In-Laws, Weddings and a Child?

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#6 of Orion and the Fox

Chapter 6 of Orion and the Fox.

Comments are Always Welcomed.

I did a double take towards, Lilith after her remark but, I let it go a second later. Knowing that she wasn't fooling around when it came to the subject of marriage. "Relax, Orion we have plenty of time to discuss the matter. Besides I have two other kitsune to inform about the current situation. Kyuri, have you been in touch with your mother recently or are you two still not talking." Lilith said.

"Sadly, no we're still not talking not since, I took that little trip to his world. Since my return she hasn't made any attempt to contact me, nor have I with her. Though perhaps I should reach out despite our small spat, after all her little girl is getting married soon." Kyuri informed sitting down across from me. Renka sat to my right and Arreincia sat to my left, while Lilith stood behind me.

As I ate the meal in front of me something seemed to bring itself to my attention. When I turned to look at Arreincia, she seemed to shy away each time I looked at her. The more I studied her the more she seemed to worry about something. "Arreincia, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." I said gaining everybody's attention. Lilith looked at her and almost instantly she knew what was bothering her.

"When are you due Arreincia, dear?" Lilith asked soothingly. Her sudden question caused me, Kyuri and Renka to look directly at her. "I'll be due in about four months. When I found out I was pregnant was about five weeks ago. Before, Stark came to my village and challenged my pre-mate for my hand. So I never got the chance to tell him the news and now it's too late. Since he's already found new love and forgotten all about me by now." She informed as her eyes teared up.

"Perhaps, there's a way for you to settle your past and look to the future with new hope." I replied. "Orion, your sentiment is noble but, our customs are pretty finite." Lilith pointed out. "Granted, I may have a lot to learn about your customs but, if the child she's carrying is in deed his. It's only right for him to know and to help her care for the child." I remarked feeling strongly about the matter.

I could sense Lilith wanted to argue with me further on the subject but, didn't. "If you think that's the best course of action than go ahead. I just hope things don't backfire on you and end up turning ugly. For now let's just focus on the here and now okay, Orion." Lilith stated. "Alright, mind if I ask one more question, Arreincia?" I said placing my hand on hers. She kindly took it in her hand then with a soft smile nodded yes.

"On the off chance he wants to be the one to raise his pup would you like to return to his side?" I wondered. "You'd let me go that easily, why?" She replied a little shocked. "I feel it's only right to give the actual father of your pup a chance at raising his child. Though if he decides that he won't, I'll do my best to be a good father for your child." I informed. "You know, Orion you're just full of surprises its to bad you and I didn't meet sooner. I'd be all over you in a heartbeat." Lilith remarked leaning and nuzzling against my cheek.

"Thanks, it just makes me realize how much of an odd case I am." I stated. "You're missing the point if any of these ladies decide to walk away, make no mistake you're not going cold. I'll be in your bed faster than you can even blink." Lilith pointed out making me freeze in place. "Mother, please behave yourself think for moment the difference in your ages." Renka remarked trying to be the mature one.

'"So, what I'm close to 600 years old and don't look out of my early 40s by his standards. Gotta admit I look very good for my age despite the fact I'm immortal." Lilith pointed out striking a pose for fun. "Immortal?! it's possible for all kitsune to reach that state?" I wondered looking back at Lilith. "Yes, it is but, the only way for that to occur is for another kyubi to willingly grant a kitsune the right to ascend to the rank of kyubi. Though a series of tests and trials are put in place to see if the kitsune in question is truly worthy of the title." Lilith informed.

"I see makes sense since I'm the last of my clan I couldn't undertake such a test." I said looking down at my lap. "No, in your case being one an outsider and two you'd have to bring your case to the Circle of 9-Tails. Your clan mark alone would grant you an audience with them. The rest is up to you to convince them that you've earn the right. Though whether or not they decide to listen or cast you out is completely up to them mind you." Lilith stated.

