Chapter Three - The Getaway

Story by Dallas Adoraslash on SoFurry

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#3 of Part Three - A Journey Through The Unknown

"Hey! Who and what are you!" The officer asked as he got out of his car.

"Promise you're not going to tell!" Zeke said. "I don't want the humans mad at me!"

"Hey!" The cop yelled. "I'm TALKING to you!"

"You're talking to animals. You're reaaaal smart." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

"YOU!" Electra yelled as she turned toward him, growling as she pointed at him, her claws no longer showing. "If you know what's best for you you'll get back into your car!"

"Okay, seeing as you're a talking... Whatever... I have no idea what I'm supposed to do to stop this..." He said.

"GET BACK IN THE CAR AND GO AWAY!" Electra yelled.

"Even if I'm not trained for you... Whatever you are... I'm not going to sit here and take orders from you." He said.

"Wait, humans here can understand us?" Cammy asked.

"When did you even get here?" Kevin asked.

"When Zeke and Electra began yelling." Cammy said. "I said all you have to do is yell for me. But when I heard them both yelling I knew there was trouble." She said.

"NOW!" Electra yelled, sparks flying from her cheeks as she stepped on the man's hand.


"GET IN THE CAR!" Electra yelled. "Or this moron gets hurt!"

"More than he already is!" Zeke added as he opened his mouth, a dark purple ball forming inside it, swirling with energy as it slowly grew.

"That's it! That's the thing that blew that dog apart!" The man yelled. "GET HIM OFF OF ME!"

"I've had enough!" The policeman said as he pulled something off of his belt. "If you don't get off of him in five seconds I'm going to be forced to take action." He said.

"Oh I'll show you action. You wanna see action!?" Electra yelled as she grabbed the man's arm, yanking him out from under Zeke, who fell over, snapping his mouth shut and launching the shadow ball, which flew straight into the policeman's car. The policeman bolted to the left as soon as he saw it coming, and managed to avoid the explosion of the shadow ball. The force of the impact shot gravel straight up into the air as it slammed into the side of the car, sending it rolling into the grass.

"HOLY FUCK!" The policeman yelled as he pointed whatever he had in his hand at Electra and Zeke.

Electra growled as she yanked the man backwards, sending him rolling a good twenty feet away as Zeke got to his feet.

"You know what? I don't give a crap if the whole WORLD knows we're here!" Electra yelled. "Because you know what? From what I gathered from this whole chain of bullcrap, I take it we're going to be here for a while, so you all might as well get used to it!" She yelled.

"I'm afraid I can't have you beating up on other people, animal or not." The cop said as he pointed to his car. "And that there is destruction of county property. I'm gonna have to take you in." He said.

"Take me in? HA!" Electra laughed. "You and what army? You're not officer Jenny, you don't have a Growlithe to help you out!"

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about." He said as he pointed the black thing at her. "But you're coming down town."

"No I'm not." She said as she folded her arms. "I'm staying right here."

"Yeah and so is that guy!" Zeke said. "I can not afford to have my abilities leaked to the whole park!"

"Zeke, you'll get all the sandwiches you want once everyone knows what you can do." Electra said. "You just walk on up to the picnics and BOOM! They throw everything and RUN!" She said. "Don't you want that?"

"Electra you're a genius!" Zeke said. "That's perfect!"

"Now you can either come with me or I can take you by force." The police officer said as he slowly inched closer.

"I choose force." Zeke said.

"Yeah, BRING IT!" Electra said as she leapt backwards, landing on the man's left leg.

"RRAAAAAAAHHHH!" He yelled. "GET IT OFF ME!!!!!!"

"Yeah, I can't have you doing this to civilians." He said as he ran forward. I watched as he pressed a button on the black this in his hands and a ball of... Something shot out of it. I watched it hit Electra, and then she stopped moving.

"HA." he said. "Force it is, force it shall be." He said as he pointed it at Zeke.

I feared the worst as I stared at Electra, who was shaking a little now, a shower of sparks suddenly flying off of her cheeks as she leapt into the air.

"CHAAAAAAAAA!!!!" She yelled as she fired off a ball of electricity. I watched as it smacked into the man, and he flew backwards, landing on his back on the blacktop, his arms and legs twitching as electricity visible arced throughout his body.

