Labyrinth of Rape - Horse Meadow

Story by Zikare on SoFurry

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#2 of Labyrinth of Rape

The "Labyrinth of Rape" series is pure bestiality smut, so if you come here from another of my stories, know what you're getting yourself into >:-)

In the last chapter, Julia, apparently a con artist who seduced men and even women for their money, was thrown into the Labyrinth of Rape, a place of public humiliation that breeds animals specifically to rape humans. After finishing the first chamber, a maze with raping dogs, in record time, she has now advanced into the second chamber.

But how many chambers are there and will she make it out alive?

Labyrinth of Rape

Part 2 - Horse Meadow

When Julia had finished washing herself - though she was quite sure that no amount of washing could make her feel clean anytime soon - the watchers above were already applauding and cheering the next woman. Would Caesar have recovered in time to "greet" the new woman? How did the saying go? Better you than me.

She dried herself and put a towel around her waist.

"Aww," came Adelia's voice from above, "show that pretty butt!"

She looked up. Only three watchers remained, amongst them, of course, Adelia in her light blue tunic. What the hell was wrong with that woman?

Julia sat down on the bed and tried to relax. Every once in a while, another cheer came from the crowd. Good for them! So long as that other woman got raped, they wouldn't come to the bathing chamber to stare at her.

It took probably the better part of two hours until the other woman had found the key and entered the bathing chamber, too. Her name was Danielle, a black-haired woman with full breasts and luxurious hips. At least she wasn't a sobbing wreck when she arrived - Julia couldn't stand those types, weaklings who dumped their misery on others and soaked up sympathy as if it was expensive wine.

After the watchers had left, food was lowered into the chamber. Danielle tried once more to tell her life story during their meal but Julia made abundantly clear that she didn't want to hear any of it.

In the evening, wooden planks were placed on the roof and the room went almost dark, safe for thin lines of sunlight passing between the planks. They both slept in the same bed, covered only with the towels.


The wooden planes were removed again late on the next morning. But before the servants above had finished their task, the southern wall slid aside, revealing a huge meadow that seemed to be several times larger than the bathing chamber. Out there, four guards stood and... Adelia. She ran towards Julia and jumped into her arms.

"Miss! You can't do that!" one of the guards shouted.

If Julia hadn't caught Adelia, both would have fallen onto the floor.

"Good morning my sweet," Adelia joyfully said, "I couldn't wait!"

From up close, Adelia turned out to be a very young woman. No more than twenty years old, probably, and even that seemed like a high estimate. How could one so young have such sick desires? The guards stood ready to pull the two apart if anything happened, Julia noted.

Then Adelia whispered into her ear: "I'm here to help you escape!" while her hands at the same time pulled away Julia's towel and began to knead her ass. Julia ignored it. She had let another woman touch her before. If it got her out of this horrible place, she could take it. She whispered back: "Really? How?"

Adelia laughed: "Not at all! Remember? I said I wanted to see you moan under those big, strong animals!"

Damn that woman! She had gotten Julia again, yesterday by toying with her fear, today by toying with her hopes. And still she was kneading her buttocks with obvious joy.

Julia looked at the guards, then spoke calmly: "Look, Adelia, I may have been caught with a woman, but I only did it because I wanted her money, I'm not..."

But right then, Adelia kissed Julia on the lips.

"Hmpf!" Julia protested. Still wary of the guards, she pushed Adelia away, slowly and gently.

Adelia smiled joyfully when she stepped back and winked to the guards who then began pulling a rusty iron cage into the bathing chamber. Next, Danielle was led out of the chamber by two guards, leaving only Adelia and the two remaining guards when the wall closed again.

"The view isn't good from up there," Adelia said like a happy child about to unwrap a present. Julia didn't like where this was heading. "I've picked a nice one for you. I want you to moan, just for me!" Adelia said with glee, "His name is Mozart!"

One of the northern doors could be heard moving. Then a dog barked.

"Adelia. I don't know what has happened in your life and I don't know why you think you have to do this. But it is not right. It is not right for a woman to lay with... a dog!" Julia pleaded, but Adelia and the guards squeezed themselves into the rusty cage and then the northern door opened. And of course, a large black dog trotted into the room. Mozart, undoubtedly.


Julia watched with dread as the dog came into the bathing chamber, wagging its stupid tail. It sniffed at the cage, then turned on Julia who was less than keen about offering herself right in front of Adelia and the guards. It somehow felt personal this time.

But Mozart quickly became impatient and knocked her down with a jump. Its paws scratched her back. When Julia tried to get up, she felt the dog's teeth grab her neck just like all the others before. The first, and probably last, warning.

