Super-Furs! Chapter two: Training Begins

Story by Matt_the_Furry on SoFurry

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#2 of Super Furs!

Okay, I know it's been I a long time since I last posted anything, really, and even longer since I've posted a story. Well, I've been a mix of busy and lazy. Bazy, if you will. I never really got the time to work on this for long. I know it's a little short, but if I tried to make it any longer, it just would mean more time you have to wait, and I know I hate having to wait a long time for something, even if I have to. So I thought I would just cut this one shorter and give you furs something to read.

OK, so to recap the story so far, Rick, a (get this) mild-mannered Badger has been given super powers from (big surprise) a freak accident! Now, he and his friend Seth the lemur must find a way to master his powers.........

The next day, Rick and Seth decided to close the shop for the day to try and test out Rick's new powers. Well, that and they hired an electrician to check out the fuse box and wireing to see if it still worked. They had covered their tracks by saying the lights just shorted out the same time the robber from the night before 'tripped.' For some reason that surprized the both of them, Rick could sit in Seth's car without causing a spark that would blow up the car or ruin the battery, but he did seem to be messing up the car's radio, causing it to pick up nothing but static. Seth turned it off after a while, getting tired of the noise.

Rick asked "Where are we going? You said we were going some where I test these new powers. Where is it?"

"It's a junkyard owned by my cousin Lenny." answered Seth, turning onto the freeway that lead outside the city.

Rick remebered Seth's cousin Lenny. "Isn't he the one you told me about, the one who was fidding with that broken car battery and ended up singeing off his fur and took three months for it to grow back?" he asked, rasing an eyebrow with concern.

"You're forgetting the part where he fixed the battery." added Seth, making light of Rick's slight distrust of Lenny. It was with good reason, though. Rick had met Lenny once before and he read his friend's cousin as the type of guy in comics who goes nuts and sends a evil robot after everyone.

"Besides," continued Seth, cruising down the highway, "he has tons of junk to test your powers on."

"And just explain how we hide this from Lenny? It's hard to just explain this sort of thing away, despite what TV and comics would have you think." criticized Rick.

"We won't. I already told him." Seth calmy explained.

"You what!?!?!?" shouted Rick. Seth could feel the car slowing down with Rick's electricity starting to overpower the ignition on the car.

Seth responded "Calm down. You'll kill the engine....and probably us." Rick took some deep breaths to calm down while Seth told him "Back when we were kids, we made a vow that if one of us got super powers, we would keep it secret, and I was able to extend the vow for this case."

"And you're sure he didn't just think you were joking?" asked Rick.

"Lenny takes vows very seriously." said Seth in a matter-of-fact kind of tone.

Rick sighed and slumped in his seat with unease. He just didn't think he could trust Seth's word alone..........


A couple of minutes later, Seth parked the car in a gigantic junkyard. It had all sorts of old things: cars, washing machines, bikes, even some airplane pieces from the looks of the propellers sticking out of the junk.

"Lenny? We're here!" shouted Seth, who's voice echoed off the mountains of scrap metal surounding them, which at the same time was leaving Rick in awe. It was enough metal to build an army with, which started to worry him with those evil genius thoughts agian.

That's why, when Lenny flung the door of his workshop open and shouted "Hey you guys! Long time, no see!" from behind Rick, he jumped up into the air, and hit the ground, hoping not to get hit by anything he could be shot with. As he hit the ground, he caused electricity to shoot into the ground to make a mini-earthquake (hey, it's a story about a badger with super powers, not something on Discovery Channel). This caused Seth's car to go flying through the air and almost hit his cousin and his workshop. Lenny just scratched his head and commented on what just happened.

"Seth," he said, "either that's the guy you were talking about, or you are even worse at driving then I remeber."

Rick looked over at were the car used to be and where it had ended up. He blushed and sheepishly patted Seth on the shoulder and said "Sorry. Didn't know I could do that." Seth just stared in shock at the wreck.

"Don't worry about that, Seth. I have just the thing for you." shouted Lenny, running behind a pile of scrap. They could hear the beat of his feet hitting the dirt and the jingling of keys, fallowed by the slamming of a car door and the reving of an engine. They soon were surprised to what appeared to be a brand-new Mustang, with a bright red paint job. Seth and Rick gazed upon it with awe. "Who knew that Lenny had that stored here?" they both thought. Lenny pulled up, turned off the motor and stepped out.

"What do you think?" asked Lenny, almost rhetorically because he could tell just from the look on Seth's face. Lenny added, handing Seth the keys, "I fixed her up myself. I was going to give you it for your birthday, but I guess you need it now."

Rick snapped his fingers to get Lenny and Seth's attention back to the reason why they were there in the first place.

"Of course, of course." Lenny said, walking Rick away from Seth's new car so it wouldn't get wrecked. "OK, OK. First lesson." Lenny pointed at a rusted old car with it's driver side door hanging open. "See that car door? Try to see if you can yank it over here."

"How?" asked Rick, "I've never did this before."

"Just focus on reaching out and pulling it off. Sort of like using a whip."

"OK, here goes-" Rick began before he noticed Lenny running like hell to get back at a safe distance next to his cousin. "Nothing." sighed Rick, as he started to snap his arm back and forth, trying to pull off the car door. After a few minutes, Rick was about to give up when a bolt of electricity shot out of his hand and reached out to the door.

Rick was so overjoyed that he almost forgot the next part. He snapped his arm back and pulled the door right off the car! His joy soon turned to fear as he saw the door flying right at him. He held his arms in front of him, trying to block. Just as the door was about to hit him, an electric force field materialized in front of his body. This caused the door to bounce with a ping like a BB shot off a tank. The door to ricochet and embedding itself into the side of a minivan. Seth and Lenny clapped with approval, and Rick, wanting to milk the moment, took a bow. Lenny patted Rick on the back, getting a slight static shock as a result and told him "Good job, Rick. I think this is going to be the start of something big......"