"Makes sense have they ever summoned anyone to meet with them?" I asked. "Yes, but, it's extremely rare and most of the time they never leave the sanctuary." She replied. "I see so you and the other clan leaders don't report to them?" I said questioningly. "Not, directly only when they feel like checking in on us. Other than that we pretty much left alone to rule our clans the way we see fit. Unless something has happened and they feel obligated to step in." She pointed out.

I didn't have anymore questions after taking in so much vital info. Thanking Lilith for the small history lesson, she returned to her chair shortly after. After dinner everyone retired to the main lounge area, I noticed someone was missing. "I know this isn't any of my business but, Renka where's your father?" I asked. "Orion, I know your curious but, there are some things even I don't feel like discussing. Please, just this once no more questions for tonight." Lilith stated sounding a bit annoyed.

"Sure, I'm sorry I didn't mean to ask about a sensitive subject." I replied. Renka was a little surprised at her mother's sudden shift in mood but, couldn't blame her. Considering what happened all those decades ago when she was still a little girl. So while they sat there lost in memories I got up and just retired to my room for the night. Figuring I'd done enough damage for one night and it was best to give everyone their space.

When I got there a servant was getting the bed ready for the night. She excused herself then left my room a short time later, leaving me alone in the large bedroom. So I found a cozy spot on the floor and began to meditate, giving my mind time to process everything. While I was in a deep trance, Renka entered my room. Seeing that I was in a meditative state she, sat down on my bed and waited for me to finish.

What seemed like hours had gone by but, only an hour had passed when I awoke. As I got up and stretched I saw Renka laying down on my bed looking at me. "How mad is she at me?" I asked as she sat up. " My mother isn't mad, you really caught her off guard with that question. She and I don't like remembering or telling folks about him. I know it seems strange but, he did something that's unforgivable." Renka said as I sat down next to her.

"Yeah, I think that's one thing we have common, my father did the same thing to my mother. When I was at a very young age yet, after being thrown out by my mother. He did what he had to keep us feed and sheltered but, never came around even just to visit. Despite being put through a lot as child I don't hate him. I know it sounds strange but, after all he's done he is still my father." I informed. Renka looked at me questioningly but, could tell that scar had healed.

"Are you trying to tell me that given enough time my scars could heal?" Renka wondered. "Yes, some scars gained in the past can be healed, when you learn to forgive and forget." I replied. Little did I know Kyuri and Arreincia had entered my room. They had made themselves comfy on some nearby chairs. Renka decided to rest her head gently on my leg allowing herself to be comforted.

"Renka, time is a completely different thing to you than to someone like me. Yes, I do think even someone like you can find the strength to forgive and forget all that's happened. Life doesn't stop it continues to move forward while those that it watches over. Try to keep up with the flow to the best of their strength and will can allow. Though I can tell that all of you have something else on your collective minds." I said reassuringly.

Kyuri and Arreincia got up from their seats and joined Renka and I on the bed. Arreincia pressed her back against mine while, Kyuri leaned against my right arm. Since Renka was resting comfy on my left side, the affection they had for me would grow over time. As night time fell I escorted each woman to their rooms, before going back to mine. When I entered Lilith was there sitting on the bed looking down at the floor.

Judging from her body language she appeared to be sleeping but, she moved slightly the second the door closed. "Come, on Lilith let's get you into a bed of your own. We can talk in the morning when we've all had a good night's sleep." I said hoisting her gently up into my arms. As I walked down a few corridors she stirred and looked up. "I knew it wouldn't take you long to have me in your arms." She teased as I stopped walking.

"Don't take this the wrong way but, I'm not trying to swoon you. I'm merely bringing you to your room so you can sleep there." I replied setting her back on her feet. She placed her hand on my cheek and smiled before leaning over to kiss my forehead. "Very, well I thank you for the escort but, I can tuck myself in. After all I'm a big girl goodnight, Orion see you in the morning." She smiled as she vanished. Teleporting to her room while, I turned around and headed back to mine.

During the night I slept peacefully even my dreams were tranquil till the morning. As the sun rose into the sky and the light from the early sunlight shone into my room. I awoke fully rested and ready for what the day had planned. After a nice shower, I got dressed and went outside for some fresh air. Sitting on the front stairs watching the sun rise high into the sky help put a lot into perspective.