"That moron used a shooting tazer on an Electric type." Cammy said as she folded her arms. "Basically hit her with a ball of electricity and charged her up."

"Can we like, leave?" Kevin asked. "I don't like the way things are turning out around here..."

"I do." Electra said. "We're kicking their butts."

"Why didn't you say asses?" Zeke asked.

"Because the court of Electra says it's not always necessary." She said.

"Well the SUPREME court of Cammy says we should leave." Cammy said as she stuck her tongue out at Electra, laughing. "And the supreme court is the highest!"

"Unfair!" Electra said. "You used my joke against me!"

"Well you never said I couldn't." Cammy said. "We should get you a mallet and like, a little jury desk." She laughed.

"I can see Electra's court being a very scary place." Cameron said. "Everyone would like, immediately tell the truth. No one would risk it."

"Why are we talking about this when we're supposed to be leaving?" Kevin asked. "Get in the car!"

"Right!" Zeke said as he dashed past Kevin and jumped into the car.

I sighed as I picked up both Pichu and followed everyone into the car. I didn't know what to think, or even how I should feel after what had just happened.

"Zeke what's gotten into you?" Kevin asked as he got into the car.

"A sandwich!!" Zeke said. "And sandwiches from here are GOOD!"

"And that's why you attacked that man?" Kevin asked.

"He threatened to tell officer... Those people... On me!" He said. "I can't be seen as the big bad wolf of the park!"

"Ha, good one." Cammy laughed. "Use your shadow ball and blow their house down!"

"Cammy shhh." Kevin said as he pulled out. "I'm really surprised you did that Zeke. And you too Electra! Why'd you get all aggressive all of a sudden?"

"I'm naturally aggressive. And we're not going to be here for long, and even if we are, we might as well have a little fun. These humans are way too cocky. They think that everything in their world is peaceful and... Whatever the word is. I don't think they have things like Team Onyx to worry about, so I'm going to show them how it feels to have to constantly chase someone down. Plus I want free meat." she said.

"I don't know, the humans here make me feel weird too..." Cammy said. "They make me feel all moody, as if I should just jump on top of them and dominate them..."

"I hope you mean fighting." Cameron said.

"Kevin..." Zeke said. "I'm a nice wolf, you know that... But the humans here... They trigger something bad in me... I don't know why, but they do. They make me angry. Just their presence makes me feel like I should tear them apart." He said. "And the way they talk. Ohhhh that really gets under my fur!" He growled. "I can't STAND it! They can't even say their words right! I thought it was all a joke, to get the humans to go away. But when Electra sliced his face I knew it wasn't... And then I didn't know what to do, so I tried to seem fearsome and used shadow ball... But Electra knocked me over and I fell and I shot it before I should have... And in the wrong direction..." He said.

"I did that on purpose." Electra said. "I knew it would hit the car if I pulled you over that way."

"That was pretty good." Zeke said. "But anyhow, as soon as it hit the car, and it went all BOOOM!... I realized something... I realized how much I truly miss being... Well, the big bad wolf." He said. "Sure I'm nice to those I like, like everyone in here, and the colony, but... I miss going into the Team Onyx base thing and fighting them all by myself... Or fighting off an evil clone of... Whatever." He said. "I haven't fought anything in a while. And I miss it... What happened back there, is I got a taste of violence. I was able to feel the adrenaline flowing through me, the sense that I had to do anything in my power to make sure not only me and Electra, but everyone stayed safe. I got a taste of violence back there, and now I realize... I'm addicted." Zeke said. "I'm addicted to fighting... I am a wolf, I was naturally bred, both as a wolf, AND as a Pokemon, to fight. We all knew the more... Wolfy... Side of me would come out sooner or later... Well here it is." He said. "I want to fight the humans with Electra. I want to eat as many sandwiches as I can, I want to feel the wind through my fur as I run away from them!"

"That's incredibly sexy..." Cammy said.

"Okay for one, I had no idea Zeke just wanted to scare him with the shadow ball. I thought it was a serious attack." Electra said. "And I also thought it was a stupid idea to fire off a shadow ball like, a foot away from yourself. So I flipped you and made you hit a target farther away." She said. "And then the idiot officer... Whatever... Shoots me with a freaking electric thing. Like a moron." She said.