She knew what she had to do. Get into the position. She kept her hands on the ground and brought her knees under her body. And no sooner had she raised her back than did the dog get on top of her, keeping its teeth on her neck while shifting into the right position. Julia didn't dare to turn her head, but she could well imagine the way Adelia had to be looking at her right now.

The dog stabbed its dick against her bared ass cheeks a few times before it hit home. And then the furious thrusts started again, pushing Julia's labia forth and back at a pace that would have been more appropriate for whipping cream in a pot. And, true to the now familiar procedure, its dick grew quickly. First it was just a little worm dashing in and out between her lips, then it went deeper with each thrust, brushing her harder as it widened and surprised her with its heat again.

"That's it Julia! Take it!" Adelia shouted.

The dog's paws had closed around her belly, scratching her. She came to realize that what she hated most about this phase of the coupling was the rocking. The dog's humps shook her entire body forth and back, forcing her to rock with it and making her breasts wobble while its furry backside slapped into her ass. A dog was moving her body around! This was so degrading!

Then the disgusting dog dick began to hit her cervix! Like that other dog. Charlie. Oh dammit, she already knew those terrible things by their names - and by their dicks! With each unpleasant stroke, the heated piston increased its pressure against the delicate gateway, trying to wedge its spear-like tip into the tender entrance. Don't go there, stupid dog!

But the dog didn't care. Its humping soon ceased and it held that ugly dick pressed into her, held its little tip pressed against her cervix, its regular spray of fluids violating her womb in the same way Charlie had done it. The knot began to swell, stretching her and making the contact between it and her insides all the stronger. And the dog's teeth remained around her neck, declaring that lowly animal as her temporary master.

"Miss! You're going too far! That's not a good idea!" one guard shouted suddenly.

Then she saw Adelia kneel down next to her. The young woman reached out and eagerly toyed with Julia's breasts.

"Don't!" Julia said through clenched teeth.

"Aww, they're just so cute!" Adelia replied and continued, squeezing Julia's breasts and seeking out the nipples with her fingertips.

"Miss! You should keep away from that dog!" the guard warned.

The dog's knot finally finished expanding. Julia had almost forgotten how stretched and full she felt when such a thing was stuck in her. She could still feel the twitching of the shaft that extended from the bulb, especially the nub trying to worm its way through her cervix, still trying to spray those foul fluids into that sacred place that only a chosen lover should ever be allowed to reach.

Mozart released its teeth from her neck and laid its head over her shoulder, panting like a happy dog sitting on the floor, in stark contrast to what its lower end was just doing to her. And even this degrading procedure was by now well known to Julia.

"Is he as big as they said?" Adelia asked innocently, completely ignoring the guards. Had this woman, this mother of all perversions, asked for a... a well-equipped dog specifically?

Adelia crawled around to her back. Julia pulled her legs together to prevent the unspeakable act from being seen. But Adelia showed no restraint in touching her... down there where her and the dog's... union... took place.

Julia felt her labia being pulled apart by Adelia's fingers. "Ooh! There's so much of it!" Adelia said excitedly just as the knot Julia had taken was being pushed at. Did this woman not shy away from touching such a dirty thing?

Then she felt the fingers trace along her outer lips until one of them rested on her clit. Where it began rubbing.

"Please, I don't want this!" Julia called over her shoulder.

Adelia patted one hand against the side of Julia's legs and continued. The younger woman's fingers were quite dexterous and knew how to please. Soon Julia began to clench around the intruding dog dick involuntarily, getting aroused by two things she didn't want happening to her at once.

She should have never attempted to trick Lady Veloa. Things had started to go wrong from the moment she had smiled and blinked at that woman. And now she sat in the most horrible place far and wide. With a dog thrust up in her. While she was being masturbated by... Adelia. The name itself was all she could come up with to describe this strange woman.

"Moan for me!" Adelia suggested. It seemed to be a suggestion, because she used her happy voice. The one she always used when she said those inappropriate things.

Julia had long felt the urge to moan, but now as before, she kept silent. It was enough that, thanks to Adelia's fingers, she was now massaging the dog in her as if it was her lover. The guards and Adelia - especially Adelia - didn't have to learn about that as well.

Adelia still hadn't managed to get her off when the dog began to pull out. The younger woman immediately got up and hid in the rusty cage, closing its door from the inside. But the dog seemed satisfied with its work and left moments after it had pulled out without even inspecting the cage. The northern door closed after it was through.

"Thank you Julia! You were great!" Adelia remarked while the guards dragged the cage out of the southern exit again. Then they took all the towels with them and left together with Adelia. Julia made her way to the pool of water, but stopped right in front of it when it came to her that the water already contained the spill that countless dogs had left in two women.

