
Story by habas on SoFurry

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#6 of The Hybrid Theory

_"You sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is." -Douglass Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

Comments, Suggestion, blah blah blah, consequences, blah blah blah

Pronunciation: Xabi (SHAH-bee)_

!!!!!?????*****Disclaimer*****??????!!!!!!!: Torture is involved here so, you know, don't look if you don't want to or have trouble with this....


One Year Later...

>> Larty Apartments Korokos, Matria; Apartment 707--year 2027

Filius woke up, but kept his eyes closed. He didn't want to wake up. Then he felt fur touching him. Someone's arm was draped over his chest. He turned to see Magnus there. He looked so peaceful. He quietly got up from the bed and stepped out of the bedroom into the living room and then the kitchen. He passed the stove and poured himself a cup of coffee. He passed his hand over the blue tile.

He walked back to the living room with its grey walls, rectangular table, large window and TV. He took a sip of the bitter black liquid.

The past year had been good for Filius. He had spent a lot of time with Rector training and learning Nervodshagla, as well as some Sasanekii. He had found he was a lot smarter than most people. He had mastered every weapon he had come into contact with, ranged or close quarters. He had developed an eidetic memory. He now went on regular missions for the Insurrectum. He had learned that the year was 2026, now 2027. He looked down at his body. He had even grown density-wise and was now comparable even to Magnus.

The past year had been good for Filius and Magnus. They had become intimate many times, and now lived together in an apartment. He smiled. Chi'e-laya ner. Life was good. But then, it wasn't the time to be thinking about that. He knew what he had to do today. Rector would be phoning in at any second to fill him in.


"Speak of the devil," he muttered. He attached the ear piece to his ear and pressed the button. Rector's voice came through loud and clear.

"Filius! How goes it, vod?"

"Ner, vod. What's up? You got anything to tell me."

"Heh... always straight to business with you. Isn't it?"

"Yes. Yes it is"

"Well, remember when you got here, like, a year ago, Preliator told you that we had never been able to enter the MCFC?" Preliator. He had gotten used to using real names in the city.


"Well, we might have just found something that will help us get in. A crashed patrol skiff. It has all the codes to get in to the fortress. And now that we have EMPASS armor of our own, we can get in and at least know what's going on in there."

"That's big. Well, I'll get right on it."

"I'll send the location to your portapanel. Have fun."

"I will." He pressed the button and the phone went silent. He but it down and the small screen on the table vibrated. He went over to it and turned on the screen. It showed a vivid 3D rendering of the northeastern outskirts of Korokos, where the desert met the plains to the north. There a small truck lay in a heap. Filius was genuinely excited. He had really been working for the last year for this. He felt a gentle touch around his stomach. He turned and there was Magnus. He surprised Filius with a kiss. As they parted, Filius noticed they were both naked. He didn't really care, though.

"So what's up?" He said, looking into Filius' eyes.

"Nothing. I've got some errands to run. You mind waiting up for me? I'll bring breakfast." He smiled and left to the room. He got dressed, putting on some jeans and a black shirt. He took the keys to his skiff, and he was on his way, giving Magnus a good bye kiss on the nose. He drove through the winding streets. His phone rang and he picked it up. It was Rector again.

"Filius... are you on your way now?"


"Okay. The Core will be waiting for you at Phendrana, alright? Bring the info to him. Remember your looking for key codes, messages, memos, love notes--anything that will get us inside."

"I got it, don't worry." And so he drove for about thirty minutes, and was finally at the gate to get out. He flashed is ID to the Shashan guards and was on his way. Becoming a citizen made life so much easier. He left his car when he saw the skiff, in case anyone was already snooping around. And indeed someone was. Two furs in complete, glossy black EMPASS armor; one directly in front of him, the other 200 meters to the northwest. He knew exactly how to put them down. Studying EMPASS closely lets you find several weak points. He drew the pistol from its holster at his ankle, hidden from the wayward glance. He breathed in deeply and exhaled, and then started in a full sprint toward the now vibrating black figures. He leaned forward and fell into a four-pawed sprint, gun still in hand; he ran faster on four paws. As soon as he was in an acceptable range, he lunged forward pushing what he now knew was a feline to the ground, pushing its head sideways and sticking the pistols barrel at the most vulnerable place on the almost completely impenetrable armor: the neck seal. EMPASS armor was vacuum-tight for poisonous gas leaks and the like. The seal was rubber and completely susceptible to a 9mm hyper-heated piece of lead. Or three to be exact. One. Two Three. The trigger clicked thrice and it was done. No screams of course.

