A Moment of Bonding

Story by Mnementh on SoFurry

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A Moment of Bonding

By Nemmy


This story was requested by my sister Ria for her birthday :)

It takes place in the world of Drakan where Rynn and her bonded dragon, Arokh, have a special little moment together after having just overthrown a great evil shrouding their lands.

Here are some pictures for those curious, the characters are from a videogame series:





Rynn was but an ordinary villager before that fateful day where her life as she knew it came to an end. Her brother, Delon, was kidnapped by wartocks while, at the same time, her village was destroyed and everyone living there was killed save for one man, Atimar, who clung to life long enough to guide Rynn to a legend.

He instructed her to find the resting grounds of the legendary dragon, Arokh, hero of The Order of the Flame which had existed centuries before Rynn's time. During a major battle, Arokh and his rider, Heron, defeated the dark wizard Nevaros and sealed him away within a dimensional rift. But the victory was not without a price. Heron was slain and Arokh hid away from the world in an eternal sleep.

Rynn was able to find Arokh's soul crystal which would allow her to bond with the dragon. And eventually she found his lair and convinced the legendary beast to bond with her, albeit reluctantly. Their souls became one as they bonded and their fates intimately entwined. They shared each others' pain, feelings, and love as time went on.

Overcoming many obstacles, the bonded pair discovered a plan that Nevaros was looking for a new body to take control of and re-emerge into the world of Drakan. It was Rynn's brother, Delon, who was selected as the evil wizard's new vassal. Arokh and Rynn were able to thwart his plans, though, Delon was also killed in the process, eliminating what remained of Rynn's family. All she had now was Arokh and her emotions for her bonded began to grow exponentially.

Shortly after their victory, they joined forces with one of the few remaining human settlements on Drakan. The leaders had conceived of a plan to restore The Order of the Flame and enlisted Rynn and Arokh's help. The bonded pair traveled the world once again and restored power to all the ancient gates, allowing the soul of the mother dragon to return to Drakan and awaken the remaining Elder breed dragons whom then bonded with humans. The Order of the Flame had been restored. Arokh and Rynn were named leaders of the new order and they soon became quite busy with training the new dragons and riders

Rynn and Arokh had grown quite close to each other during their adventures together. Their feelings had become close to an intimate love but they knew that of course it could never happen. But they couldn't deny that they were attracted to each other... and that maybe, now that all the fighting was over and peace was being slowly restored to Drakan, they could share some more peaceful time together...


Rynn strolled through the corridors of Surdana's palace, on her way to yet another meeting with the ranking member of the New Order. A very stunning woman, it seems as if her body was built to be a warrior. Her lithe, agile form belied her prowess as a very capable fighter, athletic, strong, and quite cunning when she wasn't in one of her stubborn moods. She wore some ceremonial white leather armor, more for show than for protection, and carried just a single dagger which dangled from her belt off of her side.

She was beginning to grow quite wary of all these meetings and politics. Earlier in the week she had even joked with Arokh that she was hoping some other unknown evil would rear its head so that the two of them could escape all this nonsense and go back to their adventuring ways for a bit. The great red dragon chided her, of course. He was very serious about his new position and took it very seriously. Though he did admit that part of the fun was scaring the new human recruits into kissing his feet to please him. Rynn laughed to herself and allowed a smile to spread across her face. That dragon sure has a thing with having his feet kissed!

The other officers gave Rynn a sideways glance as she walked into the meeting room, they weren't used to her actually being in a good mood at these conferences. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts about Arokh and assumed her normal sulking expression. These meetings were such a waste of time! There were still wartock and grull camps scattered throughout the lands, terrorizing and killing traders, and here they were debating about such trivial things as who should patrol what areas of the city or what recruit should be put on dragon droppings duty.

Rynn had to be at the meetings, though. She was told her presence would help boost the morale of the new riders. Her and Arokh were living legends now and that gave her quite a good bit to live up to. Oh how she longed for the peaceful days of her village life. She took her chair with a sigh and tried to look attentive, smiling and nodding her head in greeting to those around her.

