Short Bit (Will update)

Story by Vas_Luruin on SoFurry

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#2 of Intro's

A very short intro so far, same day I'll put something here

As she entered she immediately dashed to one of the darker corners of the arena to sit alone like usual, it was dark in the little area till she flickered a little globe of light into life. Looking around a little before shifting her knees closer to her and hugged the pair of wings that she wore around her frame, inside the feathered ball she sat and read to herself in the song speak of her people. Her little ball of feathers lost a feather now and then as new ones replaced the old ones, these feathers of raven black floated as if suspended by unseen dancers. They twirled around her even though no one would have been able to see their actions till they started to faintly glow around her as her song continued. The pure emotion of her words would have touched anyone close enough to her the chorus, at first it was of glory, the start of one of many battles, as it went on it rose and rose to a magnificent climax till, the end which like many tales of her people ended in tragedy and sorrow, the words now filled with sorrow of lost lands and dark conversions. The feather's danced to the tune in and joyous yet some how able to portray the darker emotions that cam near the end, flaring with light as some crackled with lightning that arced across several feathers.