Chapter Two - Breaking News

Story by Dallas Adoraslash on SoFurry

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#2 of Part Two - Dallas, Electra, And The Fight Against Team Onyx

"How am I supposed to know what the HELL that was..." I said as I shrugged. "But it fell when I hit it so I think it lost us."

"AHHHHH WHAT WAS THAT LET ME OUT LET ME OUT I NEED TO GET INSIDE!" Cammy yelled as she clawed furiously at the windows.

"Cammy you'd better not pee in my car... But then again it smells like lemons so what the heck... Go ahead. I could use a good scent in here I guess." Kevin said, frowning.

That got Cammy to stop panicking for a couple seconds to give Kevin a weird look, before clawing at the windows again in a panicked fury.

"KNOCK IT OFF!" Electra yelled as she grabbed Cammy's tail and flung her onto the floor. When she went to jump down ontop of her, Cammy bolted back onto the seat and leaped into the front.

"Ah, nooooo way are you jumping on me!" Cammy said as she held her paws in front of her. "Nooooo way!"

"Then stop being weird." Electra growled as she climbed back up onto the seat.

"Fine, I just value my LIFE is all... Why not throw me out of the car for that too? As a matter of fact, PLEASE throw me out of the car. I NEED to get out of here!"

"Cammy this car can go faster than you EVER could, so just STOP!" Electra said as she lay down in the seat. "And-"

"Whatever you're talking about I don't understand, so why don't we just go inside and I can talk to Zeke about it or something... Because he can actually talk. In my language..." Kevin said, frowning. "And he can be our translator. And stuff."

"Yeah good idea, let's tell Zeke about this. He was a member of Team Onyx too, maybe he knows something I don't." Cammy smiled.

"You're saying you think Team Onyx was behind this?" I asked as I turned to Cammy.

"Well we killed their leader, they're probably searching for us, and destroying anything that gets in their way..." Cammy said.

"Well that voice... Did I imagine it? It said "NO WITNESSES" or something. I forgot, but it said something like that." I frowned.

"Well no, I heard it too, and Kevin pointed it out, but what was it?" Cammy asked, frowning.

"Um... It doesn't make sense... The purple thing made a bubble around the city... And it got destroyed... And then it shot fireballs and destroyed the humans... I don't have the faintest idea what it could have been..." I said, sighing.

"Well I'm telling you it HAS to be the work of Team Onyx. It HAS to be. Who else would do something like that?" Cammy asked.

"Well maybe it's a Pokemon gone bad?" I asked, frowning.

"Ah! That's it! Kevin! You took pictures with your iPhone right!?" Cammy asked as she tugged on his arm.

"Pika pika pika piiiii chu chuuuuu pika chu!" Kevin responded, laughing.

"That doesn't even make SENSE!" She yelled as she pointed to his phone.

"My phone? What about it?" He asked.

"Get me OUT OF HERE!" Electra yelled as she banged on the window with her paws.

"Ah, sorry!" Kevin said as he opened the door and climbed out of the car, followed by the rest of us. When we went inside, we all immediately walked over to the Elevator, waiting there as Kevin closed the car door and came inside.

"Ah yes, Zeke, hold on." Kevin said as he walked up to us and pushed the button, walking inside as the elevator opened immediately. When we all were inside, the doors began to close and he pushed the "2." When we got to the top, we all dashed out and scattered, looking for Zeke.

"Zeke!" Cammy called out as she hopped onto the couch and lay down ontop of him. "I have something to tell youuuuu!"

"Did you get me something?" He asked, smiling.

"Um... No... But we found what we think was Team Onyx." She said as she sat down next to him.

Upon hearing that name, Zeke sat right up, hopping down off of the couch and frowning.

"Well what did they do? Did they get anyone?" He asked.

"No, there was a purple thing... In the sky... It encased the town in a purple bubble and it exploded... Then it chased us down and tried to hit us with fireballs while chanting "No witnesses" or something..." Cammy frowned. "Dallas stuck his head out of the car and hit it with a thunderbolt, and then it fell out of the sky and we got away..." She frowned.