"Wait, so that thing he had was like... Just an electric shock?" Zeke asked.

"I'm sure it's probably the equivalent of a small thunderbolt." Cammy said.

"But anyway, that was amazing how you did that Electra!" Zeke said. "How'd you know I was going to let go like that?"

"Well it's one of those things that just comes to you in the heat of the moment." She said. "I just knew you would, I can't explain it."

"I want to fight with Electra against the mean humans!" Zeke said.

"They're chasing us..." Kevin said as he looked in the mirror.

"Just pretend they're not there and keep driving." Cammy said.

"How can I pretend they're not there if they're blaring their sirens?" Kevin asked.

"You put on headphones and listen to music." Cameron said.

"I wanna hit them with something." Electra said. "Like an electroball..."

"Go ahead, I'm not stopping you." Kevin said. "Zeke's right, if we're going to stay here, we're not going to be chased down every single day." He said. "It has to stop sooner or later."

"Well it just started." Cammy said.

"Maybe they'll learn to leave us alone." I said.

"I doubt it." Kevin said. "I mean, they seem to take battles a lot more seriously here."

"Yeah, I mean, he provoked a Pokemon battle." Cameron said. "Sure it got out of hand, but still..."

"Exactly." Cammy said. "Than man threatened Zeke and then expected not to get hit. If you ask me he deserved it all. Messing with my Zekey." She said as she snuggled up against him.

"Electra like, destroyed his hand." Kevin said. "And I think his leg..."

"Still, back at our place we'd just call it an accident and move on. They're like, chasing us here." Cammy said. "Like morons. What's chasing us going to do anyway? Once again, people here are DUMB." She said.

"I'm actually beginning to believe her." Cameron said. "People here do do a lot of stupid things..."

"Maybe it's just this area." Kevin said.

"I'm supposed to be raising two Pichu here okay?" I said as I hugged them against me. "They're both asleep again, but when they wake up they're going to be all over the place."

"Yeah, I'm also fighting for our Pichu." Electra said. "They're going to have to learn that we're fighters, and that they're going to have to do anything they can to protect themselves."

"I think they're pretty much able to protect themselves already." Cammy said. "They have no other Pokemon here as far as I know."

"How much longer are these people going to chase us?" Kevin asked.

"Pull over somewhere and ask what they want." Cameron said.

"They're police, they want to arrest us." Cammy said.

"We should pull over." Electra said.

"See? Even Electra knows." Cammy said.

"So that I can kick their butts." Electra said. "They're chasing us to fight obviously."

"Okay maybe Electra doesn't know..." Cammy said. "They're chasing us because we broke the law that we didn't even know existed... Or something." She said.

"Well then I'm still fighting for my well deserved freedom." She said. "After all we've been through we're NOT going to jail."

"Yeah!" Zeke barked. "I will soooo fight for us!"

"I'm not fighting unless they provoke it." I said. "It's too much of a risk..."

"A risk? You'll just float over there and tear them to pieces!" Cammy said.

"The Pichu need to learn how to fight if we're going to be in a world like this." Electra said. "We can start by like, holding their milk away from them and having them have to get it from us." Electra said. "Which will probably lead to the use of electric attacks, and so on."

"Maybe I could convince them to leave us alone." Cammy said.

"I don't think they're interested in your methods." Kevin said.

"Well I can still try." Cammy said.

"They're yelling at us to stop the car..." Kevin said. "As if I'm actually going to listen to them..."

"Wouldn't it be funny if we just teleported back to the park?" Electra laughed.

"I don't know if we can here." Cammy said. "And we're going like, forty five miles per hour... We'd crash into someone." Cammy said.

"True." I said, laughing. "Plus I kind of want to see what happens if we pull over..."

"Okay okay." Kevin said as he pulled onto the side of the road. "If something bad happens I blame you Cameron."

"Why me!" He shouted.

"Well because everyone else is a Pokemon." He laughed.

"Get out of the car NOW" The policeman said into an intercom from inside of his car, as another car drove up and parked in front of us.

