Alex & Brendan - Introducing the Brothers

Story by Dowski on SoFurry

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#1 of Alex & Brendan - A Brother's Bond

Short introduction for my character's and my story.

Well everybody, this is my first attempt at really putting my two characters into an actual story. These are both my characters, and if they resemble one of yours, well.... I'm sorry XD Hope this goes well, and please give your feedback, both good and bad.

'Great,' I thought, 'He did it again.' I was slowly walking down the halls of my school towards the principle's office. I once again had to get my twin brother out of trouble, mostly due to the fact that while I'm an A+ student, Brendan barely gets D's. He may have a hot dragonic body, but his brain was, as I sometimes put it, on a permanent sugar high.

Maybe I should give a little introduction to my family first. Although my brother and I are twins, we are two different species. My mom decided to have a little fun one night, and sleep with a few people. My dad was a white male, but that's all I really know. My mom named me Alexander (Alex, please), due to the fact I was born first, so I had the job of protecting my 'little' brother. Brendan's dad, on the other hand, is a black dragon by the name of Lucus. How my brother ended up having orange scales, we have no idea. Lucus still comes by every once in a while, and while I am not truly his son, he treats me the same as Brendan. Our mom, Pam, works almost full time as a nurse. We see her very little, mostly because of the fact that she works nights, and also because she would rather spend time picking up guys then be with her kids. It may not be the perfect family, but it works okay.

Now, my brother is a 6' 6'' orange dragon with a reddish-gold chest. He like to work out quite a bit, which can also explain his bad grades, but also he very muscular body. He has an almost jock like attitude, crossed with the innocents of a five-year-old. He can be both dominative, and a little submissive, but i like him when he is dominating, haha. As for myself, I am 6' 2'' which is not bad for a human. I am not as active as Brendan, and it shows a little. While I usually can get Brendan out of anything, I am very submissive when it comes to certain things. My brother and I love each other a lot, maybe a little too much, if you get my point.... But, I got to say, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Now... where was I, oh yeah. I finally stopped outside the door, knocked, and said, "It's me, Mr. Takera."

"Very good, Alex. Come in."

"What did he do this time?"

"Alex, why do you always think I did something wrong," Brendan asked. "Because whenever I'm called to the office and they say it's about my brother, it usually is," I replied, rolling my eyes, "Now, sit there and be keep you moth closed!" He glanced at me and looked down.

"Now, Alex. Your brother was smart-mouthing his teacher, yet again, and she sent him here," said Mr. Takera.

"May I recommend that he both apologizes to the teacher and writes a report on good behavior," I asked with a sigh.

"That sounds perfectly reasonable."

"Okay then, we shall head to class, and I will make sure he gets it done. Come on Brendan. Good bye Mr. Takera." We walked out the door.

"Alex..... your going to help me on the report, right," Brendan asked.


"Thanks bro, I love you." He leans down and kisses me.

"I know you do," I reply as I hug him. "Now, about your little trip. What exactly did you do to make your teacher so mad?"

"Well, she asked me a question about math...." I groaned.

"Yeah, exactly. Anyways, I said how the hell should I know."

"I'm guessing you had an energy drink today?" He nods. "Damn! Go on."

"Well, she got mad and then told me to leave. So I went down to Takera's office and then they called for you."

"Wow Brendan, what would you do without me?"

"Fail all my classes, get in trouble all the time, drink too many energy drinks, and get sex-crazed." He said, drinking another energy drink.

"Yeah, that sounds about right," I said, nodding my head. Brendan leaned down again and kissed me.

"I'm glad I have you, Alex"

"And you should be. And put that thing down, you had enough sugar already!" We both laughed.


Well, that was it! It was a little short, but like I said; my first story, plus it was just to introduce my characters. Please give me some feedback, and be sure to look for Brendan in TheNovelist's Exploration's series sometime soon, hopefully! Thanks again everybody!!! ~Dowski