"What the... Hell?" Zeke asked, making a face. "I have no idea what that is, I've never seen Team Onyx do such a thing before..." he said, frowning. "Maybe if you showed it to me I could try and figure out what it is..."

"Well I took pictures of it with my iPhone." Kevin said as he set his phone down in front of Zeke. "Look."

"Um..." Zeke said as he pawed at the phone, frowning. "I might know how to speak and do human things, but this is WAAAAY over my head!" He said, laughing.

"Oh, right..." Kevin said as he picked up his phone and pulled up the picture, then put it back down. "See it? It's purple."

"Yes I see it, but it's way too small... Is there a way to zoom in on it?" He asked as he pawed at the screen again.

"Wow, I never thought of that..." Kevin said, frowning.

"I did." Cammy said as she folded her arms.

"Okay, um... I still don't know what it is." Kevin said as he picked up his phone and zoomed in on the purple mass, frowning as he placed it back down in front of Zeke. "It's high definition quality, so..."

As he put the iPhone down, Zeke's eyes widened, and he took a step back.

"N-no..." He mumbled as his ears flattened to the back of his head. "This can't be..."

"What?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, what?" Cammy also asked.

"I don't even have to ask..." Electra mumbled.

"Err... Me either." I frowned.

"Team Onyx is definitely behind this... But... Maybe they're not... You see, a while ago they were trying to create a Pokemon... They have the technology to clone and transform humans into Pokemon... But I never thought..." He said in a worried tone.

"Thought WHAT?" Cammy demanded.

"Well... Ben was the one that came up with the idea... Because he's their leader in a way... But... We killed Ben..." he said, frowning. "That should have stopped the project..."

"WHAT FUCKING PROJECT?" Cammy growled as a few sparks flew from her cheeks.

"Well Ben... Was trying to create an all-powerful Pokemon... A Pokemon that could even beat you Dallas... But... There were a few problems... One of them was that IF it succeeded, what if it became self-aware? And refused to listen to humans... There was nothing they could do to stop it..." he frowned. "But when we killed Ben... That should have put an end to it all..."

"Team Onyx has cloning technologies... We've been oblivious the whole time... They didn't send Ben to the house, they sent a CLONE of Ben... And when we killed it, they attacked us to make us think we'd succeeded... Think about it, the Ben we killed acted like an idiot... The Ben we killed CAME BACK TO THE HOUSE. Our Ben would have NEVER come back! He saw me! He SAW ME look at him, he KNEW we knew who he was, he wouldn't risk that! And after what he did to Electra, he knew that if he came back he'd be torn apart. Who we killed was NOT REALLY BEN!" Cammy said, panting.

"Holy... Shit..." Zeke mumbled. "It's true... It all makes sense now..."

"What? What happened?" Kevin asked.

"Kevin... Team Onyx has the technology to clone... The Ben we killed was not really Ben... It was a clone of Ben..." Zeke mumbled. "BEN IS ALIVE! AND HE'S GONE MAAAAD! That fucking thing that tried to kill you was one of his experiments! Like I said before, he was trying to make an all-powerful Pokemon... Whether he did it or not I don't know, but judging by that picture, and what you described, I'd have to say that he succeeded! The Pokemon is supposed to rely solely on his psychic abilities, but like I said, they dumbed down his brain to lessen the chance that he would become self-aware and rebel against Team Onyx... Whether he rebelled or not I don't know, be COULD be just doing something Team Onyx ordered him to. But if he's not with Team Onyx, and even if he IS with Team Onyx, we're all in trouble... Dallas, they made this Pokemon tough... No Pokemon in the world stands a chance against it... But you know something? They designed this thing before you existed as a Pikachu... Your transformation into a Pikachu was destined... YOU are the only one that can stop this thing..." Zeke said as he lowered his head. "This isn't going to stop with just one town. This thing is going to bring on total destruction worldwide until it finds you and brings you back to Team Onyx... And if you're wondering what they named it, well I don't know, you'll have to ask it." Zeke said, frowning.