The familiar click-clack of talons on marble floors were heard slowly getting louder and Arokh walked proudly into the room, his chest puffed out and his head held aloft and alert. He acknowledged Rynn's waving with a quick nod of his big head before taking his place at the end of the table, sitting down and looking sorely out of place at a table full of humans. Rynn stifled her laughter though and just admired her bonded partner. He really was quite a handsome beast, strong, confident... and a good friend when he wasn't being a sarcastic git. Rynn stared at her bonded partner, admiring his form. Arokh was a dragon of the Elder breed gifted with the ability to breathe flames. Red scales adorned most of his body save for the front of his neck, check, belly, and underneath his tail, all of which were covered with broad, yellow plates. Two long horns stood out from atop his head behind his gleaming red eyes. Three smaller spikes on each side of his head jutted out from behind his cheeks. Truly he was quite a ferocious beast when he needed to be. But during their travels, Rynn had begun to discover the softer side beneath those armored scales. He had even admitted to feeling something akin to love for her rider.

Rynn snapped out of her reverie as two more figures came into the room, Lady Myschala and General Dherimon, the two leaders of Surdana before Rynn and Arokh had restored the Order.

"Good morning, everyone," Dherimon began, looking out across the table. All side conversations quickly stopped and everyone turned their eyes on the general. "As you know, there has been an increase in wartock activity not far from our borders. They have been picking off anyone foolish enough to wander out of the city on their own and have been raiding our trading caravans. This has got to stop."

Finally, something more interesting to do... Rynn thought to herself, suddenly looking more interested in what was going on. Arokh cocked his head towards his rider with an amused grin spread across his muzzle, knowing exactly what she was thinking.

"Janus, please pass out the maps so that everyone can follow along," Dherimon continued.

A rather creepy looking man bowed his head and began working his way around the table. He seemed to be particularly interested in Rynn, his gaze often locking with hers and looking down her body. Pervert she thought in disgust. Her armor wasn't that revealing, she couldn't imagine what so interesting. When Janus got to where she was sitting he seemed to be taking his sweet time to place the map down in front of her.

"Rynn! Look out!" Arokh suddenly bellowed through the room, shaking the very walls with his voice. All that they have been through together had built up the trust between them and she reacted instantly, not even questioning the dragon. But it wasn't quite fast enough, she gave a grunt of pain as a dagger aiming for the back of her neck hilted itself in her shoulder instead. Arokh roared out in pain as he, too, felt the pain of his bonded. Rynn continued her dive out of the chair despite the pain and rolled neatly away, turning around and facing Janus.

"Y... you bitch!" he screamed at her, clearly upset that he had failed after waiting so long for such a moment. He suddenly began to morph into a winged creature with three faces upon its head.

Rynn gave a little laugh despite the situation, unhooking her own dagger from her belt. "A surviving Desert Lord, eh? Didn't you get the message? You're not welcome in our world anymore."

The creature simply screamed another expletive in its own language and hurled an energy bolt at her. Rynn quickly dove to the side again, grimacing from the pain of the dagger still lodged in her back. Arokh was snarling from across the room, everyone else scrambling out of the way of the dragon before he trampled them in his anger. But his help wasn't needed. The young warrior neatly sidestepped another magic bolt but this time countered with a throw of her dagger, the balanced blade spinning quickly in the air until its blade implanted itself into the creature's head. The Desert Lord crumpled to the ground in a heap, instantly dead.

Everyone else in the room just looked on in shock, no one had anticipated that any Desert Lords remained here on Drakan. Rynn staggered back over to her chair and slumped over the table, groaning in pain as the adrenaline began to ebb. "Would it kill someone to get this knife out of me?!"

Dherimon quickly ran over to her and examined the wound. "It doesn't look like it did any terrible damage, I'm going to pull it out quickly, are you ready?"

"Yes, do it... Arokh, brace yourself, this isn't going to feel nice." With one swift motion, the general pulled the knife out of Rynn, and both human and dragon cried out in pain, Arokh's tail flailing about and leaving more marks in the wall to accompany the ones where the magic had hit.

"Here, take this." Dherimon held out a health potion for Rynn and she quickly guzzled it down, the magical liquid working instantly to heal her wound.

"Thanks... I can't believe we let that thing get so close to us. This just goes to show there's still a lot we need to do."

