Starcruiser: First Dance.

Story by Hid Ras Fallar on SoFurry

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I was listening to a song I'd come across in a fur's comments here on SoFurry, when this lil short idea struck me. I couldn't get it outta my head but was tickled at the same time with the concept. This link below is to the stories inspiration.

ht tp:// com/watch?v=4Pko.....eature=related

Unfortunately, it seems one the times they updated SoFurry, it killed the link! Sighing heavily It'll be a devil remember what song this was...

P.S. I remember the song, "Put your ass in the air"!



Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Story By:

Hid Ras Fallar/Fallar Rasyre.

The Battlecruiser: First Flight!



Read at your own discretion.

This story contains NO (Soooorrrrryyy!) explicit sexual interactions, between humans, non-humans, males, females, or hermaphrodites. The author takes all responsibility for, NOT causing you have personal enjoyment that will NOT result in damages to personal property or messes upon others.

If you are not bother by the aforementioned lack of certain thing, then I've just two final words to say to all you furry/scaly/smooth skinned, lil critters...


Sorry folks, this just isn't one of my usual yiffy material's.



Reach Familiar Heights.

A mad surge of activity began upon the vessel in high orbit, at that perfect threshold, neither out in space, nor quite into the planet atmosphere, caught in a limbo well calculated by the enormous vessels "Brain" of a AI system, buried deep in the protective heart of the thing. With a sudden announcement given over the PA, the activity went from a relaxed hum to a excited buzz.

One particular individual was excitedly and eagerly dancing about, dressed in what could barely be called proper, and bordered into range of "tantalizingly skimpy" at the politest description. Which thoroughly distracted a member or two of the crews working and prepping easily a hundred various mecha's and ships, the largest of those two, ranged from five stories tall for the mech's, to two football fields in length for the largest of the vessels this mobile assault platform carried, the entire crew of this wandering behemoth, refered to simply as the "Star-marked Cruiser" a friendly and obvious way of naming this a combat-oriented-city designed exclusively for combat and war.

The "Female" excitedly dancing about, got cuffed on the back of the head, making her yelp and whirl with a scowl while rubbing it. "Hey! Claws off Moro!"

The two individuals having a little stand-off now, were polar opposites if ever there was a better comparision.

Moro, as the little female had called her, was a towering and powerfully built looking human, where the other was tiny, short really, and lacked much if any masculine definition upon her.

Moro, while calm, collected and usually withdrawn but calculating and soft-spoken, had a bit of a odd streak of playfulness, odd contrast to possess given her other features and attributes. With blue and green streaked hair, and glittering yellow eyes.

While the other, was purely blonde, had chocolate brown eyes. Her personality, again an opposite to Moro's. rarely still, a bit scatterbrained and out-spoken and nevermind rash and blunt to point of rudeness, but while Moro had the playfulness, the little short female had a more serious nature.

"Somebodies eager and fluttering for a Flight-FIR. Aren'tcha Jegias?" Jais gasped unhappily at the taunting comment, swiping at Moro with a hiss and sudden claws, which Moro neatly dodges with a laugh and saunters off, sleek dress covered by a well-designed jacket to conform to her figure.

Jais sighed unhappily, pouting, and tosses back to the mechanic standing behind her with a bemused smirk on his face. "Honestly, why couldn't I of been developed with a figure like her's?! It's unfair, I tell you Marlson, cruel and unfair!" The man laughed and patted her head, ignoring her sound of displeasure and then protest when he plucked her up off the ground to put her up onto the deck above. "Oh, shut up Jegais, and get your ass to the airlock. If your not there in five minutes, I'm grounding your First permit."

The human-looking girl looked at him with shock widened eyes, yelped and scrambled away with a obvious, unhappy and very noisily complaining sound no human could make. Earning many a look and sympathetic laughter, one other human even saying. "Hurry up, lil one! Master Mechanic Marlson barked his order, Jump-to!"

* * *

Outside the ship, watching the stars in a pressurized and armored suit, more proper and designed for and needed by humans, conforming to it's figure, was one the males of the strange non-human creatures. A heavily tinted and rainbow-chromatic visor, blocked view of it's face. But, not the eyes, that visibly glowed from behind the visor, a dark eerie purple because of the tinting, which was actually a extremely bright red. "Comfirm scout vessel, Kari-Lanos-Tarren Five-Vectra-Nine, returning with minimul hull damage and one injured co-pilot." He watched the vessel slip into a open and waiting chute for small fighter's and scout-ships incoming, like this one, that'd just returned.

