the blue sky - The Black Moon Scepter

Story by shadow_senta on SoFurry

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This is Part two of Reach for the blue sky. I hope you guys like this. I'm gonna start working on part three

After a few days after they left the village, the group finally made it to a new town. The sign said Dark Moon. They walked into the town and found themselves a place to sleep for the night.

"Hey Shadow are you gonna cook again or are we going to get some real food?" Mina said sarcastically

"Your lucky your ankle is still messed up or I would show you what I could really do."

"Yeah right, you would would have been shredded to pieces if I didn't save you."

"Hey you two, calm down. I don't want to be one less worker by the end if this trip." Nova said while unpacking his bag. "Now tonight I'll treat us to some food, you can take a rest tonight Shadow." Said Nova while sifting through his bag.

"Alright, so where are we gonna eat?"

"Well how about Kurenu's?"

The group was surprised and a bit confused at the person who suggested the place but Nova knew that voice anywhere. He turns to the door and sees a velvet red fox standing in the doorway.

"Kara!" Nova said with a smile on his face.

"I was wondering when I would see you again Nova."

"Well it has been along time and I really didn't have any time to write you any letters."

"Well you should have made time, also I didn't forget about the deal we made the last time you were here."

"Deal? What deal

"Oh so you forgot, I figured. You said if I helped you escape that you would buy me lunch the next time you were in town.

"Oh... Damn it... Well a deals is a deal..."

" And Kurenu's is the perfect place."

"You always choose there. Plus I have people with me this time."

"They can come to, I don't mind."

"What is Kurenu's?" Shadow asked with a questioned look.

"It's a restaurant with umm.... Interesting tastes..."

Later that day Nova, Kara, Mina, and Shadow went to the restaurant. But when Nova said they had interesting tastes he really ment it... Kurenu is a restaurant that sells Demons cooked as the food. Shadow was appalled at this. Just the thought of people cutting up and cooking demons was sickening.

"What the hell is this?! They're cooking demons!" Shadow said furious at the menu they had been given.

"Well of course, some of the best meat in Necrea." Kara said smiling.

"This place is sick, who would eat a demon? We're just like everyone else."

"Just calm down, how about you get a salad? That doesn't have demon in it." Said Nova trying to calm Shadow down.

"Fine..... What the hell! The salads cost more than the actual food!"

"Yeah, but they're really good."

"You know.... I'm going back to the room, I'll cook something up."

"Aw c'mon Shadow, I'm paying. Just calm down and get anything you want." Said Nova.

"Sorry... But I just can't be here... See you guys back at the room."

"Aw, c'mon Shadow, who's gonna help me back to the room if you're not with me?" Mina said sadly.

"Nova can help you."

"Sorry but I have to help Kara to her place after we eat."

"Damn it.... Looks like I have no choice."

"You'll like it, trust me." Kara said while smiling

So after the group made their orders, they started up some uneasy conversations.

"So Shadow, what kind of demon are you?" Kara said while devouring her meal.

"A demon from the shadow plane."

"So you're not from here? When did you move here?"

"When I was 2."

"So you were young. How was the trip?"

"How am I supposed to know? I was two.

"Hey calm down, I was just curios."

"What about you? Where are you from?"

"Shadow please don't go into that..."

"I don't mind nova. I'm and orphan, my foster parents were killed three times. Then I was thrown on the street. I lived by myself and did unspeakable things to get money. I killed so many people it would make your head spin. But one day I met a panda that showed me right from wrong. I never truly had home.... So I hope that answered your question."

"Barely, you just had to say you didn't know."

"Well Nova, you certainly found a good one."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Well you don't seem to be moved by my story. That's good, means you'll be a good warrior."

"Well you are eating my own kind in front if me.... So I feel kind of sick. I don't think I can be moved right now."

At that moment Kara got up and ran towards Shadow as fast as she could and threw a piece of meat into his mouth and held it shut.

"Mmph! Mmph!!"

"That's it, now swallow."

Kara held him there for awhile. Until she noticed he stopped moving.... Apparently, she managed to make Shadow faint from eating the meat.

"Oops... Umm, I didn't mean to do that..."

"Oh just great! Now what are we supposed to do with him?" Nova said obviously irritated from Kara.

"Umm.... You wouldn't mind me staying with you guys tonight, would you?"

"Well... We could use you to help get these two home. Oh, why not... Just please don't make him faint again."

"Got it."

Later that night Nova and Kara carried the other two home. Nova and Kara have been friends for so long that they could trust each other with anything. So Kara decided to let Nova in on a little secret.

"Hey Nova, I was thinking.... How would you like to help me with a little something I've been working on."

"Depends, what is it?"

"You remember Malik right?"

"Yeah? What about him?"

"Well Malik and I stumbled into something..."

Kara goes to the bag she brought along and took out a long rolled up paper. It was a map leading to something great.

"We found this map! We found out it leads to the scepter of the black moon!"

"And what might that be?"

"It's this relic that'll give anyone insane amounts of power."

"Well I doubt that this is a 3 man job."

"Well..... I was thinking... Maybe you can bring your 2 workers with you...."

Well umm.... I guess... But what do I tell them? Just, oh hey guys we're gonna go and get an all mighty scepter that'll give us unlimited power."

"Well basically. There's no reason for us to lie to them."

"Fine..... we'll leave in the morning..."

So the new group is on their first quest, the Scepter of the black moon.