Last Chance

Story by ThatOneGuy15 on SoFurry

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More of a darker side of my thoughts...

Anyways, here you go

His jaw hung open as he panted, his breathing coming in as gasps as he came upon the house. He ran up the stairs like he had for blocks and turned the handle. The door was locked and he cursed softly in his mind. Stepping back a bit, he charged with his shoulder lowered towards the door. With the sound of wood cracking, the door came free, as did the gasp of pain he made. His shoulder screamed of white hot agony at the impact, but his purpose dulled the pain as he shouted out his friend's name, the friend he loved. Running through the rooms, he finally came upon the stairs at the back, pouring on his speed as he climbed.

The second floor was nearly bare of any decoration, with a few doors here and there on either side. He skipped past many as he ran to a door with a sign on it, reading 'Stay Out' and knowing his friend was hurt behind there. Once again testing the handle first, it turned freely and the door swung open on the silent hinges, too silent to him at the thought of what lie behind the door. And on the floor, was his friend.

He rushed into the room, feeling his heart leap to his throat at the scene before him. The white feathered hands, the ones he had always loved to touch and feel, were now crimson with blood. A knife, also soiled with the red liquid of life was grasped in a hand, the other covering it. The origin of the blood was at the wrists, falling slowly through the white feathers to his chest, where it pooled before flowing out to both sides.

Kneeling next to the prone figure in front of him, he put his forepaw against his friend's neck as his salty tears flowed down his face and muzzle. He nearly sobbed in relief as a pulse was found underneath his pads. Reaching into his pocket, he dialed the only number that could help him save his friend.