Catching a Tigress Redone part 1

Story by Sindragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Catching a Tigress Redone

Set after then End of Kung Fu Panda Basic Stuart was a close Friend of Tigress, when they were in the Orphanage. When Stuart was then adopted by Heart wrestling family. An she was adopted by Shifu. Now they are grown up, Tigress finds out the WWE coming to her home. Not knowing one of them,is her first friend. wwe x Kung Fu Panda crossover

Catching a Tigress

Kung Fu Panda is own by DreamWorks

Wrestlers own them self /WWE

I own Stuart and the other Oc.

Set after then End of Kung Fu Panda

Basic Stuart was a close Friend of Tigress, when they were in the Orphanage.

When Stuart was then adopted by Heart wrestling family. An she was adopted by Shifu.

Now they are grown up, Tigress finds out the WWE coming to her home. Not knowing one of them,is her first friend.

Parings: Tigress x Oc PoxVipper

Chapter 1 Old friends

The master of Tiger style, sat down in her room to read the today News scroll. She would get them everyday,they were like a version of a newspaper. Well she need to know what was going on, in China.

Since being the Leader, of the Furious 5, she must know of everything that was happening in China. What if there was any ,new threats to China? Luckily in last past 2 News scroll she had read, they had told her that there was no threats going on in China.

Though it did give her free time by herself, since with the stress on her shoulders. Leading the highest Kung Fu group,while being a female. Since how badly females were treated by most males in China,luckily in Kung Fu your were all equal. Even though most males saw any female,as a slave. A house wife,only good for sex and cooking meals for the man.

Even though the laws of Kung Fu your were supposed to be treated equal. But even some Kung Fu Master,would try to feel up her or Viper. But if they even tried too, it wouldn't be long before they felt Shifu paws. Crunching every bone in there body for touching,his daughter and Student in that way. That even before they felt the wrath of Po, Crane ,Monkey and Mantis.

After they came to the broken body's of the males,because of Tigress and Viper kicking their tails. Since the only thing both Viper and expectedly Tigress hated,was being thought of as weak girls.

" Tigress come here, I found this awesome thing." Said a voice that sounded like Po,coming from the Great Hall.

Putting down the scroll,as Tigress rolled her eyes at Po voice. As she got on her paws,walking out her room and to the Great Hall.

The Great Hall

Viper let out a sigh of annoyance at Po idiocy for falling for a scam.

" Po it is just junk, a scam to get your money." Viper said to the Dragon warrior

" But Viper look isn't it cool, it can tell us stuff about the rest of the world." Po said in a excited tone to the Snake Master.

Viper sighed as the tip of her tail hit her head,while she watch Po work out how the small box work. As she spotted the large figure of Tigress walking into the room,with a piss of look on her face.

" What is it Panda, I was busy with my reading." Tigress said angrily,to the Dragon Warrior.

She wasn't in the mood for the Panda stupid games. Viper then look at Tigress sending her a death glare,at way she was talking to Po. Which didn't effect Tigress one bit,but she let out a chuckle knowing Viper crush on Po.

" Well I bought this Radio the sales person called it. He told me it can tells us,all the news around the world." Po said explained to her,letting out a proud smirk at Tigress.

Tigress rolled her eyes as she look at the small black box in his hands,while she walk over to him.

" Po, it just garbage, a waste of money. Nothing in China can do that. " Tigress said in a annoyed tone.

She then snatched it out of Po hand before he could react, an then chuck it to the air. Much to the shock of Po and Viper, as they watched the box coming back down to the ground.

" Tigress Nooo." Viper shouted at the Tiger Master,as she tried to save the box.

But it was too late, as the plastic box came crashing down on the wooden floor with a bang. As the wooden floor was dented by the box,while a bit of the plastic broke off. But as the box came to a rest,there was a click,then a voice came out of the Radio box.

" And welcome back to Sport news with James Blade. James is there anything going on in the Sport world.

"Yes there is Ryan,the owners of WWE Vince and Linda Mcmahon . Have confirmed their wrestling company,will be coming to China for the first time.

The WWE will show both Smackdown and Raw ,while doing house shows around China. For 2 weeks ,with superstars such as the WWE champion CM Punk, the Tag Team champions Hell No, the World Heavyweight Champion Stuart Heart. Also other wrestlers such as The Big show , John Cena ,The Undertaker and more.

While they will be staying at the home of Kung Fu,the Valley of Peace. So you could say it a meeting of west and east fighting styles.