Yesterday she had very nearly enjoyed Adelia's shouts from above. Between all the scum shouting rude remarks, Adelia's joyful cheers had sounded almost reassuring, as if she had a supporter amongst the watchers. And just now, that woman had somehow been allowed to come down into the chamber. Come down to make Julia have sex with yet another dog!


The first watchers arrived on the top of the labyrinth close to noon and soon after, the overseer gave his introduction again: "Welcome to the Labyrinth of Rape, honored guests..."

When she had acknowledged that she understood the thing with the stupid keys and that she could flee, fight or submit to an animal once again, the southern wall slid away.

Julia stepped out onto the meadow. The past experience had taught her that it was preferable to find out what's coming for her sooner rather than later.

First, she noticed a strange cart parked just in front of her. It looked like a solid block of wood about as high and long as a small dining table. On wheels, wheels that looked like cogs. Its top had a cushioned mold.

And all over the meadow, seemingly harmless, many grazing horses were standing in small groups.

Being in the place she was in, it didn't take long for Julia to deduce what was going on. That cart... was probably some contraption to allow a woman to... have sex with a horse! Julia looked around. There were no guards about to force her onto that thing and if she wasn't forced, she sure as hell wouldn't use it by herself!

But she spotted another detail of the strange cart: a chain extended from it that was affixed to a classical horseshoe magnet. She walked to the magnet, time and again checking all directions to make sure no guards were coming to force her onto the cart.

From above, the overseer shouted: "Shall I help you out?"

Julia looked up. Dividing the sky above the meadow was a large bridge with an even larger circular observation platform in its middle. The overseer stood on that platform, as did most of the watchers. He continued: "See those holes in the ground?"

Julia scanned the meadow. Indeed, there were a number of rectangular holes spread all over the meadow in no discernable pattern.

"This chamber has two keys. You will find them in two of the holes. And I'll give you one more tip: they're made of iron."

Iron. Magnets!

There was a magnet on a chain. Thinking was difficult standing nude under all these people, but she forced herself to concentrate. She was probably supposed to pull the cart to the holes and fish the key out with the magnet. But she had to be careful. Somehow they would try to get her to... to do it with those horses.

Julia checked the nearest hole. Its outside was made of rock and it was deeper than her arm could go. But its bottom looked like it contained an iron plate. Was that the key?

She walked to the cart and picked up the magnet. When she tried to pull the cart along with the chain, its cog-like wheels turned out to be locked up. The overseer seemed to have waited for her to make this discovery: "Above each wheel, there's a handle, you have to pull it to unlock the wheel."

Julia spotted the handles and pulled one of them warily. It required a lot of strength and the handle snapped down again as soon as she released it. She got in front of the cart, pulled the handles on its two front wheels and tried to get it to move, but the cart was so heavy that she could neither raise it nor drag the still locked rear wheels across the ground.

The overseer shouted again in open amusement: "Maybe you can get one of the horses to help you move it?"

Over her dead body! She wouldn't go near those animals! Julia took the chain in both hands, put one foot against the cart and tried to yank it free. After several unsuccessful attempts, she threw the chain onto the ground, stepped on it with one foot and stomped the other onto the part of it still hanging from the cart. But it only made her bare feet hurt. The cart's creators had made quite sure that the magnet couldn't be separated from it. Of course they had.

Julia walked to the rear end of the cart and eyed the mold. It was just at the height of her hips and deep enough for her upper body to completely fit in it. There were gaps where her arms would go. She felt queasy as she checked that there were no hidden restraints and got into the position one was probably supposed to take on it, bent over with her ass sticking out.

She could easily reach the handles on the front wheels. And the rear wheels? Julia stood up again and tried to put her right foot under the handle. Then she laid in the mold again. This required her to put her knee to the side of the cart and when she reached for the other handle with her left foot, it was obvious that she would be spreading her legs and presenting her goods if she pulled all four handles.

Rocking the cart forward didn't work either. And she couldn't get it to move with just three wheels unlocked. Desperate to find another solution, she got off again and tried to pull the magnet's chain to the back wheels, but it was too short. If only she still had one of the towels, she could bind it to one of the handles! The cushioning in the mold was already cut into small squares and fixed with countless clips. Dammit!

She looked at the horses. None of them had a particularly dangerous appearance and some of the holes were quite near to them, which meant she had to risk going to the horses eventually. Julia wanted nothing more than to get this over with, but she didn't want to get mounted by those horses!

"Hello Julia! Sorry, I'm late!" came Adelia's voice from above, sounding breathless.

Julia ignored her. How were the horses supposed to move the cart? By the thrusts into her body as she laid on top of it, holding the wheels unlocked? That was probably exactly how this sick game was intended to go.

Resolved to somehow get through the chamber, she walked towards the horses.

The overseer started one of his unwanted explanations. Unwanted at least by Julia, because the watchers grew silent and listened: "Horses act on smell. Past participants had to be covered in a mare's urine..."