The other fur had heard the discharging pistol and was aiming its ARMcannon at him. He shot another four rounds into the chest and one that coincidentally hit the seal. Not enough to kill him but enough to send the helmet flying in another direction, and send the bear tumbling onto his ass. Filius four-pawed it to him and shout a round straight above the muzzle, between the eyes. He stuffed the pistol back in its place.

"Bullet in the brain. Blam. Squish." The look of sheer surprise on the face of the maybe 20-something-year-old bear was a bit saddening to Filius, but the thought that they were here at all sobered him. He had to get into the skiff, and see what was going on. He stepped into the wreck through what was the back doors. In here was a tower of metal with thousands of lights, which were not on. There was a small tray that had been ejected. That was where the card should be. He went back outside to check the corpses. Sure enough, the bear had it in his pocket sack. The rectangular, paper-thin piece of plastic with golden sheets of metal to interact with the machinery gleamed with small LEDs. He took the helmet he shot off the bear and placed it on his head. It was slightly loose, but it would do. He slipped the card into the drove on the right side of the helmet. He sifted through the files, and finally found something useful; it was labeled MCFC ACCESS. He went through the list of codes and id numbers. "Oh! This is SO good!" He EMailed the files straight to the Insurrectum HQ server. They would love this. He took the helmet off and smiled.

He felt to the floor in pain. His right temple had exploded with throbbing pain. He touched the side and it was wet. Blood. His white fur was stained red. He was turned over by another fur in EMPASS armor. He saw the arm end of the ARMcannon, and then...

He awoke crying. For what reason he didn't know, but he stopped. He sat up and looked around. He was in a valley. The grass was green, perfectly so; so green it looked impossible to be such an intense shade of green. The green was broken by a few patches of flowers interspersed in random places. In the distance there were hills that prevented him from seeing the horizon. He wiped his eyes clear of the tears and remembered what had happened. His eyes widened as realization came to him. He looked at his paw. Strange... wiped clean, and the fur was no longer white, but gray. He touched his bloodied temple... no pain, no blood. Strange. He stood up and looked around. Nothing was there. Only him. The wind blew gently over his fur, caressing his skin underneath. He closed his eyes. He felt a tap on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and turned around, grabbing the hand that had touched him and twisting it hard to the left; he had trained to do this in one swift movement. But what he had been touching was not there anymore, but it was by the side of a wolf. The wolf was as tall as him, seemed as old as him, and had white fur speckled with blue. In fact... it was him. What he remembered himself as, at least.

"Hello," said the fur. "How are you, pup? Why were you crying?" The voice was so empty, so hollow and plain, and level, it felt like a physical blow to Filius. "Are you sad, pup?"

"Who are you?" Filius asked.

"A friend. I'm here to help you. Will you let me help you? All I have to do is touch your chest."

"Um... I think I'm going to go sit on that side of the... um... valley... thing."

"I can only help you if you let me, pup."

"Stop calling me that, you no older than me!" Filius was a bit exasperated.

"What's wrong pup? Insecure? Is there something wrong, pup? I just want to help you. Let me touch you. Let me feel you."

"Get away from me!" Filius started to walk in the other direction. What the hell was this? Why was this guy talking to him like this? How did he or the other wolf get here?

"Come back, pup. I just want to help you. Come back." Filius turned around and was surprised to see the wolf standing right in front of him. "Let me help you."


"Fine. You have stretched my patience to its extent. It's time for more drastic measures. Thomas kill the feed." He seemed to be talking to someone else, but then he turned his attention back to Filius. "Good bye, pup." At those words Filius felt a sudden, piercing, unbearable pain in his forehead. The ground fell from beneath him and the sky flew backwards. He was floating in stark blackness. Then walls flew forward and stopped around him, a floor, a seat and several people flew up and stopped. He was sitting in the chair and the people--no monsters--were standing around him. The needle was stuck into his forehead through a clear plastic cylinder attached to his head with a band. He howl from the immense pain. He knew the needle had gone through fur, flesh, and bone, and just a little farther. He screamed a bit and then he died down. They took the cylinder and needle off of his forehead.

He sat there eyes focused in terror at the... thing that stood in front of him. It was the thing he had seen on the computer screen, and he had seen after the death of Mentis and Diliga, the thing he had seen countless time in EMPASS armor, but now it was in casual clothing. Its body was bipedal and looked like a normal furs, except for the legs. They were completely straight, no distinct curve that furs had. I stead, it had a flat footpaw, elongated. The paws were completely flat, and the fingers longer than any he'd seen.