"See look what happens when I pull over." Kevin said. "Now we can't go anywhere."

"Unless Dallas teleports us like, thirty feet forward." Cammy laughed. "That would spook them."

"Yeah it would!" Electra laughed.

"GET OUT OF THE CAR!" A policeman from the car in front yelled as he got out, holding a pistol. "NOW!"

"Now they're holding guns..." Kevin said as he took off his seat belt and got out. "What do you want?"

"GET ON THE GROUND!" He yelled as another car pulled up.

"Um... What?" Kevin asked.

"NOW!" The man shouted.

"Guns and yelling means a fight!" Electra said as she hopped out of the car.

"ELECTRA!" Cammy yelled. "What are you doing!"

"YOU TOO!" He yelled as he looked at Electra.

"FIGHT ME!" Electra yelled as she shot off a thunderbolt at the policeman with the gun.

A helicopter flew overhead as the policeman was hit. He immediately dropped the gun, smoky steam rising from his body as he fell backwards onto the road, his body shaking all over.

"Oh fuck that." Someone in the car next to us said as he slammed on the gas and sped off.

"Humans here are much more vulnerable to thunderbolts too..." Cammy said. "Are we like, just a thousand times more powerful here or something? Or is everything here just weak?"

"I think maybe we can overwhelm them if we all go out." I said as I placed the sleeping Pichu on the seat, before hopping out with Cammy and standing next to Electra.

"There's three." I heard one of the men say into his radio. "Three of these yellow electric things."

"Technically five..." Cammy said.

"And a wolf!" Zeke said as he leapt out of the car.

"I'm fine right here." Cameron said as he folded his arms. "I'm taking no part in this."

"Okay this is dumb, I'm getting rid of these things." Electra said as she walked over to the car in front of us, growling as she tried to push it forward.

"Um, I think you might want to put it in neutral first..." Kevin laughed. "You're not going to move it with the parking brakes on..."

"GET AWAY FROM THE CAR!" The man in the car behind us said over the intercom thing.

"Why don't you come out here and MAKE ME!" Electra yelled. "Why don't you worry about moving your CAR instead of ME?"

"This is incredible!" The man in the helicopter said into the helicopter's intercom. "This is chopper twelve, and folks, it appears we're looking down at, not criminals, but real Pokemon! They're probably just defending themselves."

"So there's more people here that know about Pokemon huh..." Kevin said. "Then why are they so surprised when they see us..."

"I'm afraid there's nothing we can do alone to stop them." The guy in the helicopter said. "If you knew anything about Pokemon you'd know that." he said over the loudspeaker.

"Pokemon? Dude grow up." Someone said in the background.

"Hey fuck you! There are plenty of Pokemon fans out there!" The pilot yelled back. "Get off your ass and look down idiot."

"First of all, we're on T.V. and you're not allowed to say that. Second of all, you're telling me there's supposed to be Pokemon down there? You nuts?" the man in the background said.

"Okay, first of all, they beep out swear words." He said. "Second of all, yes, take a look."

"Those guys up there are really getting annoying..." Electra growled.

"Why do you have to start a fight with everyone?" Cammy asked.

"Because I want to see what these humans can DO! That's why!" Electra growled as she looked up at the helicopter, sparks flying from her cheeks as she stared at it. "Plus, I'm a mean 'Chu, and they need to learn it."

"Oh FUCK! GET OUT OF HERE!" The man in the background yelled. "YOU IDIOT MOVE!"

"What happened to not swearing on T.V.?" The Pilot asked. "Why should I move if you didn't believe me in the first place?" The pilot asked as he steered the helicopter forward. "I kind of feel bad for them. Everyone that's watching the news is going to be looking for them now... Both their fanbase and the people that want to capture them, which apparently was supposed to be us." he said.

"SHUT THE HELL UP AND GO!" The man yelled. "I don't care about T.V.!"

"They're all afraid of us..." Zeke said as he turned around, facing the car behind us. The man inside was talking on his radio, and he stopped when he saw Zeke staring at him. He held it close to his mouth and whispered something into it. I perked my ears up as Electra whispered something to Zeke, and he nodded, his ears folding back as he opened his mouth.