"...but the labyrinth's horses have learnt to appreciate a woman's smell," the overseer explained and the watchers didn't even flinch as far as Julia could see. So those horses would be... interested in her when they smelled her? Julia slowed her steps.

"Keep going Julia!" Adelia shouted.

Just who was this woman? Yesterday, she had no problem letting all the watchers know her own name as she shouted it down. And this morning, she had been allowed a special performance. Adelia had to have connections. Or lots of money. Sweet money. Maybe, Julia thought, after she escaped the labyrinth... no! Not that perverted woman.

The overseer had resumed his explanation: "As most of you probably know, a horse's cock can be as long as a human arm. Having found their partner, they usually finish in half a minute, but our special breed can go quite a bit longer!"

Julia was within just a few body lengths of the nearest horse. She had checked all the holes she had passed on the way, but they all looked the same: a rectangular iron plate that could probably be lifted by the magnet.

"And there's something special about their cock, too: when they've entered a woman, it will flare up into the shape of a trumpet. This helps contain their seed, of which they can donate quite a lot. Take note of the size of our participant's belly, maybe you can spot a difference when she's finished!" the overseer said laughingly. Dirty scum!

When one of the closest horses began sniffing and raising its upper lip, Julia stepped away again. The horse soon walked into her direction. Julia turned and jogged back to the entrance while the dull thumps of the horse's feet announced that it was following her.

Once at the cart, Julia hid behind it. She had to calm the horse down somehow. Maybe she could bind the chain with the magnet to the horse's legs and make the animal tear the chain off for her. The horse came around and pressed its head against Julia's chest.

"Ssh... easy!" Julia tried to calm the animal.


But the horse didn't calm down. Its next action was to throw Julia against the side of the cart as it reared and, with its legs on the cart, thrusted its long lump of meat into the air. The... horse dick wobbled everywhere and slapped against the horse's belly.

Julia ducked and ran around the cart but the horse immediately galloped after her. Another horse from the group she had approached was also walking towards the scene. This was turning ugly really quick now!

With the horse agitated like this, she wouldn't be able to affix the chain to yank the magnet free or do anything. Maybe she could... masturbate the animal?

Julia stopped at the other side of the cart and waited for the horse to rear again. It pushed its head into her a few times before it tried to get on top of her again. Once more, the horse ended up with its front legs on the cart as it thrusted its misshapen dick at her. She grabbed it and tried to pump it.

Watchers all around began to cheer. The overseer shouted instructions: "You have to squeeze it! And lick the hole at the end of it!"

Was he telling her how to masturbate a horse? Obviously.

"Do it for me, Julia, lick it!" Adelia shouted just after the overseer had finished his instructions.

Like hell she would! Julia squeezed the horse, aiming its pole away from her, but the horse soon lost interest, climbed down and began to push her around with its head again.

Maybe... this was dangerous, but the horse's dick was quite long. She could probably aim it past her treasure while still making the horse push the cart.

The other horse was now beside her, too and its... meat was also hanging down between its legs. And all around her, above her head, lewd people stared at the scene and waited for her to get raped by one of those beasts.

Julia reached the mold in the cart. The horses seemed to be used to the contraption as one of them took place behind her right away.

"Oh, it seems she has resigned to her fate now!" the overseer shouted excitedly.

But Julia kept her legs clenched together as the animal's body landed on her back and pushed her into the mold forcefully. The animal knew well where to aim, its shaft soon prodded her, once almost slipping into her despite her closed legs. Julia quickly reached her hand back and guided it past her body. Safe!

No longer in danger of being penetrated by the animal, she put her hands and feet on the handles above the wheels.

And indeed, the cart soon jerked forward. Which also had the effect of increasing the distance to the horse's tool, which slipped past her body and with the very next push sank into the sacred place between her wide open legs.

Shit! It had happened after all! Julia flailed, tried to get up from the cart but the horse's body prevented her from leaving the mold. The infernal contraption made any escape impossible! Over and over she felt the disgusting pole deep into her body and all her attempts to pull her arms in or push herself up availed to nothing.

The horse's thrusts came about once a second, but each one pushed its dirty bits deep into her body with incredible force. She could soon feel what the overseer had explained, the end of the horse dick became wider and seemed to open in her like a flower with its center kissing her cervix each time she received a thrust.

She stopped flailing after her panic brought no result. Whatever bastard had thought up this sick game deserved a punch to his face, and a lot more! In the end, they had tricked her into having sex with an animal again, got her to climb onto this... rape table, that's what it was! They had made her climb it all by herself, and with a horse waiting, ready to... stick its thing in her! Damn them!

The only way out would probably be to unlock the wheels and let the cart roll away. That she did.

