Demonic Possession

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Garr

The forest behind the manor house of Victor Loss seemed like a place time had forgotten. The trees pushed upwards with such force that the ground below them seemed to be splitting apart with the vast maze of roots, fallen branches, and shrubs. A young man wondered through the forest enjoying the way the soft breeze ruffled his hair and cooled him. Wisps of steam from the moist ground tickled his nose as he was drawn through the woods. Something like a path seemed to open up to the young boy, his innocence pulling him towards something both incredible and terrible.

Something that didn't seem to belong in the forest caught the boy's eye. He skipped over to the strange flat stone all the while wondering what something like this would be doing in the middle of the woods. The stone didn't look natural, yet it didn't look like it was made by man either. Naturally the boy was fascinated. A series of pictures on the stone depicted a great monster being defeated in combat. The next picture showed the monster's body being put into a great stone tomb.

In the center of the stone was a strange symbol like a wolf's head, but with horns and great big fangs. The boy reached out and touched the strange symbol. To his surprise the symbol seemed to jump off the stone and onto his hand. It flowed across his skin like a dark wave and settled on his shoulder.


Victor looked at his grandpa's house from the road. He hadn't wanted to move in with his grandpa, but his parents had insisted. Victor had fallen in with a rough crowd and his parents had, in an effort to curb his increasingly disturbing behavior, sent him to his grandpa's house to finish his schooling under his grandpa's firm hand. Victor's two younger brothers had come with him for the summer, but he almost wished they hadn't. Rusty was a huge brown nose and spent most of his time with Grandpa Victor. Eddy was too young to be any fun to hang out with so Victor was left to his own devices. In northern Washington State it rained, it rained a lot. So Victor spent a lot of time inside avoiding his grandpa and younger brothers. Eddy was only 4 and couldn't read. Rusty

wasn't known for being big on books. Victor found plenty of books to read, but one in particular he found interesting. The book talked about various kinds of demons and how to defeat them.

Eddy skipped into the library where his older brother usually lurked about. "Is this your brother?" the voice inside Eddy asked.

"Yes, my eldest brother"

"What is this feeling" the voice asked

"I wish he was like other brothers" Eddy said and sighed. The creature inside Eddy couldn't resist the purity of its host's desires. There was no darkness in this child's heart for the creature to feed on so instead it turned to the simple desires. The monsters evil was being starved, but its power was not. Images of sporty older brothers swam through Eddy's head. Eddy thought about superman and how cool it would be to have superman as a brother. Eddy also thought about a dog Victor had had as a child. Eddy remembered victor playing with that dog and he wanted a dog to play with, something that would enjoy playing outside with him.

A dark aura spread from Eddy towards Victor. It flowed into the other male and filled him with demonic influence. To Eddy's surprise Victor put his book down and looked at his younger brother. "Would you like to go outside and play?" Victor asked.

"Can we play football?"

"Sure sport!" Victor said and hopped up.

After playing in the rain for hours Eddy was tired. Victor and he went inside and Victor even tucked Eddy in! Eddy was so happy! As he curled up in his bed a strange painful sensation began to build in his rear. The voice inside his head soothed him as the sensation cooled into a dull itching.


Something extremely weird was going on, and Rusty was onto it. His two brothers were spending strangely large amounts of time together. Even stranger his eldest brother had emerged from the library and was actually going to a nearby gym. At first Rusty had thought it was just some strange fad that Victor was going through, but it seemed like Victor was almost a completely different person, almost like his will had been stripped away and he was a machine obsessed with getting bigger, stronger, and playing with Eddy. Not to mention they had both started eating like there was no tomorrow.

Even stranger was that in two weeks Victor had outgrown all his clothes and looked like a body builder! In two weeks! Rusty didn't know anything about bodybuilding, but either Victor was on steroids or something else was going on. Strange things had been happening around the manner. Rusty had noticed how everyone seemed to avoid Eddy and Victor, whispering something about the forest as they gave the two weary glances. Eddy seemed happier than ever though, so at first Rusty hadn't cared.

Last night though things had changed. Rusty had been awakened by a sound from his brother's room. He had gone inside, but had found that Eddy was gone. Why would a four year old sneak out in the middle of the night? Rusty had never thought that Victor would try to get Eddy involved in his rebellious attitude, but if Eddy was sneaking out of the house at 3:00 in the morning than only Victor could be to blame. Since questioning either boy directly would only tip them off to Rusty's suspicion Rusty decided to inspect the last place his brother had acted normal, the library.

The musty old room was filled to the ceiling with books older than the house itself, but it wasn't the books on the shelf that caught Randy's eye, it was a book open on the table. The book had a picture of something that looked like an anthropomorphic wolf with demonic horns, four arms, and furry wings. The paragraph beside the picture described a demon called a Garr. The demon was actually a monster from another world that had been summoned to earth. Because of its demonic nature the Garr could transform any man that it chose into a Garr as well. The book talked about how the beasts were defeated, sealed in demonic stones, and hidden in remote places in the world.

Randy read on to a part about how anyone possessed by a Garr demon would have a mark on their body where it was. The mark would be black like ink if the demon was sleeping, but red like blood if the demon was awakened. The mark was most common on a person's upper body. Victims of possession slowly undergo a transformation into a Garr that is irrevocable. The possession progressed in stages weather the demon was asleep or awake. First the victim would develop a dark aura; secondly they would grow various parts of the Garr anatomy until they were completely Garr; lastly the victim would begin to think like a Garr until they were completely one with the demon. After the demon had completely transformed the human and fused with it the demon would cease to be and the Garr would seek to transform another human.