The worst thing was the head. Filius could not imagine how anyfur could live without a muzzle, and indeed it had no muzzle, but a short stub did protrude. It had nostrils, and the mouth was plastered flat on its face. From what he could tell, it was in its twenties, but he had no idea if it was a correct guess. It had no fur! It was a clean shaven pink-orange tone skin. Wait. Upon closer examination it had fur on the top if its head, black or very dark brown, and it had some fur (very little) on its arms and face. Filius cringed at the sight. It laughed, with what seemed like a normal fur voice.

"Silly dog. You've never seen a human before, have you? None of you have." A human?! What was that? "Well, I'm sure you'd love to know what a human is, even though you're looking at one." It looked to be a male, judging by the lack of breasts. "Oh, If only you knew mutt! If only you knew. I won't tell you though, oh no. I'm gonna keep it my little secret. And if you're a good pup maybe I'll share it with you."

"I don't think I'll be being your 'good pup'."

"Well, we'll see about that."

The chair shifted in a 90 degree turn to the left and started to move out of the cylindrical room, through a door that had just opened. It moved along a sort of set track down several corridors while Filius' head wavered and hanged because, for some reason, he was extremely tired. The seat stopped in a small completely clear-walled room. The seat pushed him in to it and left, closing the door behind it. He was sprayed with a chemical, and then the door in front of him opened. He found himself in a large white room, with a bench at the far wall and a small hole near that bench. He had a bad feeling about this.

He sat on the bench and looked at himself. He was wearing a blue-gray jumpsuit. On the right breast it read "MCFC".

Behind this wall, the abomination couldn't see him, but Xabi could see it. He looked at it in disgust as it sat on its bench. He was going to enjoy the next couple of weeks.

"Engage olfactory and sonic torture." He said, all cold, loathing excitement.

Filius detected an aroma. It was sweet and soft and flowed cleanly into his nostrils. He sniffed silently, nose in the air, trying to find the origin of this inviting smell. Another layer hit him like a physical blow. It was pungent and sour and biting. It tumbled through his snout like an oaf. Hundreds of smells burst into the atmosphere all at once. His brain struggled to recognize each and everyone, but despite his awesome nasal capabilities, he ended up with a large headache and a slightly confused mind. That was just the start.

He heard it. Tiny. Very tiny at first, but very, very annoying and high-pitched. It grew louder. Growing. Growing. It started to ring in his ears as they turned about, trying to zero in on the sound. It grew and grew, until it shook his eardrums and made his headache escalate to a full scale assault on his forehead. Thousands of knives pierced his forehead, jamming themselves into his brain, straining his thought and killing his hearing. He covered his ears and yelped and cried. And cried for it to stop.

"S-stop... STOP! Please! No stop it. No." His voice escalated to a violent and savage growl-talking. "Stop. Monsters! Demons! Stop it! Stop the ringing. Oh God the ringing. The smells! The pain!" The growls turned to tears. "Please stop! It hurts! Please!" He fell to his knees and let out a mighty howl, tinged with anguish, interlaced with horror, pierced by pain. He curled into fetal position. He rocked back and forth hoping it would stop soon. His ears were ringing and tears left his eyes without permission. He sobbed and waited. After an excruciating five minutes, the sound died down and Filius lied down on the bench. As he tried to get some sleep something totally unexpected happened.

Turns out, when he lied on the bench he activated a pressure activated system, opening up to small holes. The pain that ensued after the two three-centimeter spikes went through his legs was incredible and caught him by surprise. As he tried to move, he ripped a bit of the muscle and he yelped for his life. He cried out and gave another blood-curdling howl. He sat on the floor blood staining the jumpsuit he had on. He sat in fetal position again wondering how he could get out.

>>The Next Day

He hadn't eaten at all in two days. He estimated it was already somewhere between nine and ten in the evening. He sat on the floor afraid of the bench that had stabbed him. He was afraid. Afraid of being hurt more. His ears had been throbbing yesterday, but they were fine now. He stood up and yelp at the pain is his calves. He stood up slowly and tried to ignore the pain. He walked over to the Plexiglas wall and door he had entered through. Core Tyrargcys would be disappointed. He failed. He growled and his fur bristled a bit. He hated that--what was it called again?--yes, human. He thought of why it would even want to do this. There was no plausible reason. He sunk down so that his knees were pressed up against his chest, yet again releasing a wave of pain through his lower legs. He sat there, utterly defocused for at least 30 minutes, hunger getting to him. He was lucky they periodically provided him with a small cup of water. He was so thirsty when they brought it, he forgot everything and lapped at the inside.