"So let me get this straight... There's a... THAT..." I said as I pointed to the iPhone. "Chasing me down? And only I can defeat it?" I asked, sighing. "Why is it always me? I don't want to!" I whined.

"Dallas knock it off, you HAVE to!" Zeke said as he pointed to the phone.

"Ahhhh! I know what that is! It's Mewthree!!!" Cammy squealed as she pointed to the phone. "I was there when they were planning it too!"

"Mewthree huh..." Zeke said, frowning. "Stupid name..."

"Well let me explain it..." Cammy said, sighing. "There is a legendary Pokemon named Mew..." She said as she looked out the window. And another team far away, a team named Team Rocket... Like Team Onyx, then do stupid, pointless things... Except one of the things they did, was they captured Mew... And when they captured Mew, they thought it was a good idea to clone it, and make the clone a lot more powerful... This clone, they called MewTWO." She explained.

"Okay..." I frowned. "And why are you repeating everything she says?" I asked Zeke, frowning.

"Well because Kevin needs to hear too." He frowned.

"Well anyway, Team Onyx heard that Team Rocket had made an all-powerful Pokemon out of a legendary, and they couldn't stand that another organization was better than they were. So, they, or rather Ben, thought he could do it better... So when they found out that Team Rocket had failed to contain Mewtwo, they looked back at all the flaws that Mewtwo had, and all his faults, like the fact that he became self aware, and they managed to get their hands on some of his DNA... And from there, they began creating MewTHREE, a more advanced, more powerful, flawless version of MewTWO. And like I said, they looked back on all the things that went wrong with Mewtwo and corrected them on Mewthree..." She said, sighing. "This Pokemon is simply no joke, but judging by Team Onyx's general knowledge... Eh, they're not stupid like Team Rocket, but they have their flaws too... They just might have created a flawless mewthree though... Because well, when one organization is determined to beat another... Well they do just that, and I have a feeling they did it right, and if they did, this is baaaad... Now I have no clue what they did with Mewtwo, nor do I really care, but if mewtwo is still out there, and mewthree rebelled, what's stopping the two from teaming up and killing us all?" Cammy said as she rested her face against the glass. "Nothing."

"Well they dumbed him down... He can't learn nearly as much as Mewtwo could... All he really knows is his moves..." she frowned.

"Unless they DIDN'T dumb him down... You know, to be BETTER than what Team Rocket did... And actually increased his brain size..." Zeke said, frowning.

"Then that'd be terrible. BUT knowing Team Onyx, they probably took precautions... Created weapons capable of recapturing it... I mean, Team Rocket didn't try to recapture Mewtwo until long after it got away.... Knowing Team Onyx, they probably looked at THAT too, and created backup weapons and lasers and stuff..." Cammy said, frowning. "I've worked with them for a while, and I can actually say that they're not idiots... Most of the time... Well they're not idiots when it comes to work, like this..." Cammy said as she turned around and faced us.

"Will I still be able to eat it when Dallas kills it?" Electra asked as she wagged her tail.

"Why would you... Yes, I think... I don't know!" Cammy said as she made a face. "Why don't you just eat it while it's alive and kill it? Run out there onto the road, maybe it's paralyzed by Dallas' bolt... Then you can just devour it and end this all." She laughed.

"That's a good idea, but I don't really think I want a psychic maniac floating around inside me." Electra said, frowning. "Meal or not, I need to know what that thing can DO first."

THAT made my ears perk straight up. Had Electra just DECLINED a meal? Because it was powerful?

"Electra... Are you saying... You wouldn't eat it?" I asked as I tilted my head to the right.

"Nono, that's not what I said. I said I'd have to see what it can do before I eat it, to prevent any um... Stuff from happening." She said, frowning.

Maybe I was wrong... Of course I was wrong! The day Electra turns down food is the day the world ends!

"Well... That's all I have to say, I'm off to pee." Cammy said as she turned around and began walking.

"AAAH! If Cammy has to pee then that's all I have to say too!" Zeke said as he dashed after Cammy. "Cammy wait up! I want to be your bathroom!" he yelled as he ran.