When I decided to head back inside, Arreincia met me at the door. "Good, morning sleep well, Arreincia?" I asked. "Yes, as a matter of fact I did." She replied as her four tails wagged behind her. "That's good to hear so you ready to contact your ex-pre mate?" I wondered. "Mhmm, I'm as ready as I'll ever be." She smiled. "Wonderful, do you want me there when you get in touch with him?" I asked curiously. "If you want, Orion I don't mind either way really. Since whatever happens you'll be there to comfort and support me." She said as we walked inside.

We were the only two people awake so early in the morning and not even the servants were awake. Once we found a scry pool, Arreincia went to work trying to find him. It took a couple of hours to finally locate him and another thirty minutes to contact him. He was shocked to learn of her fate and even more so when she told him. That she was carrying his pup, at first he was speechless then started asking questions.

She was more than happy to inform him on everything that had occurred since that day. Once he felt nothing more could be learned, she asked him a serious question. When she asked him he froze briefly, trying to process her request. Arreincia wanted to know if he wanted a chance to raise his pup himself. I kept my fingers crossed hoping that he'd do the right thing and raise his pup. To my own amazement he jumped at the chance to raise his pup.

That made her extremely happy to hear such wonderful news, to know she could return home and be with him again. He also noticed me in the room and kindly thanked me for saving her from a bad fate. I wanted to know what he meant but, judging from his reaction I assumed it was bad. So I didn't bother asking the question I had in mind, out of respect for Arreincia.

He arranged a time and place for us to meet so Arreincia could return home with him. Once he and I found a mutual meeting spot we said our goodbyes for the time being. For the better part of the morning, Arreincia was glowing which made everyone rather curious. When Kyuri asked her, Arreincia was more than happy to tell everyone. Lilith was literally stunned at the fact she was actually going back home. To be with the male of the child she currently carried in her womb.

Since it was a bit of a long journey to our agreed rendezvous point. Renka suggested we teleport halfway than walk the rest of the way. Lilith seemed to agree with her suggestion since she couldn't send us there herself. Considering she had to be elsewhere to deal with normal dealings that are in place for a clan leader. While she kindly took her leave, we set to work gathering supplies for the journey.

With the servants help it took us half the time to get ready to travel. Once everyone was ready Kyuri and Renka prepped the teleport spell. In a flash we set off to the selected location. As we exited the shift a short time later we were outside a small farming village. After Kyuri and Renka recovered we began walking towards the village. Arreincia was so happy she could hardly contain her excitement.

I had to admit her mood was rather catchy to say the least, even just by watching her. When Renka passed by me I could tell something was bothering her. Yet I could also tell she was happy for Arreincia and her mate being rejoined. "Kyuri, Arreincia keep going we'll catch up in a bit. Contact me if anything decides to cause you two problems, Okay." I said grabbing Renka's hand. "Sure, Orion be careful to alright, we'll see you shortly." Kyuri replied as they kept walking.

Pulling Renka off to the side of the road, I sat her down and did the same. "Renka, it's very clear to me that something is obviously bothering you. Mind telling me what's on your mind?" I said looking into her tan eyes. "I'm happy for Arreincia, Orion but, she and I grew close while with Stark. Despite what a jerk hole he was, she and I grew sorta of attached to each other. If you understand where I'm coming from, Orion it's not like I don't want her to be happy. I'm just not ready to say goodbye to someone I care a lot about." Renka informed as she shed a few tears.

"Renka, just because a close friend is leaving doesn't mean they're going away forever. You can always see her any time you wish after all you are the second best tracker this world has to offer. I highly doubt, Arreincia would allow anything she's forged recently to fall by the way side." I pointed out. She seemed to perk right up hugging me tight afterwards knowing I was right in my statements.

"You know, Orion you keep proving to me that you're a worthy mate. Still can't believe, Kyuri got to you first or I'd come after you like bullet." She smiled pressing her nose against mine. "Well, Renka I do believe you have me now. Though you're just gonna have to wait until later before I'm at your total disposal." I stated scratching under her chin affectionately. "I'm going to hold you to that promise, Orion." She remarked giving me a kiss on the cheek.