"That is true, but I don't think you should be doing much more today. The rest of us here are more than enough match for the wartock camp, you and Arokh should get some rest."

Rynn snorted and flexed both her arms. "But I feel fine, don't worry about it." Arokh rumbled his agreement.

"Well... I was going to ask you two to sit this one out anyways. No offense, but you finish off about ninety percent of the enemy forces before the rest of us even get ready. The rest of the troops need the experience. And I know it would please both Lady Myschala and myself to know that you'll be fully healed tomorrow."

"B.. but!"

"No, Rynn." Arokh's deep voice resonated within the room. "Dherimon is right, fighting a battle without us would greatly help boost their experience and morale."

Rynn slumped down on the table again, sighing. "Fine..." She looked out across the table and saluted the rest of the riders. "Don't any of you dare die, you hear me?"

They all saluted her back and gave a thunderous cry in unison, showing that they were ready for the task ahead. Rynn simply smiled and took her leave, walking with Arokh back to their room.


"Ugh, I'm so bored, Arokh." Rynn stared listlessly up at the ceiling from her bed, sighing softly.

"Well what do you want me to do? It's not my fault your only hobby seems to be killing things."

"Oh please, you don't know me that well. It just so happened that after I met you that seemed to be all I did!" They both laughed a bit at that. Rynn rolled over onto her side and began to scratch vigorously at the dragon's scale.

Arokh gave a pleasant rumble in response, his tail slowly swishing across the floor. "Yes, that is true. But now the world is a better place... or at least getting there, wouldn't you say?"

"Of course! I'm not saying I regret what we've done, it's rather funny being considered a hero, actually." Rynn pulled her hand away from Arokh and looked at her nails in disgust, a bunch of dirt caked beneath them. "My goodness, when was the last time you had a good bath?"

The red dragon lifted a forepaw and scratched his temple, trying to remember. "Huh... I don't know. I'm not that bad, am I?" He ducked his head around and began sniffing at various parts of his body.

"You have no sense of hygiene, you know that?" Rynn laughed, sitting upright in bed. "Well we've got nothing better to do, shall we head out and get you a bath?"

"Hmph, you make it sound like it's a chore to clean me. You should be honored!" Arokh smirked and lowered his head close to Rynn's, flicking his warm tongue against her face.

"Oh yes, it's such a privilege to thoroughly scrub your huge body while you lay there, having naughty daydreams. I still remember that time you got aroused while I was scrubbing you!" Rynn blushed at that memory, he certainly was quite a big boy.

Arokh grinned wide and brushed his nose against his bonded. "You will never in a million years find a dragon who doesn't react the same way to such a wonderful belly rub."

"Hmmph, right, you're just a hornball." Rynn got up and picked up the sturdy brush she used for cleaning the dirt out from beneath Arokh's scales. "Though I admit I have half a mind to play with it if I see it again"

The big dragon hissed in a draconic laugh and raised an eyeridge at Rynn. "Oh? Is that a promise?" He laughed some more as Rynn playfully punched him in the shoulder at that remark.

"You are absolutely terrible, you know that?" Rynn stretched and gathered her riding gear. "Well, shall we go then? I'd rather be somewhere private, what about you? I grow wary of people gawking at us all the time."

"Sounds good to me." The two of them then walked off together towards the gates of the palace. Rynn let the guards on duty know where she was off to and then she mounted the red dragon. With a powerful push from his hind legs, Arokh launched himself into the air and then they were off, heading towards a secluded area they had found during their adventures.

It was a very quick flight and they were there before they knew it. Their secret bath was actually hidden within a forest in a shallow basin where a beautiful waterfall crashed down into. Arokh was more eager for a bath than he let on, landing directly into the pool of water, the impact getting Rynn quite soaked as well.

"Take it easy! You know I don't like getting all my armor wet." Rynn huffed and began stripping on top of Arokh's back, tossing all of her armor and gear onto the shore. It was quite a beautiful day and she enjoyed the feel of the warm breeze caressing her bare body. Maybe it wasn't so bad that they were left behind afterall. She slid down Arokh's side and splashed into the water, gasping at the initial feeling of the cold water. But as she swam around a bit the warmth quickly returned to her body and she sighed in content, floating on her back, wishing she could just lay there forever.