"Um... Okaaaaay then..." I said as I turned to Electra. "Sometimes I think Zeke loves Cammy a bit TOO much..."

"Nah, you drank my pee too." Electra said with a smile. "So you love me that way too. Not too much." She giggled.

"Yeah, but I never asked you to pee ON me..." I said, frowning.

"Um, yes you did... Just last night I was peeing outside and you walked behind me and lifted one of my legs, and crawled underneath me so I peed all over you..." She giggled.

"Well... I never asked you to... Um..." I said, frowning. "Well he's a wolf! It's weirder for him!"

"Okay, THAT I can agree with." Electra giggled as she hugged me. "I'm starving! Let's go battle someone! I want food!" She giggled.

"Well, I don't see why not..." I said, smiling. "Let's take a trip to the colony! You know, because I miss them and stuff." I said, smiling.

"Well okay!" She giggled as she wagged her tail. "I just want food..."

"Well we'll train a little." I said as I patted her back. "Kevin has the... Um... the..." I said as I pointed to her collar.

"Oh yeah, the collar trackey thingy." She said, smiling. "So we don't have to tell him." She said, giggling.

"Yup yup! Hehe, let's go." I said as I took her paw in mine and made my way to the Elevator, smiling.

"I wanna push it." She giggled as she hopped up and pushed the button. We waited about a minute for it to get here, and when it did, she dashed inside and pushed the "1" button. I giggled as I entered and the doors closed. Not one of us said a word as we walked out and made our way to the door.

"I'll race you down the path." She giggled as she wagged her tail, lowering herself down onto all fours. She knew I was faster, but she wanted to play.

"Okay!" I giggled as I got down onto all fours with her, crawling out of the big door flap, since Zeke needed to get out too, and took off down the driveway. I giggled as I ran full speed down the driveway. My ears perked up as I heard Electra whine, and I slowed down, allowing her to catch up, and actually pass me. I giggled as we got to the end, and she stood up, panting a little.

"I win!" She giggled as she jumped on me and hugged me, laughing.

"WHOA!" I laughed as I held her, hugging her tightly. "You're really heavy! Hehe."

"I knooooow isn't it greeeeaaaaat?" she laughed as she hopped down out of my arms. "And if you can pick me up... Why can't you pick up humans?" She asked, frowning.

"I never thought of that..." I said as I tilted my head. "I'll have to try it... Hehe, a Pikachu with human strength... That's funny." I chuckled.

"Is it...? IS it funny Dallas? You didn't laugh at it, you only giggled... It's not FUNNY..." Electra said in a serious tone, growling as she stared directly into my eyes, causing me to look away. The way she stared at me... Kind of made me feel weak... It convinced me that... She was the dominant one, that she'd hurt me...

"Okay okay i-it's not funny..." I said as I looked down.

"Dallas I'm joking!" She laughed as she hugged me, wagging her tail. "But I do a good mean stare, right?" She asked, smiling.

"It's great! You even had ME looking away..." I smiled as I licked her cheek.

"Hehe, yay thanks so much!" She laughed as she nuzzled my cheek. "Hehe... Let's go!"

Nodding, I took her paw and dashed across the road, then walked into the woods, giggling as she licked my cheek again.

"You know, Ben is still out there..." She said, frowning. "We were tricked..."

"I had a feeling it wasn't the real Ben anyway..." I said, frowning. "It didn't add up correctly... Plus, he didn't run away from you... And stuff..." I frowned.

"Well since he's still out there, my belly is growling for a taste of the REAL Ben!" She said as she patted her belly, smiling as she lashed her tongue out playfully. "I'm more determined than ever to get a taste of Ben... Literally... I want to mock him with my purrs as I swallow him whole and alive..." She chuckled as she rubbed her paws together. "Nothing makes them angrier than a happy purring predator..." She grinned.

"Um..." I said as I looked down, blushing as my member poked out of its sheath a little. "M-maybe I could help you this time... I mean, before it wasn't the real Ben, and he tricked me, so he deserves a real beating." I said, blushing. "And you need a real meal..."

