Atreyu's Heartbreak

Story by atreyu2258 on SoFurry

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The cold, crisp October winds almost knocked the air out of his lungs when he walked through the automatic doors. The bitterness of the air seemed to sweep over his fur and burrow down through to his skin. His face scowled at the feeling as he held onto his grocery bags even tighter. The dark 7:00 pm sky that greeted him as he exited the store was a bit of a surprise to him. He knew that winter was on the way, but to see darkness so early make him think of the darker and colder days to come.

But Atreyu had more on his mind. Sure, the cold air and premature darkness do have an effect how this Scottish Wildcat feels. But there was something else far more complex going on in his heart. The seemingly bottomless emptiness that existed in his soul seemed even larger and deeper on nights like these. Perhaps he had been ignoring this pain. But the reality that the wind seemed to drive into his body was so fierce that he couldn't help but face the emotional turmoil that was now his life.

As Atreyu put each bag into his car, he began to weep silently. His soft whimpers were inaudible to the other shoppers in the parking lot. As he finished putting his bags in his car, he struggled to hold back his tears of sorrow. But that was to no avail. But it didn't really matter, His tears were as invisible as black ice in the cold dark night. It was just as well. Atreyu was a very private feine and didn't care that no one in the world could see the pain and suffering that engulfed his spirit.

He slowly climbed into his car, paying attention to keep his tail from shutting in the door again. The soreness of it reminded him of what happens when his mind gets clouded with thoughts of his past love. But for the sake of his own sanity and physical well being, he would have to deal with his pain enough to function. He would have to put his ears back, wrinkle his brow, and forge ahead into the cold dark night.