It will start in a couple of days time ,while Master Shifu,the Furious 5 and the Dragon Warrior. Will be the guest of the WWE, at the events. An that the end of the news, Ryan back to you.

Thank you James, now with the rest of the news."

But before it could speak more, the Radio became silence once more. As the 3 looked up to see,who turn it off only to gasp seeing.

" Master Shifu." They all shouted in shock, jumping up into the correct way of standing.

Shifu chuckled deeply, while watching his students get themselves together.

" I see you have found out about, my new competition for you. You will be testing your skills,agents these Wrestlers." Shifu said to them,while chuckling a bit.

" Why Master, why do we have to do this. " Tigress asked her step father.

" Because we need to show, that Kung Fu is the strongest fighting type." Shifu replied to her.

" But Master." Po said to Shifu.

" But nothing you all will be fighting agents these Wrestlers,an that final. Some of them will be staying at the Jade place ,an they will be watching you train. As you will be when they do, please don't disappoint me my students." Shifu said to them all,as he bow in respect to them.

" We will not, Master Shifu." All 3 of them, said to him as they bow back too Shfiu in respect.

As they watched Shifu leave the room,leaving the 3 to do there own things

Southampton Airport, England, Uk

The WWE had landed in Southampton Airport, to refill their planes to get to China. They had set of 10 private planes ,so they could get to places in peace.

An away from crazy Wrestling fans, most of the Wrestlers were split into groups. "The Game" aka Tipple H, HBK,The Undertaker, were with the Mcmahon ** f** amily in their private plane.

Most of the other groups were of Heel and faces or groups Or groups of wrestlers of who were close friends with each other. The last group to enter the last plane was a group of friends,out of the rings. A mix of heel and face Wrestlers.

They had the 2nd biggest plane after the one. In the group was Chris Jericho, The Big show, John Cena ,Rey Mysterio, Edge , Natalya Neidheart and Stuart Heart. While the sat and waited for their plane,while chatting about Vince new money plan.

" So this is Vince big Idea, us to challenge the Furious 5." Cena said to his friends.

" Man, I know Vince had some crazy ideas. But this is nuts, I mean you all have heard story's about these 5." Edge said adding on to John speech.

" Sure they can kill people, but hello so can we." Show argued back ,while showing of his large fist.

" Show right we all grew up with Wrestling, either born in to it or been trained in it. We are just as deadly, as these Master of Kung Fu." Rey said adding in his 2 cent.

" Like Rey Rey has said,we all had been wrestling all our life. Or came into latter in our life's. Plus I think it be fun to do. Think about it East vs West fighting styles." Natalya said to the guys.

" Well it could be good for us, to improve our fighting skills. What do you think Stu you lived there, at a young age before getting adopted." Chris said to the Word champ.

" Like you and Rey and Nal have said, I think it be fun to do. Plus to see Punk get his ass kick." Stuart said laughing at his own joke.

Which cause the other to chuckle, at that the thought of the so called Best is the World. Get his ass handed to him,by the Kung Fu Master.

" Plus I wanted to ,try to find a friend I made at the orphanage a long time ago." Stuart said to his friends,while sighing deeply.

" What do you mean, Stu?." Cena asked a bit confused, on who he meant by.

" Well when I was young and living at the China orphanage, I meet a female Tiger called Tigress. We became close friends since,we got called monster by others. We said we would look after each other,in till I got adopted by the Hearts. When I then heard she was adopted by a Kung Fu person,but I don't know who it was." Stuart said explaining his past to his Wrestling's friends.

The group nod the heads listening to him speech,while Chris had picked up on something Stuart had said about his past.

" Wait did, you say Tigress, was your friend name?." Chris asked Stuart.

'" Yeah why?" Stuart replied back ,a bit confused on why he was asking him that.

" Well im pretty sure, that the leader of the Furious 5. Is called Tigress, maybe that her." Chris asked him.

Stuart look at him thinking about it before responding, to the first ever-undisputed world-wrestling champion.

" I don't know man, maybe it just I think Kung Fu Masters change there names to there Species name." Stuart said to him.

Before Chris could respond , they herd a bong from above them.

'" Will CGF567 report, to the check outs. Your plane will be ready in 10 mints. Thank you" The voice control said to them

" Right we better get going. We don't want to piss off Vince." Edge said to the group of wrestlers.

Knowing that it was,not a good idea not to piss off the boss. As they all started to head off to the checkouts, to get to their plane. For the Live event in China.

End of chapter 1

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