With each powerful hump of the horse, the cart rolled forward. But the horse didn't let its unwilling partner get completely away from its thrusts. She could feel through its dick and hear by its hooves how it followed the rolling cart, never leaving its passenger a chance to get up.

"To the left, Julia," Adelia shouted.

"Miss, you're not allowed to help the participants," the overseer reprimanded her.

What had Adelia meant? Julia tried to raise her head from the mold, but soon hit the horse's chest. Despite the almost painful thrusts of the horse, she remembered her task. Adelia must have pointed out one of the holes. But how could she turn this thing?

Julia released the handle in her left hand and at once regretted it. The horse wasn't expecting the cart to lock up and its next thrust hit her hard. She immediately pulled the handle again to avoid another blow. But the cart had definitely turned a bit.

"How far?" she shouted, her voice quaking once when the horse thrusted into her during the shout.

But no answer came. Julia feared that she was already past the hole and knew that she would have to lock the wheels eventually. So she let go of all four handles and pushed herself forward in the mold as far as she could, softening the horse's next thrust into her as the animal adapted to the no longer moving partner.

She counted fourteen more thrusts before the horse came in her. It released so much of its species-mismatched seed into her body that it spilled out like running water. The shaft quickly turned gooey and slipped out, too, causing an audible splash of horse filth to hit the ground and soil her feet. Then the animal was off.

The second horse quickly took its position, but Julia scrambled away from the damned cart and slid onto the ground, panting.

"That was so sweet, Julia," Adelia shouted with the same enjoyment that this woman always showed when Julia had just been raped.

She had just had sex with a horse! Against her will! How could they make her do that! They enjoyed forcing her through this! "You're all scum! Do you hear me? Scum!" Julia anger.

The rapist horse could be heard walking away just as the other horse began pushing its head into her. Yes, she knew exactly what it wanted from her.

But she had a goal and she had to achieve it with... the lowest number of... horse rapes possible.

Julia checked the cart. It had not moved very far, but it had gone closer to a hole. A hole that was clearly to the right of it! Adelia had done her stuff again! Ignoring the nudging horse, she pulled the magnet from under the cart and tried to lower it into the hole. But the chain was too short.

How could she measure the distance from inside the cart? She could try to figure out how far the cart would roll per thrust. What the heck was she thinking just now? She was rationalizing about propulsion by horse rape! But it had to be done if she wanted out of this place as quickly as possible.

There was one other thing she could already measure. Which was how far the cart turned with one locked wheel. It had stood straight when she had entered it. With the current hole no longer reachable, Julia looked for another hole she could aim for, then estimated that it would take about two lock-ups of a wheel to turn there.

Seeing no other chance, she ripped out the grass next to the back wheel to mark the starting point and took her place on the cart again. People clapped and cheered. Wasn't it time for another one of Adelia's comments?

"Yeah, do it again, Julia!" came the expected shout.

Julia smirked. She slowly got this woman figured out.

The horse quickly got on top of the cart and this time, Julia didn't stop it from pushing its dick into her body. She counted ten thrusts before she unlocked the wheels. Then alternated two turns and straights before driving another thirty thrusts. There she stopped and waited for the horse to finish in her.

This was the worst part. No longer focusing her mind on driving the whole damn rape machine, the only thing filling her mind were the animal's hard and powerful humps against her body. And the effect it was having on her. Even if she didn't want it, just like the dogs earlier, the horse's dick had managed to arouse her. It was hard to come to terms with that fact.

She had counted fifty-five thrusts when the horse finally spent its seed in her. Just like before, she felt massive jets of fluid force their way into her body before the horse dick's bloated head slipped from her and released the filth it had prevented from escaping out of her depths.

When she could leave the cart again, the horse was already walking off, its once frightening pole receding into its body as if it had never been there.

The cart had driven about ten steps, she measured, so one horse thrust equaled about a third of a step on average.

First Key

Julia wasn't quite herself anymore when she finally pulled out the first key from one of the holes.

She hadn't been as lucky as she had in the dog maze this time. By now, she had checked over half of the holes - she could tell because each time she had lowered the magnet into one, she had ripped out the grass around it. For some reason, none of the previous victims seemed to have thought of that.

She also had... used up many horses. Stinking, raping horses.

The overseer hadn't been joking, her belly felt full and she could feel the liquid shift around when she laid down on the rape bench. The wind felt cold on her legs as it dried the spill that far too many horses had left on her. And in her.

Julia ignored the two nudging horses still around her and leant against the chamber's wall, toying with the iron key in her hands. All this humiliation for a little lump of iron. Adelia had cheered her on with every single horse. It was somehow sweet of the woman, wrong, but sweet. Maybe Adelia was on her side after all...?