Rusty thought about his brothers recent activities. Could they becoming Garr? He read on in hopes of finding an answer to his question. The book talked about many ways to stop the transformation temporarily, but the only way to completely end it was to exercise the demon, but the book never said how you do that. Rusty combed the book, but only found accounts of demon encounters, nothing about how one became a demon hunter, or an exorcist. Some common tools used to fight Garr were tools called focuses. A focus was made out of a crystal attuned to the person using it and attached to a piece of pure metal.


Eddy looked at himself in the mirror. Over the past few days Eddy had learned how to use his new powers, but also that using them had an interesting effect on his body. At first Eddy hadn't known what the pain in his rear had been, but after a while he had discovered that he was growing a tail. His tail was currently three feet long; Eddy had measured it, and covered in thick brown fur. The fur also covered Eddy's ass and newly grown sheath. Eddy didn't know what the sheath was for, but it was just like a penis and the voice inside his head said that having it was good. Eddy had also developed heightened senses and the voice inside him was very good at using them. Eddy could hear, smell, and see three times better than he could have before, but he had developed a sense even better than that. Eddy had learned how to reach inside others with his mind. Strangers were extremely hard to get into, but Victor was easy to get inside. In fact Victor seemed to do everything Eddy told him to do and more. Victor seemed to know whenever Eddy needed something and always brought it to him.

Eddy looked at his tail in the mirror and swished it back and forth playfully. It was very good for picking things up and holding them, moving them around, and putting them here and there. Eddy had to hide it a lot so having it out once and a while was a nice



Three weeks after Rusty had found the book he managed to catch his youngest brother with his shirt off. To Rusty's surprise there really was a black symbol on his brother's shoulder, and judging by how it was spreading the demon mark had been there for a while. Rusty had been training himself to see 'auras' like the book talked about, but what he saw in his brother confused him. The demon mar was clearly there, yet his brother had no dark aura. In fact if not for the tinge of demon magic around Eddy Rusty wouldn't have known to look for the symbol on Eddy instead of Victor. Victor was almost machine like in how he acted now. Rusty knew it was because the demon inside Eddy must be controlling him. Rusty knew his brother wasn't lost, but how long had the demon been there? Already Eddy's hair was growing down the back of his neck towards the fur growing up from his nether regions. Rusty shuddered to think about his brother with a tail, but it was a distinct possibility. Garr had long muscular fur covered tails that they used to hold victims and to kill them by constricting and suffocating them. Garr preferred eating their prey dead.

Rusty had it all planed out. Grandpa Victor was going to take Victor to a local privet school and enroll him there. Victor had expressed interest in a privet school that was very strict and accepted only rich boys. Grandpa had gone there himself and was delighted to enroll his grandson. They planned to be gone a whole two days. Summer was almost over and if Rusty was going to destroy the demon in his brother he would need to do it while the demon's thrall wasn't there to protect it.

When the night came Rusty gathered his tools. He had a silver star, a silver pendent that he had bathed in his own blood and left in the light of a full moon, to draw the demon out, and a focus made from an iron rubber band gun and a quartz crystal Rusty had done some unpleasant things to in the effort to attune it to him. In addition to these Rusty had gathered a hair from Eddy and put it in a gold locked that Rusty wore around his neck. The gold purified the demonic magic in the hair and created a faint anti magic field that would protect Rusty from the demon once it was pushed out of his brother.

Rusty knew his brother spent a lot of time in his room and the bathroom before he went to sleep. He figured the best time to ambush his brother was while he was in his room and his brother's guard was down. Rusty waited till 10:00; he needed his little brother to be relaxed, time to perform the ritual, and enough time to not succumb to the demonic influence inside his brother.

Rusty knocked on his brother's door and let himself in. The resulting scramble his brother made to cover his nudity didn't surprise Rusty, but the blast of spirit energy that shocked the four year old and slammed him into the wall did surprise the demon. "What's going on? Rusty stop! You're hurting me! Eddy screamed as he writhed against the wall.

The beam of energy from the focus faltered as the sound of his little brother's voice caused Rusty to falter. The demon laughed manically as it sprang from the wall and into Rusty, but the demon didn't know that this was what Rusty wanted. Eddy's tail lashed his brother painfully and claws dug into Rusty's leather trench coat, but the leather stopped them from finding flesh. As they rolled on the floor Rusty put the silver pendent on his brother causing the demon to scream in agony. Demons are highly allergic to silver, and purified silver even more so. Lastly Rusty blasted his brother off him with his focus and against the wall. For an hour and a half after that the demon inside Eddy attacked Rusty with every hidden thought and desire inside Rusty's mind screaming both offers and insults until the clock Rusty had brought in chimed midnight. All at once the demon screamed like nothing Rusty had even seen or heard. A blood red mist poured out of Eddy and into the room. It pulsed with anger and hatred until it was drawn into the silver pendent around Eddy's neck. The part demon boy no longer possessed whimpered and collapsed into a furry ball on the floor.

Exhausted from using so much of his spirit energy Rusty picked his brother up and put him in bed, careful to cover the boy with covers so any one who looked into the room wouldn't see his fur or tail. The battle was won, but Rusty was exhausted. He collapsed on the bed beside his brother and slept.


Victor peeked into Eddy's room to check on the kid and found to his surprise his 14 year old brother curled up beside Eddy. Clutched in Rusty's hands were a rubber band shooter and a silver pendent. Victor took the toy gun and put it on the bedside table, but when his hands touched the silver pendent a red haze washed over him and for moment Victor felt sick. The pendent crumbled into a fine silver dust.

"Must be some kind of toy" Victor thought to himself.