"Yup yup I do!" Electra giggled as she poked my belly. "And if I can eat a human so can you!" She said as she poked my belly again. "We're the same size so you can do it too!"

"No way! I laughed. "You're something different in the body of a Pikachu! I couldn't eat like that if I wanted to!" I laughed.

"Well yeah, but... Fine." She giggled. "Let's walk faster."

I nodded as I took her paw, and we made our way through the woods. We walked for about an hour or two, before we came to the lake. It was about 3pm, but neither of us knew that.

"Look!" Electra shouted as she pointed into the distance.

"What? What is it?" I asked as I squinted in the direction she was pointing, making a face as I looked at what appeared to be an Eevee.

"An... Eevee?" I asked as I made a face.

"Nope, a snack." She said as she lowered her paw, smiling.

"But... I thought Eevees were our allies..." I said as I walked up to it and hugged it. "See? Friendly cuddly Ee-AH!" I yelled as it flung me off of it and pounced on me, viciously biting and clawing at me. Pushing it off of me, I stood up and leaped backwards.

"Okay bad example." I said as I got down onto all fours, staring at the Eevee and growling. "Electra... Get it..." I said in a low voice, almost a whisper.

In a flash, Electra darted forward and pounced on it, grabbing its tail with both of her paws and pulling hard as she flung it into the trunk of a tree, immediately hitting it with a bolt of electricity before it could even get up.

"Chu!" She squealed as she grabbed its tail again, this time flinging it upward into the trees. She made a face at it when it got stuck in the branches, and watched as it began climbing up.

"Ohhh no you don't..." She growled as she leaped onto the trunk, using her claws to climb up the closest tree to her. I watched as she climbed up and up, even higher than the Eevee was. I could see static jumping across its fur, and it made me laugh a little.

"CHAAAAAAA!!!!" Electra yelled as she leaped from high up in the tree, laughing as she slammed right through the branches as she fell downward, right past the Eevee, which by now was high in the tree. She managed to grab its tail, and effortlessly tugged the Eevee out of the tree. As she continued to break through the branches as she fell, she thought it was a good idea to pull the Eevee down underneath her. I watched as she landed on the ground, right ontop of it, with a loud crunch, the Eevee's eyes going wide as she crushed it underneath her, its body going limp as she stood up and frowned.

"They can never take that..." She sighed as she picked it up and licked its face. "Ugh... Nasty!" She said as she shook her head, whining. "It's so gross!"

"Well... I can't do anything about that..." I Said, frowning.

"Well, YOU could be my meal..." Electra said as she tilted her head, smiling.

"As much as I'd love to do that..." I said, frowning. "For one, you need me, and you wouldn't be able to overpower me. Plus it's up to me to stop this... Mew THREE... And I'm your mate... And don't get me wrong, if I were to come back out alive and well, sure I'd let you eat me, but... Eh..." I said, frowning. When I looked up at her, the only things left outside of her mouth were the legs of the Eevee, and I stood there and watched as she closed her mouth around its feet and slurped up its tail, gulping it down and giggling.

"Well I'm glad you'd let me." She said, smiling. "But I wouldn't want to eat you only because you wouldn't live through it." She said, frowning. "Whether you want to or not I'm not doing it unless you're going to be okay..." She said, smiling.

"Wow, what happened to the "Ewww it's disgusting!!!?" I laughed as I poked her belly.

"Well you kind of ignore the yucky part when you're hungry." She said, laughing. "Food is food, even yucky food is food, doesn't always mean it's good, but it's still food!" She laughed.

"Well I guess so... Hehe, let's go." I said as I took her paw and we started walking again.

"Hehe, I wonder what the colony is up to..." I asked as we approached the bush.

"Ha, like I would know?" Electra said as she pushed her way through it. "It smells funny though."

"Yeah it does..." I said, frowning.

"Well let's find out what it is!" Electra giggled as she crawled into the hole. Shrugging, I crawled in after her, making a face as I shot sparks from my cheeks to light up the area.