After letting her go we quickly rejoined the others a short time later. They were waiting for us at a small herb shop and took the liberty to purchase a few things. Kyuri said it would be a good gesture for when I meet with Arreincia's ex pre-mate. With that settled we spent the next three days traveling to the location he and I agreed upon. Arreincia noticed something was troubling, Renka even after our chat.

As we kept walking Renka told her what was eating away at her since we left. Naturally when Arreincia, confirmed what I told, Renka a while back it made her feel even better. We arrived at our intended destination two hours before sunset. Now all we had to do is wait for him to arrive and talk terms. I had everyone set up camp just in case he didn't arrive until first thing in the morning.

Sure enough a little after the sun set in the sky I sensed someone coming. I instructed the girls to hide in the tents on the off chance our guests weren't friendly. Allowing the energy housed within me to rise to the surface, a voice rang out. "Easy, friend I'm not your enemy I'm here for, Arreincia." A male kitsune replied stepping into the firelight. When fully bathed in the light his teal fur stood out, along with his four tails swishing behind him.

"Who, else is with you?, I can sense them hiding just outside the light's reach." I pointed out. "Jayla, come over here there's nothing to fear ma'am. Do forgive her she's a bit timid but, a concerned mother none the less." He stated as female kitsune stepped into the light. She looked a lot like Arreincia, I had a feeling that was her mom. "You must be Arreincia's mother it nice to meet you ma'am. Who might you be my friend if you don't mind my forwardness?" I replied as Arreincia poked her head out.

"Mickale, mother are you two really here?" Arreincia asked stepping out of the tent. "Yes, it's us, Arreincia and look at you in good health and spirits." He said walking closer by about four paces. Knowing if he got any closer, I'd have a right to defend them. Only if I felt he was pretending to be friendly, only just to get close to her or the others. Naturally he stopped about yard or so away from where I was standing.

"I do believe an exchange of tokens is in order, before going any further." I said. "Yes, of course customs dictate that a peace offering to show case ones true motives. Before allowing any outsiders to join any group that's currently camped for the night." He replied stepping back. He grabbed the bag that hung off his shoulders. Placed it on the ground, while Arreincia grabbed the stuff we purchased the other day.

When she returned Kyuri and Renka were with her studying our guests closely. We kindly exchanged gifts then we all sat down around the campfire. Mickale brought some arm bands and some jewelry crafted by his people. While we gave him some herbs and some crafting tools which he appreciated. Arreincia spent a good while chatting with her mom catching up on lost time.

I kept wits about me especially around our new guests, even Kyuri was being cautious. Sadly she was broadcasting it a lot more than I was and he picked up on it. "Is something wrong I feel like a bad guy here." He said. "You have to forgive them the last male kitsune that came around turned out to be a really bad egg. You're familiar with a five tailed kitsune by the name of Stark." Renka replied.

"More than I actually care to say, so I take you had a run in with him also." He said scowling a bit. "Yeah, he tried to take Kyuri from me when she and I share this mark. Also he tried to kill me in the process of doing so after I showed him mercy the first time." I informed holding up the mark on my hand. "A binding mark how rare, see I've heard of them but, never actually seen one. You must be someone truly worthy to have earned such a mark." He said.

"He is special a true kitsune in the form of another being from a different world." Kyuri said. "Hmm?, either way I'm, glad to see you choose a good mate to share your life with." He said. "So what's going on in the morning is my question?" I asked. "Well, Arreincia will be leaving with us and going back home to our village. Where a wedding will be prepared and commenced few days after we get back." He pointed out.

"Would you mind if we went with you and attended the wedding?" I asked causing four women to look at me funny. "I see no harm in it after all you saved my daughter from an awful fate." Jayla replied. With that settled all the women went off to bed, while Mickale and I stood watch. During the night we rotated shifts until the sun rose in the sky. When all the women woke up an early meal was cooked then enjoyed.