Eventually, the male human came back and looked disapprovingly at the wolf. He stepped into the white walled room, closed the door and then stepped through the next door into Filius' cell. The wolf instantly stood up on all four paws and growled, forgetting the pain in his lower legs. He lunged at the human snarling and snapping. He was surprised when he stopped in the air, his snarls stifled by a tight grip on his windpipe. As he tried to breathe in, he emitted a sickening sound that sounded in between a lawn mower, a snarl, and a yelp. The human grabbed a small baton from his belt and stuck it hard into Filius' armpit. The shock was felt through his entire body as his heart skipped a beat and his joint buzzed. He fell to the ground, because the human had let go before the impact and the shock.

He kicked the wolf hard in the stomach, and it doubled over. He felt he should introduce himself.

"Stop moving mutt, there's no use. I feel we've gotten off to a wrong start. My name is Xavier Kartoghea, Xabi for short. I am the Emperor's personal emissary, to this stink heap you call a planet. His Eminence--well, maybe I should just tell you that I hate you, what do you silly beings call yourselves? furs--yes that's it, isn't it? All of your kind, it's sickening. I won't tell you why because you're not ready to know. It's not the time. Oh-ho, you do not know how much I enjoy actually having a reason to crush you, not that I really need one. But, it helps my conscience. Now mutt--"

He was interrupted by the wolf.

"I'm not a mutt," He stopped, coughed and continued. "My parents were," cough, "purebred wolves and so am I." The human scoffed and looked at the wolf with disdain and hatred.

"You're all mutts. The whole lot of you." With that he grabbed a small communicator from his belt and pressed the button saying into it, "Take him to test chamber two." Then he said to the wolf, "Good luck, mutt." Two humans fitted with EMPASS armor walked in and grabbed the wolf by the arms. Xabi gave the wolf one more good shock and walked out.

Filius' head dropped and hanged as he tried to stay focused. His hunger seemed to be eating him alive, and his stomach gave loud moans and rumbles. The figures brought him out and strapped him back into the seat he had been in yesterday. Xabi walked beside him as the seat moved on its track, unaware of where it was taking this poor soul. Xabi planned the next two hours in his head precisely, to get as much pleasure as he could squeeze out of them. The stepped through some double-doors and the seat stopped in the middle of a room identical to the one he had been woken up in.

"Gentlemen, if you could be so kind as to hand me that knife over there, I would be ever so grateful." He pressed a button on a panel and the seat straightened out so that Filius was now lying do on a board. One of the men in EMPASS brought a particularly sharp looking knife to the hands of Xabi. The hilt was decorated with intricate, swirling designs and had a small square which had a banner like thing inside. It was made of white and red stripes and the upper left corner had a blue rectangle with forty or fifty white stars. He was starting to get nervous.

"Heh--what are you going to do with..." At that moment the humans hand clutched the dagger and swung it across the wolf's chest, slicing through tender flesh and leaving a searing, red line of pain. The wolf howled in pain, which only fueled Xabi's extreme desire to injure the abomination. A smile of genuine pleasure and happiness was plastered across his flattened face. He sliced its skin again. It howl-whimpered and coughed.

Filius' chest burned and bled as he breathed in and out. The gashes now formed an "X" in his chest, the red life fluid staining his white fur. The human seemed to contemplate his next move. Then, apparently deciding, swing the knife like a bat, or sword, right into his left arm and hitting the bone. He repeated this several times each time the pain echoing through the wolf's body. He yelped and whimpered and cried. He repeated this process on the right arm. The wolf trembled with the intense pain the radiated from the wounds, stinging and searing. The human then slashed the metal through the wolf's left ear, causing the entire upper half to fall to the floor in a small pool of blood. His ear and that quadrant of his head screamed and burned. His eyes watered and he gave out a high-pitched whine.

"Now, pup. What were you doing in our skiff? Huh? What were you looking for? What do you know?" asked the human, eying him suspiciously.

"Nothing" he replied, breathing hard and grunting from the pain. "I didn't take anything." The human slashed the wolf's cheek. Not deep enough to cut into his mouth, but he screamed out and snarled. "What?! Why?!"

"Shut up! I know you didn't take anything, mutt. You went through the database. What did you find?!" He grabbed the wolf's head fur and pulled--hard. His eyes teared again as the hair was nearly ripped out of its follicles.

"I didn't take anything and I didn't find anything!"

