One Leopard Fits All

Story by Velaala on SoFurry

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#1 of One Tiny Leopard

My very first commission, by my friend Cynthia! Thank you so much for it! Hugs Cynthia tight!

Go take a look at the version on her page and her arts, too!

The character belongs to FA: Cynthia-Feline .


This was the place for choice. So many stores to visit, so many clothes to try. Some of these were expensive, some cheaper, with a quality to match. The icing on the cake, however, was the target public.

Trying clothes in the more conventional shops had always ended in disaster. Clothing tailored for humans does not include room for tails, the pant sleeves always seem too thin for paws, and this still said nothing of the awkward feeling of the cloth against the fur. Not these places here, they made clothes specifically for people like her.

Cynthia smiled as she walked from store to store, searching for the right place. As a snow leopard, she could not necessarily wear any kind of clothing. The thicker, warmer clothes such as those a reptilian would wear were only necessary in the coldest of times. She needed something light, something comfortable, and most important, something which would be pretty with her particular fur pattern.

Here it was. The new place she had heard about. She had anxiously waited for its opening ever since it had been announced. Her gait changed into a pleasant hop as she entered The Spotted Sapphire. Everything seemed perfect. The choice of colours included many options for her own pattern, the cuts seemed to fit her body perfectly, and the fabric felt incredibly smooth and comfortable against her fur.

The personnel seemed rather busy and she didn't want to bother, so she proceeded to pick everything she thought she might like on her own, and headed to the dressing rooms. Skirts, t-shirts, tank tops, pants, there was quite an assortment. She tried them on one by one, taking the time to look at herself in the mirror while doing so.

She didn't spend much time with the more casual pieces such as the shirt and pants, those were mostly to wear at home and at times she simply couldn't walk around naked. They had to fit, they had to be pretty, but they were still just clothes.

The true fun came with the more revealing attire, such as the skirts, the low-cut tops, the stockings, the bras. There was indeed quite some potential here, but everything had to be just right. It was quite fortunate, then, that everything seemed to fit just right!

She stood in front of the mirror, taking a look at this particular outfit she had pieced together. Fishnet stockings which seemed to slightly dig into the fur of her legs, a skirt which stopped a little higher than her knees above which her tail slipped out, a tank top which showed off her flat belly and a rather nice amount of cleavage, held up by very thin straps. Wearing this at work certainly wouldn't make her look professional. When in private, however...

After posing for herself a few moments, she tugged on her skirt to change back into her regular clothes. They just wouldn't budge. It was as if they had been glued to her hips. Yet this was her size, and she had had no problem putting them on. She took a look behind herself to make sure her tail was above her belt and not below, which it clearly was. Further attempts to tug this garment off were also unsuccessful. She just started laughing softly as she realized how much she was wiggling around, moving her hips side to side, back and forth. It never occurred to her that the skirt was simply too small.

She was no stick; she did have some rather wide hips, slightly above average. The same could be said about her chest, as well. What stood in the mirror before her, however, was nothing close to her slightly above average size. The "slightly" was far gone, each breast was easily as large as her head. It was now obvious why she couldn't remove the skirt; she had outgrown it in these few minutes, just as her tank top had, even though her attention hadn't been directed to it until now.

She could feel the clothes shrink atop her. While it wasn't what was happening, it surely felt just like it. Her growing bottom ensured that this short skirt would become even shorter, as the flesh which pushed it backwards meant there was less fabric to go down. The opposite phenomenon could be observed with her top. The fishnet stockings gradually dug into her as the thighs swelled, leaving a crisscross pattern into the fur. A mathematician would certainly have enjoyed the opportunity to calculate the changes in the total area of covered fur, as well as the many forces applying pressure on this poor fabric.

Math was unnecessary to Cynthia at this moment, however, as she knew what was going to happen at this rate. Clothes would burst. The tears were already forming along the sides of the skirt and on her tank top, in between the gradually swelling breasts. In an attempt to ease the contrast between the pressure and its eventual release, she slipped her arms out from the top, which had become so tight around her that it held in place despite not being held up.

Despite the curiosity of what was happening and the sheer compression which she was subjected to, the snow leopard couldn't help but smile. She enjoyed this new size, even if it was certainly not showing any sign of stopping. And thus, she acted as any snow leopard growing rapidly while wearing a sexy outfit would have done: she posed.

She thought this over as quickly as she could. She didn't have much time, but she knew such a chance wouldn't come very often. Setting one of her paws onto her hip and the other through her hair, she stood straight. As she stuck the same hip out towards the side and her chest towards the front, it all fell apart. Literally.

Her skirt, which was gradually tearing open, simply shred itself into two pieces, the hind part remaining stuck on the platform which her butt had become. Her tank top suffered a similar fate, yet it ripped apart into many more pieces, with some of the tatters remaining on her. Her stockings were last, but also the most entertaining to watch. Starting from the top, where her thighs were thickest, the fragile links which were knit together all seemed to undo themselves one by one, gradually moving downwards.

She couldn't help but enjoy all this as it happened. Looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled. Each breast had become massive; she would likely have trouble reaching her own nipples with her arms. While not quite as large, her hips were also rather imposing, as wide as her shoulders and proportionately thick, with her thighs matching this size. Her bottom was somewhere between her hips and her breasts in size. Picking off the remains which had been left onto her body, she looked back towards her original clothes, those she had when she first came in. She thought for a moment, and then picked up all the clothes she had destroyed. She opened the door and carefully poked her head out, as she was now entirely naked.

She handed the tags of the clothes to the woman which came to help her.

"Can I have these in your largest size?"