all that matters

Story by frostmoon on SoFurry

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here's another christian poem. this is just kinda about god's love and how we christians unconform to the world,

I may be the one that never gets a second glance

i may be the one that never gets a second chance

but that's alright with me


well, maybe i don't follow every crazy passion

spend all my time trying to get a good reaction

but that's ok with me

this world is like a trampoline

high and low

no inbetween

jumping at every chance to please everyone

but that's not me


all that matters is that i know your love has set me free

that is all that matters to me

no love that comes from the world

is worth what your love is

so all that matters to me in this screwed-up world

is your love

and that's all that matters to me