CyberPIgeon X Script (Rough Draft)

Story by Volerikan on SoFurry

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Upcoming Graphic Novel/Comic Book?

CyberPigeonX Part 1

Sec-Server Control Room. 10:53 PM; March 16, 2017.

"Cyber-Shields... Operational. Structural Integrity... Structural Integrity... Failed, sir. Integrity is slowly decaying. We cannot hold a positive charge." Doctor Marshall slammed on his keyboard. "Just can't get this working right!" Beta 764.2 vanished into the void of it's Cyberspace. Syntax errors filling the flashing screen. "Debugging!" Yelled Marshall. "I'll have the next build up shortly, sir! I'll simulate the phase two integrity method." Commander Rae shook her head as she stepped out of the room.

Warning prompts started appearing on all Sec-Server screens. Doctor Marshall pushed up his glasses. Switched over to his primary machine. He's been locked out of all control. "What's happening?"

Rae ran back into the control room. "Doctor! Deploy CyberPigeon. Now!"


"Do it. Hurry. Before Sec-Server is completely overrun. Before they obtain our 'X-Code'." She quickly responded.

Marshall quickly ran over to Sec-Server's backup machine. Typed in a long list of code, jacked CyberPigeon into Sec-Server. The screen switched over to CyberPigeon's point of view cam. A bright light plagued the screen as it was uploaded to the server. was unable to identify the unknown targets in front of it. Before Sec-Server is able to scan them, pellets of energy began swarming around CyberPigeon. Each attacking one by one.

Marshall quickly grabbed the mouse and aimed CyberPigeon's highly customizable and upgradable CyberBuster at the enemy. As the CyberBuster destroys viruses, it takes their data and uses it against them. Marshall is having a hard time maneuvering CyberPigeon away from the swift attacks. "At this rate, we won't have any energy left to defend ourselves!"

"The CyberBullets are having absolutely no effect on these viruses! CyberPigeon isn't strong enough." Rae runs over to the firewall system. "I'm deploying our emergency backup fleet." Hundreds of automated CyberPigeon AI spawn into the battlefield. "These guys are usually destroyed in one or two hits, but as an army, they can be very powerful."

Thousands of enemy squadrons start to appear. Flashing out of no where it seems. "Disconnect Sec-Server from the internet." Rae yells.

"But... Sir. So many companies are relying on us. If we disconnect---"

"We don't have a choice, doctor." Rae said in a firm voice. "We can't let any more of these things in."

One of the viruses scanned an automated CyberPigeon. Suddenly, it took it's form and weapon. The other viruses started to appear as random forms with different attacks too. They're multiplying.

Doctor Marshall took the server offline. Messages started appearing on every screen. "You shouldn't have done that." Repeated over and over.

"I'm locked out of the backup! I can't control CyberPigeon!" Marshall screams. Sweat pouring down his face, fists to the table. "C'mon! Our shields can't take much more."

The different variations of the new virus swarm in and continue attacking CyberPigeon and it's comrades. All frozen in place. Rocks and fire bouncing off their shields. Spiked enemies are charging at them.

"Some of these attacks... I've never seen them from these viruses before." Marshall says quietly. "CyberPigeon isn't going to last much longer. But, it still seems like we're getting the enemy data sent from him."

"Can we use this data in X? Modify it's weapon scripts to have some kind of defense against these things?" Rae suggested.

"We haven't even begun testing X's CyberBuster. It can be very risky. Besides... Our latest build may end up like our last. Useless!" Replied the doctor.

"Marshall. We have no choice. Do it. I'll be in my ready room. I need to see what else I can find about these things." She exits the room.

The CyberPigeon army is just about gone. Just a few grunts here and there remain, doing what they can to defend the frozen CyberPigeon as it collects whatever data it can. "Just a few more moments, and we'll be ready to deploy. Just gotta get these weapon systems online... Got it! Okay, okay. Cyber-Shields online! Structural Integrity... C'mon... Structural Integrity... Operational!" Marshall leaps out of his seat, in pure excitement. Sways back and falls to the floor. "Ahahha, ow! Okay... Let's do this, X!"

CyberPigeon's point of view cam shows this bright, vertical light off in the distance as X spawns into the field.

A new virus spawns along with X. A shadow figure. Dark, purple haze surrounding it's deep, red eyes. Resembling CyberPigeon, a dark beam shoots out of it's forehead exo-armor right into CyberPigeon's POV cam. A message displays on the locked up system. "CyberPigeon DELETED." The screen blacked out. The message, "YOU LOSE!" repeated over and over on it.

There we have it. The end to our CyberHero. Defenseless against this new squadron. This new... Dark CyberPigeon, it's very last sight. In it's wake, CyberPigeonX starts charging it's CyberBuster, attacking many of new viruses at once. Quickly destroying each one, obtaining each of their powers.

Control of Sec-Server slowly started coming back to Marshall. "Switching over to CyberPigeonX point of view cam!" With most of the virus fleet gone, Dark CyberPigeon appeared with what looked like a very dark mist appearing behind it. Swallowing the rest of the battlefield. X's camera showed pitch darkness, suddenly red eyes opened up.

"Signal lost." Dark CyberPigeon took X into a new, inaccessible partition it created on Sec-Server. The new CyberPigeonX is on it's own.

"I'm redeploying our fleet with the upgraded busters to finish off the stragglers. I'm also trying to get administrative access back to this partition." The doctor swiftly mentioned to Rae.

"Why not just destroy this partition?" Commander Rae asked.

"We'll risk corrupting Sec-Server's data. Our backup system has already been compromised. Honestly, we're relying on test software right now for the future of our company." Doctor Marshall replied. "As soon as I can get access, I can get our fleet in there and destroy that dark ghost thing for good."

"Make it so."

To be continued...