My dream date pt.1

Story by Luca_The_Dragon_Lucario on SoFurry

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Just basically a dream of what i want my date to be, a nice tall dragon that knows how to treat a guy <3 two parts.

I was sitting out on the front porch one day, it was bright and sunny with the cool air brushing across and through my blue fur, I sigh as it was a good day. I am a Pokémon, a Lucario to be exact, and a rather quite tall one of my species as I am standing tall at a high 6"1'. I must be because im part dragon... BUT ANYWAY... A black mark across my right shoulder, down my arm and encircling through my paw, it stops there, but reappears at the palm of my paw, circling in it like a spiral, is what I was born with, my birth mark in other words.

I decide to call up my friend to see what she was doing today; ring- ring goes the call until she picks up and says "Luca! I was literally just about to call you!" I smile to my self and say "Hey Aileen was just wondering if you were doing anything today?" she laughs to herself. Aileen, a maroon coloured fox, has long red hair and has a tendency to call her self a bat, considering her name is Battye (Literally pronounced batty) "Well that's what I was going to ask you, 'cuz Jenny and I was going to go to the pool today and we wanted to see if you wanted to join us!"

Ah Jenny, the border collie with long blondey-white hair. I smile and say "Well yeah, sure, 'tis better than doing nothing" I say with a chuckle. "Great, so we'll be over to pick you up k?" and I nod then say "yeah sure, what time?" "Well as soon as possible, Lucy!" As she says that I growl a little. "Aileen I told you not to call me that!" and she laughs. She knows that I don't like her calling me that. See, cuz my name is Luca, and I'm Bi with the male preference, she came up with a ridiculous name that would suit me if I was a girl. Lucy, of course! "I know, and that's why I do it!" I groan and she laughs more, that girl loves to torture me! "Uh, ok Aileen, see you here..." and I hang up the phone.

About five minutes later, I hear a loud *beep* from outside, I sigh and think to myself 'god she's a speed demon' and I chuckle a little. Just as I was getting my bathers on too, I sigh and shake my head, then yelp as I hear the loud doorbell ring. "We're here Luca!" I hear Aileen call out to me, to which I reply "Im coming! Gimme five!" "And I hear her groan a little, and then say "Well hurry up we 'aint got all day!" to which I smile and fully dress, then step outside.

I go wide eyed as I see both girls wearing nothing but a bra and their knickers! I quickly cover my eyes and say "You're not going to go like that, are you?! Surely you'll cause a car accident you two!" and they both laugh. I chuckle a little too, playing around, then we walk out to the car, then Jenny says "Let's walk, I wanna see if we do cause an accident!" and we all laugh. Jenny was the sadistic type. I nod and say "Yeah sure" and we start walking down the street.

We arrive at the leisure centre and walk in, fortunately we caused no accidents, but we did cause a bit of a swerve on one car. "Ha-ha wasn't it funny when that guy wasn't watching and he swerved, who was he looking at?" Asks Jenny, they both eye me and I blush a little. "H-hey, that's not funny, I-I can't help it I-if some guy likes the way I look... I don't even look that good anyway..." They both laugh and say "Oh yes you do, you look fabulous" And she swings her paw and smiles. "Oh thank you darling, really appreciated" I say and do the same and we all laugh.

We all pay what we're supposed to, exactly $3.00, to go into the pool. Once we get in the large dome, the scent of chlorine was strong, it burnt our nostrils and made our eyes water until we got used to it. "The water's gonna be worse" and we all giggle. The heat was tremendous but as we put our pads in the water, it was surprisingly cold! So we decided to just jump right in and cause great amounts of splashes to go everywhere. We all laugh as we splash at each other, while Jenny, swims around under the water, fast as well! She is so good in the water, she has had lots of practise though, she comes here like every two days a week!

"Ha, we were right; Jenny's second home IS the swimming pool!" Once Jenny surfaces we all laugh. "Oh! I almost forgot! I brought some balls that bounce when they come in contact with the water!" And when she says that, she jumps out of the water and grabs two balls out from it, then she throws them just at the end of the water and it bounces right for me and lands square on my muzzle! I yelp as it hurt, but the shock was greater. "Oh! Sorry Luca I didn't mean for that to happen!" and we all laugh as I nod. "It's 'k Jenny" I say with what sounds like a puffed lip.

Jenny dives back into the water then when she surfaces, the throws the balls far and it bounces across the water and hits the edge of the pool. "Wow, those things really work! What're they made of Jen?" Aileen asks with her head turned. "I don't know exactly" replies Jenny with a smile on her face. I keep throwing the ball to Jenny, she throws back, we all laugh as I throw it to Aileen and it hits her on her head. "Hey!" she yells in shock and anger. "What was that for?" she asks and we say "'Cuz we could" and Jenny and I laugh.

