Kiss of Destiny: Chapter 2

Story by WPMSpup on SoFurry

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#3 of Kiss of Destiny

She stopped running when her legs gave out. She crashed to the ground in a small cloud of dust and grass and simply laid there, sobbing. She stayed there for well over half an hour, and when she had finished, she didn't feel any better.

Filled with a sudden rage that she couldn't control, Mittens turned to find out where she was, and to see if there was possibly anything she could destroy. She was in an alley, surrounded by cardboard boxes, rusted oil drums, and a junked car. Her eyes lit upon the boxes and she pounced on them, biting and tearing them to shreds. Having been declawed, her paws weren't much use other than holding down the corrugated cardboard to sink her teeth into.

After destroying quite a few boxes, and surrounding herself with mounds of the shredded material, Mittens finally stopped. The rampage of destruction had left her feeling at least a little better, but still angry. She turned to head home, but stopped when a voice behind her called her name.

Surprised, but determined to hide it, the feline turned to face the newcomer. It was a wolf, a light furred, blue-eyed wolf with a pleasant expression on her face. "Who the hell are you?" Mittens demanded. The she-wolf shrugged off the insolence without pausing. "It is not I who matters, but you," she said cryptically. "What's that supposed to mean?" Mittens growled. The wolf paused, as if to consider the question. After a moment, she went on. "Shouldn't you be at home, Mittens?" she asked kindly. "Don't talk to me like you know me!" Mittens yelled. "Don't you dare!" "What is troubling you?" "None of your business." "Keeping it bottled inside does nothing but harm." Mittens snorted. "What do you want?" she spat. "The question is not what I want, it is what you want." For the first time, Mittens took the time to really look at whom she was talking to. The wolf was small for a wolf, but still larger than she was. Her ears were erect, displaying confidence. Her eyes were a deep shade of blue, and in them Mittens could see someone who was comfortable in their own skin. She relented, deciding to talk to this strange wolf. "Well, you see, at my home, there's this dog... His name is Bolt, and I'm in love with him." The she-wolf looked interested. "What caused this?" she asked. "It's a long story..." Mittens said vaguely. Another look into the wolf's eyes was enough to have her spilling the entire story. "-so, you see, he doesn't want me. I mean, he's got no one else... What harm could at least trying do?" "You said you wanted to be a dog?" the wolf inquired. Mittens nodded. "Does having him really mean that much to you?" Another nod. "What would you be willing to do for it?" She looked up. "Anything," she whispered hoarsely. The she-wolf considered this. "I shall make you a deal." The cat's gaze locked onto the wolf with a determination that could not be broken. "I will turn you into a dog on three conditions. First, I shall take your voice. Second, you may not tell him who you are, though he is allowed to figure it out. Third, if you want your voice back, he must fall in love with you within three days, starting from the time you wake up tomorrow morning." "Deal." Mittens uttered that word with a sense of finality and resolve. "Then it is done." The female wolf stretched out her paw and touched Mittens on the top of the head. The instant contact was made, Mittens' eyes rolled backwards into her head and she dropped where she stood, unconscious before she hit the ground.