"ABORT, I REPEAT, ABORT." The radio said.

"FUCK!" The policeman yelled as he shifted into reverse, just as the shadow ball was ready. The man stepped on the gas and sped around us, and Zeke fired the ball. Instead of hitting the speeding police car, he turned around and aimed it for the idling one. The ball seemed to bounce off of the road, and it sprang up underneath the car. It exploded underneath it, blowing a decent sized crater into the dirt underneath the car. I watched as the explosion shoved the car straight up into the air, and it tumbled over upside down.

"Holy crap!" Cammy yelled. "That's powerful!"

"There, I moved it with the parks on." Electra said.

"Parking brake." Cammy corrected.

"I don't care." Electra said as she hopped into the car. "Can we like, go somewhere?"

"Yeah but I have no idea where." Kevin said. "I mean, they left us alone and stuff, but... I'm sure they'll be back." Kevin said.

"Well duh." Cammy said as she followed me and Zeke into the car. "They don't just go away like that. They're going to come back with like, a nuke or something."

"Don't you think that's overdoing it just a bit?" Cameron asked.

"Let's stop somewhere, anywhere." I said as I lay down next to the Pichu. "Just... Anywhere..."

"How about we take that exit up ahead- AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Cammy yelled as the overturned police car in front of us exploded. "GO!"

"You overreact a lot." Electra laughed. "It's funny. Like back when Mewthree was chasing us, you screamed a lot."

"It's scary!" Cammy said as we pulled off onto the exit.

"Oh look, they have libraries here." Kevin said.

"That's FINE!" Cammy said. "We can hang out in there for a little bit. I don't care!"

"Eh, okay. I want to see what humans here read." Kevin said. "So I'm fine with that."

"Good." Cameron said. "Because I do too."

"Me too actually." Cammy said.

"And me! Zeke barked. "I want to see if they read stupid things!" He said as Kevin pulled into the parking lot and parked.

"I guess we'll all go in. It doesn't seem like anyone else is here." He said. "Except that one car."

"We parked in the back..." Cammy said. "Why'd we park in the back..."

"So no one sees us." Electra said.

"Exactly." Kevin said. "I'd expect you out of everyone here to know that first, besides me." Kevin laughed.

"Well... I'm slow sometimes!" She said. "Just... Let us out!"

"Yeah let's go." Zeke said. "I wonder if they let Pokemon in."

"Half of the people here don't even know we exist." Cameron said as he got out of the car.

"That's true." Zeke said as he leapt out of Cameron's side. "So we'll all go in and see!"

"And if they don't, then I'll fight them." Electra said.

"No, if they don't, we leave. Kevin said. "No fighting in here."

"Eh..." Electra said. "I'll think about that."

"You'll listen to it." Kevin said as he locked the car. "Or you'll go in your ball."

"You don't even have it!" Electra said.

"I do too!" He said. "Behave!"

"Fine." She said as we walked along the side of the building. "Dallas give me... The girl back." Electra said as she took the female Pichu from me, smiling. "Ohhh yeah, she's going to be a strong one"

"I hope they both are." I said.

"Okay... Everyone... Let's just go in and see." Kevin said, sighing. "I mean, if no one is here to say anything, then I'm fine with spending the night here." He said.

"DEPENDING on the condition of the place." Cammy said. "There was a sign that said this place was closed."

"Still, that makes it even better." Kevin said. "Then no one will be here to see us."

"Except whoever that car belongs to." Cammy said as she pushed the door open, then pushed open the second door.

"Well besides it being dark, it all looks fine in here." Cammy said. "Everything is neat. I'd stay if I had to." She said as she turned to us. "But it smells like... I want to say... Pi-AAAH!" She squealed as she was tackled out of the doorway by something that appeared to be her size. I couldn't really tell though, since I was standing in the light and looking into the darkness.

"CAMMY!" Zeke barked as he ran forward and into the library, just as the doors closed behind him.

"Err, well we have to see what happened now..." Kevin said as he opened the first door. "So... Let's go..."

"Hold onto him tight." Electra said as she pointed to the Pichu in my paws, and I nodded, sighing as I hugged him against me.

--END Chapter Three.--