But there was one other issue. Julia was incredibly horny by now. She hated those animals for it, but the next one would stand a good chance of actually making her cum. Orgasming from a horse's dick wasn't really something she was keen on, but the lewd act had lost a lot of its disgusting quality after the tenth or so horse.

If they had just tied her to a table and forced ten horses to have their way with her in a row, she would probably have broken down. But they had done something much viler. They had given her a fighting chance and with it, forced her to do it all to her by herself.

And right now she stood nude on a meadow, carrying half a bucket of horse semen in her belly and needed to get off somehow. She could probably masturbate in front of the crowd and it wouldn't make her shame any worse than it already was.

Julia brought her hand between her legs. Maybe she could make it look like she was just holding it there and masturbate in secret.

In no time at all, Julia was fired up and bent her head back against the wall. The watchers gasped as if shocked. What were they? They had just watched her get raped by fucking horses!

Adelia's voice snapped her out of it: "Use the horses! For me, please?"

If she... did it with another horse, at least the people wouldn't notice when she came. It was a weird kind of logic. But it would make Adelia happy. Did she want to make Adelia happy?

Julia put the key on the ground and walked to the cart. The location of her... pleasurable... degradation. The two horses were more than willing to do the deed, of course.

"Yes Julia! You're so sweet!" Adelia encouraged her. Hated Adelia. Was Julia really doing this for that woman?

Julia bent over, resting her filled belly on the cart's cushioned mold without even reaching for the handles. Wasting a horse for her pleasure. Like in trance, she felt the horse climb into her.

She spread her legs and allowed the animal to push its fat dick into her body. And it thrusted. Like all the other horses, it thrusted. But she was not thinking about driving the cart this time. She was trying to have an orgasm with this horse.

Stab! Stab! It rocked her body and touched her everywhere at once. Feeling pleasure was easy with such a well-equipped partner. Even though it belonged to a horse. Even though it was disgusting. It felt nice. How many thrusts had it been now, twenty maybe?

She had counted them before to estimate the distance she could travel. So far, the horses had managed between fourty-nine to eighty-two thrusts before they came.

Irrelevant. The horse knew how to please. Its flower bloomed in her depths and held her cervix in front of it for the onslaught of seed that would soon come. In a way, the horses were gentle lovers. Their thrusts were forceful. Oh yes, forceful and quite pleasurable now! But they knew when they hit - oh that thrust was great! - when they hit the end of the road and wouldn't - oh yes, like this again! - wouldn't attempt to go - oh, wonderful! - go any deeper. Oh wow, keep doing that!

This was one eager horse! Good thing they lasted so long. Julia shoved into the horse's pushes. After a while, feeling all that meat - oh another one of those! keep doing that! - moving so deep in her began to coax her on towards - oh! do that one again, quick! - towards orgasm. Oh this horse was just incredible!

And there was a lot of it - oh, that hit the spot again! - a lot of it to clench around. Nice! Much better than - Yeah! A good one! - than using her hands.

Any moment now! Come on horse! Yes, that's good! Don't stop now! Just like that! Thrust! Thrust! Thruust! Oh-oh-ooh-oooh yes! Julia orgasmed. So sweet! Such a great relief! The horse's continuing thrusts were quite welcome and when, near the end of Julia's orgasm, it sprayed its seed into her body in five copious jets, she felt quite properly bred. Are you happy Adelia? Will you say sweet things again?

When the horse pulled out and the orgasm faded, Julia came to her senses again. Shit! What had she done? Everyone had seen that she hadn't even attempted to drive the cart. They couldn't understand what it was like... spending such a long time being aroused again and again and on and on. The need she had felt. They wouldn't understand - had only seen the dirty act performed out of free will!

Chunk! The other horse climbed onto the cart. Oh no! She had not climbed off. She tried to slide out of the mold, but the horse dick entered her just then. Sixty. Sixty thrusts was a good number to start with. Fifty-nine. Pant. Fifty-eight. Pant. Fifty-seven...

The horse was done by three. Below average. Poor animal.

"Two in a row! I love you!" Adelia shouted down. Her sweet Adelia. The hated woman that had made her show this loss of control in the first place.

When the horse climbed off, Julia decided to take a break and look for something to eat at the door she had seen just opposite to where she had entered. And to put her first key in the lock.

Second Key

Julia didn't know how much time she had spent in total, but she found the second key soon after the first. Maybe three holes later. At least seven horses later, of that she was sure.

By now, she'd had almost every single horse on the meadow. And two more than had been necessary. What would those people up there think of her?

Probably the same terrible experience had been supposed to happen in the dog maze. But she had solved it after getting raped just a few times. Had she failed to outsmart this chamber? Would she fare better in the next?