We keep playing for a while, then Aileen look over at the entranceway and then looked back at me and whispers 'Don't look now, but Raali's here!' and to which I look to the entrance to see Raalijalan, a tall anthro dragon. He's black with red along the inside of his wings, his chest and belly, the underside of his tail, his palms and the underside of his maw. He stands tall at exactly 8" and he has the exact same marking as me.

I instantly look away back to Aileen and Jenny and blush slightly, the blush visible through my white fur, all they do is giggle. Whenever Raalijalan's around, the marking on my arm starts to glow, as does mine, I don't know exactly but I have a feeling that it's something to do with a connection... maybe we're supposed to do something together... save the world..? Nah! "Why don't you go ask him out?" asks Jenny. "B-Because Jenny! One, I am a Lucario, and he's d-dragon... and two, I d-don't wanna go embarrassing myself in front of him!!" and all they do then is roll their eyes, to which I blush even more when Aileen says "Yes, but you are part dragon silly!" and she giggles.

I look back at him to see that he is looking right at me, with a grin on his face. That instant, thoughts run through my head like 'oh no! What's he going to do? Why is he grinning like that, and at me?!' and I look away with wide eyes, and I head sway in his direction for Aileen and Jenny to look at him, staring at me. My ears flatten to my head, in both fright and shock.

He slowly step into the pool, then he sinks underwater and all I could see what his black, body like figure underwater, slowly coming towards me. I start to slowly swim backward but it was no use, he was swimming fast toward me. Aileen and Jenny could see how scared I was. Just as he gets to my feet, I stands up out of the water with that same grin on his face towering a couple of feet over me with me staring up at him, and him staring down at me.

He stares for a while before he says "Like what you see?" and without hesitation, I nod, blush, then think to myself 'why the hell did I do that?!' and he chuckles, then he kissed me, he kissed me! All I could to be slowly return the kiss and blush. "Heh, it comes in handy when you know that someone has a crush ya' " he grins and chuckles again. My ears remain flat on my head as my face flushes a bright red and I smile awkwardly. 'he knows I have a crush on him...? But how?!' I thought to myself.

"You're friends over there are no secret keepers you know" he says as he points over to Aileen and Jenny. "After all, if I hadn't have found that out, you would've been bustin' your balls to try and get with me, ya' pussy!" He chuckles again and I look away a little, to which he looks at me seriously. "Oh geez im sorry, did I hurt you..?" he asks worriedly. "N-no... just... d-do you... like me... too...?" to which I look up at him. He nods. I was both sad, happy, relieved and felt a warm feeling in my chest, all at the exact same time as my high-school crush liked me!

"Hey, sure I do, why would I have come over here, self admitted to you... well... in that term, kissed you...?" He smiles warmly and I smile back, then I hug him tightly. I couldn't believe it! But it was happening right in front of me... with me! Both of our marking glow a bright gold as we hug each-other, then as we let go, they set to that colour and stay that way. 'It's so bright... I could use my arm as a glow-stick!' I think to myself.

"Congrats Luca!" Aileen and Jenny yelled out to me. "And guess who told Raalijalan that you'd be here..?" My ears flicker, then I blush more. "O-oh c-come on... r-really?" And they all nod, including Raali. "They rang me up saying that they'd be at the pool, then, when they said that you'd be there, im like 'I'll be there like, half an hour after you arrive there!' cuz I couldn't wait to see what you'd think..!" He blushes a little. "Th-think... of... what...?" I ask, a little puzzled, but otherwise nervous. "W-Well... do you wanna uhh... you know... catch a movie later on?" My ears perk up and flicker as I smile widely, then nod and say "Sure!"

After saying that I splash some water in his face, he releases a loud rumble as he splashes some back in mine, I smile deviously then splash more, aiming at all of them. We all have a humongous water fight, splashing water and throwing the balls everywhere. When it was time to go, Raali places his hand on my waist and leads me out with mine around his, we get changed together, then we walk out. I wave off

Aileen and Jenny as I get into Raali's car. We drive off to his place, hah, he lived out in a forest, and the scenery was amazing! "You live out here?" I ask. "Uh-huh" He replies with a smile on his face. "The scenery of this forest is amazing!" I say with a smile on my face. He chuckles as he says "Glad you think so, 'tis why I bought it see, cuz the view from the mountain top is amazing!"

My ears perk up and flicker. "Mountain top? You live on top of a mountain?!" He looks at me with a grin and nods. "Yep. The place has the best view; you can see all of the land from the top!" he says as he looks away, then all of the tree's part to see a tall mountain with a little castle-like mansion at the top. "Golly, it must be nice to live in a place like that!" He nods and chuckles and says "That it is!" then we drive into the car park. TO BE CONTINUED!