In a pack part 11

Story by Sindragon on SoFurry

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#11 of In a Pack Redone

This is set in A/U of the Ice age movies ,set before the first movie. A Human baby is born with a Tiger birth mark . Seen as evil and a bringer of doom to Humans, his father the leader of the Human clan orders for the death of his own Child. His Mother refuse to let her son die,so run away to save her son life. more summary inside. Warning:Paring between a Human and animal

In a Pack by SindragonV2

I own Stuart, Nala Ironfang ,David ,OC and Silvermoon.

I don't own Soto Diego, Manny Sid is own by Blue sky

This is set in A/U of the Ice age movies ,set before the first movie. A Human baby is born with a Tiger birth mark . Seen as evil and a bringer of doom to Humans, his father the leader of the Human clan orders for the death of his own Child. His Mother refuse to let her son die,so run away to save her son life. Only to die and with her son, still alive in the cold. But her son is found by a Sabre, who take the baby home to her clan. To raise him in as one of them

Warning: There will be paring between a human and a animal. If you don't like that stuff don't read this story ok !

Also I will keep the parings the same as they are in the movies.

Chapter 11 Knowledge and Wisdom.

To Ironfang and Silvermoon Group

As the leaders of the clan headed their own group though the forest. While watching Nala and Sin group disappeared into the middle of the forest. When their own group, would go around the sides of the forest.

" What the plan love, since the Wolfs might be waiting for us." Silvermoon said to Ironfang, while worrying still about her sons safety.

" Im sure their fine darling, plus you forget what Nala and Sin had said. That their was only 3 Wolfs,im sure we could handle them. If somehow they had got a luckily shot on Diego and Soto." Ironfang said to his mate in a confident tone of voice.

But before Silvermoon could reply to Ironfang,she then heard familiar a voice filled with knowledge and wisdom. Belonging to Starstorm,the mother of Ironfang.

" Son you should know by now, not to get over cockily because of believing Sabers are invincible. We are not and I wouldn't be surprised,if their was more than 3 Wolfs in this attack. Most likely appearing after Sin and Nala let for help, don't let your ego get the best of you my son." Starstorm said to her son, while giving him a nuzzle.

Starstorm was getting on in her years, she was about 60 in Humans years. But she was still very strong and wise in her old age. Sure she wasn't as strong in her young years. But with age came knowledge ,which she gain over the years. She was look at in the pack ,as a wise figurehead. She would be ask many question by the pack on,about things to do for day to day life. Also wanting her farst knowledge of opinion on what they should do with their life's.

Her body also had change with age she was left muscular, than she was when she was younger. But she was still in very good shape, for her age and would still help in the hunts. Sure she had to move to a side role than a lead role, due to her lack of stamina compare to likes of her Granddaughter Nala.

Starstorm fur was more a paler gold fur than her son due to her age. when she had dark blue eyes, like the colour of the night sky. Also on her fur were,star shapes above her left eye. It was her birthmark, that her mother had told her as a cub. She was about 6 ft,from head to tail in length. An her sabres teeth,were about 2 feet in length.

Ironfang purred in response from his mother nuzzle,he loved his mother so much. He was such a momma cub,but didn't care one bit at all. Though he didn't want to put,her life in danger on helping finding Diego and Soto. But like him Starstorm was a very stubborn Saber. An wouldn't take anything but helping on the rescued mission.

" I know mother it that,I just don't want the others to think of me as weak." Ironfang said to his mother in a sad tone, while walking with her and Silvermoon. As the other members of the group walk, behind the Royal family members.

" Son you are not weak,even your father show his worries to the pack. An they accept him as the leader, like they do with you my son. An I couldn't be any more prouder on what you have become." Starstorm said with her wisdom but also in a proud tone.

" Thank you mum,I need that." Ironfang said to his mum.

As they nuzzled more,while Silvermoon look on with happiness of her mate opening up. Soon they had finished their moment with each other, an then walk further into the forest. Unknowing not seeing Ice appearing out a bush behind them.

" Let see who the real hunter and who is the prey Ironfang,let the game start." Ice said darkly,before disappeared into the bush once more.

End of chapter 11

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