Caught in the Storm: 2

Story by evaterl on SoFurry

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This is Chapter 2 to what I hope will be a long series.

Hope you enjoy.


July 24, 2320 5:57:21PM Raling Police Department

Tivalae stood there as he looked out the break room window. He saw nothing but snow and the trees that guarded it, glistening in a strange hue in contrast to the falling sun. He then looked around nostalgically. It was a small break room, noting more than a small kitchen area, plus a small dining room. The staff was busy socializing, completely unaware of the war hero.

"I'm really not surprised they don't acknowledge that old dog anymore. Hell, even I wouldn't, really."

"Are you sure he used to be a war veteran? I heard that it was some fluke twenty years after they gave him his medal."

"Yeah, but that was superstition only and had no evidence to back it up. Was speciests probably."

"Yeah, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. I mean, seriously just look at him."

Tivalae used to be the pride of the Head Tribe, but the more he aged, the further the new generation of Anthros took over. In more detail, not only did he save his team from becoming chunks of meat shredded everywhere, but he also gave command top secret information about how the enemy was making another TNNU. TNNU (Total Nation Neutralization Unit) referred to the enhanced nukes from the Millennia. The claim was merely by a human who hated Anthros and literally had the standing to start hell in the politics of the Old Nation, the remaining nations under one flag.

When the last bomb went off, world peace was a main result, but the Forces were sent out on peace keeping routines, nothing more. Extremists always somehow got ahold of advanced military weaponry to extremely rare Old Guns that were more like dusty old antiques, so a strict mandate was passed so that all military grade weapons were to be destroyed and scrapped for their metals. Only the Forces could hold guns and households had their rights to two guns per family, one close range and one far range. Under penalty of death by public example should anyone oppose this mandate.

A fresh new layer of painted honeydew was along the walls, yet, the more he looked, the more sullen he became. He shifted back to the outside world, hoping to see an answer in the falling snowflakes. He let the staff mock him, knowing full well of the uselessness of trying to defend himself now.

In these high mountains, anything could have happened, he thought to himself. There's been a lot of deaths recently, what the hell is going on?

"Tivalae," Uric stated. He just stepped through the door not too long after Tivalae did, hearing all the side comments about his war hero.

At the mention of the name, the entire staff in the break room froze. They started walking towards the door until Uric slammed it shut. The window panes shifted violently.

"You all have some nerve to disrespect a man who fought for all the furs rights. Even being mugged after the war and losing his family to pricks who were just like you. How dare you for just tossing his acts of heroism and kindness away for the trash you all are," he growled. Uric was to the point of almost being feral; He had all of his teeth bared and the back of his snowy fur straight like needles of a quill. He had nothing but pure rage, and Tivalae knew this.

"Uric," he calmly stated.

Completely ignoring him, he went on. "Why on Earth would you all disgrace the name of a person so kind and caring? Yes I said person because even though he is a fur, just like me AND like most of you, he has more human spirit and sympathy than an actual human. How is it-."

Uric," Tivalae stated more sternly. He walked towards the table calmly. He knew this had to stop before it got out of hand. The staff that was in his way stepped aside and knew not to mess with Tivalae right now, right now, he was serious. Fur and human alike, it didn't matter to Tivalae, the only thing that mattered was getting this little cat under control.

He flinched at the mention of his name a second time. Uric knew this was upsetting his war hero, but this had to be settled today or else it would never end. Before he was able to get out another word, Tivalae slammed down his paw with great force onto the table, as it screamed in pain due to the cracking everyone heard from its frame. His sweet, soothing voice instantly became sharp and bitter to the point everyone froze. "That is enough, Uric. Let them go on their way. Now."

Uric froze and then started getting teary-eyed as he realized that he just went off and had an episode. Another breakdown... in front of everyone, he thought. And his hero, who he knew to be always so kind and gentle, became so cold in his voice that all he could do was step aside and put his back on the wall without falling back, more in shock than terror, but that slowly crept in.

Unsure if it was safe to go, the staff stayed frozen, until Tivalae said elsewise.

"Go on everyone. It seems I have to have a talk with this little cat. I'm pretty sure you all are busy, so go on ahead. There's lots of work to be done, people so have a good one. Don't forget that those of you on patrol need to be safe. I recommend going over the radio transmission so that you all are fully aware. Also, the snow is starting to fall so be careful on the icy roads next to the Falls." His voice shifted back into the soothing kind voice everyone knew him by. Uric slumped down to the floor and held his knees to his heart closer than he thought he could.

I can't cry, he thought. Not with everyone here watching.

Slowly everyone started moving along and then they rushed out, knowing full well what would happen if they ignored Tivalae's grace period that he gave them right now. As the last fur left the room, Tivalae slumped down next to the sobbing Uric who couldn't hold back his tears anymore.

