In a pack part 7

Story by Sindragon on SoFurry

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#7 of In a Pack Redone

This is set in A/U of the Ice age movies ,set before the first movie. A Human baby is born with a Tiger birth mark . Seen as evil and a bringer of doom to Humans, his father the leader of the Human clan orders for the death of his own Child. His Mother refuse to let her son die,so run away to save her son life. more summary inside.

Warning:Paring between a Human and animal

In a Pack by SindragonV2

I own Stuart, Nala Ironfang ,David ,OC and Silvermoon.

I don't own Soto Diego, Manny Sid is own by Blue sky

This is set in A/U of the Ice age movies ,set before the first movie. A Human baby is born with a Tiger birth mark . Seen as evil and a bringer of doom to Humans, his father the leader of the Human clan orders for the death of his own Child. His Mother refuse to let her son die,so run away to save her son life. Only to die and with her son, still alive in the cold. But her son is found by a Sabre, who take the baby home to her clan. To raise him in as one of them

Warning: There will be paring between a human and a animal. If you don't like that stuff don't read this story ok !

Also I will keep the parings the same as they are in the movies.

Chapter 7 Setting up the army

To Nala and Stuart

Nala ,Ironfang, Silvermoon and Sin had gotten the rest of the pack intro the main cave. So they could talk about the problem,with the Wolf pack and the Human clan. As a mixture of female and male adult sabres, watched their Royal family. Who were sitting up in front of them,waiting for everyone to be seated. Most of the Sabre's were talking about, on why Soto and Diego. The missing Royal family members weren't with the other members.

" Why aren't Soto and Diego with them? I thought Nala and Stuart were with them,in that spying job?." Asked a white medium built fur Sabres, with silver eyes. Who was none in the pack,as Angel.

While she was talking to a dark brown fur, smaller Sabre. Who had red eyes,she was also Angel best friend. Her name was Ruby an they had know each other, as cubs and would hang out with Soto and Diego.

While they and others kept on chatting about, on were the Royal brothers were. An why had they been called,in for a pack meeting any way by the Royal family?. Finally Ironfang had enough of the pack gossip chatting, as he let out a powerful roar. Which echo threw out the whole cave , making it much louder and hurting most of their ears. But it had done it job, as the pack then look over at the leader and his family. As the pack gave them a bow in respect, as did the Royal family.

" Thank you for coming on short notice. I know you were all,doing your jobs for our pack. But sadly we have a problem, that could destroy our clan. An it the reason why my Sons are not, with us right now." Ironfang said informing his pack, about the past few hrs.

This cause the pack to speak up again ,on what these threats could this cause to the pack. While the mothers ask about, if their cubs would be safe from the Wolf problem.

" King Ironfang what dose this mean? Who are these attackers ?." Ruby asked in a confused tone, to her King.

Ironfang turn his head too Nala nodding his head at her. As she walk over sitting in front,of her father as Sin and Silvermoon look on.

" I and my brothers were returning from our spy mission. When we were ambushed by a pack of Wolfs, an we think they are own by the Humans. While we were fighting with our brothers, but they orders us. To go and get the pack,to help the fight of the Wolf attack." Nala said fishing of,her story on what had happen.

" How strong are they?." Angel asked Nala.

Nala look at Sin,as he came to stand next to his Sister. To carrying on explaining the threat to the pack.

" Quit strong,we saw 3 at the time but it possible to be 50. With them getting help,from the Humans. They also could show Human ways of thinking,so they could be more a problem .That other Wolfs pack we have face before." Sin said ,as he finished explaining about the Wolf/Human threat.

Sin and Nala then walk back over to their mother,as Ironfang took his place to speak again.

" On what my Son and Daughter have told us about. We have a long battle,to Win. Which we will, because we are the Glacier Ice pack and no one is better than us. So are you with us, to destroy our emery's well are you!" Ironfang roared to his pack,looking at them all.

Which he was replied to, with a up roars of approval . As he smiled at them with pride,at his pack full support.

" We leave in 5 minutes." Ironfang said roaring with pride. As so join by his family and his pack. As Sin held his bow and arrow,in show of support.

End of Chapter 7

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