A Glaceons Life - Preview

Story by GlaciaDDF on SoFurry

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So this is a preview, I would also like to hear your ideas as of how the story should go, so please contact me and share your thoughts.

This is just a preview of sorts, I'm still writing it and bringing together my ideas. Any feedback would be brilliant :-). ------------------------------------------------------------ 'Glaceons are meant to be up in the mountains, not stuck in a ball and definitely not with a human' Glacia relayed this thought in his head until slight pain seeped though the glorified thought of freezing Jack, his trainer and pushing him of a 10,000ft drop. Glacia stopped walking and lightly put his front right paw on his head yelping as he did so due to the deep gash above his right temple from the serious battle he had fought earlier in the day. "Glacia are.. Are you ok?" asked Jack Glacia growled when he saw his trainers hand coming down to inspect the properbly infected cut. "Ok Ok no need to be like that... Jeez." said Jack sarcastically while grabbing a black and yellow striped ball from his belt. "Glacia return" With that phrase said Glacia turned into a red beam of light and entered the ulta-ball. "Hi nurse Joy, how are things today?" Asked Jack from behind the counter of the pokecenter. "I'm good thank you Jack, what can I do for you today?" "Two for healing please" said Jack with a smile, he couldn't help but be happy about being in his home town again. "Certainly" replied Joy, also with a smile. "Hand over your pokeballs please." Jack did so, handing the pokeballs over to nurse Joy he gained a sense of self-worry. Jack always felt like this even with someone he had know for a long time, like nurse Joy. "So Glacia and Lea today?" ------------------------------------------------------------ All I got for now, just to say I'm writing this on my phone and as I said before, any feedback is appreciated. Stay tuned.