He then turned as a dull alarm announced, then with vibration's he felt threw even the re-inforced suits protective functions, watched as the primary hanger doors seperate and folded open, as the launch pads and runways activate and folded up and out from beneath the story thick armor of the Battlecruisers hull.

"Bridge, comfirmed successful opening of main hanger and activation and deployment of launch facilities and sectors. Bridge? Is my fresh-scale on-deck or still lounging in the baths preening herself?" The armored individual's cheek twiched inside the suit, hearing the familiar and understanding laughter of the crew running the control-tower of this sector and relaying his responses for the core-bridge. He then twitches a curved ear at the sound-system clicking on again. "Don't fret, Voi's the command themselves ensured she was out and ready, at lot faster then she'd prefered. Even got the whelp's dam and sire involved to nip at her!"

The male, nicknamed "Voidstalker" or just Vio for short, snorted and shook his head, waving at the speck of the control-tower, which could see him easily with a screen zoomed and locked onto him.

"Good to know they keep my limited patience in mind. Speaking of limited, have they restocked the armors pod for me yet?" Again that subtle crackle a human ear could never detect. "Nearly. Should be ready for you by time your good to launch. Brace yourself, entering upper-atmosphere." A low rumble and shuder filled the ship, as it settled into a low orbit of the planet, just within that protective bubble that allowed life, as humans comprehended it, to exist. Moment it had, crew and machines began scrambling from the hanger, fields flickering around them as they enter or left it.

Voi didn't even so much as flinch, when a mecha stopped directly infront of him, then continued on, it's workcrew waving at him as they ran past. Earning them a respectful nod. His helmted head then turned, hearing a eager and childish squeal that made him sigh, but, brought the rarest motion to his face as he watched the newest youngster he was to train come bounding forward. What she wore, making him raise his brows within the suit. "Where is your combat suit?" He asked her, watching as she frowned at him, then at her dress, before sticking her tongue out.

"I am NOT gunna wear that High-lords and High-ladies ugly n'awful thing! Besides, it pinched and cramped unpleasently, I couldn't stand wearing it!" Vio smiles, it was the same for most new Draikun's that way. Majority got over that initial distaste for anything overly tight upon their bodies, after their first flight, some, as he suspected this one would, didn't get over it however.

He reached out and gave the harness she wore a experimental and testing tug, then gave a satisfied nod. "Alright then... Everything seems in order." With a unseen smile, he leaned down, looking at her as she gave a challenging look. "...You ready for your First-flight FIR, Jegais?" He chuckles as she nodded eagerly, again antsily shifting and dancing in place. Ah, he thought, To be so young again!

Without warning, he grabbed the harness, then whirled around once, twice, before launching the delightedly squealing youth. Yelling as he did so, "Get your pretty lil ass up there!" Where-upon she curled up, form aglow, then with a echoing scream, explodes into a burst of raw energy and light.

flesh gave way and transformed in places to a living alloy, bulging and growing in the blink of an eye. Until, with a sudden screech of sheer joy, the newly changed Draikun dame snapped open her wings, and took her first inexperienced flight above the deck. Most eyes turned to watch, smiles, laughs and whoops of delight raised in congratulations of the newly fledged Draikun on her first flight.

A dragon. That was the basic term and description given them, the enginered and limited produced Draikun, living weapons, as much living metal as flesh and blood. But all of them breath-takingly beautiful and lovely to behold, as this spinning, soaring and swooping one was, her hide glimmering with a pearly sheen.

Vio watches with the rest, smiling geniunely behind his visor's blank surface. Then turning, began his own, more sedate transformation, threw his own Form-Intergration-Reformation. His form bulking and intergrating with the suit as he stomped his feet into specially designed and built braces as the abruptly swelled in size, anchoring the building and engorging form of the bull-Draikun. He grinned, watching the youth dance and caper in the air in pure joy.

"Well, time teach that lil gal how to dance to the beat of the drums of war. This should be fun!" With that, the capapult fired, and launched him right off the Battlecruiser's deck.