Julia pushed the key into the depression. Like before, there was no indication of any mechanism working. If she had to guess, her guess would be that there wasn't one, that the servants simply saw the key and signaled someone to open the door.

The bathing chamber looked like an identical copy of the previous one and Julia was relieved to finally wash herself. The warm water helped her push all the filthy fluids from her belly, bit by bit. Horse semen was very thin and the white stain flowing out from her violated loins quickly dissolved in the water.

Adelia was watching from above. Could she see the filth running out of her from up there?

"I've arranged for another visit! Are you happy?" she shouted.

"You don't need to..." Julia shouted back. Damn. She should have shouted for her to go to hell. What she had said almost sounded like she was happy to see Adelia again. And what would Adelia do? Would her visit entail another dog, another horse or something worse?

Private Performance

It seemed as if the second chamber hadn't taken as long as Julia thought it had. The ordeal had started at noon and now, lying on the bed in the bathing chamber, she watched the sun wander across the sky from late noon to early evening. The chatter of the watchers above had long quieted down and, safe for the noises of some workers, the Labyrinth seemed to be deserted once again.

Having some privacy was a welcome comfort. Privacy and towels.

Her loins weren't as bad as she would have expected them to be after all this. Horses were big, but not rough. Julia's fingers slid in and out of her, testing the tender flesh for raw spots.

She got interrupted when suddenly, the door to the meadow opened again, revealing four guards and Adelia.

"Wait here," Adelia instructed the guards.

"Miss, are you sure?" one replied. Julia recognized the voice from earlier. It was always the same guard that talked. Adelia walked to the bed and sat down next to Julia.

"You came with those two horses today, didn't you?" Adelia asked straight away.

"Y... N... Yes," Julia stated.

"Think you can do it again?" came the next question.

"Of course not!" Julia replied.

Adelia only giggled. Then she grabbed Julia's hand and pulled her out onto the meadow.

"Guys! Fetch the wagon for us!" she happily commanded.

"Yes, miss!" the one that always did the talking replied and all four guards jogged towards the cart, which still stood where Julia had abandoned it. Adelia's hand released Julia's and reached for her ass instead. It was slightly arousing. But only slightly. Very slightly.

Each of the guards pulled one of the handles that unlocked the wheels and together, they managed to lift the entire cart and turn it. Then they rolled it towards Julia and Adelia.

A bright spot in the corner of the far wall caught Julia's eyes. A piece of the wall slid aside and a female-looking figure clothed in a white tunic led two horses onto the meadow. Now that she checked, Julia saw that all the horses that had earlier been here had disappeared. Probably through that same pathway. Maybe she could find a similar exit in the next chamber and stage an escape?

The guards parked the cart in front of Julia and lined up to the side of it.

"Climb on," Adelia said.

"No! I don't want this!" Julia said, feigning a sobbing voice. "Besides, those horses have torn me up inside, I was bleeding!" Julia lied.

"Really?" Adelia said with concern, still smiling.

"And what if?" Julia spat back.

"Then I would have let you sleep. Now climb on," Adelia replied, sounding as joyful as ever. Another lie? Adelia was strange, but she didn't seem to be the type that enjoyed causing pain. Not that kind of pain at least. Maybe she would have really let her sleep if Julia had stood with the lie.

Like in trance, Julia did as asked and took the position she had been in so often in this day.

"Turn around!" Adelia said.

Turn around? To let the horse... get on her while facing her? Julia hesitated, but turned. No point in waiting until the guards forced her. She was doing it because, otherwise, the guards would force her, right?

It was not a comfortable position, Julia's buttocks and legs hung across the edge and she had to pull her legs in to keep her center of gravity inside the mold.

"Guys! Poor Julia isn't comfortable. Hold her legs!" Adelia shouted.

Meanwhile, the woman - and it really was a woman - bringing the two horses had arrived. Both had hard-ons dangling between the hind legs already.

The guards took Julia's legs on their shoulders, allowing her to relax but also holding her spread. Which caused her to blush quite a bit when Adelia walked directly where the horse would go. Oh great, where the horse would go, she was already trivializing it.

Then Adelia began to stroke her. Julia said nothing.

First, her outer lips were caressed by the younger woman's fingers. They ran up and down on the sensible skin, smooth and in opposite directions, sliding the lips against each other and manipulating that sweet female place in all the right ways.

When Julia couldn't help it but become wet, she felt the fingers travel closer to her labia, pushing her folds apart just a bit as they ran along their interior sides. It was easy to let herself be coaxed into arousal by Adelia's fingers. Of course, she was only letting it happen so the whole humiliating thing would be over sooner. Lady Veloa had asked for this once, but Julia hadn't been good at it. How should she, she didn't like women. Not even Adelia.

"Tell me when you're close, will you?" Adelia disturbed Julia's thoughts.