Suddenly she felt Arokh's nose brush against her chest and her exposed breasts, causing her to give a startled squeak. "Less daydreaming and more scrubbing, come on now." Arokh was being as impatient as ever. She sway over to the shore where she could stand in the water and Arokh followed, rolling over onto his back once he was close enough.

"The things I do for you..." Rynn couldn't help but smile, finding it impossible to pretend to be upset. She grabbed the brush and approached Arokh, lowering it to his chest and scrubbing him as hard as she could. The big dragon closed his eyes and dipped his head backwards into the water, groaning pleasantly as the bristles scraped beneath his scales and scratched at his hide while pulling away any dirt that had built up. Rynn slowly moved her way further down the dragon's body, approaching his belly. She shook her head as she noticed that the dragon was already starting to enjoy the treatment, his genital slit bulging just a bit. Deftly she avoided his most sensitive areas, moving the brush in firm circles over every inch of Arokh's belly. His tail flicked about in the water and the he continued to moan quite happily. Rynn couldn't remember if she had ever tamed him so quickly before.

She couldn't help but keep glancing over at Arokh's genital slit, curious if his member would make an appearance again. Rynn loved the big beast to death, she had always been hoping to find a time where they could share a special moment together, where she could give something back to him for being such a wonderful companion to her. Bah, I'm just going to go for it, he's a male afterall and when do they ever say no?

Rynn put the brush off to the side and took up a softer sponge. She waded into the water and climbed up onto Arokh's chest, lowering the sponge to his belly and stroking him tenderly with it. Softly she moved the sponge over Arokh's genital slit and began to focus on the bulging area, causing the dragon to squirm a bit beneath her. "Mmph.. .Rynn... I think you cleaned that spot already."

He continued to moan softly, the sensual feel of the sponge against his slit too much for his body to resist. After a few more moments the tip of his tapered, red length poked out of his slit and Rynn gave a playful giggle. "Oh, I don't think I have, there's one part of you that could use a good rub down, I think."

Arokh raised his head up at that, curious as to what the human was up to. It had been quite sometime since he last got off and, well, his body was quite eager as his length continued to swell up and grow from his body. "Rrrf... I hope you know better than to tease a dragon, Rynn..."

Rynn told a hold of the slick dragon cock, admiring its warmth and its shape... and of course, its size. She took the sponge and stroked his shaft up and down, up and down, over and over again. "Oh, I'm not teasing, I assure you." Through their spiritual bond Rynn could feel Arokh's arousal growing and intensifying and it wasn't long before it started affecting her as well. With one hand she continued to stroke the dragon's big length from tip to base with the sponge while she moved the other between her legs and began fondling her clit and the lips to her vagina.

They stayed like that for several minutes, Rynn groping both Arokh and herself. The dragon was soon rock hard and throbbing in the air, growling deeply, clearly wanting more than what he was currently getting. "Rynn... that sponge isn't doing much anymore... what do you plan to do now, hmm?"

She moved her head closer to the cock, easily at least a foot and a half in length, and gave it a tentative lick, her two hands wrapping around the base of the cock and firmly jerking it off while her tongue began to more hungrily lick about the tip. Arokh was quite tasty, Rynn certainly couldn't deny that. Her tongue firmly pressed against the dragon's tip and she licked up whatever preseed was leaking out.

Arokh continued to writhe about in the water but had to control himself or he might toss Rynn off into the water. He was quite amazed at how his bonded worked him, his aching cock rewarding her with several spurts of thick, gooey pre. Softly his hips bounced about in the water, trying to hump up into the air even though he wasn't actually penetrating anyone. The two bonded could feel each other's sexual arousal continuing to build, the feeling like nothing they had ever felt before. They both quickly began to lust for more. With a quick glance into each other's eyes they acknowledged that they wanted to try to take it further.

Rynn let go of Arokh's cock, causing the dragon to instinctively growl up at his bonded. He watched her as she stood up on his belly, grabbing at his hind legs for support. She turned around to face him and for the first time he truly admired the human's beauty. He licked his chops and rumbled approvingly to his bonded while she stood over his length, the tip of it rubbing against the entrance to her vagina. "Oh Rynn... Just... take it easy, I don't want to know where I'd feel the pain if you hurt yourself..."

