Long Distance Relationships

Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry

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#8 of Poems

Got the initial inspiration from Gruffy months ago, but finally managed to put something into writing. Been months since I've managed to write anything.

My hand stretches as far as it can go

The muscles in my arm groaning

If I could tear the fabric of the universe to do so

I would, if only to hear you stop moaning

The untold distance of thousands of miles

Full of mountains and waters, obstacles abound

The military tells me to stay put and so I do

But it'd be so much nicer if you were around

One of us lives in Europe, the other in the states

Time zone and culture differences keeping

The both of us feeling quite mysteriously isolated

One with a solid heart, the other one broken and bleeding

If only my fingers could snare your shoulder

If only my arms could pull you into a hug

If only my words could be heard rather than typed

If only my eyes could make you feel warm

But instead, our relationship is one only continued

Over the wires and codes of the internet venues

Each message we send a shallow shell of its potential

Each time we say hello sounding quiet and dim

Every time I talk with you, I leave wishing I could do more

Every time I wish I could do more, I also feel regret

For I could have done more when I saw you last

But admittedly, I failed to realize the chance that I had

I'm glad for the time I have to speak with you

Though I always wish there were more

Hours in the day that I didn't spend working

That I didn't spend sleeping, for you

But this is the world we live in with the challenges we face

Though I sometimes wonder why there are so many

Tasks we must do to get to the destination we strive for

Why so much work dedicated to one goal

But then I look to the future, I gaze out to the next few years

The fact that I won't be in debt after college

All of it keeps me working towards the dreams I follow

I only hope that you might revive your own

For life isn't about what you were dealt, it's never been about cards

I threw my hand out five years ago, they aren't necessary

Creating your own path is the only direction one can travel

Break down all restrictions, pull down your walls

I love you as a brother, as close to one I could have ever imagined

But from this distance, I can only do so much

Fight, stop looking for the outside reason, simply fight because you should

Revert to the animal instincts if necessary

For I care too much to handle watching you stumble, but sadly

From this distance all I can really do is be a fan

My words will probably get drowned out in the sea of other voices

But you're my best friend, so I'll go hoarse before I quit

Years from now, I hope to hug you and say "see, it's alright"

But to get there will take some effort from you

Relationships as complex as ours go two ways and I can only

Help you so much to go along with me

Distance can create barriers, but I strive to keep them at bay

Let's not let the troubles of this world ruin us

I'll fight for you and with you, but you have to fight as well

Stand next to me and we'll conquer the world