"Y... yes," Julia promised. She knew, of course, what would happen when she did. The horses were still there, agitated and waiting, held only in check by the silent woman in the white tunic. Adelia had already said what she wanted to see. Orgasm by horse rape. Again.

And then Adelia pushed her fingers in. Oh she was good! Those smooth, rich-lady fingers could make a woman fly. She hadn't even touched her clit yet and Julia was already feeling the waves breaking over her body, washing her in delightful ecstasy.

The younger woman was dancing on all her sensitive spots at once, teasing her when she needed to be teased and forcing her when she needed to be forced. More! Yes, that was it, up there, stroke it! Almost. Almost.

"I'm close!" Julia shouted, at the same moment confused why she had done so, knowing what she would set in motion.

Adelia got slower: "How close?"

"Very," Julia answered honestly.

Adelia stepped back and immediately, Julia's whole body missed the probing fingers. They had been soo good.

The woman in the white tunic understood was what supposed to happen and led one of the horses between Julia's legs. Should she resist? Wasn't she supposed to resist?

Too late to resist in any case, the horse got on top of the cart. Its brown belly pressed against Julia's bare skin in an intimate embrace not even the dogs had given her. The fur touched her breasts.

Then the belly rocked and she felt two prods against her ass cheeks. Come on horse! A bit higher!

And it slipped in. A strong, deep thrust pushed the horsemeat up where it belonged. The animal wasted no time starting its rhythm and it was definitely working its magic, but it was a different feeling. Adelia's fingers had been soft and caressing, while the horse was quite forceful. Careful, but forceful.

Julia needed to get used to this new type of stimulation before she could ride the waves of pleasure again. She had been ready to go off just moments ago. Come on horse!

Should she really be thinking like that? Was she losing control again? Was it... maybe okay to lose control... just this time?

After a few strokes the horse's shaft flared up in her, stretching her deepest place and kissing her cervix each time it was driven in. It was quite arousing, if one put aside that it was a horse that was doing this.

Each of the horse's strong thrusts into her body helped Julia get into the mood a bit more. Her legs pushed against the guards as she anticipated the animal's rhythm and angled herself to aim it better.

Suddenly, she felt someone touch the inside of her leg. It could only be Adelia, looking at the forbidden union up close. That... somehow sweet woman was so lewd and dirty. She liked to watch others get raped by animals. Like she was watching Julia, just now.

The horse was certainly doing a good job with the rape. It brought her to ever higher levels of arousal. There it was again, that tingling of the approaching orgasm. Push horse, push! The shaft was so wide that it - oh it happens again! nice! - that it rubbed her clit from inside. Oh yes, kiss that place! Good horse!

Adelia had to notice it - whooh, this one was intense - notice it, how she was - oh, it quivered in her so sweet! - was getting off now. So deep! And quivering again! Don't come yet, horse! Do just a few more! She needed a few more strokes!

Julia's legs locked in the air by themselves. Oh, there it is. In! Now! Again! That's it! Don't stop now, horse! Yes! A few more like that! Ah-ah-Aaah!

Her orgasm exploded throughout her body and she felt herself clench and pull at the invading horse dick. Each additional thrust it forced upon her enriched the experience until Julia had tasted the feeling from its first blooming to its last dispersing cloud of pleasure. The horse still thrusted on, but just before it became unpleasant, it sprayed its load of semen against her cervix, four strong spurts that made her feel heat and pressure before they tickled her as the fluid was forced past the thick trumpet of the flared head.

Once the horse's dick had slipped out, the usual splash of fluid on the ground could be heard. This time it would be Adelia's and the guards' legs that would be hit, Julia smirked.

"Wonderful!" Adelia shouted, giddy with excitement. "That was beautiful!" she complimented Julia. "You're the best!" she added on top of it.

Julia didn't know how she should feel. Proud? Humiliated? Both?

"We don't need the other horse," Adelia said and the woman led both horses away. Obviously Adelia was very happy with the performance.

"Guys, let her down," was Adelia's next instruction.

She called the guards "guys" again. Cute. Julia felt her legs being released and... stepped right into the mess of horse juices under her.

Adelia led her back into the bathing chamber, swinging her arm around Julia's back and holding onto her beast on the other side. It was a weird, slightly arousing way of walking.

"I had to come this evening. You're on early tomorrow because that other girl gets the horses after you finish the third chamber," Adelia explained before they said goodbye.

Julia used a towel to dry her loins and laid down on the bed.

She was disgusted. Even more with herself than with the horses. Why had she let Adelia manipulate her like that? Why was she growing fond of that little tormentor? All just because Adelia cheered her on when the revolting things happened?

And what would the next chamber bring? What other animals could be trained to rape humans?