The cock was tapered at the tip but quickly thickened until there were ridges at the base of the shaft. She knew there'd be no way those were getting inside of her. But the rest of it seemed manageable. Slowly Rynn lowered herself down onto the dragon's cock, grimacing as it stretched her body far more than any human had ever done. She gasped in pleasure as inch after inch slipped her wet, needy pussy. After getting about ten inches of Arokh inside of her body she felt that she could take no more and paused, squatting down awkwardly.

The dragon hissed and snarled in sexual frustration at not being able to hump at his leisure but forced himself to remain complacent, not wanting to hurt either of them. Arokh could tell that she had taken all she could in, so he reached forward with one of his forepaws and began to vigorously jerk off the rest of his shaft, his other paw lifting up and stroking Rynn tenderly with his pawpads. She began to stand back up, her tight walls grabbing at the cock, not wanting to let it out which caused intense pleasure to course throughout both their loins. Once she felt that the tip was about to slip out she squatted back down, burying the length back inside of her once again with much less effort this time. Rynn then began to get into a steady rhythm of riding her bonded in a whole new manner, her firm breasts lightly bouncing up and down upon her chest as her speed gradually picked up in pace.

Both of them began to quickly approach their climax once Rynn began to pick up her pace. Not only were they feeling their own pleasure but they were also feeling the other's pleasure through the special bond that their souls shared. It was nothing like any of them had ever experienced. Arokh growled lustfully up at his rider, his piercing red eyes gazing lovingly up at her, watching her ride his hard cock, her tight walls working his sensitive flesh so wonderfully. He could soon feel that tingling sensation in his loins, his climax quickly approaching with Rynn showing no signs of slowly down. Crying out in pleasure he resisted the urge to grab her and shove the rest of his length into body, instead he just rolled his hips eagerly about on the ground, huffing and hissing in restraint. "Rynn... gods... I'm close!"

"M.. me too Arokh... Oh god, let me feel you shoot your load in me!" And with that, Rynn moaned and began to shake as an orgasm rocked her body, the walls of her vagina convulsing and rippling against Arokh's cock. But he was already there, as well. He roared out in delight as the waves of pleasure began to course through his own body accompanied by spurt after spurt of his thick, hot seed shooting into the depths of Rynn's body. She continued to ride him quickly and eagerly throughout their climaxes, the double pleasure so incredible it left them both breathless. It wasn't long until Arokh released too much cum for the little human body to handle and it was dripping out of her cunt and down the length of his rod, making a sticky, smelly mess on his belly.

Though it seemed like an eternity to the bonded pair, their climaxes began to ebb away after about a minute and they both remained motionless for a bit, breathing heavily. Rynn slowly stood up all the way, withdrawing the spent penis from her body which was quickly followed by even more of the dragon cum dripping out of her. Rynn fell forward onto Arokh's chest, slowly crawling forward. He saw her coming and knew what she wanted. His big head lifted up and moved to meet hers partway, his large, scaled lips pressing up against her own in a kiss, their tongues meeting each other partway while they shared a deep, intimate kiss.

Rynn then nestled up on the dragon's chest, tired now. "Mmm, wow Arokh... I... I love you..."

Arokh rumbled soothingly and stroked his bonded with one of his big forepaws. "I love you too, Rynn..." She smiled up at the big drake, blushing just a bit. "Now what about the rest of the bath you promised me?" He gave one his big, familiar grins and stuck his tongue out at Rynn's reaction.

"Typical male, I swear!" Rynn scowled up at him, causing to laugh.

"You know I'm only teasing... Come, I think we could both use a bit of a nap after that." Arokh unfurled one of his wings and tucked it around Rynn protectively, making a noise she had never heard from him before... Almost sounded like a gentle cooing. She smiled and got comfortable upon the great beast's warm chest, resting her head upon him, listening the sound of his heart beating as she slowly drifted off to sleep. Arokh followed her shortly, peacefully napping with his bonded.


Hope you enjoyed it, sis! ^_^ *hugs tight* Love you, have a wonderful birthday :)

Comments? I love to hear them :D Please post or email [email protected]