"Um... Dallas..." Electra whispered, trying her best to look back at me. "I don't think this is the colony..." She said, frowning.

"Of course it is, we went to the lake and followed the path. We passed the Eevees and now we're here. It has to be, what makes you say it's not?" I asked, frowning.

"Look." She said as we entered the main room. As I entered, my ears perked up as I heard voices. They weren't Pikachu voices either, they were something else...

"What's... Over there?" I asked as I made a face, squinting in the dim light as I waited for my eyes to adjust.

"Thieves..." Electra growled as she dug her claws into the dirt. "Stealing... FOOD..."

"Electra calm down." I said soothingly as I reached out and patted her back, but she wasn't there. "ELECTRA!" I yelled as I dashed in the direction I thought she'd gone. I thought I went to the food room, but when I dashed into the tunnel, I wound up in the place you go to find the rooms. I heard this blood curling scream come from the food room, and I dashed back through the tunnel as the noises got louder. I could hear the sickening squish of flesh tearing as I tried desperately to find my way back through the tunnels. Then all of a sudden as I entered the main room, a mass of voices and footsteps came rushing toward me as everyone entered, millions of Pikachu and Raichu, and even Pichu swarming inside the main room and heading down tunnels left and right. They were probably all out walking the Pichu or something. See, I knew the colony hadn't been taken over...

"Hey Everyone! Electra's back and she caught the thieves!" Someone yelled in the distance. Almost immediately, everything went silent, and then just as soon as the silence had come, it was gone, as everyone began shouting and yelling as they all pushed and shoved to get to the food room to see if it was true. I tried my best to enter the tunnel, but every time I tried someone pushed ahead of me, and prevented me from entering it.

"Come ON!" I yelled as I grabbed the tail of the next Pikachu that tried to push ahead of me, and dragged him out, only to have him slap me in the face. "Geez!" I growled as I dashed into the tunnel. "What's the freaking rush?"

"Ah! Master Dallas! I'm so sorry! He said as he ran up behind me, almost tripping over me as he tried to walk alongside me. "I didn't mean to slap you, honest!" He said as he rubbed against me. "Can you forgive me?"

'Yeah sure, just get away from me and you're forgiven." I said as I pushed against the Pikachu in front of me, sighing. "There's too many in here, I can't get in, who's holding up traffic up there?"

"Oh thank you Dallas!" He shouted as he walked backwards a little. "I will go away for you.'

"Creep..." I mumbled as I looked ahead of me.

"Did he just say Dallas?" I heard someone say, followed by another "Dallas?" And another "Dallas is back?" After about ten seconds, the same Pikachu that slapped me pushed in front of me and yelled.


Almost immediately, everyone stepped to the side, and I perked my ears up, extremely surprised at this.

"Um... Thanks..." I said as I walked through the little path they made into the food room, frowning as I walked up to Electra.

"Eww... What did I just step in?" I asked as I looked down, making a face.

"Guts!" Electra laughed. "I clawed up the thieves and when the others came in they tore them apart. Literally!" She giggled.

"Wonderful..." I said as I took her paw. "Come on, let's go." I smiled as I led her out of the path that was still available, smiling at all the others as I passed them.

"Thanks." I said, smiling.

"No problem master!" One of them said, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Okay come on." I said as I headed into the tunnel to our rooms, smiling as I dashed down it to Rice's old room and went inside, sighing. "Perfect..."

"You're going to take a nap?" Electra asked as she walked inside, giggling as she wagged her tail.

"Exactly. Besides, the leader room was meant for me, no?" I smiled as I licked her cheek, giggling as the sparks tingled against my tongue.

"Yup yup!" She said, laughing. "Thunderpaw won't mind!"

"Well then come here and take a nap with me." I said as I lay down on the cushion thing in the center of the room. "Hehe, just a little nap... The walk tired me out..." I said as I kissed her cheek gently, before closing my eyes. It took a minute to doze off, but when I did, I knew Electra would too.

---END Chapter Two.---