"Really? Okay then. We're done here. Good bye." The human smiled and looked at the wolf. The wolf stared back suspiciously.


"No." The knife sliced through his thighs. He threw his head back in anguish as his legs were filled with the white-hot liquid pain. The cuts were deep and almost touched bone. He could feel it, his muscle fibers torn and ripped.

"Hmm... I'm bored. I think I'll do something else." He thought for a moment, and then seemed to light up with an idea. "Boys, bring me the defibrillator. He smiled. The man brought in a cart on which sat the device. The two metal sheets with rubber handles sat on top of the black control panel and actual apparatus. Filius cringed at the sight, would he be doing something so bad that he would need to jump start his heart, or..." Seemingly knowing what he was thinking, the human smiled.

"Yes, pup." He went up to Filius and somehow took off his shirt through all the straps. He activated the machine and he heard the frightening whine of the pads being charged. He rubbed them together a bit, and looked right into Filius' golden, now fiery eyes, with hatred, and excitement. He slowly brought his mouth up to the wolf's ear and whispered, "Clear," and pressed the two pads onto the furry chest. The resulting shock made his body jump violently and shattered his thoughts. The pain was choking him and his eyes were turning, not being able to see as he convulsed, restrained by the straps.

He pushed the electrodes onto the flesh again, and Filius jumped again, and again, and again. He wondered when it would end. He slumped onto the straps, as the human grabbed his headfur and pulled his head up. Filius looked into the dark brown irises that should have been tinted red with hatred. The human's lips moved as if he was going to say something, but instead his spit in Filius' face, the thick saliva sticking to the fur and stinging the cut he had on his cheek.

"Tell me what you found. There were very, very, very private and classified files there. What did you find?!" He rammed the sheets of metal right into the chest again at least ten times, his teeth clenched and showing. Filius noted the cuspids that were similar to his, but shorter. The pain was immense and his vision was blurring. The man sighed. "This is getting particularly boring. But... what the hell." He drove the electrodes onto his flesh over and over again. Filius' body was getting numb. It continued for at least forty-five minutes. Eventually the machine wouldn't whine and charge because it had wasted its battery.

At least an hour had passed. He knew it. The human slapped the machine off the cart and it fell to the floor, some parts flying this way and that. He turned and smacked his fist straight into the wolf's face. Filius' eyes were shut as the impact remained in his cheek, vibrating through his bones. The human's other fist drove itself happily and forcefully through his upper abdomen, knocking the air out of his cut and shocked chest. The blows continued to his face and chest. Eventually the human's leg felt it would be nice to take a stroll down the intersection of Pain and Crotch. Following the gut-enflaming pain would have caused him to double over, but now it caused the restraints to click and clank as he yelped and wrenched. Tears dripped out of his eyes.

"Oh-ho! Looks like it's time for my favorite part. Hell. Simply put, it basically is. It's a special machine a save for my most...special guests." He chuckled a bit. "Oh this is going to be fun. I hope you squirm. I hope you cry out. You will cry out. You'll beg me to kill you. I know you will. Because now you get to spend 45 minutes with Hell." He looked back at the two humans in armor and said, "Bring it in."

The two of them had to go out and bring a tube--maybe 5 inches thick--through the door on the opposite side of the cylindrical room. At the end was a flat circular pas with three holes on its face. Filius wondered what a machine would have to do to earn the actual name "Hell". He looked at the tube approaching him. The cold metal touched his bare chest. Somehow, some sort of suction held the tube to the fur and skin between his two pecs. The human, Xabi stepped up to him smacked his face hard, and left the room, followed him out the door. He heard a loud click outside the door.

"Good luck, pup." He heard some whirring coming from the tube and then three needles stabbed him right in the sternum. The needles, which were actually sharp tentacle-like things, slithered in three different directions. The pain was unreal as his skin was ripped from his badly where the metal tentacles went. He howled, then yelped, them whimpered and screamed. The screams grew to such an extreme to where his throat burned and rasped and he could no longer scream or howl anymore. The only thing that escaped his muzzle was a gurgling high-pitched semi-screech. His eyes dilated and he threw his head up in pain. It was unbearable, as he felt each and every part of his skin ripped violently from the tissue beneath. Blood started to leak out from the pad that was attached to his chest.

After about fifteen minutes, Filius' body lay there restrained, and completely lifeless. It shook slightly as the needle-tentacles continued to drill. A soft gurgling was being emitted from his mouth and blood flowed from multiple tears in his flesh from where the skin had been ripped.