"Tivalae, I-," he began but instantly buried his face into his knees. He couldn't stand to see his hero see him cry like a little cat. He was taken aback when he felt a strong paw touch the back of his head. Uric flinched in anticipation to being hit. Every relationship he had been in before turned abusive a month later. He just ended up with the wrong people and furs.

Now even my secret love is goin' to hate me too. He's goin' to beat me just like the others.

"Uric, it's okay." He slowly started stroking the back fur with his blunt nails, eventually going into the skin underneath and rubbing with the pads on his left paw. After what felt like forever (being ten minutes), he finally calmed down. He even started purring, taking a chuckle out of Tivalae, a nice hearty chuckle that Uric knew all too well. He's back now, he thought in happiness. My Tivalae.

"Just like a little kitty-cat, I swear Uric."

"That's not funny."

"I really don't see why not since you're obviously enjoying me pettin' you, cat. Can't you hear yourself purring like a car motor?"

He looked up, glad to see his hero just staring out the window from earlier, and smiling. Uric could feel that his fur was extremely red and his eyes all puffed up from the crying he did earlier. It just wasn't fair to him, not at all.

Tivalae sensed there were eyes staring at him. There was a big pause of silence. He was wondering about whether or not he should say what's on his mind.

The silence was murder to Uric, here his hero was petting him and sharing a perfect moment, yet he still flinched when that sweet, soothing voice spoke again. "You know, cat. You remind me of someone."


"Yes really. You remind me of... of one of someone from my team that day."

"Of the day you became a hero?"

Tivalae flinched and his smile wavered. He still hated being called a hero, and Uric knew, but he was curious about it. He wanted to share the past with his hero that he admired and loved so much. Uric noticed him tense up and stop petting him. He moved closer into Tivalae. "I'm sorry."

After a big sigh, Tivalae went on, this time staring at the little cat who was so interested in his past. All he saw was an ocean of blue, two drops of the purest blue he had ever seen. "No its okay, I'm just not used to being called that anymore, Uric. I'll tell you what happened if you like." He was grateful that his fur was dark; Uric would have seen the blush in his own fur that Uric gave, but he noticed the cats fur turn into the Redsnow that Tivalae nicknamed him soon after orientation day. A child so interested... and yet..., he sorrowfully thought.

Although he almost screamed out yes, Uric was more concerned about earlier. That's the whole reason he followed him, if not to stare at his hero some more, was to ask what was wrong with him today.

"No, I actually wanted to talk to you about earlier. You'll just have to tell me on some other rainy day." Uric smiled.

Seeing the interest Uric had in his eyes, Tivalae knew that rainy day would be soon. He then stood up and sat down in a chair next to the table he abused earlier. "I will but first I need you to come here and just sit down in the chair across from me. Don't touch the table."

Curious, he listened to his hero. He started getting a little nervous, and it showed through his body language.

"Your episodes are happening more frequently, Uric. I'm surprised we didn't have to detain you yet. Have you been taking your medicine?"

"H-how did you..?"

"In the locker room, when you shut the door after leaving, I noticed your locker was open and some pills fell out over the floor. I'm sorry to say that curiosity got the better of me, but I was the only one in the lockers at the time." In anticipation to any remark the snow leopard would've made, he added, "Don't worry; I'm the only one who knows and I made sure to clean up any stray powder it might have left."

Great now my hero knows I'm crazy, he sobbed softly to himself so that his hero wouldn't hear.

Leaning in without touching the table, he added, "How long have you had that prescription?"

"What w-why...?"

"Just please answer the question."

"A month... I don't see why that has to do with anything."

"Just listen to me; Stop taking the medicine. You will feel a lot better, trust me." He answered with concern.

Tivalae sounds worried, he started thinking. Wait then that means...

"Wait does that mean you...?"

"Have the same medicine? Had is a better word. It was making me worse, not better. That medicine is actually for veterans only, Uric. It's medicine strictly for vets to forget all their horrors of the Wars and the regrets that creep into our dreams and nightmares."

"So I have been taking medicine for vets?"

"Yup looks like." Tivalae made a mental note to check up on the doctor who gave him that prescription. He was absolutely terrified that if this medicine was on prescription now... "But don't worry about that; Look at the table."

Uric stared blankly at the table. He was amazed that the table was still standing with how much screaming the frame did. It made him shudder. I better not get him too angry again, he thought.

"This table, although you saw me slam my first into it, is still standing right?"


"So why am I showing it to you?" Tivalae questioned.

That is a good question: Why WAS he showing him this table? Without letting him answer, Tivalae went on.

"Please step up and back away." Until he knew Uric was at an okay distance, he stated only "Watch." He tapped at each corner with his blunt claw, then the center, and the entire table split into pieces, scattering to the floor beneath. Seeing the awe in the snow leopards face, with his jaw dropped, he continued with a light-hearted smile.

"The reason is to teach you the importance of self-control, Officer Simni."