It took us a while to get the entire campsite packed up and ready for travel. Jayla was just so bubbly her mood was infectious to everyone, myself included. If I had to venture a guess it was the fact becoming a grandmother and being a part of her daughter's wedding. Would put any mother in a good mood to the point of giddiness. The more I watched her I couldn't help but, think of my own mother.

Sadly those thoughts distracted me enough that I fell back a good distance from the others. Nobody really seemed to notice that I was a few paces behind them. By the time they did notice I'd stopped by a small river that was flowing besides the road. Kyuri knelt down besides me, I didn't pay attention to her, since I was deep in thought. She could see what was bothering me but, didn't know how to help me.

After a while we resumed our journey to Arreincia's home village in the mountains. It was beautiful everything was covered in a soft blanket of shimmering snow. The people were super friendly and inviting to us even the village's clan leader greeted us. He was an elder kyubi wise and kind just like a grandfather. Welcoming us to stay at his home while, Mickale and Jayla got the wedding plans underway.

The next few days just flew by the entire town pitched in to get the wedding ready. Mickale set to work on his suit while all the girls helped Arreincia with her gown. Being an expert craftsman it took him only a day to make his suit. What came next caught me completely off guard, Mickale asked me to carry the marriage bands. Since his brother had vanished many years ago.

I accepted his request and with that he set to work making me a suit for the position. Once finished and with the wedding planned for sunrise everyone went to bed super early. One hour before the sun rose, Kyuri woke me up. It didn't take me long to wake up and get ready for what would be happening shortly. The entire town gathered at a crystal arch way over looking the valley.

The village leader stood on the opposite side of the archway holding a sacred object. While Arreincia and Mickale stood directly underneath the arch. As the sun rose into the sky, the light hit the arch causing it shimmer a rainbow of soft colors. "Friends, family and fellow villagers, I'd like to thank you all for attending. This gathering is to bond these two hearts that've forged a lasting relationship and created new life that will be joining us soon." He said for all to hear.

"Arreincia, my dear, my pre-mate would you honor me in being my life mate? From here till our time in this world is over, to care for me when ill, sad, upset and happy. Also help me raise and teach our children right from wrong and treat other with love and respect." Mickale asked looking deep into her eyes. "I accept, my mate and shall you honor the same you have asked of me?" She replied looking back just as deeply.

When he accepted her request, I was asked to deliver the life bands to them. Kneeling down and lifting the open box above my head, as they each took a band. Carefully placing it upon the other's wrist to symbolize their bond as life mates. "To the spirits and ancestors of our land and by the power granted to me. I hear by proclaim these two hearts, husband and wife, may you live each day to the fullest." The village elder stated.

With that the entire village burst into phrase and congratulations for the newly weds. A celebration soon followed that I couldn't bring myself to attend. Something still weighed heavily on my mind from a few days back that killed the mood for me. While everyone enjoyed themselves in the center I returned to the village leader's home to think. Sadly my moment of peace would soon be interrupted by someone no one planned to see.

"Excuse, me young man I was wondering if you could help me with something." A older woman said. When I looked up from my chair, I could have sworn I was looking at a future version of Kyuri. At that same instant I realized that it was in fact her mother. That was clearly standing before me and was in search of her daughter. Not only that the clan mark on her lower forearm was a big give away.

"Sure, ma'am what's on your mind?" I asked standing up from my chair. "I'm looking for my daughter, Kyuri and judging from that mark on your hand. You must be Orion the human warrior, I've heard so much about from, Lilith." She replied taking my marked hand into hers. "Yeah, that would be me, Kyuri's in town celebrating with, Arreincia. Considering she just got married today, come I'll take you right to her if you'd like." I stated as I started walking. "Of course, please lead the way." She said following right behind me.

It took us about ten minutes to reach the party and another five to find, Kyuri. When she finally noticed us things were about to take a very interesting twist. "Hello, my little comet, it's been a while my dear daughter." Her mother said as Kyuri's tails poofed out. "MOTHER?! What in the blue heavens are you even doing here?" Kyuri questioned nervously. While her mother stood there unphased by her reaction, as I moved to a safe distance a second later.

To be Continued.